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Other Resources:
neobio.jar - NeoBio - Bioinformatics Algorithms in Java
NeoBio is a library of bioinformatics algorithms implemented in Java. The current version consists mainly of (pairwise) sequence alignment algorithms such as the classical dynamic programming methods of Needleman and Wunsch (global alignment) and Smith and Waterman (local alignment).
JAR File Size and Download Location:
File name: neobio.jar File size: 104748 bytes Date modified: 29-Sep-2003 Download: NeoBio - Bioinformatics Algorithms in Java
Manifest of the JAR:
Main-Class: neobio/gui/NeoBio
List of Classes in the JAR:
neobio/gui/AboutDialog neobio/gui/NeoBio neobio/gui/PairwiseAlignmentFrame neobio/textui/NeoBio neobio/textui/RandomFactorSequenceGenerator neobio/textui/RandomSequenceGenerator neobio/alignment/PairwiseAlignmentAlgorithm neobio/alignment/ScoringScheme neobio/alignment/IncompatibleScoringSchemeException neobio/alignment/PairwiseAlignment neobio/alignment/InvalidSequenceException neobio/alignment/AlignmentBlock neobio/alignment/Factor neobio/alignment/BasicScoringScheme neobio/alignment/CharSequence neobio/alignment/CrochemoreLandauZivUkelson neobio/alignment/FactorSequence neobio/alignment/Smawk neobio/alignment/Matrix neobio/alignment/OutMatrix neobio/alignment/CrochemoreLandauZivUkelsonGlobalAlignment neobio/alignment/CrochemoreLandauZivUkelsonLocalAlignment neobio/alignment/LocalAlignmentBlock neobio/alignment/InvalidScoringMatrixException neobio/alignment/NeedlemanWunsch neobio/alignment/ScoringMatrix neobio/alignment/SmithWaterman neobio/alignment/Trie
2011-12-08, 5224🔥, 0💬
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