Java Source Code for Xerces Java 2.11.2

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.xerces.impl.xs;

import org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.XSSimpleType;
import org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.xs.XSSimpleTypeDecl;
import org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.models.CMBuilder;
import org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.models.XSCMValidator;
import org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.util.XSObjectListImpl;
import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSAttributeUse;
import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSComplexTypeDefinition;
import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSConstants;
import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSNamespaceItem;
import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSObjectList;
import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSParticle;
import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSSimpleTypeDefinition;
import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSTypeDefinition;
import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSWildcard;
import org.w3c.dom.TypeInfo;

 * The XML representation for a complexType
 * schema component is a <complexType> element information item
 * @xerces.internal 
 * @author Elena Litani, IBM
 * @author Sandy Gao, IBM
 * @version $Id: 965250 2010-07-18 16:04:58Z mrglavas $
public class XSComplexTypeDecl implements XSComplexTypeDefinition, TypeInfo {

    // name of the complexType
    String fName = null;

    // target namespace of the complexType
    String fTargetNamespace = null;

    // base type of the complexType
    XSTypeDefinition fBaseType = null;

    // derivation method of the complexType
    short fDerivedBy = XSConstants.DERIVATION_RESTRICTION;

    // final set of the complexType
    short fFinal = XSConstants.DERIVATION_NONE;

    // block set (prohibited substitution) of the complexType
    short fBlock = XSConstants.DERIVATION_NONE;

    // flags: whether is abstract; whether contains ID type;
    //        whether it's an anonymous tpye
    short fMiscFlags = 0;

    // the attribute group that holds the attribute uses and attribute wildcard
    XSAttributeGroupDecl fAttrGrp = null;

    // the content type of the complexType
    short fContentType = CONTENTTYPE_EMPTY;

    // if the content type is simple, then the corresponding simpleType
    XSSimpleType fXSSimpleType = null;

    // if the content type is element or mixed, the particle
    XSParticleDecl fParticle = null;

    // if there is a particle, the content model corresponding to that particle
    XSCMValidator fCMValidator = null;

    // the content model that's sufficient for computing UPA
    XSCMValidator fUPACMValidator = null;

    // list of annotations affiliated with this type
    XSObjectListImpl fAnnotations = null;
    // The namespace schema information item corresponding to the target namespace 
    // of the complex type definition, if it is globally declared; or null otherwise.
    private XSNamespaceItem fNamespaceItem = null;

    // DOM Level 3 TypeInfo Derivation Method constants
    static final int DERIVATION_ANY = 0;
    static final int DERIVATION_RESTRICTION = 1;
    static final int DERIVATION_EXTENSION = 2;
    static final int DERIVATION_UNION = 4;
    static final int DERIVATION_LIST = 8;
    public XSComplexTypeDecl() {
        // do-nothing constructor for now.

    public void setValues(String name, String targetNamespace,
            XSTypeDefinition baseType, short derivedBy, short schemaFinal, 
            short block, short contentType,
            boolean isAbstract, XSAttributeGroupDecl attrGrp, 
            XSSimpleType simpleType, XSParticleDecl particle,
            XSObjectListImpl annotations) {
        fTargetNamespace = targetNamespace;
        fBaseType = baseType;
        fDerivedBy = derivedBy;
        fFinal = schemaFinal;
        fBlock = block;
        fContentType = contentType;
            fMiscFlags |= CT_IS_ABSTRACT;
        fAttrGrp = attrGrp;
        fXSSimpleType = simpleType;
        fParticle = particle;
        fAnnotations = annotations;

   public void setName(String name) {
        fName = name;

    public short getTypeCategory() {
        return COMPLEX_TYPE;

    public String getTypeName() {
        return fName;

    public short getFinalSet(){
        return fFinal;

    public String getTargetNamespace(){
        return fTargetNamespace;

    // flags for the misc flag
    private static final short CT_IS_ABSTRACT = 1;
    private static final short CT_HAS_TYPE_ID = 2;
    private static final short CT_IS_ANONYMOUS = 4;

