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/* * Copyright (c) 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package java.lang.invoke; import jdk.internal.loader.BootLoader; import; import; import; import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.Stable; import sun.invoke.util.BytecodeName; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.function.Function; import static java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm.*; import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleNatives.Constants.REF_getStatic; import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleNatives.Constants.REF_putStatic; import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleStatics.*; import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP; import static*; /** * Class specialization code. * @param <T> top class under which species classes are created. * @param <K> key which identifies individual specializations. * @param <S> species data type. */ /*non-public*/ abstract class ClassSpecializer<T,K,S extends ClassSpecializer<T,K,S>.SpeciesData> { private final Class<T> topClass; private final Class<K> keyType; private final Class<S> metaType; private final MemberName sdAccessor; private final String sdFieldName; private final List<MemberName> transformMethods; private final MethodType baseConstructorType; private final S topSpecies; private final ConcurrentHashMap<K, Object> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final Factory factory; private @Stable boolean topClassIsSuper; /** Return the top type mirror, for type {@code T} */ public final Class<T> topClass() { return topClass; } /** Return the key type mirror, for type {@code K} */ public final Class<K> keyType() { return keyType; } /** Return the species metadata type mirror, for type {@code S} */ public final Class<S> metaType() { return metaType; } /** Report the leading arguments (if any) required by every species factory. * Every species factory adds its own field types as additional arguments, * but these arguments always come first, in every factory method. */ protected MethodType baseConstructorType() { return baseConstructorType; } /** Return the trivial species for the null sequence of arguments. */ protected final S topSpecies() { return topSpecies; } /** Return the list of transform methods originally given at creation of this specializer. */ protected final List<MemberName> transformMethods() { return transformMethods; } /** Return the factory object used to build and load concrete species code. */ protected final Factory factory() { return factory; } /** * Constructor for this class specializer. * @param topClass type mirror for T * @param keyType type mirror for K * @param metaType type mirror for S * @param baseConstructorType principal constructor type * @param sdAccessor the method used to get the speciesData * @param sdFieldName the name of the species data field, inject the speciesData object * @param transformMethods optional list of transformMethods */ protected ClassSpecializer(Class<T> topClass, Class<K> keyType, Class<S> metaType, MethodType baseConstructorType, MemberName sdAccessor, String sdFieldName, List<MemberName> transformMethods) { this.topClass = topClass; this.keyType = keyType; this.metaType = metaType; this.sdAccessor = sdAccessor; this.transformMethods = List.copyOf(transformMethods); this.sdFieldName = sdFieldName; this.baseConstructorType = baseConstructorType.changeReturnType(void.class); this.factory = makeFactory(); K tsk = topSpeciesKey(); S topSpecies = null; if (tsk != null && topSpecies == null) { // if there is a key, build the top species if needed: topSpecies = findSpecies(tsk); } this.topSpecies = topSpecies; } // Utilities for subclass constructors: protected static <T> Constructor<T> reflectConstructor(Class<T> defc, Class<?>... ptypes) { try { return defc.getDeclaredConstructor(ptypes); } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw newIAE(defc.getName()+"("+MethodType.methodType(void.class, ptypes)+")", ex); } } protected static Field reflectField(Class<?> defc, String name) { try { return defc.getDeclaredField(name); } catch (NoSuchFieldException ex) { throw newIAE(defc.getName()+"."