Jackson Core Source Code

Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".

Jackson Core Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-core-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.

You can also browse Jackson Core Source Code below:

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 * References:
 * <dl>
 *     <dt>This class has been derived from "FastDoubleParser".</dt>
 *     <dd>Copyright (c) Werner Randelshofer. Apache 2.0 License.
 *         <a href="https://github.com/wrandelshofer/FastDoubleParser">github.com</a>.</dd>
 * </dl>

package com.fasterxml.jackson.core.io.doubleparser;

 * Parses a {@code FloatingPointLiteral} from a {@link CharSequence}.
 * <p>
 * This class should have a type parameter for the return value of its parse
 * methods. Unfortunately Java does not support type parameters for primitive
 * types. As a workaround we use {@code long}. A {@code long} has enough bits to
 * fit a {@code double} value or a {@code float} value.
 * <p>
 * See {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.core.io.doubleparser} for the grammar of
 * {@code FloatingPointLiteral}.
abstract class AbstractFloatingPointBitsFromCharSequence extends AbstractFloatValueParser {

    private boolean isDigit(char c) {
        return '0' <= c && c <= '9';

     * Parses a {@code DecimalFloatingPointLiteral} production with optional
     * trailing white space until the end of the text.
     * Given that we have already consumed the optional leading zero of
     * the {@code DecSignificand}.
     * <blockquote>
     * <dl>
     * <dt><i>DecimalFloatingPointLiteralWithWhiteSpace:</i></dt>
     * <dd><i>DecimalFloatingPointLiteral [WhiteSpace] EOT</i></dd>
     * </dl>
     * </blockquote>
     * See {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.core.io.doubleparser} for the grammar of
     * {@code DecimalFloatingPointLiteral} and {@code DecSignificand}.
     * @param str            a string
     * @param index          start index inclusive of the {@code DecimalFloatingPointLiteralWithWhiteSpace}
     * @param endIndex       end index (exclusive)
     * @param isNegative     true if the float value is negative
     * @param hasLeadingZero true if we have consumed the optional leading zero
     * @return the bit pattern of the parsed value, if the input is legal;
     * otherwise, {@code -1L}.
    private long parseDecFloatLiteral(CharSequence str, int index, int startIndex, int endIndex, boolean isNegative, boolean hasLeadingZero) {
        // Parse significand
        // -----------------
        // Note: a multiplication by a constant is cheaper than an
        //       arbitrary integer multiplication.
        long significand = 0;// significand is treated as an unsigned long
        final int significandStartIndex = index;
        int virtualIndexOfPoint = -1;
        boolean illegal = false;
        char ch = 0;
        for (; index < endIndex; index++) {
            ch = str.charAt(index);
            if (isDigit(ch)) {
                // This might overflow, we deal with it later.
                significand = 10 * significand + ch - '0';
            } else if (ch == '.') {
                illegal |= virtualIndexOfPoint >= 0;
                virtualIndexOfPoint = index;
                for (; index < endIndex - 8; index += 8) {
                    int eightDigits = tryToParseEightDigits(str, index + 1);
                    if (eightDigits < 0) {
                    // This might overflow, we deal with it later.
                    significand = 100_000_000L * significand + eightDigits;
            } else {
        final int digitCount;
        final int significandEndIndex = index;
        int exponent;
        if (virtualIndexOfPoint < 0) {
            digitCount = significandEndIndex - significandStartIndex;
            virtualIndexOfPoint = significandEndIndex;
            exponent = 0;
        } else {
            digitCount = significandEndIndex - significandStartIndex - 1;
            exponent = virtualIndexOfPoint - significandEndIndex + 1;

        // Parse exponent number
        // ---------------------
        int expNumber = 0;
        if (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E') {
            ch = ++index < endIndex ? str.charAt(index) : 0;
            boolean neg_exp = ch == '-';
            if (neg_exp || ch == '+') {
                ch = ++index < endIndex ? str.charAt(index) : 0;
            illegal |= !isDigit(ch);
            do {
                // Guard against overflow
                if (expNumber < AbstractFloatValueParser.MAX_EXPONENT_NUMBER) {
                    expNumber = 10 * expNumber + ch - '0';
                ch = ++index < endIndex ? str.charAt(index) : 0;
            } while (isDigit(ch));
            if (neg_exp) {
                expNumber = -expNumber;
            exponent += expNumber;

        // Skip optional FloatTypeSuffix
        // ------------------------
        if (index < endIndex && (ch == 'd' || ch == 'D' || ch == 'f' || ch == 'F')) {

        // Skip trailing whitespace and check if FloatingPointLiteral is complete
        // ------------------------
        index = skipWhitespace(str, index, endIndex);
        if (illegal || index < endIndex
                || !hasLeadingZero && digitCount == 0) {
            return PARSE_ERROR;

