commons-net.jar Source Code

commons-net.jar is the bytecode of Apache Commons Net library, which implements the client side of many basic Internet protocols.

Apache Commons Net Source Code files are provided in the binary packge ( You can download it at Apache Commons Net Website.

The source code of commons-net-3.8.0.jar is provided below:

✍: FYIcenter


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * A class that performs some subnet calculations given a network address and a subnet mask.
 * @see ""
 * @since 2.0
public class SubnetUtils {

    private static final String IP_ADDRESS = "(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})";
    private static final String SLASH_FORMAT = IP_ADDRESS + "/(\\d{1,2})"; // 0 -> 32
    private static final Pattern addressPattern = Pattern.compile(IP_ADDRESS);
    private static final Pattern cidrPattern = Pattern.compile(SLASH_FORMAT);
    private static final int NBITS = 32;

    private static final String PARSE_FAIL = "Could not parse [%s]";

    private final int netmask;
    private final int address;
    private final int network;
    private final int broadcast;

    /** Whether the broadcast/network address are included in host count */
    private boolean inclusiveHostCount;

     * Constructor that takes a CIDR-notation string, e.g. ""
     * @param cidrNotation A CIDR-notation string, e.g. ""
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parameter is invalid,
     * i.e. does not match n.n.n.n/m where n=1-3 decimal digits, m = 1-2 decimal digits in range 0-32
    public SubnetUtils(final String cidrNotation) {
      final Matcher matcher = cidrPattern.matcher(cidrNotation);

      if (matcher.matches()) {
          this.address = matchAddress(matcher);

          /* Create a binary netmask from the number of bits specification /x */

          final int trailingZeroes = NBITS - rangeCheck(Integer.parseInt(, 0, NBITS);
           * An IPv4 netmask consists of 32 bits, a contiguous sequence
           * of the specified number of ones followed by all zeros.
           * So, it can be obtained by shifting an unsigned integer (32 bits) to the left by
           * the number of trailing zeros which is (32 - the # bits specification).
           * Note that there is no unsigned left shift operator, so we have to use
           * a long to ensure that the left-most bit is shifted out correctly.
          this.netmask = (int) (0x0FFFFFFFFL << trailingZeroes );

          /* Calculate base network address */
 = address & netmask;

          /* Calculate broadcast address */
          this.broadcast = network | ~netmask;
      } else {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(PARSE_FAIL, cidrNotation));

     * Constructor that takes a dotted decimal address and a dotted decimal mask.
     * @param address An IP address, e.g. ""
     * @param mask A dotted decimal netmask e.g. ""
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the address or mask is invalid,
     * i.e. does not match n.n.n.n where n=1-3 decimal digits and the mask is not all zeros
    public SubnetUtils(final String address, final String mask) {
        this.address = toInteger(address);
        this.netmask = toInteger(mask);

        if ((this.netmask & -this.netmask) - 1 != ~this.netmask) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(PARSE_FAIL, mask));

        /* Calculate base network address */ = this.address & this.netmask;

        /* Calculate broadcast address */
        this.broadcast = | ~this.netmask;

     * Returns <code>true</code> if the return value of {@link SubnetInfo#getAddressCount()}
     * includes the network and broadcast addresses.
     * @since 2.2
     * @return true if the host count includes the network and broadcast addresses
    public boolean isInclusiveHostCount() {
        return inclusiveHostCount;

     * Set to <code>true</code> if you want the return value of {@link SubnetInfo#getAddressCount()}
     * to include the network and broadcast addresses.
     * This also applies to {@link SubnetInfo#isInRange(int)}
     * @param inclusiveHostCount true if network and broadcast addresses are to be included
     * @since 2.2
    public void setInclusiveHostCount(final boolean inclusiveHostCount) {
        this.inclusiveHostCount = inclusiveHostCount;

     * Convenience container for subnet summary information.
    public final class SubnetInfo {
        /* Mask to convert unsigned int to a long (i.e. keep 32 bits) */
        private static final long UNSIGNED_INT_MASK = 0x0FFFFFFFFL;

        private SubnetInfo() {}

        // long versions of the values (as unsigned int) which are more suitable for range checking
        private long networkLong()  { return network &  UNSIGNED_INT_MASK; }
        private long broadcastLong(){ return broadcast &  UNSIGNED_INT_MASK; }

        private int low() {
            return isInclusiveHostCount() ? network :
                broadcastLong() - networkLong() > 1 ? network + 1 : 0;

        private int high() {
            return isInclusiveHostCount() ? broadcast :
                broadcastLong() - networkLong() > 1 ? broadcast -1  : 0;

         * Returns true if the parameter <code>address</code> is in the
         * range of usable endpoint addresses for this subnet. This excludes the
         * network and broadcast addresses. Use {@link SubnetUtils#setInclusiveHostCount(boolean)}
         * to change this.
         * @param address A dot-delimited IPv4 address, e.g. ""
         * @return True if in range, false otherwise
        public boolean isInRange(final String address) {
            return isInRange(toInteger(address));