+name, ex); } } private static RuntimeException newIAE(String message, Throwable cause) { return new IllegalArgumentException(message, cause); } private static final Function<Object, Object> CREATE_RESERVATION = new Function<>() { @Override public Object apply(Object key) { return new Object(); } }; public final S findSpecies(K key) { // Note: Species instantiation may throw VirtualMachineError because of // code cache overflow. If this happens the species bytecode may be // loaded but not linked to its species metadata (with MH's etc). // That will cause a throw out of Factory.loadSpecies. // // In a later attempt to get the same species, the already-loaded // class will be present in the system dictionary, causing an // error when the species generator tries to reload it. // We try to detect this case and link the pre-existing code. // // Although it would be better to start fresh by loading a new // copy, we have to salvage the previously loaded but broken code. // (As an alternative, we might spin a new class with a new name, // or use the anonymous class mechanism.) // // In the end, as long as everybody goes through this findSpecies method, // it will ensure only one SpeciesData will be set successfully on a // concrete class if ever. // The concrete class is published via SpeciesData instance // returned here only after the class and species data are linked together. Object speciesDataOrReservation = cache.computeIfAbsent(key, CREATE_RESERVATION); // Separating the creation of a placeholder SpeciesData instance above // from the loading and linking a real one below ensures we can never // accidentally call computeIfAbsent recursively. S speciesData; if (speciesDataOrReservation.getClass() == Object.class) { synchronized (speciesDataOrReservation) { Object existingSpeciesData = cache.get(key); if (existingSpeciesData == speciesDataOrReservation) { // won the race // create a new SpeciesData... speciesData = newSpeciesData(key); // load and link it... speciesData = factory.loadSpecies(speciesData); if (!cache.replace(key, existingSpeciesData, speciesData)) { throw newInternalError("Concurrent loadSpecies"); } } else { // lost the race; the retrieved existingSpeciesData is the final speciesData = metaType.cast(existingSpeciesData); } } } else { speciesData = metaType.cast(speciesDataOrReservation); } assert(speciesData != null && speciesData.isResolved()); return speciesData; } /** * Meta-data wrapper for concrete subtypes of the top class. * Each concrete subtype corresponds to a given sequence of basic field types (LIJFD). * The fields are immutable; their values are fully specified at object construction. * Each species supplies an array of getter functions which may be used in lambda forms. * A concrete value is always constructed from the full tuple of its field values, * accompanied by the required constructor parameters. * There *may* also be transforms which cloning a species instance and * either replace a constructor parameter or add one or more new field values. * The shortest possible species has zero fields. * Subtypes are not interrelated among themselves by subtyping, even though * it would appear that a shorter species could serve as a supertype of a * longer one which extends it. */ public abstract class SpeciesData { // Bootstrapping requires circular relations Class -> SpeciesData -> Class // Therefore, we need non-final links in the chain. Use @Stable fields. private final K key; private final List<Class<?>> fieldTypes; @Stable private Class<? extends T> speciesCode; @Stable private List<MethodHandle> factories; @Stable private List<MethodHandle> getters; @Stable private List<LambdaForm.NamedFunction> nominalGetters; @Stable private final MethodHandle[] transformHelpers = new MethodHandle[transformMethods.size()]; protected SpeciesData(K key) { this.key = keyType.cast(Objects.requireNonNull(key)); List<Class<?>> types = deriveFieldTypes(key); this.fieldTypes = List.copyOf(types); } public final K key() { return key; } protected final List<Class<?>> fieldTypes() { return fieldTypes; } protected final int fieldCount() { return fieldTypes.size(); } protected ClassSpecializer<T,K,S> outer() { return ClassSpecializer.this; } protected final boolean isResolved() { return speciesCode != null && factories != null && !factories.isEmpty(); } @Override public String toString() { return metaType.getSimpleName() + "[" + key.toString() + " => " + (isResolved() ? speciesCode.getSimpleName() : "UNRESOLVED") + "]"; } @Override public int hashCode() { return key.