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JDK 11 java.base.jmod - Base Module
JDK 11 java.base.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 Base module.
JDK 11 Base module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\java.base.jmod.
JDK 11 Base module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.
JDK 11 Base module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\\java.base.
You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.
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/* * Copyright (c) 2001, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import static*; /** * Writer for a class file that is incorporated into a package. * @author John Rose */ class ClassWriter { int verbose; Package pkg; Class cls; DataOutputStream out; Index cpIndex; Index bsmIndex; ClassWriter(Class cls, OutputStream out) throws IOException { this.pkg = cls.getPackage(); this.cls = cls; this.verbose = pkg.verbose; this.out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(out)); this.cpIndex = ConstantPool.makeIndex(cls.toString(), cls.getCPMap()); this.cpIndex.flattenSigs = true; if (cls.hasBootstrapMethods()) { this.bsmIndex = ConstantPool.makeIndex(cpIndex.debugName+".BootstrapMethods", cls.getBootstrapMethodMap()); } if (verbose > 1) Utils.log.fine("local CP="+(verbose > 2 ? cpIndex.dumpString() : cpIndex.toString())); } private void writeShort(int x) throws IOException { out.writeShort(x); } private void writeInt(int x) throws IOException { out.writeInt(x); } /** Write a 2-byte int representing a CP entry, using the local cpIndex. */ private void writeRef(Entry e) throws IOException { writeRef(e, cpIndex); } /** Write a 2-byte int representing a CP entry, using the given cpIndex. */ private void writeRef(Entry e, Index cpIndex) throws IOException { int i = (e == null) ? 0 : cpIndex.indexOf(e); writeShort(i); } void write() throws IOException { boolean ok = false; try { if (verbose > 1) Utils.log.fine("...writing "+cls); writeMagicNumbers(); writeConstantPool(); writeHeader(); writeMembers(false); // fields writeMembers(true); // methods writeAttributes(ATTR_CONTEXT_CLASS, cls); /* Closing here will cause all the underlying streams to close, Causing the jar stream to close prematurely, instead we just flush. out.close(); */ out.flush(); ok = true; } finally { if (!ok) { Utils.log.warning("Error on output of "+cls); } } } void writeMagicNumbers() throws IOException { writeInt(cls.magic); writeShort(cls.version.minor); writeShort(cls.version.major); } void writeConstantPool() throws IOException { Entry[] cpMap = cls.cpMap; writeShort(cpMap.length); for (int i = 0; i < cpMap.length; i++) { Entry e = cpMap[i]; assert((e == null) == (i == 0 || cpMap[i-1] != null && cpMap[i-1].isDoubleWord())); if (e == null) continue; byte tag = e.getTag(); if (verbose > 2) Utils.log.fine(" CP["+i+"] = "+e); out.write(tag); switch (tag) { case CONSTANT_Signature: throw new AssertionError("CP should have Signatures remapped to Utf8"); case CONSTANT_Utf8: out.writeUTF(e.stringValue()); break; case CONSTANT_Integer: out.writeInt(((NumberEntry)e).numberValue().intValue()); break; case CONSTANT_Float: float fval = ((NumberEntry)e).numberValue().floatValue(); out.writeInt(Float.floatToRawIntBits(fval)); break; case CONSTANT_Long: out.writeLong(((NumberEntry)e).numberValue().longValue()); break; case CONSTANT_Double: double dval = ((NumberEntry)e).numberValue().doubleValue(); out.writeLong(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(dval)); break; case CONSTANT_Class: case CONSTANT_String: case CONSTANT_MethodType: writeRef(e.getRef(0)); break; case CONSTANT_MethodHandle: MethodHandleEntry mhe = (MethodHandleEntry) e; out.writeByte(mhe.refKind); writeRef(mhe.getRef(0)); break; case CONSTANT_Fieldref: case CONSTANT_Methodref: case CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref: case CONSTANT_NameandType: writeRef(e.getRef(0)); writeRef(e.getRef(1)); break; case CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic: writeRef(e.getRef(0), bsmIndex); writeRef(e.getRef(1)); break; case CONSTANT_BootstrapMethod: throw new AssertionError("CP should have BootstrapMethods moved to side-table"); default: throw new IOException("Bad constant pool tag "+tag); } } } void writeHeader() throws IOException { writeShort(cls.flags); writeRef(cls.thisClass); writeRef(cls.superClass); writeShort(cls.interfaces.length); for (int i = 0; i < cls.interfaces.length; i++) { writeRef(cls.interfaces[i]); } } void writeMembers(boolean doMethods) throws IOException { List<? extends Class.Member> mems; if (!doMethods) mems = cls.getFields(); else mems = cls.getMethods(); writeShort(mems.size()); for (Class.Member m : mems) { writeMember(m, doMethods); } } void writeMember(Class.Member m, boolean doMethod) throws IOException { if (verbose > 2) Utils.log.fine("writeMember "+m); writeShort(m.flags); writeRef(m.getDescriptor().nameRef); writeRef(m.getDescriptor().typeRef); writeAttributes(!doMethod ? ATTR_CONTEXT_FIELD : ATTR_CONTEXT_METHOD, m); } private void reorderBSMandICS(Attribute.Holder h) { Attribute bsmAttr = h.getAttribute(Package.attrBootstrapMethodsEmpty); if (bsmAttr == null) return; Attribute icsAttr = h.getAttribute(Package.attrInnerClassesEmpty); if (icsAttr == null) return; int bsmidx = h.attributes.indexOf(bsmAttr); int icsidx = h.attributes.indexOf(icsAttr); if (bsmidx > icsidx) { h.attributes.remove(bsmAttr); h.attributes.add(icsidx, bsmAttr); } return; } // handy buffer for collecting attrs ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream bufOut = new DataOutputStream(buf); void writeAttributes(int ctype, Attribute.Holder h) throws IOException { if (h.attributes == null) { writeShort(0); // attribute size return; } // there may be cases if an InnerClass attribute is explicit, then the // ordering could be wrong, fix the ordering before we write it out. if (h instanceof Package.Class) reorderBSMandICS(h); writeShort(h.attributes.size()); for (Attribute a : h.attributes) { a.finishRefs(cpIndex); writeRef(a.getNameRef()); if (a.layout() == Package.attrCodeEmpty || a.layout() == Package.attrBootstrapMethodsEmpty || a.layout() == Package.attrInnerClassesEmpty) { // These are hardwired. DataOutputStream savedOut = out; assert(out != bufOut); buf.reset(); out = bufOut; if ("Code".equals( { Class.Method m = (Class.Method) h; writeCode(m.code); } else if ("BootstrapMethods".equals( { assert(h == cls); writeBootstrapMethods(cls); } else if ("InnerClasses".equals( { assert(h == cls); writeInnerClasses(cls); } else { throw new AssertionError(); } out = savedOut; if (verbose > 2) Utils.log.fine("Attribute "" ["+buf.size()+"]"); writeInt(buf.size()); buf.writeTo(out); } else { if (verbose > 2) Utils.log.fine("Attribute "" ["+a.size()+"]"); writeInt(a.size()); out.write(a.bytes()); } } } void writeCode(Code code) throws IOException { code.finishRefs(cpIndex); writeShort(code.max_stack); writeShort(code.max_locals); writeInt(code.bytes.length); out.write(code.bytes); int nh = code.getHandlerCount(); writeShort(nh); for (int i = 0; i < nh; i++) { writeShort(code.handler_start[i]); writeShort(code.handler_end[i]); writeShort(code.handler_catch[i]); writeRef(code.handler_class[i]); } writeAttributes(ATTR_CONTEXT_CODE, code); } void writeBootstrapMethods(Class cls) throws IOException { List<BootstrapMethodEntry> bsms = cls.getBootstrapMethods(); writeShort(bsms.size()); for (BootstrapMethodEntry e : bsms) { writeRef(e.bsmRef); writeShort(e.argRefs.length); for (Entry argRef : e.argRefs) { writeRef(argRef); } } } void writeInnerClasses(Class cls) throws IOException { List<InnerClass> ics = cls.getInnerClasses(); writeShort(ics.size()); for (InnerClass ic : ics) { writeRef(ic.thisClass); writeRef(ic.outerClass); writeRef(; writeShort(ic.flags); } } }
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