commons-net.jar Source Code

commons-net.jar is the bytecode of Apache Commons Net library, which implements the client side of many basic Internet protocols.

Apache Commons Net Source Code files are provided in the binary packge ( You can download it at Apache Commons Net Website.

The source code of commons-net-3.8.0.jar is provided below:

✍: FYIcenter


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Locale;


 * <pre>
 * Example *FILE/*MEM FTP entries, when the current
 * working directory is a file of file system QSYS:
 * ------------------------------------------------
 * $ cwd /qsys.lib/rpgunit.lib/rpgunitc1.file
 *   250-NAMEFMT set to 1.
 *   250 "/QSYS.LIB/RPGUNIT.LIB/RPGUNITC1.FILE" is current directory.
 * $ dir
 *   227 Entering Passive Mode (10,200,36,33,40,249).
 *   125 List started.
 *   QPGMR          135168 22.06.13 13:18:19 *FILE
 *   QPGMR                                   *MEM       MKCMD.MBR
 *   QPGMR                                   *MEM       RUCALLTST.MBR
 *   QPGMR                                   *MEM       RUCMDHLP.MBR
 *   QPGMR                                   *MEM       RUCRTTST.MBR
 *   250 List completed.
 * Example *FILE entry of an OS/400 save file:
 * ---------------------------------------------------
 * $ cwd /qsys.lib/rpgunit.lib
 *   250 "/QSYS.LIB/RPGUNIT.LIB" is current library.
 * $ dir rpgunit.file
 *   227 Entering Passive Mode (10,200,36,33,188,106).
 *   125 List started.
 *   QPGMR        16347136 29.06.13 15:45:09 *FILE      RPGUNIT.SAVF
 *   250 List completed.
 * Example *STMF/*DIR FTP entries, when the
 * current working directory is in file system "root":
 * ---------------------------------------------------
 * $ cwd /home/raddatz
 *   250 "/home/raddatz" is current directory.
 * $ dir test*
 *   227 Entering Passive Mode (10,200,36,33,200,189).
 *   125 List started.
 *   RADDATZ           200 21.05.11 12:31:18 *STMF
 *   RADDATZ           187 08.05.11 12:31:40 *STMF
 *   RADDATZ           187 08.05.11 12:31:52 *STMF
 *   RADDATZ          8192 04.07.13 09:04:14 *DIR       testDir1/
 *   RADDATZ          8192 04.07.13 09:04:17 *DIR       testDir2/
 *   250 List completed.
 * Example 1, using ANT to list specific members of a file:
 * --------------------------------------------------------
 *      &lt;echo/&gt;
 *      &lt;echo&gt;Listing members of a file:&lt;/echo&gt;
 *      &lt;ftp action="list"
 *           server="${ftp.server}"
 *           userid="${ftp.user}"
 *           password="${ftp.password}"
 *           binary="false"
 *           verbose="true"
 *           remotedir="/QSYS.LIB/RPGUNIT.LIB/RPGUNITY1.FILE"
 *           systemTypeKey="OS/400"
 *           listing="ftp-listing.txt"
 *           &gt;
 *          &lt;fileset dir="./i5-downloads-file" casesensitive="false"&gt;
 *              &lt;include name="run*.mbr" /&gt;
 *          &lt;/fileset&gt;
 *      &lt;/ftp&gt;
 * Output:
 * -------
 *   [echo] Listing members of a file:
 *    [ftp] listing files
 *    [ftp] listing RUN.MBR
 *    [ftp] listing RUNNER.MBR
 *    [ftp] listing RUNNERBND.MBR
 *    [ftp] 3 files listed
 * Example 2, using ANT to list specific members of all files of a library:
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      &lt;echo/&gt;
 *      &lt;echo&gt;Listing members of all files of a library:&lt;/echo&gt;
 *      &lt;ftp action="list"
 *           server="${ftp.server}"
 *           userid="${ftp.user}"
 *           password="${ftp.password}"
 *           binary="false"
 *           verbose="true"
 *           remotedir="/QSYS.LIB/RPGUNIT.LIB"
 *           systemTypeKey="OS/400"
 *           listing="ftp-listing.txt"
 *           &gt;
 *          &lt;fileset dir="./i5-downloads-lib" casesensitive="false"&gt;
 *              &lt;include name="**\run*.mbr" /&gt;
 *          &lt;/fileset&gt;
 *      &lt;/ftp&gt;
 * Output:
 * -------
 *   [echo] Listing members of all files of a library:
 *    [ftp] listing files
 *    [ftp] listing RPGUNIT1.FILE\RUN.MBR
 *    [ftp] listing RPGUNIT1.FILE\RUNRMT.MBR