        // Re-parse significand in case of a potential overflow
        // -----------------------------------------------
        final boolean isSignificandTruncated;
        int skipCountInTruncatedDigits = 0;//counts +1 if we skipped over the decimal point
        int exponentOfTruncatedSignificand;
        if (digitCount > 19) {
            significand = 0;
            for (index = significandStartIndex; index < significandEndIndex; index++) {
                ch = str.charAt(index);
                if (ch == '.') {
                } else {
                    if (Long.compareUnsigned(significand, AbstractFloatValueParser.MINIMAL_NINETEEN_DIGIT_INTEGER) < 0) {
                        significand = 10 * significand + ch - '0';
                    } else {
            isSignificandTruncated = (index < significandEndIndex);
            exponentOfTruncatedSignificand = virtualIndexOfPoint - index + skipCountInTruncatedDigits + expNumber;
        } else {
            isSignificandTruncated = false;
            exponentOfTruncatedSignificand = 0;
        return valueOfFloatLiteral(str, startIndex, endIndex, isNegative, significand, exponent, isSignificandTruncated,

     * Parses a {@code FloatingPointLiteral} production with optional leading and trailing
     * white space.
     * <blockquote>
     * <dl>
     * <dt><i>FloatingPointLiteralWithWhiteSpace:</i></dt>
     * <dd><i>[WhiteSpace] FloatingPointLiteral [WhiteSpace]</i></dd>
     * </dl>
     * </blockquote>
     * See {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.core.io.doubleparser} for the grammar of
     * {@code FloatingPointLiteral}.
     * @param str    a string containing a {@code FloatingPointLiteralWithWhiteSpace}
     * @param offset start offset of {@code FloatingPointLiteralWithWhiteSpace} in {@code str}
     * @param length length of {@code FloatingPointLiteralWithWhiteSpace} in {@code str}
     * @return the bit pattern of the parsed value, if the input is legal;
     * otherwise, {@code -1L}.
    public long parseFloatingPointLiteral(CharSequence str, int offset, int length) {
        final int endIndex = offset + length;
        if (offset < 0 || endIndex > str.length()) {
            return PARSE_ERROR;

        // Skip leading whitespace
        // -------------------
        int index = skipWhitespace(str, offset, endIndex);
        if (index == endIndex) {
            return PARSE_ERROR;
        char ch = str.charAt(index);

        // Parse optional sign
        // -------------------
        final boolean isNegative = ch == '-';
        if (isNegative || ch == '+') {
            ch = ++index < endIndex ? str.charAt(index) : 0;
            if (ch == 0) {
                return PARSE_ERROR;

        // Parse NaN or Infinity
        // ---------------------
        if (ch >= 'I') {
            return ch == 'N'
                    ? parseNaN(str, index, endIndex)
                    : parseInfinity(str, index, endIndex, isNegative);

        // Parse optional leading zero
        // ---------------------------
        final boolean hasLeadingZero = ch == '0';
        if (hasLeadingZero) {
            ch = ++index < endIndex ? str.charAt(index) : 0;
            if (ch == 'x' || ch == 'X') {
                return parseHexFloatLiteral(str, index + 1, offset, endIndex, isNegative);

        return parseDecFloatLiteral(str, index, offset, endIndex, isNegative, hasLeadingZero);
            return parseDecFloatLiteralBigDecimal(str, index, offset, endIndex, isNegative, hasLeadingZero);
        } else {
            return parseDecFloatLiteralDecimal(str, index, offset, endIndex, isNegative, hasLeadingZero);

     * Parses the following rules
     * (more rules are defined in {@link AbstractFloatValueParser}):
     * <dl>
     * <dt><i>RestOfHexFloatingPointLiteral</i>:
     * <dd><i>RestOfHexSignificand BinaryExponent</i>
     * </dl>
     * <dl>
     * <dt><i>RestOfHexSignificand:</i>
     * <dd><i>HexDigits</i>
     * <dd><i>HexDigits</i> {@code .}
     * <dd><i>[HexDigits]</i> {@code .} <i>HexDigits</i>
     * </dl>
     * @param str        the input string
     * @param index      index to the first character of RestOfHexFloatingPointLiteral
     * @param startIndex the start index of the string
     * @param endIndex   the end index of the string
     * @param isNegative if the resulting number is negative
     * @return the bit pattern of the parsed value, if the input is legal;
     * otherwise, {@code -1L}.
    private long parseHexFloatLiteral(
            CharSequence str, int index, int startIndex, int endIndex, boolean isNegative) {