         * Returns true if the parameter <code>address</code> is in the
         * range of usable endpoint addresses for this subnet. This excludes the
         * network and broadcast addresses by default. Use {@link SubnetUtils#setInclusiveHostCount(boolean)}
         * to change this.
         * @param address the address to check
         * @return true if it is in range
         * @since 3.4 (made public)
        public boolean isInRange(final int address) {
            if (address == 0) { // cannot ever be in range; rejecting now avoids problems with CIDR/31,32
                return false;
            final long addLong = address & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK;
            final long lowLong = low() & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK;
            final long highLong = high() & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK;
            return addLong >= lowLong && addLong <= highLong;

        public String getBroadcastAddress() {
            return format(toArray(broadcast));

        public String getNetworkAddress() {
            return format(toArray(network));

        public String getNetmask() {
            return format(toArray(netmask));

        public String getAddress() {
            return format(toArray(address));

        public String getNextAddress() {
            return format(toArray(address + 1));

        public String getPreviousAddress() {
            return format(toArray(address - 1));

         * Return the low address as a dotted IP address.
         * Will be zero for CIDR/31 and CIDR/32 if the inclusive flag is false.
         * @return the IP address in dotted format, may be "" if there is no valid address
        public String getLowAddress() {
            return format(toArray(low()));

         * Return the high address as a dotted IP address.
         * Will be zero for CIDR/31 and CIDR/32 if the inclusive flag is false.
         * @return the IP address in dotted format, may be "" if there is no valid address
        public String getHighAddress() {
            return format(toArray(high()));

         * Get the count of available addresses.
         * Will be zero for CIDR/31 and CIDR/32 if the inclusive flag is false.
         * @return the count of addresses, may be zero.
         * @throws RuntimeException if the correct count is greater than {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE}
         * @deprecated (3.4) use {@link #getAddressCountLong()} instead
        public int getAddressCount() {
            final long countLong = getAddressCountLong();
            if (countLong > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Count is larger than an integer: " + countLong);
            // N.B. cannot be negative
            return (int)countLong;

         * Get the count of available addresses.
         * Will be zero for CIDR/31 and CIDR/32 if the inclusive flag is false.
         * @return the count of addresses, may be zero.
         * @since 3.4
        public long getAddressCountLong() {
            final long b = broadcastLong();
            final long n = networkLong();
            final long count = b - n + (isInclusiveHostCount() ? 1 : -1);
            return count < 0 ? 0 : count;

        public int asInteger(final String address) {
            return toInteger(address);

        public String getCidrSignature() {
            return format(toArray(address)) + "/" + pop(netmask);

        public String[] getAllAddresses() {
            final int ct = getAddressCount();
            final String[] addresses = new String[ct];
            if (ct == 0) {
                return addresses;
            for (int add = low(), j=0; add <= high(); ++add, ++j) {
                addresses[j] = format(toArray(add));
            return addresses;

        * Convert a packed integer address into a 4-element array
        private int[] toArray(final int val) {
            final int ret[] = new int[4];
            for (int j = 3; j >= 0; --j) {
                ret[j] |= val >>> 8*(3-j) & 0xff;
            return ret;

        * Convert a 4-element array into dotted decimal format
        private String format(final int[] octets) {
            final StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i =0; i < octets.length; ++i){
                if (i != octets.length - 1) {
            return str.toString();

         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2.2
        public String toString() {
            final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
            buf.append("CIDR Signature:\t[").append(getCidrSignature()).append("]")
                .append(" Netmask: [").append(getNetmask()).append("]\n")
                 .append("First Address:\t[").append(getLowAddress()).append("]\n")
                 .append("Last Address:\t[").append(getHighAddress()).append("]\n")
                 .append("# Addresses:\t[").append(getAddressCount()).append("]\n");
            return buf.toString();

     * Return a {@link SubnetInfo} instance that contains subnet-specific statistics
     * @return new instance
    public final SubnetInfo getInfo() { return new SubnetInfo(); }

     * Convert a dotted decimal format address to a packed integer format
    private static int toInteger(final String address) {
        final Matcher matcher = addressPattern.matcher(address);
        if (matcher.matches()) {
            return matchAddress(matcher);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(PARSE_FAIL, address));

     * Convenience method to extract the components of a dotted decimal address and
     * pack into an integer using a regex match
    private static int matchAddress(final Matcher matcher) {
        int addr = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) {
            final int n = rangeCheck(Integer.parseInt(, 0, 255);
            addr |= (n & 0xff) << 8*(4-i);
        return addr;

     * Convenience function to check integer boundaries.
     * Checks if a value x is in the range [begin,end].
     * Returns x if it is in range, throws an exception otherwise.
    private static int rangeCheck(final int value, final int begin, final int end) {
        if (value >= begin && value <= end) { // (begin,end]
            return value;

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value [" + value + "] not in range ["+begin+","+end+"]");

     * Count the number of 1-bits in a 32-bit integer using a divide-and-conquer strategy
     * see Hacker's Delight section 5.1
    int pop(int x) {
        x = x - (x >>> 1 & 0x55555555);
        x = (x & 0x33333333) + (x >>> 2 & 0x33333333);
        x = x + (x >>> 4) & 0x0F0F0F0F;
        x = x + (x >>> 8);
        x = x + (x >>> 16);
        return x & 0x0000003F;

    public SubnetUtils getNext() {
        return new SubnetUtils(getInfo().getNextAddress(), getInfo().getNetmask());

    public SubnetUtils getPrevious() {
        return new SubnetUtils(getInfo().getPreviousAddress(), getInfo().getNetmask());




Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: commons-net-3.8.0-sources.jar
File size: 437325 bytes
Release date: 2020-01-22


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2009-02-08, 133539👍, 0💬