 *    [ftp] listing RPGUNITT1.FILE\RUNT.MBR
 *    [ftp] listing RPGUNITY1.FILE\RUN.MBR
 *    [ftp] listing RPGUNITY1.FILE\RUNNER.MBR
 *    [ftp] listing RPGUNITY1.FILE\RUNNERBND.MBR
 *    [ftp] 6 files listed
 * Example 3, using ANT to download specific members of a file:
 * ------------------------------------------------------------
 *      &lt;echo/&gt;
 *      &lt;echo&gt;Downloading members of a file:&lt;/echo&gt;
 *      &lt;ftp action="get"
 *           server="${ftp.server}"
 *           userid="${ftp.user}"
 *           password="${ftp.password}"
 *           binary="false"
 *           verbose="true"
 *           remotedir="/QSYS.LIB/RPGUNIT.LIB/RPGUNITY1.FILE"
 *           systemTypeKey="OS/400"
 *           &gt;
 *          &lt;fileset dir="./i5-downloads-file" casesensitive="false"&gt;
 *              &lt;include name="run*.mbr" /&gt;
 *          &lt;/fileset&gt;
 *      &lt;/ftp&gt;
 * Output:
 * -------
 *   [echo] Downloading members of a file:
 *    [ftp] getting files
 *    [ftp] transferring RUN.MBR to C:\workspaces\rdp_080\workspace\ANT - FTP\i5-downloads-file\RUN.MBR
 *    [ftp] transferring RUNNER.MBR to C:\workspaces\rdp_080\workspace\ANT - FTP\i5-downloads-file\RUNNER.MBR
 *    [ftp] transferring RUNNERBND.MBR to C:\workspaces\rdp_080\workspace\ANT - FTP\i5-downloads-file\RUNNERBND.MBR
 *    [ftp] 3 files retrieved
 * Example 4, using ANT to download specific members of all files of a library:
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      &lt;echo/&gt;
 *      &lt;echo&gt;Downloading members of all files of a library:&lt;/echo&gt;
 *      &lt;ftp action="get"
 *           server="${ftp.server}"
 *           userid="${ftp.user}"
 *           password="${ftp.password}"
 *           binary="false"
 *           verbose="true"
 *           remotedir="/QSYS.LIB/RPGUNIT.LIB"
 *           systemTypeKey="OS/400"
 *           &gt;
 *          &lt;fileset dir="./i5-downloads-lib" casesensitive="false"&gt;
 *              &lt;include name="**\run*.mbr" /&gt;
 *          &lt;/fileset&gt;
 *      &lt;/ftp&gt;
 * Output:
 * -------
 *   [echo] Downloading members of all files of a library:
 *    [ftp] getting files
 *    [ftp] transferring RPGUNIT1.FILE\RUN.MBR to C:\work\rdp_080\space\ANT - FTP\i5-downloads\RPGUNIT1.FILE\RUN.MBR
 *    [ftp] transferring RPGUNIT1.FILE\RUNRMT.MBR to C:\work\rdp_080\space\ANT - FTP\i5-downloads\RPGUNIT1.FILE\RUNRMT.MBR
 *    [ftp] transferring RPGUNITT1.FILE\RUNT.MBR to C:\work\rdp_080\space\ANT - FTP\i5-downloads\RPGUNITT1.FILE\RUNT.MBR
 *    [ftp] transferring RPGUNITY1.FILE\RUN.MBR to C:\work\rdp_080\space\ANT - FTP\i5-downloads\RPGUNITY1.FILE\RUN.MBR
 *    [ftp] transferring RPGUNITY1.FILE\RUNNER.MBR to C:\work\rdp_080\space\ANT - FTP\i5-downloads\RPGUNITY1.FILE\RUNNER.MBR
 *    [ftp] transferring RPGUNITY1.FILE\RUNNERBND.MBR to C:\work\rdp_080\space\ANT - FTP\i5-downloads\RPGUNITY1.FILE\RUNNERBND.MBR
 *    [ftp] 6 files retrieved
 * Example 5, using ANT to download a save file of a library:
 * ----------------------------------------------------------
 *      &lt;ftp action="get"
 *           server="${ftp.server}"
 *           userid="${ftp.user}"
 *           password="${ftp.password}"
 *           binary="true"
 *           verbose="true"
 *           remotedir="/QSYS.LIB/RPGUNIT.LIB"
 *           systemTypeKey="OS/400"
 *           &gt;
 *        &lt;fileset dir="./i5-downloads-savf" casesensitive="false"&gt;
 *            &lt;include name="RPGUNIT.SAVF" /&gt;
 *        &lt;/fileset&gt;
 *      &lt;/ftp&gt;
 * Output:
 * -------
 *   [echo] Downloading save file:
 *    [ftp] getting files
 *    [ftp] transferring RPGUNIT.SAVF to C:\workspaces\rdp_080\workspace\net-Test\i5-downloads-lib\RPGUNIT.SAVF
 *    [ftp] 1 files retrieved
 * </pre>
public class OS400FTPEntryParser extends ConfigurableFTPFileEntryParserImpl
    private static final String DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT
        = "yy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"; //01/11/09 12:30:24