        // Parse HexSignificand
        // ------------
        long significand = 0;// significand is treated as an unsigned long
        int exponent = 0;
        final int significandStartIndex = index;
        int virtualIndexOfPoint = -1;
        final int digitCount;
        boolean illegal = false;
        char ch = 0;
        for (; index < endIndex; index++) {
            ch = str.charAt(index);
            // Table look up is faster than a sequence of if-else-branches.
            int hexValue = ch > 127 ? AbstractFloatValueParser.OTHER_CLASS : AbstractFloatValueParser.CHAR_TO_HEX_MAP[ch];
            if (hexValue >= 0) {
                significand = (significand << 4) | hexValue;// This might overflow, we deal with it later.
            } else if (hexValue == AbstractFloatValueParser.DECIMAL_POINT_CLASS) {
                illegal |= virtualIndexOfPoint >= 0;
                virtualIndexOfPoint = index;
                for (;index < endIndex - 8; index += 8) {
                    long parsed = tryToParseEightHexDigits(str, index + 1);
                    if (parsed >= 0) {
                        // This might overflow, we deal with it later.
                        digits = (digits << 32) + parsed;
                    } else {
            } else {
        final int significandEndIndex = index;
        if (virtualIndexOfPoint < 0) {
            digitCount = significandEndIndex - significandStartIndex;
            virtualIndexOfPoint = significandEndIndex;
        } else {
            digitCount = significandEndIndex - significandStartIndex - 1;
            exponent = Math.min(virtualIndexOfPoint - index + 1, AbstractFloatValueParser.MAX_EXPONENT_NUMBER) * 4;

        // Parse exponent
        // --------------
        int expNumber = 0;
        final boolean hasExponent = (ch == 'p') || (ch == 'P');
        if (hasExponent) {
            ch = ++index < endIndex ? str.charAt(index) : 0;
            boolean neg_exp = ch == '-';
            if (neg_exp || ch == '+') {
                ch = ++index < endIndex ? str.charAt(index) : 0;
            illegal |= !isDigit(ch);
            do {
                // Guard against overflow
                if (expNumber < AbstractFloatValueParser.MAX_EXPONENT_NUMBER) {
                    expNumber = 10 * expNumber + ch - '0';
                ch = ++index < endIndex ? str.charAt(index) : 0;
            } while (isDigit(ch));
            if (neg_exp) {
                expNumber = -expNumber;
            exponent += expNumber;

        // Skip optional FloatTypeSuffix
        // ------------------------
        if (index < endIndex && (ch == 'd' || ch == 'D' || ch == 'f' || ch == 'F')) {

        // Skip trailing whitespace and check if FloatingPointLiteral is complete
        // ------------------------
        index = skipWhitespace(str, index, endIndex);
        if (illegal || index < endIndex
                || digitCount == 0
                || !hasExponent) {
            return PARSE_ERROR;

        // Re-parse significand in case of a potential overflow
        // -----------------------------------------------
        final boolean isSignificandTruncated;
        int skipCountInTruncatedDigits = 0;//counts +1 if we skipped over the decimal point
        if (digitCount > 16) {
            significand = 0;
            for (index = significandStartIndex; index < significandEndIndex; index++) {
                ch = str.charAt(index);
                // Table look up is faster than a sequence of if-else-branches.
                int hexValue = ch > 127 ? AbstractFloatValueParser.OTHER_CLASS : AbstractFloatValueParser.CHAR_TO_HEX_MAP[ch];
                if (hexValue >= 0) {
                    if (Long.compareUnsigned(significand, AbstractFloatValueParser.MINIMAL_NINETEEN_DIGIT_INTEGER) < 0) {
                        significand = (significand << 4) | hexValue;
                    } else {
                } else {
            isSignificandTruncated = (index < significandEndIndex);
        } else {
            isSignificandTruncated = false;

        return valueOfHexLiteral(str, startIndex, endIndex, isNegative, significand, exponent, isSignificandTruncated,
                virtualIndexOfPoint - index + skipCountInTruncatedDigits + expNumber);

     * Parses a {@code Infinity} production with optional trailing white space
     * until the end of the text.
     * <blockquote>
     * <dl>
     * <dt><i>InfinityWithWhiteSpace:</i></dt>
     * <dd>{@code Infinity} <i>[WhiteSpace] EOT</i></dd>
     * </dl>
     * </blockquote>
     * @param str      a string
     * @param index    index of the "I" character
     * @param endIndex end index (exclusive)
     * @return a positive or negative infinity value
     * @throws NumberFormatException on parsing failure
    private long parseInfinity(CharSequence str, int index, int endIndex, boolean negative) {
        if (index + 7 < endIndex
                && str.charAt(index) == 'I'
                && str.charAt(index + 1) == 'n'
                && str.charAt(index + 2) == 'f'
                && str.charAt(index + 3) == 'i'
                && str.charAt(index + 4) == 'n'
                && str.charAt(index + 5) == 'i'
                && str.charAt(index + 6) == 't'
                && str.charAt(index + 7) == 'y'
        ) {
            index = skipWhitespace(str, index + 8, endIndex);
            if (index == endIndex) {
                return negative ? negativeInfinity() : positiveInfinity();
        return PARSE_ERROR;

