Source Code for Apache Log4j Core Implementation

Apache Log4j Core Implementation provides the functional components of the logging system. Users are free to create their own plugins and include them in the logging configuration. Apache Log4j Core is a required module to use Apache Log4j.

Bytecode (Java 8) for Apache Log4j Core Implementation is provided in a separate JAR file like log4j-core-2.14.1.jar.

Source Code files for Apache Log4j API are provided in both binary packge like and source package like You can download them at Apache Log4j Website.

You can also browse Source Code files for Apache Log4j Core Implementation 2.14.1 below.



 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache license, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the license for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the license.
package org.apache.logging.log4j.core.async;

import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.AbstractLifeCycle;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LogEvent;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.impl.Log4jLogEvent;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.impl.LogEventFactory;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.impl.MutableLogEvent;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.impl.ReusableLogEventFactory;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.jmx.RingBufferAdmin;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.Log4jThread;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.Log4jThreadFactory;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.Throwables;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.message.ReusableMessage;

import com.lmax.disruptor.EventFactory;
import com.lmax.disruptor.EventTranslatorTwoArg;
import com.lmax.disruptor.ExceptionHandler;
import com.lmax.disruptor.RingBuffer;
import com.lmax.disruptor.Sequence;
import com.lmax.disruptor.SequenceReportingEventHandler;
import com.lmax.disruptor.TimeoutException;
import com.lmax.disruptor.WaitStrategy;
import com.lmax.disruptor.dsl.Disruptor;
import com.lmax.disruptor.dsl.ProducerType;

 * Helper class decoupling the {@code AsyncLoggerConfig} class from the LMAX Disruptor library.
 * <p>
 * {@code AsyncLoggerConfig} is a plugin, and will be loaded even if users do not configure any {@code <asyncLogger>} or
 * {@code <asyncRoot>} elements in the configuration. If {@code AsyncLoggerConfig} has inner classes that extend or
 * implement classes from the Disruptor library, a {@code NoClassDefFoundError} is thrown if the Disruptor jar is not in
 * the classpath when the PluginManager loads the {@code AsyncLoggerConfig} plugin from the pre-defined plugins
 * definition file.
 * <p>
 * This class serves to make the dependency on the Disruptor optional, so that these classes are only loaded when the
 * {@code AsyncLoggerConfig} is actually used.
public class AsyncLoggerConfigDisruptor extends AbstractLifeCycle implements AsyncLoggerConfigDelegate {

    private static final int MAX_DRAIN_ATTEMPTS_BEFORE_SHUTDOWN = 200;
    private static final int SLEEP_MILLIS_BETWEEN_DRAIN_ATTEMPTS = 50;

     * RingBuffer events contain all information necessary to perform the work in a separate thread.
    public static class Log4jEventWrapper {
        public Log4jEventWrapper() {

        public Log4jEventWrapper(final MutableLogEvent mutableLogEvent) {
            event = mutableLogEvent;

        private AsyncLoggerConfig loggerConfig;
        private LogEvent event;

         * Release references held by ring buffer to allow objects to be garbage-collected.
        public void clear() {
            loggerConfig = null;
            if (event instanceof MutableLogEvent) {
                ((MutableLogEvent) event).clear();
            } else {
                event = null;

        public String toString() {
            return String.valueOf(event);

     * EventHandler performs the work in a separate thread.
    private static class Log4jEventWrapperHandler implements SequenceReportingEventHandler<Log4jEventWrapper> {
        private static final int NOTIFY_PROGRESS_THRESHOLD = 50;
        private Sequence sequenceCallback;
        private int counter;

        public void setSequenceCallback(final Sequence sequenceCallback) {
            this.sequenceCallback = sequenceCallback;

        public void onEvent(final Log4jEventWrapper event, final long sequence, final boolean endOfBatch)
                throws Exception {


         * Notify the BatchEventProcessor that the sequence has progressed. Without this callback the sequence would not
         * be progressed until the batch has completely finished.
        private void notifyIntermediateProgress(final long sequence) {
            if (++counter > NOTIFY_PROGRESS_THRESHOLD) {
                counter = 0;