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof ClassSpecializer.SpeciesData)) { return false; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") ClassSpecializer.SpeciesData that = (ClassSpecializer.SpeciesData) obj; return this.outer() == that.outer() && this.key.equals(that.key); } /** Throws NPE if this species is not yet resolved. */ protected final Class<? extends T> speciesCode() { return Objects.requireNonNull(speciesCode); } /** * Return a {@link MethodHandle} which can get the indexed field of this species. * The return type is the type of the species field it accesses. * The argument type is the {@code fieldHolder} class of this species. */ protected MethodHandle getter(int i) { return getters.get(i); } /** * Return a {@link LambdaForm.Name} containing a {@link LambdaForm.NamedFunction} that * represents a MH bound to a generic invoker, which in turn forwards to the corresponding * getter. */ protected LambdaForm.NamedFunction getterFunction(int i) { LambdaForm.NamedFunction nf = nominalGetters.get(i); assert(nf.memberDeclaringClassOrNull() == speciesCode()); assert(nf.returnType() == BasicType.basicType(fieldTypes.get(i))); return nf; } protected List<LambdaForm.NamedFunction> getterFunctions() { return nominalGetters; } protected List<MethodHandle> getters() { return getters; } protected MethodHandle factory() { return factories.get(0); } protected MethodHandle transformHelper(int whichtm) { MethodHandle mh = transformHelpers[whichtm]; if (mh != null) return mh; mh = deriveTransformHelper(transformMethods().get(whichtm), whichtm); // Do a little type checking before we start using the MH. // (It will be called with invokeBasic, so this is our only chance.) final MethodType mt = transformHelperType(whichtm); mh = mh.asType(mt); return transformHelpers[whichtm] = mh; } private final MethodType transformHelperType(int whichtm) { MemberName tm = transformMethods().get(whichtm); ArrayList<Class<?>> args = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Class<?>> fields = new ArrayList<>(); Collections.addAll(args, tm.getParameterTypes()); fields.addAll(fieldTypes()); List<Class<?>> helperArgs = deriveTransformHelperArguments(tm, whichtm, args, fields); return MethodType.methodType(tm.getReturnType(), helperArgs); } // Hooks for subclasses: /** * Given a key, derive the list of field types, which all instances of this * species must store. */ protected abstract List<Class<?>> deriveFieldTypes(K key); /** * Given the index of a method in the transforms list, supply a factory * method that takes the arguments of the transform, plus the local fields, * and produce a value of the required type. * You can override this to return null or throw if there are no transforms. * This method exists so that the transforms can be "grown" lazily. * This is necessary if the transform *adds* a field to an instance, * which sometimtes requires the creation, on the fly, of an extended species. * This method is only called once for any particular parameter. * The species caches the result in a private array. * * @param transform the transform being implemented * @param whichtm the index of that transform in the original list of transforms * @return the method handle which creates a new result from a mix of transform * arguments and field values */ protected abstract MethodHandle deriveTransformHelper(MemberName transform, int whichtm); /** * During code generation, this method is called once per transform to determine * what is the mix of arguments to hand to the transform-helper. The bytecode * which marshals these arguments is open-coded in the species-specific transform. * The two lists are of opaque objects, which you shouldn't do anything with besides * reordering them into the output list. (They are both mutable, to make editing * easier.) The imputed types of the args correspond to the transform's parameter * list, while the imputed types of the fields correspond to the species field types. * After code generation, this method may be called occasionally by error-checking code. * * @param transform the transform being implemented * @param whichtm the index of that transform in the original list of transforms * @param args a list of opaque objects representing the incoming transform arguments * @param fields a list of opaque objects representing the field values of the receiver * @param <X> the common element type of the various lists * @return a new list */ protected abstract <X> List<X> deriveTransformHelperArguments(MemberName transform, int whichtm, List<X> args, List<X> fields); /** Given a key, generate the name of the class which implements the species for that key. * This algorithm must be stable. * * @return class name, which by default is {@code outer().topClass().getName() + "$Species_" + deriveTypeString(key)} */ protected String deriveClassName() { return outer().topClass().getName() + "$Species_" + deriveTypeString(); } /** * Default implementation collects basic type characters, * plus possibly type names, if some types don't correspond * to basic types. * * @return a string suitable for use in a class name */ protected String deriveTypeString() { List<Class<?