     * Parses a {@code Nan} production with optional trailing white space
     * until the end of the text.
     * Given that the String contains a 'N' character at the current
     * {@code index}.
     * <blockquote>
     * <dl>
     * <dt><i>NanWithWhiteSpace:</i></dt>
     * <dd>{@code NaN} <i>[WhiteSpace] EOT</i></dd>
     * </dl>
     * </blockquote>
     * @param str      a string that contains a "N" character at {@code index}
     * @param index    index of the "N" character
     * @param endIndex end index (exclusive)
     * @return a NaN value
     * @throws NumberFormatException on parsing failure
    private long parseNaN(CharSequence str, int index, int endIndex) {
        if (index + 2 < endIndex
                // && str.charAt(index) == 'N'
                && str.charAt(index + 1) == 'a'
                && str.charAt(index + 2) == 'N') {

            index = skipWhitespace(str, index + 3, endIndex);
            if (index == endIndex) {
                return nan();
        return PARSE_ERROR;

     * Skips optional white space in the provided string
     * @param str      a string
     * @param index    start index (inclusive) of the optional white space
     * @param endIndex end index (exclusive) of the optional white space
     * @return index after the optional white space
    private int skipWhitespace(CharSequence str, int index, int endIndex) {
        for (; index < endIndex; index++) {
            if (str.charAt(index) > ' ') {
        return index;

    private int tryToParseEightDigits(CharSequence str, int offset) {
        // Performance: We extract the chars in two steps so that we
        //              can benefit from out of order execution in the CPU.
        long first = str.charAt(offset)
                | (long) str.charAt(offset + 1) << 16
                | (long) str.charAt(offset + 2) << 32
                | (long) str.charAt(offset + 3) << 48;

        long second = str.charAt(offset + 4)
                | (long) str.charAt(offset + 5) << 16
                | (long) str.charAt(offset + 6) << 32
                | (long) str.charAt(offset + 7) << 48;

        return FastDoubleSwar.tryToParseEightDigitsUtf16(first, second);

     * @return a NaN constant in the specialized type wrapped in a {@code long}
    abstract long nan();

     * @return a negative infinity constant in the specialized type wrapped in a
     * {@code long}
    abstract long negativeInfinity();

     * @return a positive infinity constant in the specialized type wrapped in a
     * {@code long}
    abstract long positiveInfinity();

     * Computes a float value from the given components of a decimal float
     * literal.
     * @param str                            the string that contains the float literal (and maybe more)
     * @param startIndex                     the start index (inclusive) of the float literal
     *                                       inside the string
     * @param endIndex                       the end index (exclusive) of the float literal inside
     *                                       the string
     * @param isNegative                     whether the float value is negative
     * @param significand                    the significand of the float value (can be truncated)
     * @param exponent                       the exponent of the float value
     * @param isSignificandTruncated         whether the significand is truncated
     * @param exponentOfTruncatedSignificand the exponent value of the truncated
     *                                       significand
     * @return the bit pattern of the parsed value, if the input is legal;
     * otherwise, {@code -1L}.
    abstract long valueOfFloatLiteral(
            CharSequence str, int startIndex, int endIndex,
            boolean isNegative, long significand, int exponent,
            boolean isSignificandTruncated, int exponentOfTruncatedSignificand);

     * Computes a float value from the given components of a hexadecimal float
     * literal.
     * @param str                            the string that contains the float literal (and maybe more)
     * @param startIndex                     the start index (inclusive) of the float literal
     *                                       inside the string
     * @param endIndex                       the end index (exclusive) of the float literal inside
     *                                       the string
     * @param isNegative                     whether the float value is negative
     * @param significand                    the significand of the float value (can be truncated)
     * @param exponent                       the exponent of the float value
     * @param isSignificandTruncated         whether the significand is truncated
     * @param exponentOfTruncatedSignificand the exponent value of the truncated
     *                                       significand
     * @return the bit pattern of the parsed value, if the input is legal;
     * otherwise, {@code -1L}.
    abstract long valueOfHexLiteral(
            CharSequence str, int startIndex, int endIndex,
            boolean isNegative, long significand, int exponent,
            boolean isSignificandTruncated, int exponentOfTruncatedSignificand);



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Release date: 2022-11-05


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