Jackson Core Source Code

Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".

Jackson Core Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-core-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.

You can also browse Jackson Core Source Code below:

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package com.fasterxml.jackson.core.io;

import java.util.Arrays;

public final class CharTypes
    protected final static char[] HC = "0123456789ABCDEF".toCharArray();
    protected final static char[] HClower = "0123456789abcdef".toCharArray();
    protected final static byte[] HB;
    protected final static byte[] HBlower;
    static {
        int len = HC.length;
        HB = new byte[len];
        HBlower = new byte[len];
        for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
            HB[i] = (byte) HC[i];
            HBlower[i] = (byte) HClower[i];

     * Lookup table used for determining which input characters
     * need special handling when contained in text segment.
    protected final static int[] sInputCodes;
    static {
        /* 96 would do for most cases (backslash is ASCII 94)
         * but if we want to do lookups by raw bytes it's better
         * to have full table
        final int[] table = new int[256];
        // Control chars and non-space white space are not allowed unquoted
        for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
            table[i] = -1;
        // And then string end and quote markers are special too
        table['"'] = 1;
        table['\\'] = 1;
        sInputCodes = table;

     * Additionally we can combine UTF-8 decoding info into similar
     * data table.
    protected final static int[] sInputCodesUTF8;
    static {
        final int[] table = new int[sInputCodes.length];
        System.arraycopy(sInputCodes, 0, table, 0, table.length);
        for (int c = 128; c < 256; ++c) {
            int code;

            // We'll add number of bytes needed for decoding
            if ((c & 0xE0) == 0xC0) { // 2 bytes (0x0080 - 0x07FF)
                code = 2;
            } else if ((c & 0xF0) == 0xE0) { // 3 bytes (0x0800 - 0xFFFF)
                code = 3;
            } else if ((c & 0xF8) == 0xF0) {
                // 4 bytes; double-char with surrogates and all...
                code = 4;
            } else {
                // And -1 seems like a good "universal" error marker...
                code = -1;
            table[c] = code;
        sInputCodesUTF8 = table;

     * To support non-default (and -standard) unquoted field names mode,
     * need to have alternate checking.
     * Basically this is list of 8-bit ASCII characters that are legal
     * as part of Javascript identifier
    protected final static int[] sInputCodesJsNames;
    static {
        final int[] table = new int[256];
        // Default is "not a name char", mark ones that are
        Arrays.fill(table, -1);
        // Assume rules with JS same as Java (change if/as needed)
        for (int i = 33; i < 256; ++i) {
            if (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart((char) i)) {
                table[i] = 0;
        /* As per [JACKSON-267], '@', '#' and '*' are also to be accepted as well.
         * And '-' (for hyphenated names); and '+' for sake of symmetricity...
        table['@'] = 0;
        table['#'] = 0;
        table['*'] = 0;
        table['-'] = 0;
        table['+'] = 0;
        sInputCodesJsNames = table;

     * This table is similar to Latin-1, except that it marks all "high-bit"
     * code as ok. They will be validated at a later point, when decoding
     * name
    protected final static int[] sInputCodesUtf8JsNames;
    static {
        final int[] table = new int[256];
        // start with 8-bit JS names
        System.arraycopy(sInputCodesJsNames, 0, table, 0, table.length);
        Arrays.fill(table, 128, 128, 0);
        sInputCodesUtf8JsNames = table;

     * Decoding table used to quickly determine characters that are
     * relevant within comment content.
    protected final static int[] sInputCodesComment;
    static {
        final int[] buf = new int[256];
        // but first: let's start with UTF-8 multi-byte markers:
        System.arraycopy(sInputCodesUTF8, 128, buf, 128, 128);

        // default (0) means "ok" (skip); -1 invalid, others marked by char itself
        Arrays.fill(buf, 0, 32, -1); // invalid white space
        buf['\t'] = 0; // tab is still fine
        buf['\n'] = '\n'; // lf/cr need to be observed, ends cpp comment
        buf['\r'] = '\r';
        buf['*'] = '*'; // end marker for c-style comments
        sInputCodesComment = buf;

     * Decoding table used for skipping white space and comments.
     * @since 2.3
    protected final static int[] sInputCodesWS;
    static {
        // but first: let's start with UTF-8 multi-byte markers:
        final int[] buf = new int[256];
        System.arraycopy(sInputCodesUTF8, 128, buf, 128, 128);

        // default (0) means "not whitespace" (end); 1 "whitespace", -1 invalid,
        // 2-4 UTF-8 multi-bytes, others marked by char itself
        Arrays.fill(buf, 0, 32, -1); // invalid white space
        buf[' '] = 1;
        buf['\t'] = 1;
        buf['\n'] = '\n'; // lf/cr need to be observed, ends cpp comment
        buf['\r'] = '\r';
        buf['/'] = '/'; // start marker for c/cpp comments
        buf['#'] = '#'; // start marker for YAML comments
        sInputCodesWS = buf;
     * Lookup table used for determining which output characters in
     * 7-bit ASCII range need to be quoted.
    protected final static int[] sOutputEscapes128;
    static {
        int[] table = new int[128];
        // Control chars need generic escape sequence
        for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
            // 04-Mar-2011, tatu: Used to use "-(i + 1)", replaced with constant
            table[i] = CharacterEscapes.ESCAPE_STANDARD;
        // Others (and some within that range too) have explicit shorter sequences
        table['"'] = '"';
        table['\\'] = '\\';
        // Escaping of slash is optional, so let's not add it
        table[0x08] = 'b';
        table[0x09] = 't';
        table[0x0C] = 'f';
        table[0x0A] = 'n';
        table[0x0D] = 'r';
        sOutputEscapes128 = table;

