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JDK 11 java.base.jmod - Base Module
JDK 11 java.base.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 Base module.
JDK 11 Base module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\java.base.jmod.
JDK 11 Base module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.
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⏎ com/sun/java/util/jar/pack/
/* * Copyright (c) 2003, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.time.ZoneOffset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import java.util.jar.JarInputStream; import java.util.jar.Pack200; /* * Implementation of the Pack provider. * </pre></blockquote> * @author John Rose * @author Kumar Srinivasan */ @SuppressWarnings({"removal"}) public class PackerImpl extends TLGlobals implements Pack200.Packer { /** * Constructs a Packer object and sets the initial state of * the packer engines. */ public PackerImpl() {} /** * Get the set of options for the pack and unpack engines. * @return A sorted association of option key strings to option values. */ public SortedMap<String, String> properties() { return props; } //Driver routines /** * Takes a JarFile and converts into a pack-stream. * <p> * Closes its input but not its output. (Pack200 archives are appendable.) * @param in a JarFile * @param out an OutputStream * @exception IOException if an error is encountered. */ public synchronized void pack(JarFile in, OutputStream out) throws IOException { assert(Utils.currentInstance.get() == null); try { Utils.currentInstance.set(this); if ("0".equals(props.getProperty(Pack200.Packer.EFFORT))) { Utils.copyJarFile(in, out); } else { (new DoPack()).run(in, out); } } finally { Utils.currentInstance.set(null); in.close(); } } /** * Takes a JarInputStream and converts into a pack-stream. * <p> * Closes its input but not its output. (Pack200 archives are appendable.) * <p> * The modification time and deflation hint attributes are not available, * for the jar-manifest file and the directory containing the file. * * @see #MODIFICATION_TIME * @see #DEFLATION_HINT * @param in a JarInputStream * @param out an OutputStream * @exception IOException if an error is encountered. */ public synchronized void pack(JarInputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException { assert(Utils.currentInstance.get() == null); try { Utils.currentInstance.set(this); if ("0".equals(props.getProperty(Pack200.Packer.EFFORT))) { Utils.copyJarFile(in, out); } else { (new DoPack()).run(in, out); } } finally { Utils.currentInstance.set(null); in.close(); } } // All the worker bees..... // The packer worker. private class DoPack { final int verbose = props.getInteger(Utils.DEBUG_VERBOSE); { props.setInteger(Pack200.Packer.PROGRESS, 0); if (verbose > 0); } // Here's where the bits are collected before getting packed, we also // initialize the version numbers now. final Package pkg = new Package(Package.Version.makeVersion(props, "min.class"), Package.Version.makeVersion(props, "max.class"), Package.Version.makeVersion(props, "package")); final String unknownAttrCommand; { String uaMode = props.getProperty(Pack200.Packer.UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE, Pack200.Packer.PASS); if (!(Pack200.Packer.STRIP.equals(uaMode) || Pack200.Packer.PASS.equals(uaMode) || Pack200.Packer.ERROR.equals(uaMode))) { throw new RuntimeException("Bad option: " + Pack200.Packer.UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE + " = " + uaMode); } unknownAttrCommand = uaMode.intern(); } final String classFormatCommand; { String fmtMode = props.getProperty(Utils.CLASS_FORMAT_ERROR, Pack200.Packer.PASS); if (!