     * Factory used to populate the RingBuffer with events. These event objects are then re-used during the life of the
     * RingBuffer.
    private static final EventFactory<Log4jEventWrapper> FACTORY = Log4jEventWrapper::new;

     * Factory used to populate the RingBuffer with events. These event objects are then re-used during the life of the
     * RingBuffer.
    private static final EventFactory<Log4jEventWrapper> MUTABLE_FACTORY = () -> new Log4jEventWrapper(new MutableLogEvent());

     * Object responsible for passing on data to a specific RingBuffer event.
    private static final EventTranslatorTwoArg<Log4jEventWrapper, LogEvent, AsyncLoggerConfig> TRANSLATOR =
            (ringBufferElement, sequence, logEvent, loggerConfig) -> {
         ringBufferElement.event = logEvent;
         ringBufferElement.loggerConfig = loggerConfig;

     * Object responsible for passing on data to a RingBuffer event with a MutableLogEvent.
    private static final EventTranslatorTwoArg<Log4jEventWrapper, LogEvent, AsyncLoggerConfig> MUTABLE_TRANSLATOR =
            (ringBufferElement, sequence, logEvent, loggerConfig) -> {
         ((MutableLogEvent) ringBufferElement.event).initFrom(logEvent);
         ringBufferElement.loggerConfig = loggerConfig;

    private int ringBufferSize;
    private AsyncQueueFullPolicy asyncQueueFullPolicy;
    private Boolean mutable = Boolean.FALSE;

    private volatile Disruptor<Log4jEventWrapper> disruptor;
    private long backgroundThreadId; // LOG4J2-471
    private EventFactory<Log4jEventWrapper> factory;
    private EventTranslatorTwoArg<Log4jEventWrapper, LogEvent, AsyncLoggerConfig> translator;
    private volatile boolean alreadyLoggedWarning;

    private final Object queueFullEnqueueLock = new Object();

    public AsyncLoggerConfigDisruptor() {

    // called from AsyncLoggerConfig constructor
    public void setLogEventFactory(final LogEventFactory logEventFactory) {
        // if any AsyncLoggerConfig uses a ReusableLogEventFactory
        // then we need to populate our ringbuffer with MutableLogEvents
        this.mutable = mutable || (logEventFactory instanceof ReusableLogEventFactory);

     * Increases the reference count and creates and starts a new Disruptor and associated thread if none currently
     * exists.
     * @see #stop()
    public synchronized void start() {
        if (disruptor != null) {
            LOGGER.trace("AsyncLoggerConfigDisruptor not starting new disruptor for this configuration, "
                    + "using existing object.");
        LOGGER.trace("AsyncLoggerConfigDisruptor creating new disruptor for this configuration.");
        ringBufferSize = DisruptorUtil.calculateRingBufferSize("AsyncLoggerConfig.RingBufferSize");
        final WaitStrategy waitStrategy = DisruptorUtil.createWaitStrategy("AsyncLoggerConfig.WaitStrategy");

        final ThreadFactory threadFactory = new Log4jThreadFactory("AsyncLoggerConfig", true, Thread.NORM_PRIORITY) {
            public Thread newThread(final Runnable r) {
                final Thread result = super.newThread(r);
                backgroundThreadId = result.getId();
                return result;
        asyncQueueFullPolicy = AsyncQueueFullPolicyFactory.create();

        translator = mutable ? MUTABLE_TRANSLATOR : TRANSLATOR;
        factory = mutable ? MUTABLE_FACTORY : FACTORY;
        disruptor = new Disruptor<>(factory, ringBufferSize, threadFactory, ProducerType.MULTI, waitStrategy);

        final ExceptionHandler<Log4jEventWrapper> errorHandler = DisruptorUtil.getAsyncLoggerConfigExceptionHandler();

        final Log4jEventWrapperHandler[] handlers = {new Log4jEventWrapperHandler()};

