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JDK 11 java.base.jmod - Base Module
JDK 11 java.base.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 Base module.
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/* * Copyright (c) 2003, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package; import; import java.util.AbstractCollection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Objects; /** * Collection of relocatable constant pool references. * It operates with respect to a particular byte array, * and stores some of its state in the bytes themselves. * <p> * As a Collection, it can be iterated over, but it is not a List, * since it does not natively support indexed access. * <p> * * @author John Rose */ final class Fixups extends AbstractCollection<Fixups.Fixup> { byte[] bytes; // the subject of the relocations int head; // desc locating first reloc int tail; // desc locating last reloc int size; // number of relocations Entry[] entries; // [0..size-1] relocations int[] bigDescs; // descs which cannot be stored in the bytes // A "desc" (descriptor) is a bit-encoded pair of a location // and format. Every fixup occurs at a "desc". Until final // patching, bytes addressed by descs may also be used to // link this data structure together. If the bytes are missing, // or if the "desc" is too large to encode in the bytes, // it is kept in the bigDescs array. Fixups(byte[] bytes) { this.bytes = bytes; entries = new Entry[3]; bigDescs = noBigDescs; } Fixups() { // If there are no bytes, all descs are kept in bigDescs. this((byte[])null); } Fixups(byte[] bytes, Collection<Fixup> fixups) { this(bytes); addAll(fixups); } Fixups(Collection<Fixup> fixups) { this((byte[])null); addAll(fixups); } private static final int MINBIGSIZE = 1; // cleverly share empty bigDescs: private static final int[] noBigDescs = {MINBIGSIZE}; @Override public int size() { return size; } public void trimToSize() { if (size != entries.length) { Entry[] oldEntries = entries; entries = new Entry[size]; System.arraycopy(oldEntries, 0, entries, 0, size); } int bigSize = bigDescs[BIGSIZE]; if (bigSize == MINBIGSIZE) { bigDescs = noBigDescs; } else if (bigSize != bigDescs.length) { int[] oldBigDescs = bigDescs; bigDescs = new int[bigSize]; System.arraycopy(oldBigDescs, 0, bigDescs, 0, bigSize); } } public void visitRefs(Collection<Entry> refs) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { refs.add(entries[i]); } } @Override public void clear() { if (bytes != null) { // Clean the bytes: for (Fixup fx : this) { //System.out.println("clean "+fx); storeIndex(fx.location(), fx.format(), 0); } } size = 0; if (bigDescs != noBigDescs) bigDescs[BIGSIZE] = MINBIGSIZE; // do not trim to size, however } public byte[] getBytes() { return bytes; } public void setBytes(byte[] newBytes) { if (bytes == newBytes) return; ArrayList<Fixup> old = null; assert((old = new ArrayList<>(this)) != null); if (bytes == null || newBytes == null) { // One or the other representations is deficient. // Construct a checkpoint. ArrayList<Fixup> save = new ArrayList<>(this); clear(); bytes = newBytes; addAll(save); } else { // assume newBytes is some sort of bitwise copy of the old bytes bytes = newBytes; } assert(old.equals(new ArrayList<>(this))); } private static final int LOC_SHIFT = 1; private static final int FMT_MASK = 0x1; private static final byte UNUSED_BYTE = 0; private static final byte OVERFLOW_BYTE = -1; // fill pointer of bigDescs array is in element [0] private static final int BIGSIZE = 0; // Format values: private static final int U2_FORMAT = 0; private static final int U1_FORMAT = 