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Parsing Flow of XML Document with DTD Declarations
How to show the parsing flow of XML documents with DTD declarations?
✍: FYIcenter
You can show the parsing flow of XML documents with DTD declarations
with the sax\ program
provided in the Apache Xerces package as shown below.
Compile and run sax\ program on the sample XML file UserDTD.xml:
\fyicenter\xerces-2_11_0\samples>\fyicenter\jdk-1.8.0\bin\java -cp .;..\xercesImpl.jar sax.DocumentTracer UserDTD.xml setDocumentLocator(locator=org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser$LocatorPr oxy@69663380) startDocument() comment(text=" Copyright (c) 2017 ") startDTD(name="User",publicId=null,systemId=null) elementDecl(name="User",contentModel="(ID,BirthDate,Name,Sex)") elementDecl(name="ID",contentModel="(#PCDATA)") elementDecl(name="BirthDate",contentModel="(#PCDATA)") elementDecl(name="Name",contentModel="(#PCDATA)") elementDecl(name="Sex",contentModel="(#PCDATA)") endDTD() startElement(uri="",localName="User",qname="User",attributes={}) ignorableWhitespace(text="\n ") startElement(uri="",localName="ID",qname="ID",attributes={}) characters(text="101") endElement(uri="",localName="ID",qname="ID") ignorableWhitespace(text="\n ") startElement(uri="",localName="BirthDate",qname="BirthDate",attributes={}) characters(text="1970-01-01+00:01") endElement(uri="",localName="BirthDate",qname="BirthDate") ignorableWhitespace(text="\n ") startElement(uri="",localName="Name",qname="Name",attributes={}) characters(text="Frank Y. Ivy") endElement(uri="",localName="Name",qname="Name") ignorableWhitespace(text="\n ") startElement(uri="",localName="Sex",qname="Sex",attributes={}) characters(text=" Male") endElement(uri="",localName="Sex",qname="Sex") ignorableWhitespace(text="\n") endElement(uri="",localName="User",qname="User") endDocument()
⇒ Using Apache Xerces JAXP Sample Programs
⇐ Show XML Parsing Flow with sax\
2017-07-30, 1216🔥, 0💬
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