        LOGGER.debug("Starting AsyncLoggerConfig disruptor for this configuration with ringbufferSize={}, "
                + "waitStrategy={}, exceptionHandler={}...", disruptor.getRingBuffer().getBufferSize(), waitStrategy
                .getClass().getSimpleName(), errorHandler);

     * Decreases the reference count. If the reference count reached zero, the Disruptor and its associated thread are
     * shut down and their references set to {@code null}.
    public boolean stop(final long timeout, final TimeUnit timeUnit) {
        final Disruptor<Log4jEventWrapper> temp = disruptor;
        if (temp == null) {
            LOGGER.trace("AsyncLoggerConfigDisruptor: disruptor for this configuration already shut down.");
            return true; // disruptor was already shut down by another thread
        LOGGER.trace("AsyncLoggerConfigDisruptor: shutting down disruptor for this configuration.");

        // We must guarantee that publishing to the RingBuffer has stopped before we call disruptor.shutdown().
        disruptor = null; // client code fails with NPE if log after stop = OK

        // Calling Disruptor.shutdown() will wait until all enqueued events are fully processed,
        // but this waiting happens in a busy-spin. To avoid (postpone) wasting CPU,
        // we sleep in short chunks, up to 10 seconds, waiting for the ringbuffer to drain.
        for (int i = 0; hasBacklog(temp) && i < MAX_DRAIN_ATTEMPTS_BEFORE_SHUTDOWN; i++) {
            try {
                Thread.sleep(SLEEP_MILLIS_BETWEEN_DRAIN_ATTEMPTS); // give up the CPU for a while
            } catch (final InterruptedException e) { // ignored
        try {
            // busy-spins until all events currently in the disruptor have been processed, or timeout
            temp.shutdown(timeout, timeUnit);
        } catch (final TimeoutException e) {
            LOGGER.warn("AsyncLoggerConfigDisruptor: shutdown timed out after {} {}", timeout, timeUnit);
            temp.halt(); // give up on remaining log events, if any
        LOGGER.trace("AsyncLoggerConfigDisruptor: disruptor has been shut down.");

        if (DiscardingAsyncQueueFullPolicy.getDiscardCount(asyncQueueFullPolicy) > 0) {
            LOGGER.trace("AsyncLoggerConfigDisruptor: {} discarded {} events.", asyncQueueFullPolicy,
        return true;

     * Returns {@code true} if the specified disruptor still has unprocessed events.
    private static boolean hasBacklog(final Disruptor<?> theDisruptor) {
        final RingBuffer<?> ringBuffer = theDisruptor.getRingBuffer();
        return !ringBuffer.hasAvailableCapacity(ringBuffer.getBufferSize());

    public EventRoute getEventRoute(final Level logLevel) {
        final int remainingCapacity = remainingDisruptorCapacity();
        if (remainingCapacity < 0) {
            return EventRoute.DISCARD;
        return asyncQueueFullPolicy.getRoute(backgroundThreadId, logLevel);

    private int remainingDisruptorCapacity() {
        final Disruptor<Log4jEventWrapper> temp = disruptor;
        if (hasLog4jBeenShutDown(temp)) {
            return -1;
        return (int) temp.getRingBuffer().remainingCapacity();

     * Returns {@code true} if the specified disruptor is null.
    private boolean hasLog4jBeenShutDown(final Disruptor<Log4jEventWrapper> aDisruptor) {
        if (aDisruptor == null) { // LOG4J2-639
            LOGGER.warn("Ignoring log event after log4j was shut down");
            return true;
        return false;

    public void enqueueEvent(final LogEvent event, final AsyncLoggerConfig asyncLoggerConfig) {
        // LOG4J2-639: catch NPE if disruptor field was set to null after our check above
        try {
            final LogEvent logEvent = prepareEvent(event);
            enqueue(logEvent, asyncLoggerConfig);
        } catch (final NullPointerException npe) {
            // Note: NPE prevents us from adding a log event to the disruptor after it was shut down,
            // which could cause the publishEvent method to hang and never return.
            LOGGER.warn("Ignoring log event after log4j was shut down: {} [{}] {}", event.getLevel(),
                    event.getLoggerName(), event.getMessage().getFormattedMessage()
                            + (event.getThrown() == null ? "" : Throwables.toStringList(event.getThrown())));

