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Java Source Code for Xerces Java 2.11.2
Where Can I see Java Source Code files for Xerces Java 2.11.2?
✍: FYIcenter
Here are Java Source Code files for Xerces Java 2.11.2:
⏎ org/apache/xerces/dom3/as/
/* * Copyright (c) 2001 World Wide Web Consortium, * (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de * Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All * Rights Reserved. This program is distributed under the W3C's Software * Intellectual Property License. This program is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. * See W3C License for more details. */ package; /** * @deprecated * The datatypes supported by DOM AS implementations. Further datatypes may be * added in the Schema/PSVI spec. * <p>See also the <a href=''>Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Abstract Schemas and Load and Save Specification</a>. */ public interface ASDataType { /** * One of the enumerated codes representing the data type. */ public short getDataType(); // DATA_TYPES /** * A code representing the string data type as defined in . */ public static final short STRING_DATATYPE = 1; /** * The NOTATION data type as defined in . */ public static final short NOTATION_DATATYPE = 10; /** * The ID data type as defined in . */ public static final short ID_DATATYPE = 11; /** * The IDREF data type as defined in . */ public static final short IDREF_DATATYPE = 12; /** * The IDREFS data type as defined in . */ public static final short IDREFS_DATATYPE = 13; /** * The ENTITY data type as defined in . */ public static final short ENTITY_DATATYPE = 14; /** * The ENTITIES data type as defined in . */ public static final short ENTITIES_DATATYPE = 15; /** * The NMTOKEN data type as defined in . */ public static final short NMTOKEN_DATATYPE = 16; /** * The NMTOKENS data type as defined in . */ public static final short NMTOKENS_DATATYPE = 17; /** * A code representing the boolean data type as defined in . */ public static final short BOOLEAN_DATATYPE = 100; /** * A code representing the float data type as defined in . */ public static final short FLOAT_DATATYPE = 101; /** * A code representing the double data type as defined in . */ public static final short DOUBLE_DATATYPE = 102; /** * The decimal data type as defined in . */ public static final short DECIMAL_DATATYPE = 103; /** * The hexbinary data type as defined in . */ public static final short HEXBINARY_DATATYPE = 104; /** * The base64binary data type as defined in . */ public static final short BASE64BINARY_DATATYPE = 105; /** * Then uri reference data type as defined in . */ public static final short ANYURI_DATATYPE = 106; /** * Then XML qualified name data type as defined in . */ public static final short QNAME_DATATYPE = 107; /** * The duration data type as defined in . */ public static final short DURATION_DATATYPE = 108; /** * The datetime data type as defined in . */ public static final short DATETIME_DATATYPE = 109; /** * The date data type as defined in . */ public static final short DATE_DATATYPE = 110; /** * The time data type as defined in . */ public static final short TIME_DATATYPE = 111; /** * The yearmonth data type as defined in . */ public static final short GYEARMONTH_DATATYPE = 112; /** * The year data type as defined in . */ public static final short GYEAR_DATATYPE = 113; /** * The monthday data type as defined in . */ public static final short GMONTHDAY_DATATYPE = 114; /** * The day data type as defined in . */ public static final short GDAY_DATATYPE = 115; /** * The month data type as defined in . */ public static final short GMONTH_DATATYPE = 116; /** * The integer data type as defined in . */ public static final short INTEGER = 117; /** * A code representing the Name data type as defined in . */ public static final short NAME_DATATYPE = 200; /** * A code representing the NCName data type as defined in . */ public static final short NCNAME_DATATYPE = 201; /** * A code representing the Normalized string data type as defined in . */ public static final short NORMALIZEDSTRING_DATATYPE = 202; /** * The token data type as defined in . */ public static final short TOKEN_DATATYPE = 203; /** * The Language data type as defined in . */ public static final short LANGUAGE_DATATYPE = 204; /** * The Non-positive integer data type as defined in . */ public static final short NONPOSITIVEINTEGER_DATATYPE = 205; /** * Then negative integer data type as defined in . */ public static final short NEGATIVEINTEGER_DATATYPE = 206; /** * Then long data type as defined in . */ public static final short LONG_DATATYPE = 207; /** * The integer data type as defined in . */ public static final short INT_DATATYPE = 208; /** * The short data type as defined in . */ public static final short SHORT_DATATYPE = 209; /** * The byte data type as defined in . */ public static final short BYTE_DATATYPE = 210; /** * The non-negative integer data type as defined in . */ public static final short NONNEGATIVEINTEGER_DATATYPE = 211; /** * The unsigned long data type as defined in . */ public static final short UNSIGNEDLONG_DATATYPE = 212; /** * The unsigned integer data type as defined in . */ public static final short UNSIGNEDINT_DATATYPE = 213; /** * The unsigned short data type as defined in . */ public static final short UNSIGNEDSHORT_DATATYPE = 214; /** * The unsigned byte data type as defined in . */ public static final short UNSIGNEDBYTE_DATATYPE = 215; /** * The positive integer data type as defined in . */ public static final short POSITIVEINTEGER_DATATYPE = 216; /** * The other simple data type as defined in . */ public static final short OTHER_SIMPLE_DATATYPE = 1000; /** * The user-defined complex data type as defined in . */ public static final short COMPLEX_DATATYPE = 1001; }
⏎ org/apache/xerces/dom3/as/
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