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Snappy-Java Source Code
Snappy-Java is a Java port of the "snappy", a fast C++ compresser/decompresser developed by Google.
Snappy-Java Source Code files are provided in the source packge (snappy-java- You can download it at Snappy Maven Website.
You can also browse Snappy-Java Source Code below:
⏎ org/xerial/snappy/pure/
package org.xerial.snappy.pure; import static org.xerial.snappy.pure.UnsafeUtil.getAddress; import static sun.misc.Unsafe.ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET; import; import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque; import org.xerial.snappy.SnappyApi; /** * A pure-java Snappy implementation using */ public class PureJavaSnappy implements SnappyApi { /** * Using a {@link ConcurrentLinkedDeque}, with values constantly popped and pushed from the head, leads to the fewest * {@code short[]} instances remaining live over time. */ private final static ConcurrentLinkedDeque<SoftReference<short[]>> CACHED_TABLES = new ConcurrentLinkedDeque<>(); private final static int MAX_OUTPUT_LENGTH = Integer.MAX_VALUE; @Override public long rawCompress(long inputAddr, long inputSize, long destAddr) throws IOException { final short[] table = getTable(); try { return SnappyRawCompressor.compress(null, inputAddr, inputSize, null, destAddr, MAX_OUTPUT_LENGTH, table); } finally { returnTable(table); } } @Override public long rawUncompress(long inputAddr, long inputSize, long destAddr) throws IOException { return SnappyRawDecompressor.decompress(null, inputAddr, inputSize, null, destAddr, MAX_OUTPUT_LENGTH); } @Override public int rawCompress(ByteBuffer input, int inputOffset, int inputLength, ByteBuffer compressed, int outputOffset) throws IOException { Object inputBase; long inputAddress; long inputLimit; if (input.isDirect()) { inputBase = null; long address = getAddress(input); inputAddress = address + input.position(); inputLimit = address + input.limit(); } else if (input.hasArray()) { inputBase = input.array(); inputAddress = ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + input.arrayOffset() + input.position(); inputLimit = ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + input.arrayOffset() + input.limit(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported input ByteBuffer implementation " + input.getClass().getName()); } Object outputBase; long outputAddress; long outputLimit; if (compressed.isDirect()) { outputBase = null; long address = getAddress(compressed); outputAddress = address + compressed.position(); outputLimit = address + compressed.limit(); } else if (compressed.hasArray()) { outputBase = compressed.array(); outputAddress = ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + compressed.arrayOffset() + compressed.position(); outputLimit = ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + compressed.arrayOffset() + compressed.limit(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported output ByteBuffer implementation " + compressed.getClass().getName()); } // HACK: Assure JVM does not collect Slice wrappers while compressing, since the // collection may trigger freeing of the underlying memory resulting in a segfault // There is no other known way to signal to the JVM that an object should not be // collected in a block, and technically, the JVM is allowed to eliminate these locks. synchronized (input) { synchronized (compressed) { final short[] table = getTable(); try { int written = SnappyRawCompressor.compress( inputBase, inputAddress, inputLimit, outputBase, outputAddress, outputLimit, table); compressed.position(compressed.position() + written); return written; } finally { returnTable(table); } } } } @Override public int rawCompress(Object input, int inputOffset, int inputByteLength, Object output, int outputOffset) throws IOException { long inputAddress = ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + inputOffset; long inputLimit = inputAddress + inputByteLength; long outputAddress = ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + outputOffset; long outputLimit = outputAddress + MAX_OUTPUT_LENGTH; final short[] table = getTable(); try { return SnappyRawCompressor.compress(input, inputAddress, inputLimit, output, outputAddress, outputLimit, table); } finally { returnTable(table); } } @Override public int rawUncompress(ByteBuffer compressed, int inputOffset, int inputLength, ByteBuffer uncompressed, int outputOffset) throws IOException { Object inputBase; long inputAddress; long inputLimit; if (compressed.isDirect()) { inputBase = null; long address = getAddress(compressed); inputAddress = address + compressed.position(); inputLimit = address + compressed.limit(); } else if (compressed.hasArray()) { inputBase = compressed.array(); inputAddress = ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + compressed.arrayOffset() + compressed.position(); inputLimit = ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + compressed.arrayOffset() + compressed.limit(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported input ByteBuffer implementation " + compressed.getClass().getName()); } Object outputBase; long outputAddress; long outputLimit; if (uncompressed.isDirect()) { outputBase = null; long address = getAddress(uncompressed); outputAddress = address + uncompressed.position(); outputLimit = address + uncompressed.limit(); } else if (uncompressed.hasArray()) { outputBase = uncompressed.array(); outputAddress = ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + uncompressed.arrayOffset() + uncompressed.position(); outputLimit = ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + uncompressed.arrayOffset() + uncompressed.limit(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported output ByteBuffer implementation " + uncompressed.getClass().getName()); } // HACK: Assure JVM does not collect Slice wrappers while decompressing, since the // collection may trigger freeing of the underlying memory resulting in a segfault // There is no other known way to signal to the JVM that an object should not be // collected in a block, and technically, the JVM is allowed to eliminate these locks. synchronized (compressed) { synchronized (uncompressed) { int written = SnappyRawDecompressor.decompress(inputBase, inputAddress, inputLimit, outputBase, outputAddress, outputLimit); uncompressed.position(uncompressed.position() + written); return written; } } } @Override public int rawUncompress(Object input, int inputOffset, int inputLength, Object output, int outputOffset) throws IOException { long inputAddress = ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + inputOffset; long inputLimit = inputAddress + inputLength; long outputAddress = ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + outputOffset; long outputLimit = outputAddress + MAX_OUTPUT_LENGTH; return SnappyRawDecompressor.decompress(input, inputAddress, inputLimit, output, outputAddress, outputLimit); } @Override public int maxCompressedLength(int source_bytes) { return SnappyRawCompressor.maxCompressedLength(source_bytes); } @Override public int uncompressedLength(ByteBuffer compressed, int offset, int len) throws IOException { Object inputBase; long inputAddress; long inputLimit; if(compressed.isDirect()) { inputBase = null; long address = getAddress(compressed); inputAddress = address + compressed.position(); inputLimit = address + compressed.limit(); } else if (compressed.hasArray()){ inputBase = compressed.array(); inputAddress = ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + offset; inputLimit = ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + len; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported input ByteBuffer implementation: " + compressed.getClass().getName()); } return SnappyRawDecompressor.getUncompressedLength(inputBase, inputAddress, inputLimit); } @Override public int uncompressedLength(Object input, int offset, int len) throws IOException { long compressedAddress = ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + offset; long compressedLimit = ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + len; return SnappyRawDecompressor.getUncompressedLength(input, compressedAddress, compressedLimit); } @Override public long uncompressedLength(long inputAddr, long len) throws IOException { return SnappyRawDecompressor.getUncompressedLength(null, inputAddr, inputAddr + len); } @Override public boolean isValidCompressedBuffer(ByteBuffer compressed, int offset, int len) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("isValidCompressedBuffer is not supported in pure-java mode"); } @Override public boolean isValidCompressedBuffer(Object input, int offset, int len) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("isValidCompressedBuffer is not supported in pure-java mode"); } @Override public boolean isValidCompressedBuffer(long inputAddr, long offset, long len) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("isValidCompressedBuffer is not supported in pure-java mode"); } @Override public void arrayCopy(Object src, int offset, int byteLength, Object dest, int dOffset) throws IOException { System.arraycopy(src, offset, dest, dOffset, byteLength); } private static short[] getTable() { SoftReference<short[]> existingRef; while((existingRef = CACHED_TABLES.poll()) != null) { short[] table = existingRef.get(); if (table != null) { //purge oldest entries have lost references SoftReference<short[]> entry; boolean lastEmpty = true; while (lastEmpty && (entry = CACHED_TABLES.peekLast()) != null) { if (entry.get() == null) { CACHED_TABLES.removeLastOccurrence(entry); } else { lastEmpty = false; } } return table; } } return new short[SnappyRawCompressor.MAX_HASH_TABLE_SIZE]; } private static void returnTable(short[] table) { CACHED_TABLES.addFirst(new SoftReference<short[]>(table)); } }
⏎ org/xerial/snappy/pure/
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