    private LogEvent prepareEvent(final LogEvent event) {
        LogEvent logEvent = ensureImmutable(event);
        if (logEvent.getMessage() instanceof ReusableMessage) {
            if (logEvent instanceof Log4jLogEvent) {
                ((Log4jLogEvent) logEvent).makeMessageImmutable();
            } else if (logEvent instanceof MutableLogEvent) {
                // MutableLogEvents need to be translated into the RingBuffer by the MUTABLE_TRANSLATOR.
                // That translator calls MutableLogEvent.initFrom to copy the event, which will makeMessageImmutable the message.
                if (translator != MUTABLE_TRANSLATOR) { // should not happen...
                    // TRANSLATOR expects an immutable LogEvent
                    logEvent = ((MutableLogEvent) logEvent).createMemento();
            } else { // custom log event, with a ReusableMessage
        } else { // message is not a ReusableMessage; makeMessageImmutable it to prevent ConcurrentModificationExceptions
            InternalAsyncUtil.makeMessageImmutable(logEvent.getMessage()); // LOG4J2-1988, LOG4J2-1914
        return logEvent;

    private void showWarningAboutCustomLogEventWithReusableMessage(final LogEvent logEvent) {
        if (!alreadyLoggedWarning) {
            LOGGER.warn("Custom log event of type {} contains a mutable message of type {}." +
                            " AsyncLoggerConfig does not know how to make an immutable copy of this message." +
                            " This may result in ConcurrentModificationExceptions or incorrect log messages" +
                            " if the application modifies objects in the message while" +
                            " the background thread is writing it to the appenders.",
                    logEvent.getClass().getName(), logEvent.getMessage().getClass().getName());
            alreadyLoggedWarning = true;

    private void enqueue(final LogEvent logEvent, final AsyncLoggerConfig asyncLoggerConfig) {
        if (synchronizeEnqueueWhenQueueFull()) {
            synchronized (queueFullEnqueueLock) {
                disruptor.getRingBuffer().publishEvent(translator, logEvent, asyncLoggerConfig);
        } else {
            disruptor.getRingBuffer().publishEvent(translator, logEvent, asyncLoggerConfig);

    private boolean synchronizeEnqueueWhenQueueFull() {
                // Background thread must never block
                && backgroundThreadId != Thread.currentThread().getId()
                // Threads owned by log4j are most likely to result in
                // deadlocks because they generally consume events.
                // This prevents deadlocks between AsyncLoggerContext
                // disruptors.
                && !(Thread.currentThread() instanceof Log4jThread);

    public boolean tryEnqueue(final LogEvent event, final AsyncLoggerConfig asyncLoggerConfig) {
        final LogEvent logEvent = prepareEvent(event);
        return disruptor.getRingBuffer().tryPublishEvent(translator, logEvent, asyncLoggerConfig);

    private LogEvent ensureImmutable(final LogEvent event) {
        LogEvent result = event;
        if (event instanceof RingBufferLogEvent) {
            // Deal with special case where both types of Async Loggers are used together:
            // RingBufferLogEvents are created by the all-loggers-async type, but
            // this event is also consumed by the some-loggers-async type (this class).
            // The original event will be re-used and modified in an application thread later,
            // so take a snapshot of it, which can be safely processed in the
            // some-loggers-async background thread.
            result = ((RingBufferLogEvent) event).createMemento();
        return result;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.logging.log4j.core.async.AsyncLoggerConfigDelegate#createRingBufferAdmin(java.lang.String,
     * java.lang.String)
    public RingBufferAdmin createRingBufferAdmin(final String contextName, final String loggerConfigName) {
        return RingBufferAdmin.forAsyncLoggerConfig(disruptor.getRingBuffer(), contextName, loggerConfigName);



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: log4j-core-2.14.1-sources.jar
File size: 1281358 bytes
Release date: 2021-03-06


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