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org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrBuilder Example
What is org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrBuilder class? How to use org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrBuilder class?
org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrBuilder class is a Java class offered in commons-lang3.jar that builds a string from constituent parts providing a more flexible and powerful API than StringBuffer
Methods in StrBuilder class that are note StringBuffer and StringBuilder classes:
Here is a simple example of org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrBuilder class:
// Copyright (c) 2016 import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrBuilder; // Example of using the StrBuilder class public class StrBuilderExample { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // Create an empty StrBuilder StrBuilder builder = new StrBuilder(); // Append a String builder.append("Emergency "); // Append a StrBuilder builder.append(new StrBuilder("number:")); // Append a newline builder.appendNewLine(); // Append a char[] builder.append(new char[6]); // Append an int builder.appendln(911); // Build the final String String str =; System.out.println(str); } }
You can compile and run the above example in a command window as shown below:
C:\fyicenter>\local\jdk-1.8.0\bin\javac -cp C:\local\commons-lang3-3.5\commons-lang3-3.5.jar C:\fyicenter>\local\jdk-1.8.0\bin\java -cp .;C:\local\commons-lang3-3.5\commons-lang3-3.5.jar StrBuilderExample Emergency number: 911
⇒ org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrSubstitutor Example
⇐ Class Packages in Apache commons-lang3-3.5.jar
2016-11-24, 2152🔥, 0💬
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