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JDK 11 java.base.jmod - Base Module
JDK 11 java.base.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 Base module.
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JDK 11 Base module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.
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/* * Copyright (c) 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package java.lang.invoke; import java.util.*; import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.Stable; import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleStatics.rangeCheck1; import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleStatics.rangeCheck2; /** Utility class for implementing ConstantGroup. */ /*non-public*/ abstract class AbstractConstantGroup implements ConstantGroup { /** The size of this constant group, set permanently by the constructor. */ protected final int size; /** The constructor requires the size of the constant group being represented. * @param size the size of this constant group, set permanently by the constructor */ AbstractConstantGroup(int size) { this.size = size; } @Override public final int size() { return size; } public abstract Object get(int index) throws LinkageError; public abstract Object get(int index, Object ifNotPresent); public abstract boolean isPresent(int index); // Do not override equals or hashCode, since this type is stateful. /** * Produce a string using the non-resolving list view, * where unresolved elements are presented as asterisks. * @return {@code this.asList("*").toString()} */ @Override public String toString() { return asList("*").toString(); } static class AsIterator implements Iterator<Object> { private final ConstantGroup self; private final int end; private final boolean resolving; private final Object ifNotPresent; // Mutable state: private int index; private AsIterator(ConstantGroup self, int start, int end, boolean resolving, Object ifNotPresent) { this.self = self; this.end = end; this.index = start; this.resolving = resolving; this.ifNotPresent = ifNotPresent; } AsIterator(ConstantGroup self, int start, int end) { this(self, start, end, true, null); } AsIterator(ConstantGroup self, int start, int end, Object ifNotPresent) { this(self, start, end, false, ifNotPresent); } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return index < end; } @Override public Object next() { int i = bumpIndex(); if (resolving) return self.get(i); else return self.get(i, ifNotPresent); } private int bumpIndex() { int i = index; if (i >= end) throw new NoSuchElementException(); index = i+1; return i; } } static class SubGroup extends AbstractConstantGroup { private final ConstantGroup self; // the real CG private final int offset; // offset within myself SubGroup(ConstantGroup self, int start, int end) { super(end - start); this.self = self; this.offset = start; rangeCheck2(start, end, size); } private int mapIndex(int index) { return rangeCheck1(index, size) + offset; } @Override public Object get(int index) { return self.get(mapIndex(index)); } @Override public Object get(int index, Object ifNotPresent) { return self.get(mapIndex(index), ifNotPresent); } @Override public boolean isPresent(int index) { return self.isPresent(mapIndex(index)); } @Override public ConstantGroup subGroup(int start, int end) { rangeCheck2(start, end, size); return new SubGroup(self, offset + start, offset + end); } @Override public List<Object> asList() { return new AsList(self, offset, offset + size); } @Override public List<Object> asList(Object ifNotPresent) { return new AsList(self, offset, offset + size, ifNotPresent); } @Override public int copyConstants(int start, int end, Object[] buf, int pos) throws LinkageError { rangeCheck2(start, end, size); return self.copyConstants(offset + start, offset + end, buf, pos); } @Override public int copyConstants(int start, int end, Object[] buf, int pos, Object ifNotPresent) { rangeCheck2(start, end, size); return self.copyConstants(offset + start, offset + end, buf, pos, ifNotPresent); } } static class AsList extends AbstractList<Object> { private final ConstantGroup self; private final int size; private final int offset; private final boolean resolving; private final Object ifNotPresent; private AsList(ConstantGroup self, int start, int end, boolean resolving, Object ifNotPresent) { this.self = self; this.size = end - start; this.offset = start; this.resolving = resolving; this.ifNotPresent = ifNotPresent; rangeCheck2(start, end, self.size()); } AsList(ConstantGroup self, int start, int end) { this(self, start, end, true, null); } AsList(ConstantGroup self, int start, int end, Object ifNotPresent) { this(self, start, end, false, ifNotPresent); } private int mapIndex(int index) { return rangeCheck1(index, size) + offset; } @Override public final int size() { return size; } @Override public Object get(int index) { if (resolving) return self.get(mapIndex(index)); else return self.get(mapIndex(index), ifNotPresent); } @Override public Iterator<Object> iterator() { if (resolving) return new AsIterator(self, offset, offset + size); else return new AsIterator(self, offset, offset + size, ifNotPresent); } @Override public List<Object> subList(int start, int end) { rangeCheck2(start, end, size); return new AsList(self, offset + start, offset + end, resolving, ifNotPresent); } @Override public Object[] toArray() { return toArray(new Object[size]); } @Override public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a) { int pad = a.length - size; if (pad < 0) { pad = 0; a = Arrays.copyOf(a, size); } if (resolving) self.copyConstants(offset, offset + size, a, 0); else self.copyConstants(offset, offset + size, a, 0, ifNotPresent); if (pad > 0) a[size] = null; return a; } } static abstract class WithCache extends AbstractConstantGroup { @Stable final Object[] cache; WithCache(int size) { super(size); // It is caller's responsibility to initialize the cache. // Initial contents are all-null, which means nothing is present. cache = new Object[size]; } void initializeCache(List<Object> cacheContents, Object ifNotPresent) { // Replace ifNotPresent with NOT_PRESENT, // and null with RESOLVED_TO_NULL. // Then forget about the user-provided ifNotPresent. for (int i = 0; i < cache.length; i++) { Object x = cacheContents.get(i); if (x == ifNotPresent) continue; // leave the null in place if (x == null) x = RESOLVED_TO_NULL; cache[i] = x; } } @Override public Object get(int i) { Object x = cache[i]; // @Stable array must use null for sentinel if (x == null) x = fillCache(i); return unwrapNull(x); } @Override public Object get(int i, Object ifNotAvailable) { Object x = cache[i]; // @Stable array must use null for sentinel if (x == null) return ifNotAvailable; return unwrapNull(x); } @Override public boolean isPresent(int i) { return cache[i] != null; } /** hook for local subclasses */ Object fillCache(int i) { throw new NoSuchElementException("constant group does not contain element #"+i); } /// routines for mapping between null sentinel and true resolved null static Object wrapNull(Object x) { return x == null ? RESOLVED_TO_NULL : x; } static Object unwrapNull(Object x) { assert(x != null); return x == RESOLVED_TO_NULL ? null : x; } // secret sentinel for an actual null resolved value, in the cache static final Object RESOLVED_TO_NULL = new Object(); // secret sentinel for a "hole" in the cache: static final Object NOT_PRESENT = new Object(); } /** Skeleton implementation of BootstrapCallInfo. */ static class BSCIWithCache<T> extends WithCache implements BootstrapCallInfo<T> { private final MethodHandle bsm; private final String name; private final T type; @Override public String toString() { return bsm+"/"+name+":"+type+super.toString(); } BSCIWithCache(MethodHandle bsm, String name, T type, int size) { super(size); this.type = type; this.bsm = bsm; = name; assert(type instanceof Class || type instanceof MethodType); } @Override public MethodHandle bootstrapMethod() { return bsm; } @Override public String invocationName() { return name; } @Override public T invocationType() { return type; } } }
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