    // methods to get/set misc flag

    public boolean containsTypeID () {
        return((fMiscFlags & CT_HAS_TYPE_ID) != 0);

    public void setIsAbstractType() {
        fMiscFlags |= CT_IS_ABSTRACT;
    public void setContainsTypeID() {
        fMiscFlags |= CT_HAS_TYPE_ID;
    public void setIsAnonymous() {
        fMiscFlags |= CT_IS_ANONYMOUS;

    public XSCMValidator getContentModel(CMBuilder cmBuilder) {
        return getContentModel(cmBuilder, false);

    public synchronized XSCMValidator getContentModel(CMBuilder cmBuilder, boolean forUPA) {
        if (fCMValidator == null) {
            if (forUPA) {
                if (fUPACMValidator == null) {
                    fUPACMValidator = cmBuilder.getContentModel(this, true);

                    if (fUPACMValidator != null && !fUPACMValidator.isCompactedForUPA()) {
                        fCMValidator = fUPACMValidator;
                return fUPACMValidator;
            else {
                fCMValidator = cmBuilder.getContentModel(this, false);

        return fCMValidator;

    // some utility methods:

    // return the attribute group for this complex type
    public XSAttributeGroupDecl getAttrGrp() {
        return fAttrGrp;

    public String toString() {
        StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
        return str.toString();

    void appendTypeInfo(StringBuffer str) {
        String contentType[] = {"EMPTY", "SIMPLE", "ELEMENT", "MIXED"};
        String derivedBy[] = {"EMPTY", "EXTENSION", "RESTRICTION"};

        str.append("Complex type name='").append(fTargetNamespace).append(',').append(getTypeName()).append("', ");
        if (fBaseType != null) {
            str.append(" base type name='").append(fBaseType.getName()).append("', ");
        str.append(" content type='").append(contentType[fContentType]).append("', ");
        str.append(" isAbstract='").append(getAbstract()).append("', ");
        str.append(" hasTypeId='").append(containsTypeID()).append("', ");
        str.append(" final='").append(fFinal).append("', ");
        str.append(" block='").append(fBlock).append("', ");
        if (fParticle != null) {
            str.append(" particle='").append(fParticle.toString()).append("', ");
        str.append(" derivedBy='").append(derivedBy[fDerivedBy]).append("'. ");


    public boolean derivedFromType(XSTypeDefinition ancestor, short derivationMethod) {
        // ancestor is null, retur false
        if (ancestor == null)
            return false;
        // ancestor is anyType, return true
        if (ancestor == SchemaGrammar.fAnyType)
            return true;
        // recursively get base, and compare it with ancestor
        XSTypeDefinition type = this;
        while (type != ancestor &&                     // compare with ancestor
               type != SchemaGrammar.fAnySimpleType &&  // reached anySimpleType
               type != SchemaGrammar.fAnyType) {        // reached anyType
            type = type.getBaseType();

        return type == ancestor;

    public boolean derivedFrom(String ancestorNS, String ancestorName, short derivationMethod) {
        // ancestor is null, retur false
        if (ancestorName == null)
            return false;
        // ancestor is anyType, return true
        if (ancestorNS != null &&
            ancestorNS.equals(SchemaSymbols.URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA) &&
            ancestorName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_ANYTYPE)) {
            return true;

        // recursively get base, and compare it with ancestor
        XSTypeDefinition type = this;
        while (!(ancestorName.equals(type.getName()) &&
                 ((ancestorNS == null && type.getNamespace() == null) ||
                  (ancestorNS != null && ancestorNS.equals(type.getNamespace())))) &&   // compare with ancestor
               type != SchemaGrammar.fAnySimpleType &&  // reached anySimpleType
               type != SchemaGrammar.fAnyType) {        // reached anyType
            type = (XSTypeDefinition)type.getBaseType();

        return type != SchemaGrammar.fAnySimpleType &&
        type != SchemaGrammar.fAnyType;

