commons-net.jar Source Code

commons-net.jar is the bytecode of Apache Commons Net library, which implements the client side of many basic Internet protocols.

Apache Commons Net Source Code files are provided in the binary packge ( You can download it at Apache Commons Net Website.

The source code of commons-net-3.8.0.jar is provided below:

✍: FYIcenter


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.



 * TFTPPacket is an abstract class encapsulating the functionality common
 * to the 5 types of TFTP packets.  It also provides a static factory
 * method that will create the correct TFTP packet instance from a
 * datagram.  This relieves the programmer from having to figure out what
 * kind of TFTP packet is contained in a datagram and create it himself.
 * <p>
 * Details regarding the TFTP protocol and the format of TFTP packets can
 * be found in RFC 783.  But the point of these classes is to keep you
 * from having to worry about the internals.  Additionally, only very
 * few people should have to care about any of the TFTPPacket classes
 * or derived classes.  Almost all users should only be concerned with the
 * {@link} class
 * {@link receiveFile()}
 * and
 * {@link sendFile()}
 * methods.
 * @see TFTPPacketException
 * @see TFTP

public abstract class TFTPPacket
     * The minimum size of a packet.  This is 4 bytes.  It is enough
     * to store the opcode and blocknumber or other required data
     * depending on the packet type.
    static final int MIN_PACKET_SIZE = 4;

     * This is the actual TFTP spec
     * identifier and is equal to 1.
     * Identifier returned by {@link #getType getType()}
     * indicating a read request packet.
    public static final int READ_REQUEST = 1;

     * This is the actual TFTP spec
     * identifier and is equal to 2.
     * Identifier returned by {@link #getType getType()}
     * indicating a write request packet.
    public static final int WRITE_REQUEST = 2;

     * This is the actual TFTP spec
     * identifier and is equal to 3.
     * Identifier returned by {@link #getType getType()}
     * indicating a data packet.
    public static final int DATA = 3;

     * This is the actual TFTP spec
     * identifier and is equal to 4.
     * Identifier returned by {@link #getType getType()}
     * indicating an acknowledgement packet.
    public static final int ACKNOWLEDGEMENT = 4;

     * This is the actual TFTP spec
     * identifier and is equal to 5.
     * Identifier returned by {@link #getType getType()}
     * indicating an error packet.
    public static final int ERROR = 5;

     * The TFTP data packet maximum segment size in bytes.  This is 512
     * and is useful for those familiar with the TFTP protocol who want
     * to use the {@link}
     * class methods to implement their own TFTP servers or clients.
    public static final int SEGMENT_SIZE = 512;

    /** The type of packet. */
    int type;

    /** The port the packet came from or is going to. */
    int port;

    /** The host the packet is going to be sent or where it came from. */
    InetAddress address;

     * When you receive a datagram that you expect to be a TFTP packet, you use
     * this factory method to create the proper TFTPPacket object
     * encapsulating the data contained in that datagram.  This method is the
     * only way you can instantiate a TFTPPacket derived class from a
     * datagram.
     * @param datagram  The datagram containing a TFTP packet.
     * @return The TFTPPacket object corresponding to the datagram.
     * @throws TFTPPacketException  If the datagram does not contain a valid
     *             TFTP packet.
    public static final TFTPPacket newTFTPPacket(final DatagramPacket datagram)
    throws TFTPPacketException
        final byte[] data;
        TFTPPacket packet = null;

        if (datagram.getLength() < MIN_PACKET_SIZE) {
            throw new TFTPPacketException(
                "Bad packet. Datagram data length is too short.");

        data = datagram.getData();

        switch (data[1])
        case READ_REQUEST:
            packet = new TFTPReadRequestPacket(datagram);
        case WRITE_REQUEST:
            packet = new TFTPWriteRequestPacket(datagram);
        case DATA:
            packet = new TFTPDataPacket(datagram);
            packet = new TFTPAckPacket(datagram);
        case ERROR:
            packet = new TFTPErrorPacket(datagram);
            throw new TFTPPacketException(
                "Bad packet.  Invalid TFTP operator code.");

        return packet;

     * This constructor is not visible outside of the package.  It is used
     * by subclasses within the package to initialize base data.
     * @param type The type of the packet.
     * @param address The host the packet came from or is going to be sent.
     * @param port The port the packet came from or is going to be sent.
    TFTPPacket(final int type, final InetAddress address, final int port)
        this.type = type;
        this.address = address;
        this.port = port;

     * This is an abstract method only available within the package for
     * implementing efficient datagram transport by elminating buffering.
     * It takes a datagram as an argument, and a byte buffer in which
     * to store the raw datagram data.  Inside the method, the data
     * should be set as the datagram's data and the datagram returned.
     * @param datagram  The datagram to create.
     * @param data The buffer to store the packet and to use in the datagram.
     * @return The datagram argument.
    abstract DatagramPacket newDatagram(DatagramPacket datagram, byte[] data);

     * Creates a UDP datagram containing all the TFTP packet
     * data in the proper format.
     * This is an abstract method, exposed to the programmer in case he
     * wants to implement his own TFTP client instead of using
     * the {@link}
     * class.
     * Under normal circumstances, you should not have a need to call this
     * method.
     * @return A UDP datagram containing the TFTP packet.
    public abstract DatagramPacket newDatagram();

     * Returns the type of the packet.
     * @return The type of the packet.
    public final int getType()
        return type;

     * Returns the address of the host where the packet is going to be sent
     * or where it came from.
     * @return The type of the packet.
    public final InetAddress getAddress()
        return address;

     * Returns the port where the packet is going to be sent
     * or where it came from.
     * @return The port where the packet came from or where it is going.
    public final int getPort()
        return port;

     * Sets the port where the packet is going to be sent.
     * @param port the port to set
    public final void setPort(final int port)
        this.port = port;

    /** Sets the host address where the packet is going to be sent.
     * @param address the address to set
    public final void setAddress(final InetAddress address)
        this.address = address;

     * For debugging
     * @since 3.6
    public String toString() {
        return address + " " + port + " " + type;



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: commons-net-3.8.0-sources.jar
File size: 437325 bytes
Release date: 2020-01-22


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2009-02-08, 133456👍, 0💬