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maven-compat-3.8.6.jar - Maven Compact Module
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Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool.
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File: 288125 06-06-2022 16:16 lib/maven-compat-3.8.6.jar Download: Apache Maven Website
⏎ org/apache/maven/project/
package org.apache.maven.project; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact; import org.apache.maven.artifact.InvalidRepositoryException; import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository; import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactNotFoundException; import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolutionException; import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenExecutionRequest; import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession; import org.apache.maven.model.Repository; import org.apache.maven.model.building.ModelBuildingException; import org.apache.maven.model.building.ModelBuildingRequest; import org.apache.maven.model.building.ModelSource; import org.apache.maven.model.building.UrlModelSource; import org.apache.maven.plugin.LegacySupport; import org.apache.maven.profiles.ProfileManager; import; import org.apache.maven.repository.RepositorySystem; import; import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Component; import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Requirement; /** */ @Component( role = MavenProjectBuilder.class ) @Deprecated public class DefaultMavenProjectBuilder implements MavenProjectBuilder { @Requirement private ProjectBuilder projectBuilder; @Requirement private RepositorySystem repositorySystem; @Requirement private LegacySupport legacySupport; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // MavenProjectBuilder Implementation // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private ProjectBuildingRequest toRequest( ProjectBuilderConfiguration configuration ) { DefaultProjectBuildingRequest request = new DefaultProjectBuildingRequest(); request.setValidationLevel( ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MAVEN_2_0 ); request.setResolveDependencies( false ); request.setLocalRepository( configuration.getLocalRepository() ); request.setBuildStartTime( configuration.getBuildStartTime() ); request.setUserProperties( configuration.getUserProperties() ); request.setSystemProperties( configuration.getExecutionProperties() ); ProfileManager profileManager = configuration.getGlobalProfileManager(); if ( profileManager != null ) { request.setActiveProfileIds( profileManager.getExplicitlyActivatedIds() ); request.setInactiveProfileIds( profileManager.getExplicitlyDeactivatedIds() ); } else { /* * MNG-4900: Hack to workaround deficiency of legacy API which makes it impossible for plugins to access the * global profile manager which is required to build a POM like a CLI invocation does. Failure to consider * the activated profiles can cause repo declarations to be lost which in turn will result in artifact * resolution failures, in particular when using the enhanced local repo which guards access to local files * based on the configured remote repos. */ MavenSession session = legacySupport.getSession(); if ( session != null ) { MavenExecutionRequest req = session.getRequest(); if ( req != null ) { request.setActiveProfileIds( req.getActiveProfiles() ); request.setInactiveProfileIds( req.getInactiveProfiles() ); } } } return request; } private ProjectBuildingRequest injectSession( ProjectBuildingRequest request ) { MavenSession session = legacySupport.getSession(); if ( session != null ) { request.setRepositorySession( session.getRepositorySession() ); request.setSystemProperties( session.getSystemProperties() ); if ( request.getUserProperties().isEmpty() ) { request.setUserProperties( session.getUserProperties() ); } MavenExecutionRequest req = session.getRequest(); if ( req != null ) { request.setRemoteRepositories( req.getRemoteRepositories() ); } } else { Properties props = new Properties(); EnvironmentUtils.addEnvVars( props ); props.putAll( System.getProperties() ); request.setSystemProperties( props ); } return request; } @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) private List<ArtifactRepository> normalizeToArtifactRepositories( List<?> repositories, ProjectBuildingRequest request ) throws ProjectBuildingException { /* * This provides backward-compat with 2.x that allowed plugins like the maven-remote-resources-plugin:1.0 to * populate the builder configuration with model repositories instead of artifact repositories. */ if ( repositories != null ) { boolean normalized = false; List<ArtifactRepository> repos = new ArrayList<>( repositories.size() ); for ( Object repository : repositories ) { if ( repository instanceof Repository ) { try { ArtifactRepository repo = repositorySystem.buildArtifactRepository( (Repository) repository ); repositorySystem.injectMirror( request.getRepositorySession(), Arrays.asList( repo ) ); repositorySystem.injectProxy( request.getRepositorySession(), Arrays.asList( repo ) ); repositorySystem.injectAuthentication( request.getRepositorySession(), Arrays.asList( repo ) ); repos.add( repo ); } catch ( InvalidRepositoryException e ) { throw new ProjectBuildingException( "", "Invalid remote repository " + repository, e ); } normalized = true; } else { repos.add( (ArtifactRepository) repository ); } } if ( normalized ) { return repos; } } return (List<ArtifactRepository>) repositories; } private ProjectBuildingException transformError( ProjectBuildingException e ) { if ( e.getCause() instanceof ModelBuildingException ) { return new InvalidProjectModelException( e.getProjectId(), e.getMessage(), e.getPomFile() ); } return e; } public MavenProject build( File pom, ProjectBuilderConfiguration configuration ) throws ProjectBuildingException { ProjectBuildingRequest request = injectSession( toRequest( configuration ) ); try { return pom, request ).getProject(); } catch ( ProjectBuildingException e ) { throw transformError( e ); } } // This is used by the SITE plugin. public MavenProject build( File pom, ArtifactRepository localRepository, ProfileManager profileManager ) throws ProjectBuildingException { ProjectBuilderConfiguration configuration = new DefaultProjectBuilderConfiguration(); configuration.setLocalRepository( localRepository ); configuration.setGlobalProfileManager( profileManager ); return build( pom, configuration ); } public MavenProject buildFromRepository( Artifact artifact, List<ArtifactRepository> remoteRepositories, ProjectBuilderConfiguration configuration, boolean allowStubModel ) throws ProjectBuildingException { ProjectBuildingRequest request = injectSession( toRequest( configuration ) ); request.setRemoteRepositories( normalizeToArtifactRepositories( remoteRepositories, request ) ); request.setProcessPlugins( false ); request.setValidationLevel( ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MINIMAL ); try { return artifact, allowStubModel, request ).getProject(); } catch ( ProjectBuildingException e ) { throw transformError( e ); } } public MavenProject buildFromRepository( Artifact artifact, List<ArtifactRepository> remoteRepositories, ArtifactRepository localRepository, boolean allowStubModel ) throws ProjectBuildingException { ProjectBuilderConfiguration configuration = new DefaultProjectBuilderConfiguration(); configuration.setLocalRepository( localRepository ); return buildFromRepository( artifact, remoteRepositories, configuration, allowStubModel ); } public MavenProject buildFromRepository( Artifact artifact, List<ArtifactRepository> remoteRepositories, ArtifactRepository localRepository ) throws ProjectBuildingException { return buildFromRepository( artifact, remoteRepositories, localRepository, true ); } /** * This is used for pom-less execution like running archetype:generate. I am taking out the profile handling and the * interpolation of the base directory until we spec this out properly. */ public MavenProject buildStandaloneSuperProject( ProjectBuilderConfiguration configuration ) throws ProjectBuildingException { ProjectBuildingRequest request = injectSession( toRequest( configuration ) ); request.setProcessPlugins( false ); request.setValidationLevel( ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MINIMAL ); ModelSource modelSource = new UrlModelSource( getClass().getResource( "standalone.xml" ) ); MavenProject project = modelSource, request ).getProject(); project.setExecutionRoot( true ); return project; } public MavenProject buildStandaloneSuperProject( ArtifactRepository localRepository ) throws ProjectBuildingException { return buildStandaloneSuperProject( localRepository, null ); } public MavenProject buildStandaloneSuperProject( ArtifactRepository localRepository, ProfileManager profileManager ) throws ProjectBuildingException { ProjectBuilderConfiguration configuration = new DefaultProjectBuilderConfiguration(); configuration.setLocalRepository( localRepository ); configuration.setGlobalProfileManager( profileManager ); return buildStandaloneSuperProject( configuration ); } public MavenProject buildWithDependencies( File pom, ArtifactRepository localRepository, ProfileManager profileManager, TransferListener transferListener ) throws ProjectBuildingException, ArtifactResolutionException, ArtifactNotFoundException { ProjectBuilderConfiguration configuration = new DefaultProjectBuilderConfiguration(); configuration.setLocalRepository( localRepository ); configuration.setGlobalProfileManager( profileManager ); ProjectBuildingRequest request = injectSession( toRequest( configuration ) ); request.setResolveDependencies( true ); try { return pom, request ).getProject(); } catch ( ProjectBuildingException e ) { throw transformError( e ); } } public MavenProject buildWithDependencies( File pom, ArtifactRepository localRepository, ProfileManager profileManager ) throws ProjectBuildingException, ArtifactResolutionException, ArtifactNotFoundException { return buildWithDependencies( pom, localRepository, profileManager, null ); } }
⏎ org/apache/maven/project/
Or download all of them as a single archive file:
File name: File size: 215809 bytes Release date: 2022-06-06 Download
⇒ maven-embedder-3.8.6.jar - Maven Embedder Module
⇐ maven-builder-support-3.8.6.jar - Builder Support Module
2020-10-26, 55798👍, 0💬
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