     * Checks if a type is derived from another given the the name, namespace
     * and derivation method. See:
     * @param ancestorNS
     *            The namspace of the ancestor type declaration
     * @param ancestorName
     *            The name of the ancestor type declaration
     * @param derivationMethod
     *            The derivation method
     * @return boolean True if the ancestor type is derived from the reference
     *         type by the specifiied derivation method.
    public boolean isDOMDerivedFrom(String ancestorNS, String ancestorName,
            int derivationMethod) {
        // ancestor is null, retur false
        if (ancestorName == null)
            return false;
        // ancestor is anyType, return true
        if (ancestorNS != null
                && ancestorNS.equals(SchemaSymbols.URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA)
                && ancestorName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_ANYTYPE)
                && (derivationMethod == DERIVATION_RESTRICTION 
                && derivationMethod == DERIVATION_EXTENSION)) {
            return true;
        // restriction
        if ((derivationMethod & DERIVATION_RESTRICTION) != 0) {
            if (isDerivedByRestriction(ancestorNS, ancestorName,
                    derivationMethod, this)) {
                return true;
        // extension
        if ((derivationMethod & DERIVATION_EXTENSION) != 0) {
            if (isDerivedByExtension(ancestorNS, ancestorName,
                    derivationMethod, this)) {
                return true;
        // list or union
        if ((((derivationMethod & DERIVATION_LIST) != 0) || ((derivationMethod & DERIVATION_UNION) != 0))
                && ((derivationMethod & DERIVATION_RESTRICTION) == 0)
                && ((derivationMethod & DERIVATION_EXTENSION) == 0)) {

            if (ancestorNS.equals(SchemaSymbols.URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA)
                    && ancestorName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_ANYTYPE)) {
                ancestorName = SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_ANYSIMPLETYPE;

                            && fTargetNamespace.equals(SchemaSymbols.URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA))){
                if (fBaseType != null && fBaseType instanceof XSSimpleTypeDecl) {
                    return ((XSSimpleTypeDecl) fBaseType).isDOMDerivedFrom(ancestorNS,
                            ancestorName, derivationMethod);
                } else if (fBaseType != null
                        && fBaseType instanceof XSComplexTypeDecl) {
                    return ((XSComplexTypeDecl) fBaseType).isDOMDerivedFrom(
                            ancestorNS, ancestorName, derivationMethod);
        // If the value of the parameter is 0 i.e. no bit (corresponding to
        // restriction, list, extension or union) is set to 1 for the 
        // derivationMethod parameter.   
        if (((derivationMethod  & DERIVATION_EXTENSION) == 0)
                && (((derivationMethod & DERIVATION_RESTRICTION) == 0)
                        && ((derivationMethod & DERIVATION_LIST) == 0) 
                        && ((derivationMethod & DERIVATION_UNION) == 0))) {
            return isDerivedByAny(ancestorNS, ancestorName, derivationMethod, this);