     * Lookup table for the first 256 Unicode characters (ASCII / UTF-8)
     * range. For actual hex digits, contains corresponding value;
     * for others -1.
     * NOTE: before 2.10.1, was of size 128, extended for simpler handling
    protected final static int[] sHexValues = new int[256];
    static {
        Arrays.fill(sHexValues, -1);
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
            sHexValues['0' + i] = i;
        for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
            sHexValues['a' + i] = 10 + i;
            sHexValues['A' + i] = 10 + i;

    public static int[] getInputCodeLatin1() { return sInputCodes; }
    public static int[] getInputCodeUtf8() { return sInputCodesUTF8; }

    public static int[] getInputCodeLatin1JsNames() { return sInputCodesJsNames; }
    public static int[] getInputCodeUtf8JsNames() { return sInputCodesUtf8JsNames; }

    public static int[] getInputCodeComment() { return sInputCodesComment; }
    public static int[] getInputCodeWS() { return sInputCodesWS; }

     * Accessor for getting a read-only encoding table for first 128 Unicode
     * code points (single-byte UTF-8 characters).
     * Value of 0 means "no escaping"; other positive values that value is character
     * to use after backslash; and negative values that generic (backslash - u)
     * escaping is to be used.
     * @return 128-entry {@code int[]} that contains escape definitions
    public static int[] get7BitOutputEscapes() { return sOutputEscapes128; }

     * Alternative to {@link #get7BitOutputEscapes()} when a non-standard quote character
     * is used.
     * @param quoteChar Character used for quoting textual values and property names;
     *    usually double-quote but sometimes changed to single-quote (apostrophe)
     * @return 128-entry {@code int[]} that contains escape definitions
     * @since 2.10
    public static int[] get7BitOutputEscapes(int quoteChar) {
        if (quoteChar == '"') {
            return sOutputEscapes128;
        return AltEscapes.instance.escapesFor(quoteChar);

    public static int charToHex(int ch)
        // 08-Nov-2019, tatu: As per [core#540] and [core#578], changed to
        //   force masking here so caller need not do that.
        return sHexValues[ch & 0xFF];

    // @since 2.13
    public static char hexToChar(int ch)
        return HC[ch];

     * Helper method for appending JSON-escaped version of contents
     * into specific {@link StringBuilder}, using default JSON specification
     * mandated minimum escaping rules.
     * @param sb Buffer to append escaped contents in
     * @param content Unescaped String value to append with escaping applied
    public static void appendQuoted(StringBuilder sb, String content) {
        final int[] escCodes = sOutputEscapes128;
        int escLen = escCodes.length;
        for (int i = 0, len = content.length(); i < len; ++i) {
            char c = content.charAt(i);
            if (c >= escLen || escCodes[c] == 0) {
            int escCode = escCodes[c];
            if (escCode < 0) { // generic quoting (hex value)
                // The only negative value sOutputEscapes128 returns
                // is CharacterEscapes.ESCAPE_STANDARD, which mean
                // appendQuotes should encode using the Unicode encoding;
                // not sure if this is the right way to encode for
                // CharacterEscapes.ESCAPE_CUSTOM or other (future)
                // CharacterEscapes.ESCAPE_XXX values.

                // We know that it has to fit in just 2 hex chars
                int value = c;  // widening
                sb.append(HC[value >> 4]);
                sb.append(HC[value & 0xF]);
            } else { // "named", i.e. prepend with slash
                sb.append((char) escCode);

     * @deprecated Since 2.14
    @Deprecated // since 2.14
    public static char[] copyHexChars() {
        return copyHexChars(true);

    public static char[] copyHexChars(boolean uppercase) {
        return (uppercase) ? HC.clone() : HClower.clone();

     * @deprecated Since 2.14
    @Deprecated // since 2.14
    public static byte[] copyHexBytes() {
        return copyHexBytes(true);

    public static byte[] copyHexBytes(boolean uppercase) {
        return (uppercase) ? HB.clone() : HBlower.clone();

     * Helper used for lazy initialization of alternative escape (quoting)
     * table, used for escaping content that uses non-standard quote
     * character (usually apostrophe).
     * @since 2.10
    private static class AltEscapes {
        public final static AltEscapes instance = new AltEscapes();

        private int[][] _altEscapes = new int[128][];

        public int[] escapesFor(int quoteChar) {
            int[] esc = _altEscapes[quoteChar];
            if (esc == null) {
                esc = Arrays.copyOf(sOutputEscapes128, 128);
                // Only add escape setting if character does not already have it
                if (esc[quoteChar] == 0) {
                    esc[quoteChar] = CharacterEscapes.ESCAPE_STANDARD;
                _altEscapes[quoteChar] = esc;
            return esc;



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jackson-core-2.14.0-sources.jar
File size: 497693 bytes
Release date: 2022-11-05


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