1; // Special values for the static methods. private static final int SPECIAL_LOC = 0; private static final int SPECIAL_FMT = U2_FORMAT; static int fmtLen(int fmt) { return 1+(fmt-U1_FORMAT)/(U2_FORMAT-U1_FORMAT); } static int descLoc(int desc) { return desc >>> LOC_SHIFT; } static int descFmt(int desc) { return desc & FMT_MASK; } static int descEnd(int desc) { return descLoc(desc) + fmtLen(descFmt(desc)); } static int makeDesc(int loc, int fmt) { int desc = (loc << LOC_SHIFT) | fmt; assert(descLoc(desc) == loc); assert(descFmt(desc) == fmt); return desc; } int fetchDesc(int loc, int fmt) { byte b1 = bytes[loc]; assert(b1 != OVERFLOW_BYTE); int value; if (fmt == U2_FORMAT) { byte b2 = bytes[loc+1]; value = ((b1 & 0xFF) << 8) + (b2 & 0xFF); } else { value = (b1 & 0xFF); } // Stored loc field is difference between its own loc and next loc. return value + (loc << LOC_SHIFT); } boolean storeDesc(int loc, int fmt, int desc) { if (bytes == null) return false; int value = desc - (loc << LOC_SHIFT); byte b1, b2; switch (fmt) { case U2_FORMAT: assert(bytes[loc+0] == UNUSED_BYTE); assert(bytes[loc+1] == UNUSED_BYTE); b1 = (byte)(value >> 8); b2 = (byte)(value >> 0); if (value == (value & 0xFFFF) && b1 != OVERFLOW_BYTE) { bytes[loc+0] = b1; bytes[loc+1] = b2; assert(fetchDesc(loc, fmt) == desc); return true; } break; case U1_FORMAT: assert(bytes[loc] == UNUSED_BYTE); b1 = (byte)value; if (value == (value & 0xFF) && b1 != OVERFLOW_BYTE) { bytes[loc] = b1; assert(fetchDesc(loc, fmt) == desc); return true; } break; default: assert(false); } // Failure. Caller must allocate a bigDesc. bytes[loc] = OVERFLOW_BYTE; assert(fmt==U1_FORMAT || (bytes[loc+1]=(byte)bigDescs[BIGSIZE])!=999); return false; } void storeIndex(int loc, int fmt, int value) { storeIndex(bytes, loc, fmt, value); } static void storeIndex(byte[] bytes, int loc, int fmt, int value) { switch (fmt) { case U2_FORMAT: assert(value == (value & 0xFFFF)) : (value); bytes[loc+0] = (byte)(value >> 8); bytes[loc+1] = (byte)(value >> 0); break; case U1_FORMAT: assert(value == (value & 0xFF)) : (value); bytes[loc] = (byte)value; break; default: assert(false); } } void addU1(int pc, Entry ref) { add(pc, U1_FORMAT, ref); } void addU2(int pc, Entry ref) { add(pc, U2_FORMAT, ref); } /** Simple and necessary tuple to present each fixup. */ public static class Fixup implements Comparable<Fixup> { int desc; // location and format of reloc Entry entry; // which entry to plug into the bytes Fixup(int desc, Entry entry) { this.desc = desc; this.entry = entry; } public Fixup(int loc, int fmt, Entry entry) { this.desc = makeDesc(loc, fmt); this.entry = entry; } public int location() { return descLoc(desc); } public int format() { return descFmt(desc); } public Entry entry() { return entry; } @Override public int compareTo(Fixup that) { // Ordering depends only on location. return this.location() - that.location(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object x) { if (!(x instanceof Fixup)) return false; Fixup that = (Fixup) x; return this.desc == that.desc && this.entry == that.entry; } @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 7; hash = 59 * hash + this.desc; hash = 59 * hash + Objects.hashCode(this.entry); return hash; } @Override public String toString() { return "@"+location()+(format()==U1_FORMAT?".1":"")+"="+entry; } } private class Itr implements Iterator<Fixup> { int index = 0; // index into entries int bigIndex = BIGSIZE+1; // index into bigDescs int next = head; // desc pointing to next fixup @Override public boolean hasNext() { return index < size; } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public