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JDK 11 - Management Module
JDK 11 is the JMOD file for JDK 11 Management module.
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JDK 11 Management module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\\
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⏎ javax/management/
/* * Copyright (c) 1999, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package; /** * This class is used by the query-building mechanism to represent binary * operations. * @serial include * * @since 1.5 */ class BinaryOpValueExp extends QueryEval implements ValueExp { /* Serial version */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1216286847881456786L; /** * @serial The operator */ private int op; /** * @serial The first value */ private ValueExp exp1; /** * @serial The second value */ private ValueExp exp2; /** * Basic Constructor. */ public BinaryOpValueExp() { } /** * Creates a new BinaryOpValueExp using operator o applied on v1 and * v2 values. */ public BinaryOpValueExp(int o, ValueExp v1, ValueExp v2) { op = o; exp1 = v1; exp2 = v2; } /** * Returns the operator of the value expression. */ public int getOperator() { return op; } /** * Returns the left value of the value expression. */ public ValueExp getLeftValue() { return exp1; } /** * Returns the right value of the value expression. */ public ValueExp getRightValue() { return exp2; } /** * Applies the BinaryOpValueExp on a MBean. * * @param name The name of the MBean on which the BinaryOpValueExp will be applied. * * @return The ValueExp. * * @exception BadStringOperationException * @exception BadBinaryOpValueExpException * @exception BadAttributeValueExpException * @exception InvalidApplicationException */ public ValueExp apply(ObjectName name) throws BadStringOperationException, BadBinaryOpValueExpException, BadAttributeValueExpException, InvalidApplicationException { ValueExp val1 = exp1.apply(name); ValueExp val2 = exp2.apply(name); String sval1; String sval2; double dval1; double dval2; long lval1; long lval2; boolean numeric = val1 instanceof NumericValueExp; if (numeric) { if (((NumericValueExp)val1).isLong()) { lval1 = ((NumericValueExp)val1).longValue(); lval2 = ((NumericValueExp)val2).longValue(); switch (op) { case Query.PLUS: return Query.value(lval1 + lval2); case Query.TIMES: return Query.value(lval1 * lval2); case Query.MINUS: return Query.value(lval1 - lval2); case Query.DIV: return Query.value(lval1 / lval2); } } else { dval1 = ((NumericValueExp)val1).doubleValue(); dval2 = ((NumericValueExp)val2).doubleValue(); switch (op) { case Query.PLUS: return Query.value(dval1 + dval2); case Query.TIMES: return Query.value(dval1 * dval2); case Query.MINUS: return Query.value(dval1 - dval2); case Query.DIV: return Query.value(dval1 / dval2); } } } else { sval1 = ((StringValueExp)val1).getValue(); sval2 = ((StringValueExp)val2).getValue(); switch (op) { case Query.PLUS: return new StringValueExp(sval1 + sval2); default: throw new BadStringOperationException(opString()); } } throw new BadBinaryOpValueExpException(this); } /** * Returns the string representing the object */ public String toString() { try { return parens(exp1, true) + " " + opString() + " " + parens(exp2, false); } catch (BadBinaryOpValueExpException ex) { return "invalid expression"; } } /* * Add parentheses to the given subexpression if necessary to * preserve meaning. Suppose this BinaryOpValueExp is * Query.times("A"), Query.attr("B")), Query.attr("C")). * Then the original toString() logic would return A + B * C. * We check precedences in order to return (A + B) * C, which is the * meaning of the ValueExp. * * We need to add parentheses if the unparenthesized expression would * be parsed as a different ValueExp from the original. * We cannot omit parentheses even when mathematically * the result would be equivalent, because we do not know whether the * numeric values will be integer or floating-point. Addition and * multiplication are associative for integers but not always for * floating-point. * * So the rule is that we omit parentheses if the ValueExp * is (A op1 B) op2 C and the precedence of op1 is greater than or * equal to that of op2; or if the ValueExp is A op1 (B op2 C) and * the precedence of op2 is greater than that of op1. (There are two * precedences: that of * and / is greater than that of + and -.) * The case of (A op1 B) op2 (C op3 D) applies each rule in turn. * * The following examples show the rules in action. On the left, * the original ValueExp. On the right, the string representation. * * (A + B) + C A + B + C * (A * B) + C A * B + C * (A + B) * C (A + B) * C * (A * B) * C A * B * C * A + (B + C) A + (B + C) * A + (B * C) A + B * C * A * (B + C) A * (B + C) * A * (B * C) A * (B * C) */ private String parens(ValueExp subexp, boolean left) throws BadBinaryOpValueExpException { boolean omit; if (subexp instanceof BinaryOpValueExp) { int subop = ((BinaryOpValueExp) subexp).op; if (left) omit = (precedence(subop) >= precedence(op)); else omit = (precedence(subop) > precedence(op)); } else omit = true; if (omit) return subexp.toString(); else return "(" + subexp + ")"; } private int precedence(int xop) throws BadBinaryOpValueExpException { switch (xop) { case Query.PLUS: case Query.MINUS: return 0; case Query.TIMES: case Query.DIV: return 1; default: throw new BadBinaryOpValueExpException(this); } } private String opString() throws BadBinaryOpValueExpException { switch (op) { case Query.PLUS: return "+"; case Query.TIMES: return "*"; case Query.MINUS: return "-"; case Query.DIV: return "/"; } throw new BadBinaryOpValueExpException(this); } @Deprecated public void setMBeanServer(MBeanServer s) { super.setMBeanServer(s); } }
⏎ javax/management/
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