        return false;
     * Checks if a type is derived from another by any combination of
     * restriction, list ir union. See:
     * @param ancestorNS
     *            The namspace of the ancestor type declaration
     * @param ancestorName
     *            The name of the ancestor type declaration
     * @param derivationMethod
     *            A short indication the method of derivation
     * @param type
     *            The reference type definition
     * @return boolean True if the type is derived by any method for the
     *         reference type
    private boolean isDerivedByAny(String ancestorNS, String ancestorName,
            int derivationMethod, XSTypeDefinition type) {
        XSTypeDefinition oldType = null;
        boolean derivedFrom = false;
        while (type != null && type != oldType) {
            // If the ancestor type is reached or is the same as this type.
            if ((ancestorName.equals(type.getName()))
                    && ((ancestorNS == null && type.getNamespace() == null) 
                        || (ancestorNS != null && ancestorNS.equals(type.getNamespace())))) {
                derivedFrom = true;
            // Check if this type is derived from the base by restriction or
            // extension
            if (isDerivedByRestriction(ancestorNS, ancestorName,
                    derivationMethod, type)) {
                return true;
            } else if (!isDerivedByExtension(ancestorNS, ancestorName,
                    derivationMethod, type)) {
                return true;
            oldType = type;
            type = type.getBaseType();
        return derivedFrom;
     * Checks if a type is derived from another by restriction. See:
     * @param ancestorNS
     *            The namspace of the ancestor type declaration
     * @param ancestorName
     *            The name of the ancestor type declaration
     * @param derivationMethod
     *            A short indication the method of derivation *
     * @param type
     *            The reference type definition
     * @return boolean True if the type is derived by restriciton for the
     *         reference type
    private boolean isDerivedByRestriction(String ancestorNS,
            String ancestorName, int derivationMethod, XSTypeDefinition type) {
        XSTypeDefinition oldType = null;
        while (type != null && type != oldType) {
            // ancestor is anySimpleType, return false
            if (ancestorNS != null
                    && ancestorNS.equals(SchemaSymbols.URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA)
                    && ancestorName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_ANYSIMPLETYPE)) {
                return false;
            // if the name and namespace of this type is the same as the
            // ancestor return true
            if ((ancestorName.equals(type.getName()))
                    && (ancestorNS != null && ancestorNS.equals(type.getNamespace())) 
                            || ((type.getNamespace() == null && ancestorNS == null))) {
                return true;
            // If the base type is a complexType with simpleContent
            if (type instanceof XSSimpleTypeDecl) {
                if (ancestorNS.equals(SchemaSymbols.URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA)
                        && ancestorName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_ANYTYPE)) {
                    ancestorName = SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_ANYSIMPLETYPE;
                return ((XSSimpleTypeDecl) type).isDOMDerivedFrom(ancestorNS,
                        ancestorName, derivationMethod);
            } else {
                // If the base type is a complex type
                // Every derivation step till the base type should be
                // restriction. If not return false
                if (((XSComplexTypeDecl) type).getDerivationMethod() != XSConstants.DERIVATION_RESTRICTION) {
                    return false;
            oldType = type;
            type = type.getBaseType();
        return false;
     * Checks if a type is derived from another by extension. See:
     * @param ancestorNS
     *            The namspace of the ancestor type declaration
     * @param ancestorName
     *            The name of the ancestor type declaration
     * @param derivationMethod
     *            A short indication the method of derivation
     * @param type
     *            The reference type definition
     * @return boolean True if the type is derived by extension for the
     *         reference type
    private boolean isDerivedByExtension(String ancestorNS,
            String ancestorName, int derivationMethod, XSTypeDefinition type) {
        boolean extension = false;
        XSTypeDefinition oldType = null;
        while (type != null && type != oldType) {
            // If ancestor is anySimpleType return false.
            if (ancestorNS != null
                    && ancestorNS.equals(SchemaSymbols.URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA)
                    && ancestorName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_ANYSIMPLETYPE)
                    && SchemaSymbols.URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA.equals(type.getNamespace())
                            && SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_ANYTYPE.equals(type.getName())) {
            if ((ancestorName.equals(type.getName()))
                    && ((ancestorNS == null && type.getNamespace() == null) 
                        || (ancestorNS != null && ancestorNS.equals(type.getNamespace())))) {
                // returns true if atleast one derivation step was extension
                return extension;
            // If the base type is a complexType with simpleContent
            if (type instanceof XSSimpleTypeDecl) {
                if (ancestorNS.equals(SchemaSymbols.URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA)
                        && ancestorName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_ANYTYPE)) {
                    ancestorName = SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_ANYSIMPLETYPE;
                // derivationMethod extension will always return false for a
                // simpleType,
                // we treat it like a restriction
                if ((derivationMethod & DERIVATION_EXTENSION) != 0) {
                    return extension
                    & ((XSSimpleTypeDecl) type).isDOMDerivedFrom(
                            ancestorNS, ancestorName,
                            (derivationMethod & DERIVATION_RESTRICTION));
                } else {
                    return extension
                    & ((XSSimpleTypeDecl) type).isDOMDerivedFrom(
                            ancestorNS, ancestorName, derivationMethod);
            } else {
                // If the base type is a complex type
                // At least one derivation step upto the ancestor type should be
                // extension.
                if (((XSComplexTypeDecl) type).getDerivationMethod() == XSConstants.DERIVATION_EXTENSION) {
                    extension = extension | true;
            oldType = type;
            type = type.getBaseType();
        return false;
    public void reset(){
        fName = null;
        fTargetNamespace = null;
        fBaseType = null;
        fDerivedBy = XSConstants.DERIVATION_RESTRICTION;
        fFinal = XSConstants.DERIVATION_NONE;
        fBlock = XSConstants.DERIVATION_NONE;

        fMiscFlags = 0;

        // reset attribute group
        fContentType = CONTENTTYPE_EMPTY;
        fXSSimpleType = null;
        fParticle = null;
        fCMValidator = null;
        fUPACMValidator = null;
        if(fAnnotations != null) {
            // help out the garbage collector
        fAnnotations = null;