Fixup next() { int thisIndex = index; return new Fixup(nextDesc(), entries[thisIndex]); } int nextDesc() { index++; int thisDesc = next; if (index < size) { // Fetch next desc eagerly, in case this fixup gets finalized. int loc = descLoc(thisDesc); int fmt = descFmt(thisDesc); if (bytes != null && bytes[loc] != OVERFLOW_BYTE) { next = fetchDesc(loc, fmt); } else { // The unused extra byte is "asserted" to be equal to BI. // This helps keep the overflow descs in sync. assert(fmt==U1_FORMAT || bytes == null || bytes[loc+1]==(byte)bigIndex); next = bigDescs[bigIndex++]; } } return thisDesc; } } @Override public Iterator<Fixup> iterator() { return new Itr(); } public void add(int location, int format, Entry entry) { addDesc(makeDesc(location, format), entry); } @Override public boolean add(Fixup f) { addDesc(f.desc, f.entry); return true; } @Override public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends Fixup> c) { if (c instanceof Fixups) { // Use knowledge of Itr structure to avoid building little structs. Fixups that = (Fixups) c; if (that.size == 0) return false; if (this.size == 0 && entries.length < that.size) growEntries(that.size); // presize exactly Entry[] thatEntries = that.entries; for (Itr i = Itr(); i.hasNext(); ) { int ni = i.index; addDesc(i.nextDesc(), thatEntries[ni]); } return true; } else { return super.addAll(c); } } // Here is how things get added: private void addDesc(int thisDesc, Entry entry) { if (entries.length == size) growEntries(size * 2); entries[size] = entry; if (size == 0) { head = tail = thisDesc; } else { int prevDesc = tail; // Store new desc in previous tail. int prevLoc = descLoc(prevDesc); int prevFmt = descFmt(prevDesc); int prevLen = fmtLen(prevFmt); int thisLoc = descLoc(thisDesc); // The collection must go in ascending order, and not overlap. if (thisLoc < prevLoc + prevLen) badOverlap(thisLoc); tail = thisDesc; if (!storeDesc(prevLoc, prevFmt, thisDesc)) { // overflow int bigSize = bigDescs[BIGSIZE]; if (bigDescs.length == bigSize) growBigDescs(); //System.out.println("bigDescs["+bigSize+"] = "+thisDesc); bigDescs[bigSize++] = thisDesc; bigDescs[BIGSIZE] = bigSize; } } size += 1; } private void badOverlap(int thisLoc) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("locs must be ascending and must not overlap: "+thisLoc+" >> "+this); } private void growEntries(int newSize) { Entry[] oldEntries = entries; entries = new Entry[Math.max(3, newSize)]; System.arraycopy(oldEntries, 0, entries, 0, oldEntries.length); } private void growBigDescs() { int[] oldBigDescs = bigDescs; bigDescs = new int[oldBigDescs.length * 2]; System.arraycopy(oldBigDescs, 0, bigDescs, 0, oldBigDescs.length); } /// Static methods that optimize the use of this class. static Object addRefWithBytes(Object f, byte[] bytes, Entry e) { return add(f, bytes, 0, U2_FORMAT, e); } static Object addRefWithLoc(Object f, int loc, Entry entry) { return add(f, null, loc, U2_FORMAT, entry); } private static Object add(Object prevFixups, byte[] bytes, int loc, int fmt, Entry e) { Fixups f; if (prevFixups == null) { if (loc == SPECIAL_LOC && fmt == SPECIAL_FMT) { // Special convention: If the attribute has a // U2 relocation at position zero, store the Entry // rather than building a Fixups structure. return e; } f = new Fixups(bytes); } else if (!