>> types = fieldTypes(); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder end = new StringBuilder(); for (Class<?> type : types) { BasicType basicType = BasicType.basicType(type); if (basicType.basicTypeClass() == type) { buf.append(basicType.basicTypeChar()); } else { buf.append('V'); end.append(classSig(type)); } } String typeString; if (end.length() > 0) { typeString = BytecodeName.toBytecodeName(buf.append("_").append(end).toString()); } else { typeString = buf.toString(); } return LambdaForm.shortenSignature(typeString); } /** * Report what immediate super-class to use for the concrete class of this species. * Normally this is {@code topClass}, but if that is an interface, the factory must override. * The super-class must provide a constructor which takes the {@code baseConstructorType} arguments, if any. * This hook also allows the code generator to use more than one canned supertype for species. * * @return the super-class of the class to be generated */ protected Class<? extends T> deriveSuperClass() { final Class<T> topc = topClass(); if (!topClassIsSuper) { try { final Constructor<T> con = reflectConstructor(topc, baseConstructorType().parameterArray()); if (!topc.isInterface() && !Modifier.isPrivate(con.getModifiers())) { topClassIsSuper = true; } } catch (Exception|InternalError ex) { // fall through... } if (!topClassIsSuper) { throw newInternalError("must override if the top class cannot serve as a super class"); } } return topc; } } protected abstract S newSpeciesData(K key); protected K topSpeciesKey() { return null; // null means don't report a top species } /** * Code generation support for instances. * Subclasses can modify the behavior. */ public class Factory { /** * Get a concrete subclass of the top class for a given combination of bound types. * * @param speciesData the species requiring the class, not yet linked * @return a linked version of the same species */ S loadSpecies(S speciesData) { String className = speciesData.deriveClassName(); assert(className.indexOf('/') < 0) : className; Class<?> salvage = null; try { salvage = BootLoader.loadClassOrNull(className); if (TRACE_RESOLVE && salvage != null) { // Used by jlink species pregeneration plugin, see // System.out.println("[SPECIES_RESOLVE] " + className + " (salvaged)"); } } catch (Error ex) { if (TRACE_RESOLVE) { System.out.println("[SPECIES_FRESOLVE] " + className + " (Error) " + ex.getMessage()); } } final Class<? extends T> speciesCode; if (salvage != null) { speciesCode = salvage.asSubclass(topClass()); linkSpeciesDataToCode(speciesData, speciesCode); linkCodeToSpeciesData(speciesCode, speciesData, true); } else { // Not pregenerated, generate the class try { speciesCode = generateConcreteSpeciesCode(className, speciesData); if (TRACE_RESOLVE) { // Used by jlink species pregeneration plugin, see // System.out.println("[SPECIES_RESOLVE] " + className + " (generated)"); } // This operation causes a lot of churn: linkSpeciesDataToCode(speciesData, speciesCode); // This operation commits the relation, but causes little churn: linkCodeToSpeciesData(speciesCode, speciesData, false); } catch (Error ex) { if (TRACE_RESOLVE) { System.out.println("[SPECIES_RESOLVE] " + className + " (Error #2)" ); } // We can get here if there is a race condition loading a class. // Or maybe we are out of resources. Back out of the CHM.get and retry. throw ex; } } if (!speciesData.isResolved()) { throw newInternalError("bad species class linkage for " + className + ": " + speciesData); } assert(speciesData == loadSpeciesDataFromCode(speciesCode)); return speciesData; } /** * Generate a concrete subclass of the top class for a given combination of bound types. * * A concrete species subclass roughly matches the following schema: * * <pre> * class Species_[[types]] extends [[T]] { * final [[S]] speciesData() { return ... } * static [[T]] make([[fields]]) { return ... } * [[fields]] * final [[T]] transform([[args]]) { return ... } * } * </pre> * * The {@code [[types]]} signature is precisely the key for the species. * * The {@code [[fields]]} section consists of one field definition per character in * the type signature, adhering to the naming schema described in the definition of * {@link #chooseFieldName}. * * For example, a concrete species for two references and one integral bound value * has a shape like the following: * * <pre> * class TopClass { ... private static * final class Species_LLI extends TopClass { * final Object argL0; * final Object argL1; * final int argI2; * private Species_LLI(CT ctarg, ..., Object argL0, Object argL1, int argI2) { * super(ctarg, ...); * this.argL0 = argL0; * this.argL1 = argL1; * this.argI2 = argI2; * } * final SpeciesData speciesData() { return BMH_SPECIES; } * @Stable static SpeciesData BMH_SPECIES; // injected afterwards * static TopClass make(CT ctarg, ..., Object argL0, Object argL1, int argI2) { * return new Species_LLI(ctarg, ..., argL0, argL1, argI2); * } * final TopClass copyWith(CT ctarg, ...) { * return new Species_LLI(ctarg, ..., argL0, argL1, argI2); * } * // two transforms, for the sake of illustration: * final TopClass copyWithExtendL(CT ctarg, ..., Object narg) { * return BMH_SPECIES.transform(L_TYPE).invokeBasic(ctarg, ..., argL0, argL1, argI2, narg); * } * final TopClass copyWithExtendI(CT ctarg, ..., int narg) { * return BMH_SPECIES.transform(I_TYPE).invokeBasic(ctarg, ..., argL0, argL1, argI2, narg); * } * } * </pre> * * @param className of the species * @param speciesData what species we are generating * @return the generated concrete TopClass class */ Class<? extends T> generateConcreteSpeciesCode(String className, ClassSpecializer<T,K,S>.SpeciesData speciesData) { byte[] classFile = generateConcreteSpeciesCodeFile(className, speciesData); // load class InvokerBytecodeGenerator.maybeDump(classBCName(className), classFile); Class<?> speciesCode; ClassLoader cl = topClass().getClassLoader(); ProtectionDomain pd = null; if (cl != null) { pd = AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<>() { @Override public ProtectionDomain run() { return topClass().getProtectionDomain(); } }); } try { speciesCode = UNSAFE.defineClass(className, classFile, 0, classFile.length, cl, pd); } catch (Exception ex) { throw newInternalError(ex); } return speciesCode.asSubclass(topClass()); } // These are named like constants because there is only one per specialization scheme: private final String SPECIES_DATA = classBCName(metaType); private final String SPECIES_DATA_SIG = classSig(SPECIES_DATA); private final String SPECIES_DATA_NAME = sdAccessor.getName(); private final int SPECIES_DATA_MODS = sdAccessor.getModifiers(); private final List<String> TRANSFORM_NAMES; // derived from transformMethods private final List<MethodType> TRANSFORM_TYPES; private final List<Integer> TRANSFORM_MODS; { // Tear apart transformMethods to get the names, types, and modifiers. List<String> tns = new ArrayList<>(); List<MethodType> tts = new ArrayList<>(); List<Integer> tms = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < transformMethods.size(); i++) { MemberName tm = transformMethods.get(i); tns.add(tm.getName()); final MethodType tt = tm.getMethodType(); tts.add(tt); tms.add(tm.getModifiers()); } TRANSFORM_NAMES = List.of(tns.toArray(new String[0])); TRANSFORM_TYPES = List.of(tts.toArray(new MethodType[0])); TRANSFORM_MODS = List.of(tms.toArray(new Integer[0])); } private static final int ACC_PPP = ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_PRIVATE | ACC_PROTECTED; /*non-public*/ byte[] generateConcreteSpeciesCodeFile(String className0, ClassSpecializer<T,K,S>.SpeciesData speciesData) { final String className = classBCName(className0); final String superClassName = classBCName(speciesData.deriveSuperClass()); final ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS + ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES); final int NOT_ACC_PUBLIC = 0; // not ACC_PUBLIC cw.visit(V1_6, NOT_ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_FINAL + ACC_SUPER, className, null, superClassName, null); final String sourceFile = className.substring(className.lastIndexOf('.')