(Pack200.Packer.PASS.equals(fmtMode) || Pack200.Packer.ERROR.equals(fmtMode))) { throw new RuntimeException("Bad option: " + Utils.CLASS_FORMAT_ERROR + " = " + fmtMode); } classFormatCommand = fmtMode.intern(); } final Map<Attribute.Layout, Attribute> attrDefs; final Map<Attribute.Layout, String> attrCommands; { Map<Attribute.Layout, Attribute> lattrDefs = new HashMap<>(); Map<Attribute.Layout, String> lattrCommands = new HashMap<>(); String[] keys = { Pack200.Packer.CLASS_ATTRIBUTE_PFX, Pack200.Packer.FIELD_ATTRIBUTE_PFX, Pack200.Packer.METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_PFX, Pack200.Packer.CODE_ATTRIBUTE_PFX }; int[] ctypes = { Constants.ATTR_CONTEXT_CLASS, Constants.ATTR_CONTEXT_FIELD, Constants.ATTR_CONTEXT_METHOD, Constants.ATTR_CONTEXT_CODE }; for (int i = 0; i < ctypes.length; i++) { String pfx = keys[i]; Map<String, String> map = props.prefixMap(pfx); for (String key : map.keySet()) { assert(key.startsWith(pfx)); String name = key.substring(pfx.length()); String layout = props.getProperty(key); Layout lkey = Attribute.keyForLookup(ctypes[i], name); if (Pack200.Packer.STRIP.equals(layout) || Pack200.Packer.PASS.equals(layout) || Pack200.Packer.ERROR.equals(layout)) { lattrCommands.put(lkey, layout.intern()); } else { Attribute.define(lattrDefs, ctypes[i], name, layout); if (verbose > 1) { Utils.log.fine("Added layout for "+Constants.ATTR_CONTEXT_NAME[i]+" attribute "+name+" = "+layout); } assert(lattrDefs.containsKey(lkey)); } } } this.attrDefs = (lattrDefs.isEmpty()) ? null : lattrDefs; this.attrCommands = (lattrCommands.isEmpty()) ? null : lattrCommands; } final boolean keepFileOrder = props.getBoolean(Pack200.Packer.KEEP_FILE_ORDER); final boolean keepClassOrder = props.getBoolean(Utils.PACK_KEEP_CLASS_ORDER); final boolean keepModtime = Pack200.Packer.KEEP.equals(props.getProperty(Pack200.Packer.MODIFICATION_TIME)); final boolean latestModtime = Pack200.Packer.LATEST.equals(props.getProperty(Pack200.Packer.MODIFICATION_TIME)); final boolean keepDeflateHint = Pack200.Packer.KEEP.equals(props.getProperty(Pack200.Packer.DEFLATE_HINT)); { if (!keepModtime && !latestModtime) { int modtime = props.getTime(Pack200.Packer.MODIFICATION_TIME); if (modtime != Constants.NO_MODTIME) { pkg.default_modtime = modtime; } } if (!keepDeflateHint) { boolean deflate_hint = props.getBoolean(Pack200.Packer.DEFLATE_HINT); if (deflate_hint) { pkg.default_options |= Constants.AO_DEFLATE_HINT; } } } long totalOutputSize = 0; int segmentCount = 0; long segmentTotalSize = 0; long segmentSize = 0; // running counter final long segmentLimit; { long limit; if (props.getProperty(Pack200.Packer.SEGMENT_LIMIT, "").equals("")) limit = -1; else limit = props.getLong(Pack200.Packer.SEGMENT_LIMIT); limit = Math.min(Integer.MAX_VALUE, limit); limit = Math.max(-1, limit); if (limit == -1) limit = Long.MAX_VALUE; segmentLimit = limit; } final List<String> passFiles; // parsed pack.pass.file options { // Which class files will be passed through? passFiles = props.getProperties(Pack200.Packer.PASS_FILE_PFX); for (ListIterator<String> i = passFiles.listIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { String file =; if (file == null) { i.remove(); continue; } file = Utils.getJarEntryName(file); // normalize '\\' to '/' if (file.endsWith("/")) file = file.substring(0, file.length()-1); i.set(file); } if (verbose > 0)"passFiles = " + passFiles); } { // Hook for testing: Forces use of special archive modes. int opt = props.getInteger(Utils.COM_PREFIX+"archive.options"); if (opt != 0) pkg.default_options |= opt; } // (Done collecting options from props.) // Get a new package, based on the old one. private void makeNextPackage() { pkg.reset(); } final class InFile { final String name; final JarFile jf; final JarEntry je; final File f; int modtime = Constants.NO_MODTIME; int options; InFile(String name) { = Utils.getJarEntryName(name); this.f = new File(name); this.jf = null; = null; int timeSecs = getModtime(f.lastModified()); if (keepModtime && timeSecs != Constants.NO_MODTIME) { this.modtime = timeSecs; } else if (latestModtime && timeSecs > pkg.default_modtime) { pkg.default_modtime = timeSecs; } } InFile(JarFile jf, JarEntry je) { = Utils.getJarEntryName(je.getName()); this.f = null; this.jf = jf; = je; int timeSecs = (int) je.getTimeLocal() .atOffset(ZoneOffset.UTC) .toEpochSecond(); if (keepModtime && timeSecs != Constants.NO_MODTIME) { this.modtime = timeSecs; } else if (latestModtime && timeSecs > pkg.default_modtime) { pkg.default_modtime = timeSecs; } if (keepDeflateHint && je.getMethod() == JarEntry.DEFLATED) { options |= Constants.FO_DEFLATE_HINT; } } InFile(JarEntry je) { this(null, je); } boolean isClassFile() { if (!name.endsWith(".class") || name.endsWith("module-info.class")) { return false; } for (String prefix = name;;) { if (passFiles.contains(prefix)) { return false; } int chop = prefix.lastIndexOf('/'); if (chop < 0) { break; } prefix = prefix.substring(0, chop); } return true; } boolean isMetaInfFile() { return name.startsWith("/" + Utils.METAINF) || name.startsWith(Utils.METAINF); } boolean mustProcess() { return !isMetaInfFile() && isClassFile(); } long getInputLength() { long len = (je != null)? je.getSize(): f.length(); assert(len >= 0) : this+".len="+len; // Bump size by pathname length and modtime/def-hint bytes. return Math.max(0, len) + name.length() + 5; } int getModtime(long timeMillis) { // Convert milliseconds to seconds. long seconds = (timeMillis+500) / 1000; if ((int)seconds == seconds) { return (int)seconds; } else { Utils.log.warning("overflow in modtime for "+f); return Constants.NO_MODTIME; } } void copyTo(Package.File file) { if (modtime != Constants.NO_MODTIME) file.modtime = modtime; file.options |= options; } InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { if (jf != null) return jf.getInputStream(je); else return new FileInputStream(f); } public String toString() { return name; } } private int nread = 0; // used only if (verbose > 0) private void noteRead(InFile f) { nread++; if (verbose > 2) Utils.log.fine(" "; if (verbose > 0 && (nread % 1000) == 0)"Have read "+nread+" files..."); } void run(JarInputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException { // First thing we do is get the manifest, as JIS does // not provide the Manifest as an entry. if (in.getManifest() != null) { ByteArrayOutputStream tmp = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); in.getManifest().write(tmp); InputStream tmpIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(tmp.toByteArray()); pkg.addFile(readFile(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME, tmpIn)); } for (JarEntry je; (je = in.getNextJarEntry()) != null; ) { InFile inFile = new InFile(je); String name =; Package.File bits = readFile(name, in); Package.File file = null; // (5078608) : discount the resource files in META-INF // from segment computation. long inflen = (inFile.isMetaInfFile()) ? 0L : inFile.getInputLength(); if ((segmentSize += inflen) > segmentLimit) { segmentSize -= inflen; int nextCount = -1; // don't know; it's a stream flushPartial(out, nextCount); } if (verbose > 1) { Utils.log.fine("Reading " + name); } assert(je.isDirectory() == name.endsWith("/")); if (inFile.mustProcess()) { file = readClass(name, bits.getInputStream()); } if (file == null) { file = bits; pkg.addFile(file); } inFile.copyTo(file); noteRead(inFile); } flushAll(out); } void run(JarFile in, OutputStream out) throws IOException { List<InFile> inFiles = scanJar(in); if (verbose > 0)"Reading " + inFiles.size() + " files..."); int numDone = 0; for (InFile inFile : inFiles) { String name =; // (5078608) : discount the resource files completely from segmenting long inflen = (inFile.isMetaInfFile()) ? 0L : inFile.getInputLength() ; if ((segmentSize += inflen) > segmentLimit) { segmentSize -= inflen; // Estimate number of remaining segments: float filesDone = numDone+1; float segsDone = segmentCount+1; float filesToDo = inFiles.size() - filesDone; float segsToDo = filesToDo * (segsDone/filesDone); if (verbose > 1) Utils.log.fine("Estimated segments to do: "+segsToDo); flushPartial(out, (int) Math.ceil(segsToDo)); } InputStream strm = inFile.getInputStream(); if (verbose > 1) Utils.log.fine("Reading " + name); Package.File file = null; if (inFile.mustProcess()) { file = readClass(name, strm); if (file == null) { strm.close(); strm = inFile.getInputStream(); } } if (file == null) { file = readFile(name, strm); pkg.addFile(file); } inFile.copyTo(file); strm.close(); // tidy up noteRead(inFile); numDone += 1; } flushAll(out); } Package.File readClass(String fname, InputStream in) throws IOException { Package.Class cls = Class(fname); in = new BufferedInputStream(in); ClassReader