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What Is fop.jar in
What Is fop.jar? I got it from the
fop.jar in is the JAR file for FOP 2.7, which
is a print formatter driven by XSL formatting objects (XSL-FO).
You can obtain fop.jar from the build folder of the file.
Below is the information about the fop.jar (2.2) file:
JAR File Size and Download Location:
JAR name: fop.jar, fop-2.7.jar Target JDK version: 1.7 File name: fop.jar File size: 4442817 bytes Release date: 20-Jan-2022 Download: Apache FOP Website
Java source code files for fop.jar:
⏎ org/apache/fop/afp/
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* $Id: 1802793 2017-07-24 11:49:40Z ssteiner $ */ package org.apache.fop.afp; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import; import org.apache.fop.render.intermediate.BorderPainter; import org.apache.fop.util.ColorUtil; /** * Handles the drawing of borders/lines in AFP */ public class AFPBorderPainter extends AbstractAFPPainter { /** * Main constructor * * @param paintingState the AFP painting state converter * @param dataStream the AFP datastream */ public AFPBorderPainter(AFPPaintingState paintingState, DataStream dataStream) { super(paintingState, dataStream); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void paint(PaintingInfo paintInfo) { Integer bytesAvailable = dataStream.getCurrentPage().getPresentationTextObject().getBytesAvailable(); if (bytesAvailable != null && bytesAvailable < 1024) { dataStream.getCurrentPage().endPresentationObject(); } BorderPaintingInfo borderPaintInfo = (BorderPaintingInfo)paintInfo; float w = borderPaintInfo.getX2() - borderPaintInfo.getX1(); float h = borderPaintInfo.getY2() - borderPaintInfo.getY1(); if ((w < 0) || (h < 0)) { log.error("Negative extent received. Border won't be painted."); return; } int pageWidth = dataStream.getCurrentPage().getWidth(); int pageHeight = dataStream.getCurrentPage().getHeight(); AFPUnitConverter unitConv = paintingState.getUnitConverter(); AffineTransform at = paintingState.getData().getTransform(); float x1 = unitConv.pt2units(borderPaintInfo.getX1()); float y1 = unitConv.pt2units(borderPaintInfo.getY1()); float x2 = unitConv.pt2units(borderPaintInfo.getX2()); float y2 = unitConv.pt2units(borderPaintInfo.getY2()); switch (paintingState.getRotation()) { case 90: x1 += at.getTranslateY(); y1 += (float) (pageWidth - at.getTranslateX()); x2 += at.getTranslateY(); y2 += (float) (pageWidth - at.getTranslateX()); break; case 180: x1 += (float) (pageWidth - at.getTranslateX()); y1 += (float) (pageHeight - at.getTranslateY()); x2 += (float) (pageWidth - at.getTranslateX()); y2 += (float) (pageHeight - at.getTranslateY()); break; case 270: x1 = (float) (pageHeight - at.getTranslateY()); y1 += (float) at.getTranslateX(); x2 += x1; y2 += (float) at.getTranslateX(); break; case 0: default: x1 += at.getTranslateX(); y1 += at.getTranslateY(); x2 += at.getTranslateX(); y2 += at.getTranslateY(); break; } AFPLineDataInfo lineDataInfo = new AFPLineDataInfo(); lineDataInfo.setColor(borderPaintInfo.getColor()); lineDataInfo.setRotation(paintingState.getRotation()); lineDataInfo.setX1(Math.round(x1)); lineDataInfo.setY1(Math.round(y1)); float thickness; if (borderPaintInfo.isHorizontal()) { thickness = y2 - y1; } else { thickness = x2 - x1; } lineDataInfo.setThickness(Math.round(thickness)); // handle border-*-style switch (borderPaintInfo.getStyle()) { case Constants.EN_DOUBLE: int thickness3 = (int)Math.floor(thickness / 3f); lineDataInfo.setThickness(thickness3); if (borderPaintInfo.isHorizontal()) { lineDataInfo.setX2(Math.round(x2)); lineDataInfo.setY2(lineDataInfo.getY1()); dataStream.createLine(lineDataInfo); int distance = thickness3 * 2; lineDataInfo = new