+1); cw.visitSource(sourceFile, null); // emit static types and BMH_SPECIES fields FieldVisitor fw = cw.visitField(NOT_ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_STATIC, sdFieldName, SPECIES_DATA_SIG, null, null); fw.visitAnnotation(STABLE_SIG, true); fw.visitEnd(); // handy holder for dealing with groups of typed values (ctor arguments and fields) class Var { final int index; final String name; final Class<?> type; final String desc; final BasicType basicType; final int slotIndex; Var(int index, int slotIndex) { this.index = index; this.slotIndex = slotIndex; name = null; type = null; desc = null; basicType = BasicType.V_TYPE; } Var(String name, Class<?> type, Var prev) { int slotIndex = prev.nextSlotIndex(); int index = prev.nextIndex(); if (name == null) name = "x"; if (name.endsWith("#")) name = name.substring(0, name.length()-1) + index; assert(!type.equals(void.class)); String desc = classSig(type); BasicType basicType = BasicType.basicType(type); this.index = index; = name; this.type = type; this.desc = desc; this.basicType = basicType; this.slotIndex = slotIndex; } Var lastOf(List<Var> vars) { int n = vars.size(); return (n == 0 ? this : vars.get(n-1)); } <X> List<Var> fromTypes(List<X> types) { Var prev = this; ArrayList<Var> result = new ArrayList<>(types.size()); int i = 0; for (X x : types) { String vn = name; Class<?> vt; if (x instanceof Class) { vt = (Class<?>) x; // make the names friendlier if debugging assert((vn = vn + "_" + (i++)) != null); } else { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Var v = (Var) x; vn =; vt = v.type; } prev = new Var(vn, vt, prev); result.add(prev); } return result; } int slotSize() { return basicType.basicTypeSlots(); } int nextIndex() { return index + (slotSize() == 0 ? 0 : 1); } int nextSlotIndex() { return slotIndex >= 0 ? slotIndex + slotSize() : slotIndex; } boolean isInHeap() { return slotIndex < 0; } void emitVarInstruction(int asmop, MethodVisitor mv) { if (asmop == ALOAD) asmop = typeLoadOp(basicType.basicTypeChar()); else throw new AssertionError("bad op="+asmop+" for desc="+desc); mv.visitVarInsn(asmop, slotIndex); } public void emitFieldInsn(int asmop, MethodVisitor mv) { mv.visitFieldInsn(asmop, className, name, desc); } } final Var NO_THIS = new Var(0, 0), AFTER_THIS = new Var(0, 1), IN_HEAP = new Var(0, -1); // figure out the field types final List<Class<?>> fieldTypes = speciesData.fieldTypes(); final List<Var> fields = new ArrayList<>(fieldTypes.size()); { Var nextF = IN_HEAP; for (Class<?> ft : fieldTypes) { String fn = chooseFieldName(ft, nextF.nextIndex()); nextF = new Var(fn, ft, nextF); fields.add(nextF); } } // emit bound argument fields for (Var field : fields) { cw.visitField(ACC_FINAL,, field.desc, null, null).visitEnd(); } MethodVisitor mv; // emit implementation of speciesData() mv = cw.visitMethod((SPECIES_DATA_MODS & ACC_PPP) + ACC_FINAL, SPECIES_DATA_NAME, "()" + SPECIES_DATA_SIG, null, null); mv.visitCode(); mv.visitFieldInsn(GETSTATIC, className, sdFieldName, SPECIES_DATA_SIG); mv.visitInsn(ARETURN); mv.visitMaxs(0, 0); mv.visitEnd(); // figure out the constructor arguments MethodType superCtorType = ClassSpecializer.this.baseConstructorType(); MethodType thisCtorType = superCtorType.appendParameterTypes(fieldTypes); // emit constructor { mv = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PRIVATE, "<init>", methodSig(thisCtorType), null, null); mv.visitCode(); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); // this final List<Var> ctorArgs = AFTER_THIS.fromTypes(superCtorType.parameterList()); for (Var ca : ctorArgs) { ca.emitVarInstruction(ALOAD, mv); } // super(ca...) mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESPECIAL, superClassName, "<init>", methodSig(superCtorType), false); // store down fields Var lastFV = AFTER_THIS.lastOf(ctorArgs); for (Var f : fields) { // this.argL1 = argL1 mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); // this lastFV = new Var(, f.type, lastFV); lastFV.emitVarInstruction(ALOAD, mv); f.emitFieldInsn(PUTFIELD, mv); } mv.visitInsn(RETURN); mv.visitMaxs(0, 0); mv.visitEnd(); } // emit make() ...factory method wrapping constructor { MethodType ftryType = thisCtorType.changeReturnType(topClass()); mv = cw.visitMethod(NOT_ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_STATIC, "make", methodSig(ftryType), null, null); mv.visitCode(); // make instance mv.visitTypeInsn(NEW, className); mv.visitInsn(DUP); // load factory method arguments: ctarg... and arg... for (Var v : NO_THIS.fromTypes(ftryType.parameterList())) { v.emitVarInstruction(ALOAD, mv); } // finally, invoke the constructor and return mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESPECIAL, className, "<init>", methodSig(thisCtorType), false); mv.visitInsn(ARETURN); mv.visitMaxs(0, 0); mv.visitEnd(); } // For each transform, emit the customized override of the transform method. // This method mixes together some incoming arguments (from the transform's // static type signature) with the field types themselves, and passes // the resulting mish-mosh of values to a method handle produced by // the species itself. (Typically this method handle is the factory // method of this species or a related one.) for (int whichtm = 0; whichtm < TRANSFORM_NAMES.size(); whichtm++) { final String TNAME = TRANSFORM_NAMES.get(whichtm); final MethodType TTYPE = TRANSFORM_TYPES.get(whichtm); final int TMODS = TRANSFORM_MODS.get(whichtm); mv = cw.visitMethod((TMODS & ACC_PPP) | ACC_FINAL, TNAME, TTYPE.toMethodDescriptorString(), null, E_THROWABLE); mv.visitCode(); // return a call to the corresponding "transform helper", something like this: // MY_SPECIES.transformHelper(whichtm).invokeBasic(ctarg, ..., argL0, ..., xarg) mv.visitFieldInsn(GETSTATIC, className, sdFieldName, SPECIES_DATA_SIG); emitIntConstant(whichtm, mv); mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEVIRTUAL, SPECIES_DATA, "transformHelper", "(I)" + MH_SIG, false); List<Var> targs = AFTER_THIS.fromTypes(TTYPE.parameterList()); List<Var> tfields = new ArrayList<>(fields); // mix them up and load them for the transform helper: List<Var> helperArgs = speciesData.deriveTransformHelperArguments(transformMethods.get(whichtm), whichtm, targs, tfields); List<Class<?>> helperTypes = new ArrayList<>(helperArgs.size()); for (Var ha : helperArgs) { helperTypes.add(ha.basicType.basicTypeClass()); if (ha.isInHeap()) { assert(tfields.contains(ha)); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); ha.emitFieldInsn(GETFIELD, mv); } else { assert(targs.contains(ha)); ha.emitVarInstruction(ALOAD, mv); } } // jump into the helper (which is probably a factory method) final Class<?> rtype = TTYPE.returnType(); final BasicType rbt = BasicType.basicType(rtype); MethodType invokeBasicType = MethodType.methodType(rbt.basicTypeClass(), helperTypes); mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEVIRTUAL, MH, "invokeBasic", methodSig(invokeBasicType), false); if (rbt == BasicType.L_TYPE) { mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, classBCName(rtype)); mv.visitInsn(ARETURN); } else { throw newInternalError("NYI: transform of type "+rtype); } mv.visitMaxs(0, 0); mv.visitEnd(); } cw.visitEnd(); return cw.toByteArray(); } private int typeLoadOp(char t) { switch (t) { case 'L': return ALOAD; case 'I': return ILOAD; case 'J': return LLOAD; case 'F': return FLOAD; case 'D': return DLOAD; default : throw newInternalError("unrecognized type " + t); } } private void emitIntConstant(int con, MethodVisitor mv) { if (ICONST_M1 - ICONST_0 <= con && con <= ICONST_5 - ICONST_0) mv.visitInsn(ICONST_0 + con); else if (con == (byte) con) mv.visitIntInsn(BIPUSH, con); else if (con == (short) con) mv.visitIntInsn(SIPUSH, con); else { mv.visitLdcInsn(con); } } // // Getter MH generation. // private MethodHandle findGetter(Class<?> speciesCode, List<Class<?>> types, int index) { Class<?> fieldType = types.get(index); String fieldName = chooseFieldName(fieldType, index); try { return IMPL_LOOKUP.findGetter(speciesCode, fieldName, fieldType); } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) { throw newInternalError(e); } } private List<MethodHandle> findGetters(Class<?> speciesCode, List<Class<?>> types) { MethodHandle[] mhs = new MethodHandle[types.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < mhs.length; ++i) { mhs[i] = findGetter(speciesCode, types, i); assert(mhs[i].internalMemberName().getDeclaringClass() == speciesCode); } return List.of(mhs); } private List<MethodHandle> findFactories(Class<? extends T> speciesCode, List<Class<?>> types) { MethodHandle[] mhs = new MethodHandle[1]; mhs[0] = findFactory(speciesCode, types); return List.of(mhs); } List<LambdaForm.NamedFunction> makeNominalGetters(List<Class<?>> types, List<MethodHandle> getters) { LambdaForm.NamedFunction[] nfs = new LambdaForm.NamedFunction[types.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < nfs.length; ++i) { nfs[i] = new LambdaForm.NamedFunction(getters.get(i)); } return List.of(nfs); } // // Auxiliary methods. // protected void linkSpeciesDataToCode(ClassSpecializer<T,K,S>.SpeciesData speciesData, Class<? extends T> speciesCode) { speciesData.speciesCode = speciesCode.asSubclass(topClass); final List<Class<?