     * Get the type of the object, i.e ELEMENT_DECLARATION.
    public short getType() {
        return XSConstants.TYPE_DEFINITION;

     * The <code>name</code> of this <code>XSObject</code> depending on the
     * <code>XSObject</code> type.
    public String getName() {
        return getAnonymous() ? null : fName;

     * A boolean that specifies if the type definition is anonymous.
     * Convenience attribute. This is a field is not part of
     * XML Schema component model.
    public boolean getAnonymous() {
        return((fMiscFlags & CT_IS_ANONYMOUS) != 0);

     * The namespace URI of this node, or <code>null</code> if it is
     * unspecified.  defines how a namespace URI is attached to schema
     * components.
    public String getNamespace() {
        return fTargetNamespace;

     * {base type definition} Either a simple type definition or a complex
     * type definition.
    public XSTypeDefinition getBaseType() {
        return fBaseType;

     * {derivation method} Either extension or restriction. The valid constant
     * value for this <code>XSConstants</code> EXTENTION, RESTRICTION.
    public short getDerivationMethod() {
        return fDerivedBy;

     * {final} For complex type definition it is a subset of {extension,
     * restriction}. For simple type definition it is a subset of
     * {extension, list, restriction, union}.
     * @param derivation  Extension, restriction, list, union constants
     *   (defined in <code>XSConstants</code>).
     * @return True if derivation is in the final set, otherwise false.
    public boolean isFinal(short derivation) {
        return (fFinal & derivation) != 0;

     * {final} For complex type definition it is a subset of {extension, restriction}.
     * @return A bit flag that represents:
     *         {extension, restriction) or none for complexTypes;
     *         {extension, list, restriction, union} or none for simpleTypes;
    public short getFinal() {
        return fFinal;

     * {abstract} A boolean. Complex types for which {abstract} is true must
     * not be used as the {type definition} for the validation of element
     * information items.
    public boolean getAbstract() {
        return((fMiscFlags & CT_IS_ABSTRACT) != 0);

     *  {attribute uses} A set of attribute uses.
    public XSObjectList getAttributeUses() {
        return fAttrGrp.getAttributeUses();

     * {attribute wildcard} Optional. A wildcard.
    public XSWildcard getAttributeWildcard() {
        return fAttrGrp.getAttributeWildcard();

     * {content type} One of empty, a simple type definition (see
     * <code>simpleType</code>, or mixed, element-only (see
     * <code>cmParticle</code>).
    public short getContentType() {
        return fContentType;

     * A simple type definition corresponding to simple content model,
     * otherwise <code>null</code>
    public XSSimpleTypeDefinition getSimpleType() {
        return fXSSimpleType;

     * A particle for mixed or element-only content model, otherwise
     * <code>null</code>
    public XSParticle getParticle() {
        return fParticle;

     * {prohibited substitutions} A subset of {extension, restriction}.
     * @param prohibited  extention or restriction constants (defined in
     *   <code>XSConstants</code>).
     * @return True if prohibited is a prohibited substitution, otherwise
     *   false.
    public boolean isProhibitedSubstitution(short prohibited) {
        return (fBlock & prohibited) != 0;

     * {prohibited substitutions}
     * @return A bit flag corresponding to prohibited substitutions
    public short getProhibitedSubstitutions() {
        return fBlock;

     * Optional. Annotation.
    public XSObjectList getAnnotations() {
        return (fAnnotations != null) ? fAnnotations : XSObjectListImpl.EMPTY_LIST;
     * @see org.apache.xerces.xs.XSObject#getNamespaceItem()
    public XSNamespaceItem getNamespaceItem() {
        return fNamespaceItem;

    void setNamespaceItem(XSNamespaceItem namespaceItem) {
        fNamespaceItem = namespaceItem;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.xerces.xs.XSComplexTypeDefinition#getAttributeUse(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
    public XSAttributeUse getAttributeUse(String namespace, String name) {
         return fAttrGrp.getAttributeUse(namespace, name);

    public String getTypeNamespace() {
        return getNamespace();

    public boolean isDerivedFrom(String typeNamespaceArg, String typeNameArg, int derivationMethod) {
        return isDOMDerivedFrom(typeNamespaceArg, typeNameArg, derivationMethod);

} // class XSComplexTypeDecl



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