AFPLineDataInfo(lineDataInfo); lineDataInfo.setY1(lineDataInfo.getY1() + distance); lineDataInfo.setY2(lineDataInfo.getY2() + distance); dataStream.createLine(lineDataInfo); } else { lineDataInfo.setX2(lineDataInfo.getX1()); lineDataInfo.setY2(Math.round(y2)); dataStream.createLine(lineDataInfo); int distance = thickness3 * 2; lineDataInfo = new AFPLineDataInfo(lineDataInfo); lineDataInfo.setX1(lineDataInfo.getX1() + distance); lineDataInfo.setX2(lineDataInfo.getX2() + distance); dataStream.createLine(lineDataInfo); } break; case Constants.EN_DASHED: if (borderPaintInfo.isHorizontal()) { int dashWidth = (int) unitConv.pt2units(BorderPainter.dashWidthCalculator(w, h)); lineDataInfo.setX2(lineDataInfo.getX1() + dashWidth); lineDataInfo.setY2(lineDataInfo.getY1()); int ex2 = Math.round(x2); int spaceWidth = (int) (BorderPainter.DASHED_BORDER_SPACE_RATIO * dashWidth); while (lineDataInfo.getX2() <= ex2 && dashWidth > 0) { dataStream.createLine(lineDataInfo); lineDataInfo.setX1(lineDataInfo.getX2() + spaceWidth); lineDataInfo.setX2(lineDataInfo.getX1() + dashWidth); } } else { int dashWidth = (int) unitConv.pt2units(BorderPainter.dashWidthCalculator(h, w)); lineDataInfo.setX2(lineDataInfo.getX1()); lineDataInfo.setY2(lineDataInfo.getY1() + dashWidth); int ey2 = Math.round(y2); int spaceWidth = (int) (BorderPainter.DASHED_BORDER_SPACE_RATIO * dashWidth); while (lineDataInfo.getY2() <= ey2 && dashWidth > 0) { dataStream.createLine(lineDataInfo); lineDataInfo.setY1(lineDataInfo.getY2() + spaceWidth); lineDataInfo.setY2(lineDataInfo.getY1() + dashWidth); } } break; case Constants.EN_DOTTED: if (borderPaintInfo.isHorizontal()) { lineDataInfo.setX2(lineDataInfo.getX1() + lineDataInfo.getThickness()); lineDataInfo.setY2(lineDataInfo.getY1()); int ex2 = Math.round(x2); while (lineDataInfo.getX1() + lineDataInfo.getThickness() < ex2) { dataStream.createLine(lineDataInfo); lineDataInfo.setX1(lineDataInfo.getX1() + 3 * lineDataInfo.getThickness()); lineDataInfo.setX2(lineDataInfo.getX1() + lineDataInfo.getThickness()); } } else { lineDataInfo.setX2(lineDataInfo.getX1()); lineDataInfo.setY2(lineDataInfo.getY1() + lineDataInfo.getThickness()); int ey2 = Math.round(y2); while (lineDataInfo.getY1() + lineDataInfo.getThickness() < ey2) { dataStream.createLine(lineDataInfo); lineDataInfo.setY1(lineDataInfo.getY1() + 3 * lineDataInfo.getThickness()); lineDataInfo.setY2(lineDataInfo.getY1() + lineDataInfo.getThickness()); } } break; case Constants.EN_GROOVE: case Constants.EN_RIDGE: //TODO int yNew; lineDataInfo.setX2(Math.round(x2)); float colFactor = (borderPaintInfo.getStyle() == Constants.EN_GROOVE ? 0.4f : -0.4f); float h3 = (y2 - y1) / 3; lineDataInfo.setColor( ColorUtil.lightenColor(borderPaintInfo.getColor(), -colFactor)); lineDataInfo.setThickness(Math.round(h3)); yNew = Math.round(y1); lineDataInfo.setY1(yNew); lineDataInfo.setY2(yNew); dataStream.createLine(lineDataInfo); lineDataInfo.setColor(borderPaintInfo.getColor()); yNew = Math.round(y1 + h3); lineDataInfo.setY1(yNew); lineDataInfo.setY2(yNew); dataStream.createLine(lineDataInfo); lineDataInfo.setColor(ColorUtil.lightenColor(borderPaintInfo.getColor(), colFactor)); yNew = Math.round(y1 + h3 + h3); lineDataInfo.setY1(yNew); lineDataInfo.setY2(yNew); dataStream.createLine(lineDataInfo); break; case Constants.EN_HIDDEN: break; case Constants.EN_INSET: case Constants.EN_OUTSET: case Constants.EN_SOLID: default: if (borderPaintInfo.isHorizontal()) { lineDataInfo.setX2(Math.round(x2)); lineDataInfo.setY2(lineDataInfo.getY1()); } else { lineDataInfo.setX2(lineDataInfo.getX1()); lineDataInfo.setY2(Math.round(y2)); } dataStream.createLine(lineDataInfo); } } }
⏎ org/apache/fop/afp/
Or download all of them as a single archive file:
File name: File size: 3401312 bytes Release date: 2022-01-20 Download
⇒ "fop" Command in
2016-07-07, 79061👍, 0💬
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