(prevFixups instanceof Fixups)) { // Recognize the special convention: Entry firstEntry = (Entry) prevFixups; f = new Fixups(bytes); f.add(SPECIAL_LOC, SPECIAL_FMT, firstEntry); } else { f = (Fixups) prevFixups; assert(f.bytes == bytes); } f.add(loc, fmt, e); return f; } public static void setBytes(Object fixups, byte[] bytes) { if (fixups instanceof Fixups) { Fixups f = (Fixups) fixups; f.setBytes(bytes); } } public static Object trimToSize(Object fixups) { if (fixups instanceof Fixups) { Fixups f = (Fixups) fixups; f.trimToSize(); if (f.size() == 0) fixups = null; } return fixups; } // Iterate over all the references in this set of fixups. public static void visitRefs(Object fixups, Collection<Entry> refs) { if (fixups == null) { } else if (!(fixups instanceof Fixups)) { // Special convention; see above. refs.add((Entry) fixups); } else { Fixups f = (Fixups) fixups; f.visitRefs(refs); } } // Clear out this set of fixups by replacing each reference // by a hardcoded coding of its reference, drawn from ix. public static void finishRefs(Object fixups, byte[] bytes, ConstantPool.Index ix) { if (fixups == null) return; if (!(fixups instanceof Fixups)) { // Special convention; see above. int index = ix.indexOf((Entry) fixups); storeIndex(bytes, SPECIAL_LOC, SPECIAL_FMT, index); return; } Fixups f = (Fixups) fixups; assert(f.bytes == bytes); f.finishRefs(ix); } void finishRefs(ConstantPool.Index ix) { if (isEmpty()) return; for (Fixup fx : this) { int index = ix.indexOf(fx.entry); //System.out.println("finish "+fx+" = "+index); // Note that the iterator has already fetched the // bytes we are about to overwrite. storeIndex(fx.location(), fx.format(), index); } // Further iterations should do nothing: bytes = null; // do not clean them clear(); } /* /// Testing. public static void main(String[] av) { byte[] bytes = new byte[1 << 20]; ConstantPool cp = new ConstantPool(); Fixups f = new Fixups(bytes); boolean isU1 = false; int span = 3; int nextLoc = 0; int[] locs = new int[100]; final int[] indexes = new int[100]; int iptr = 1; for (int loc = 0; loc < bytes.length; loc++) { if (loc == nextLoc && loc+1 < bytes.length) { int fmt = (isU1 ? U1_FORMAT : U2_FORMAT); Entry e = ConstantPool.getUtf8Entry("L"+loc); f.add(loc, fmt, e); isU1 ^= true; if (iptr < 10) { // Make it close in. nextLoc += fmtLen(fmt) + (iptr < 5 ? 0 : 1); } else { nextLoc += span; span = (int)(span * 1.77); } // Here are the bytes that would have gone here: locs[iptr] = loc; if (fmt == U1_FORMAT) { indexes[iptr++] = (loc & 0xFF); } else { indexes[iptr++] = ((loc & 0xFF) << 8) | ((loc+1) & 0xFF); ++loc; // skip a byte } continue; } bytes[loc] = (byte)loc; } System.out.println("size="+f.size() +" overflow="+(f.bigDescs[BIGSIZE]-1)); System.out.println("Fixups: "+f); // Test collection contents. assert(iptr == 1+f.size()); List l = new ArrayList(f); Collections.sort(l); // should not change the order if (!l.equals(new ArrayList(f))) System.out.println("** disordered"); f.setBytes(null); if (!l.equals(new ArrayList(f))) System.out.println("** bad set 1"); f.setBytes(bytes); if (!l.equals(new ArrayList(f))) System.out.println("** bad set 2"); Fixups f3 = new Fixups(f); if (!l.equals(new ArrayList(f3))) System.out.println("** bad set 3"); Iterator fi = f.iterator(); for (int i = 1; i < iptr; i++) { Fixup fx = (Fixup); if (fx.location() != locs[i]) { System.out.println("** "+fx+" != "+locs[i]); } if (fx.format() == U1_FORMAT) System.out.println(fx+" -> "+bytes[locs[i]]); else System.out.println(fx+" -> "+bytes[locs[i]]+" "+bytes[locs[i]+1]); } assert(!fi.hasNext()); indexes[0] = 1; // like iptr Index ix = new Index("ix") { public int indexOf(Entry e) { return indexes[indexes[0]++]; } }; f.finishRefs(ix); for (int loc = 0; loc < bytes.length; loc++) { if (bytes[loc] != (byte)loc) { System.out.println("** ["+loc+"] = "+bytes[loc]+" != "+(byte)loc); } } } //*/ }
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