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The Java Service Wrapper is an application which has evolved out of a desire to solve a number of problems common to many Java applications. Some of the Wrapper's features are:
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File name: File size: 657,023 bytes Release date: 13-Jun-2014 Download: Java Service Wrapper
File list of
wrapper-windows-x86-32-3.5.25\... 6241 README_de.txt 5791 README_en.txt 7004 README_es.txt 6409 README_ja.txt 4324 bin\DemoApp.bat 4330 bin\InstallTestWrapper-NT.bat 4338 bin\PauseTestWrapper-NT.bat 4338 bin\QueryTestWrapper-NT.bat 4338 bin\ResumeTestWrapper-NT.bat 4338 bin\StartTestWrapper-NT.bat 4338 bin\StopTestWrapper-NT.bat 4799 bin\TestWrapper.bat 5757 bin\TestWrapperCommand.bat 4338 bin\UninstallTestWrapper-NT.bat 392984 bin\wrapper.exe 8452 conf\demoapp.conf 8615 conf\wrapper.conf 463 doc\index.html 218737 doc\revisions.txt 20769 doc\wrapper-community-license-1.1.txt 251672 lib\wrapper.dll 121449 lib\wrapper.jar 67741 lib\wrapperdemo.jar 105448 lib\wrappertest.jar 2 logs\wrapper.log 4334 src\bin\ 5757 src\bin\ 1050 src\bin\ 4368 src\bin\ 4364 src\bin\ 4334 src\bin\ 4338 src\bin\ 4338 src\bin\ 4338 src\bin\ 4338 src\bin\ 4338 src\bin\ 4338 src\bin\ 8250 src\conf\ # Total Size Files # 1325500 472023-02-01, 1860🔥, 1💬
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