reader = new ClassReader(cls, in); reader.setAttrDefs(attrDefs); reader.setAttrCommands(attrCommands); reader.unknownAttrCommand = unknownAttrCommand; try {; } catch (IOException ioe) { String message = "Passing class file uncompressed due to"; if (ioe instanceof Attribute.FormatException) { Attribute.FormatException ee = (Attribute.FormatException) ioe; // He passed up the category to us in layout. if (ee.layout.equals(Pack200.Packer.PASS)) {; Utils.log.warning(message + " unrecognized attribute: " + fname); return null; } } else if (ioe instanceof ClassReader.ClassFormatException) { ClassReader.ClassFormatException ce = (ClassReader.ClassFormatException) ioe; if (classFormatCommand.equals(Pack200.Packer.PASS)) {; Utils.log.warning(message + " unknown class format: " + fname); return null; } } // Otherwise, it must be an error. throw ioe; } pkg.addClass(cls); return cls.file; } // Read raw data. Package.File readFile(String fname, InputStream in) throws IOException { Package.File file = File(fname); file.readFrom(in); if (file.isDirectory() && file.getFileLength() != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-empty directory: "+file.getFileName()); return file; } void flushPartial(OutputStream out, int nextCount) throws IOException { if (pkg.files.isEmpty() && pkg.classes.isEmpty()) { return; // do not flush an empty segment } flushPackage(out, Math.max(1, nextCount)); props.setInteger(Pack200.Packer.PROGRESS, 25); // In case there will be another segment: makeNextPackage(); segmentCount += 1; segmentTotalSize += segmentSize; segmentSize = 0; } void flushAll(OutputStream out) throws IOException { props.setInteger(Pack200.Packer.PROGRESS, 50); flushPackage(out, 0); out.flush(); props.setInteger(Pack200.Packer.PROGRESS, 100); segmentCount += 1; segmentTotalSize += segmentSize; segmentSize = 0; if (verbose > 0 && segmentCount > 1) {"Transmitted " +segmentTotalSize+" input bytes in " +segmentCount+" segments totaling " +totalOutputSize+" bytes"); } } /** Write all information in the current package segment * to the output stream. */ void flushPackage(OutputStream out, int nextCount) throws IOException { int nfiles = pkg.files.size(); if (!keepFileOrder) { // Keeping the order of classes costs about 1% // Keeping the order of all files costs something more. if (verbose > 1) Utils.log.fine("Reordering files."); boolean stripDirectories = true; pkg.reorderFiles(keepClassOrder, stripDirectories); } else { // Package builder must have created a stub for each class. assert(pkg.files.containsAll(pkg.getClassStubs())); // Order of stubs in file list must agree with classes. List<Package.File> res = pkg.files; assert((res = new ArrayList<>(pkg.files)) .retainAll(pkg.getClassStubs()) || true); assert(res.equals(pkg.getClassStubs())); } pkg.trimStubs(); // Do some stripping, maybe. if (props.getBoolean(Utils.COM_PREFIX+"strip.debug")) pkg.stripAttributeKind("Debug"); if (props.getBoolean(Utils.COM_PREFIX+"strip.compile")) pkg.stripAttributeKind("Compile"); if (props.getBoolean(Utils.COM_PREFIX+"strip.constants")) pkg.stripAttributeKind("Constant"); if (props.getBoolean(Utils.COM_PREFIX+"strip.exceptions")) pkg.stripAttributeKind("Exceptions"); if (props.getBoolean(Utils.COM_PREFIX+"strip.innerclasses")) pkg.stripAttributeKind("InnerClasses"); PackageWriter pw = new PackageWriter(pkg, out); pw.archiveNextCount = nextCount; pw.write(); out.flush(); if (verbose > 0) { long outSize = pw.archiveSize0+pw.archiveSize1; totalOutputSize += outSize; long inSize = segmentSize;"Transmitted " +nfiles+" files of " +inSize+" input bytes in a segment of " +outSize+" bytes"); } } List<InFile> scanJar(JarFile jf) throws IOException { // Collect jar entries, preserving order. List<InFile> inFiles = new ArrayList<>(); try { for (JarEntry je : Collections.list(jf.entries())) { InFile inFile = new InFile(jf, je); assert(je.isDirectory() =="/")); inFiles.add(inFile); } } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { throw new IOException(ise.getLocalizedMessage(), ise); } return inFiles; } } }
⏎ com/sun/java/util/jar/pack/
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