>> types = speciesData.fieldTypes; speciesData.factories = this.findFactories(speciesCode, types); speciesData.getters = this.findGetters(speciesCode, types); speciesData.nominalGetters = this.makeNominalGetters(types, speciesData.getters); } private Field reflectSDField(Class<? extends T> speciesCode) { final Field field = reflectField(speciesCode, sdFieldName); assert(field.getType() == metaType); assert(Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())); return field; } private S readSpeciesDataFromCode(Class<? extends T> speciesCode) { try { MemberName sdField = IMPL_LOOKUP.resolveOrFail(REF_getStatic, speciesCode, sdFieldName, metaType); Object base = MethodHandleNatives.staticFieldBase(sdField); long offset = MethodHandleNatives.staticFieldOffset(sdField); UNSAFE.loadFence(); return metaType.cast(UNSAFE.getObject(base, offset)); } catch (Error err) { throw err; } catch (Exception ex) { throw newInternalError("Failed to load speciesData from speciesCode: " + speciesCode.getName(), ex); } catch (Throwable t) { throw uncaughtException(t); } } protected S loadSpeciesDataFromCode(Class<? extends T> speciesCode) { if (speciesCode == topClass()) { return topSpecies; } S result = readSpeciesDataFromCode(speciesCode); if (result.outer() != ClassSpecializer.this) { throw newInternalError("wrong class"); } return result; } protected void linkCodeToSpeciesData(Class<? extends T> speciesCode, ClassSpecializer<T,K,S>.SpeciesData speciesData, boolean salvage) { try { assert(readSpeciesDataFromCode(speciesCode) == null || (salvage && readSpeciesDataFromCode(speciesCode).equals(speciesData))); MemberName sdField = IMPL_LOOKUP.resolveOrFail(REF_putStatic, speciesCode, sdFieldName, metaType); Object base = MethodHandleNatives.staticFieldBase(sdField); long offset = MethodHandleNatives.staticFieldOffset(sdField); UNSAFE.storeFence(); UNSAFE.putObject(base, offset, speciesData); UNSAFE.storeFence(); } catch (Error err) { throw err; } catch (Exception ex) { throw newInternalError("Failed to link speciesData to speciesCode: " + speciesCode.getName(), ex); } catch (Throwable t) { throw uncaughtException(t); } } /** * Field names in concrete species classes adhere to this pattern: * type + index, where type is a single character (L, I, J, F, D). * The factory subclass can customize this. * The name is purely cosmetic, since it applies to a private field. */ protected String chooseFieldName(Class<?> type, int index) { BasicType bt = BasicType.basicType(type); return "" + bt.basicTypeChar() + index; } MethodHandle findFactory(Class<? extends T> speciesCode, List<Class<?>> types) { final MethodType type = baseConstructorType().changeReturnType(topClass()).appendParameterTypes(types); try { return IMPL_LOOKUP.findStatic(speciesCode, "make", type); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | TypeNotPresentException e) { throw newInternalError(e); } } } /** Hook that virtualizes the Factory class, allowing subclasses to extend it. */ protected Factory makeFactory() { return new Factory(); } // Other misc helpers: private static final String MH = "java/lang/invoke/MethodHandle"; private static final String MH_SIG = "L" + MH + ";"; private static final String STABLE = "jdk/internal/vm/annotation/Stable"; private static final String STABLE_SIG = "L" + STABLE + ";"; private static final String[] E_THROWABLE = new String[] { "java/lang/Throwable" }; static { assert(MH_SIG.equals(classSig(MethodHandle.class))); assert(MH.equals(classBCName(MethodHandle.class))); } static String methodSig(MethodType mt) { return mt.toMethodDescriptorString(); } static String classSig(Class<?> cls) { if (cls.isPrimitive() || cls.isArray()) return MethodType.methodType(cls).toMethodDescriptorString().substring(2); return classSig(classBCName(cls)); } static String classSig(String bcName) { assert(bcName.indexOf('.') < 0); assert(!bcName.endsWith(";")); assert(!bcName.startsWith("[")); return "L" + bcName + ";"; } static String classBCName(Class<?> cls) { return classBCName(className(cls)); } static String classBCName(String str) { assert(str.indexOf('/') < 0) : str; return str.replace('.', '/'); } static String className(Class<?> cls) { assert(!cls.isArray() && !cls.isPrimitive()); return cls.getName(); } }
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