    private static final String REGEX =
        "(\\S+)\\s+"                  // user
        + "(?:(\\d+)\\s+)?"           // size, empty for members
        + "(?:(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)\\s+)?" // date stuff, empty for members
        + "(\\*STMF|\\*DIR|\\*FILE|\\*MEM)\\s+"  // *STMF/*DIR/*FILE/*MEM
        + "(?:(\\S+)\\s*)?";          // file name, missing, when CWD is a *FILE

     * The default constructor for a OS400FTPEntryParser object.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     * Thrown if the regular expression is unparseable.  Should not be seen
     * under normal conditions.  It it is seen, this is a sign that
     * <code>REGEX</code> is  not a valid regular expression.
    public OS400FTPEntryParser()

     * This constructor allows the creation of an OS400FTPEntryParser object
     * with something other than the default configuration.
     * @param config The {@link FTPClientConfig configuration} object used to
     * configure this parser.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     * Thrown if the regular expression is unparseable.  Should not be seen
     * under normal conditions.  It it is seen, this is a sign that
     * <code>REGEX</code> is  not a valid regular expression.
     * @since 1.4
    public OS400FTPEntryParser(final FTPClientConfig config)

    public FTPFile parseFTPEntry(final String entry)

        final FTPFile file = new FTPFile();
        final int type;

        if (matches(entry))
            final String usr = group(1);
            final String filesize = group(2);
            String datestr = "";
            if (!isNullOrEmpty(group(3)) || !isNullOrEmpty(group(4)))
                datestr = group(3)+" "+group(4);
            final String typeStr = group(5);
            String name = group(6);

            boolean mustScanForPathSeparator = true;

            catch (final ParseException e)
                // intentionally do nothing

            if (typeStr.equalsIgnoreCase("*STMF"))
                type = FTPFile.FILE_TYPE;
                if (isNullOrEmpty(filesize) || isNullOrEmpty(name))
                    return null;
            else if (typeStr.equalsIgnoreCase("*DIR"))
                type = FTPFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE;
                if (isNullOrEmpty(filesize) || isNullOrEmpty(name))
                    return null;
            else if (typeStr.equalsIgnoreCase("*FILE"))
                // File, defines the structure of the data (columns of a row)
                // but the data is stored in one or more members. Typically a
                // source file contains multiple members whereas it is
                // recommended (but not enforced) to use one member per data
                // file.
                // Save files are a special type of files which are used
                // to save objects, e.g. for backups.
                if (name != null && name.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT).endsWith(".SAVF"))
                    mustScanForPathSeparator = false;
                    type = FTPFile.FILE_TYPE;
                    return null;
            else if (typeStr.equalsIgnoreCase("*MEM"))
                mustScanForPathSeparator = false;
                type = FTPFile.FILE_TYPE;

                if (isNullOrEmpty(name))
                    return null;
                if (!(isNullOrEmpty(filesize) && isNullOrEmpty(datestr)))
                    return null;

                // Quick and dirty bug fix to make SelectorUtils work.
                // Class SelectorUtils uses 'File.separator' to splitt
                // a given path into pieces. But actually it had to
                // use the separator of the FTP server, which is a forward
                // slash in case of an AS/400.
                name = name.replace('/', File.separatorChar);
                type = FTPFile.UNKNOWN_TYPE;



            catch (final NumberFormatException e)
                // intentionally do nothing

            if (name.endsWith("/"))
                name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 1);
            if (mustScanForPathSeparator)
                final int pos = name.lastIndexOf('/');
                if (pos > -1)
                    name = name.substring(pos + 1);


            return file;
        return null;

     * @param string String value that is checked for <code>null</code>
     * or empty.
     * @return <code>true</code> for <code>null</code> or empty values,
     * else <code>false</code>.
    private boolean isNullOrEmpty(final String string) {
        if (string == null || string.isEmpty()) {
            return true;
        return false;

     * Defines a default configuration to be used when this class is
     * instantiated without a {@link  FTPClientConfig  FTPClientConfig}
     * parameter being specified.
     * @return the default configuration for this parser.
    protected FTPClientConfig getDefaultConfiguration() {
        return new FTPClientConfig(




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File name: commons-net-3.8.0-sources.jar
File size: 437325 bytes
Release date: 2020-01-22


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