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⏎ javax/management/openmbean/
/* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package; import; import java.lang.reflect.Array; /** * The {@code ArrayType} class is the <i>open type</i> class whose instances describe * all <i>open data</i> values which are n-dimensional arrays of <i>open data</i> values. * <p> * Examples of valid {@code ArrayType} instances are: * <pre>{@code * // 2-dimension array of java.lang.String * ArrayType<String[][]> a1 = new ArrayType<String[][]>(2, SimpleType.STRING); * * // 1-dimension array of int * ArrayType<int[]> a2 = new ArrayType<int[]>(SimpleType.INTEGER, true); * * // 1-dimension array of java.lang.Integer * ArrayType<Integer[]> a3 = new ArrayType<Integer[]>(SimpleType.INTEGER, false); * * // 4-dimension array of int * ArrayType<int[][][][]> a4 = new ArrayType<int[][][][]>(3, a2); * * // 4-dimension array of java.lang.Integer * ArrayType<Integer[][][][]> a5 = new ArrayType<Integer[][][][]>(3, a3); * * // 1-dimension array of java.lang.String * ArrayType<String[]> a6 = new ArrayType<String[]>(SimpleType.STRING, false); * * // 1-dimension array of long * ArrayType<long[]> a7 = new ArrayType<long[]>(SimpleType.LONG, true); * * // 1-dimension array of java.lang.Integer * ArrayType<Integer[]> a8 = ArrayType.getArrayType(SimpleType.INTEGER); * * // 2-dimension array of java.lang.Integer * ArrayType<Integer[][]> a9 = ArrayType.getArrayType(a8); * * // 2-dimension array of int * ArrayType<int[][]> a10 = ArrayType.getPrimitiveArrayType(int[][].class); * * // 3-dimension array of int * ArrayType<int[][][]> a11 = ArrayType.getArrayType(a10); * * // 1-dimension array of float * ArrayType<float[]> a12 = ArrayType.getPrimitiveArrayType(float[].class); * * // 2-dimension array of float * ArrayType<float[][]> a13 = ArrayType.getArrayType(a12); * * // 1-dimension array of * ArrayType<ObjectName[]> a14 = ArrayType.getArrayType(SimpleType.OBJECTNAME); * * // 2-dimension array of * ArrayType<ObjectName[][]> a15 = ArrayType.getArrayType(a14); * * // 3-dimension array of java.lang.String * ArrayType<String[][][]> a16 = new ArrayType<String[][][]>(3, SimpleType.STRING); * * // 1-dimension array of java.lang.String * ArrayType<String[]> a17 = new ArrayType<String[]>(1, SimpleType.STRING); * * // 2-dimension array of java.lang.String * ArrayType<String[][]> a18 = new ArrayType<String[][]>(1, a17); * * // 3-dimension array of java.lang.String * ArrayType<String[][][]> a19 = new ArrayType<String[][][]>(1, a18); * }</pre> * * * @since 1.5 */ /* Generification note: we could have defined a type parameter that is the element type, with class ArrayType<E> extends OpenType<E[]>. However, that doesn't buy us all that much. We can't say public OpenType<E> getElementOpenType() because this ArrayType could be a multi-dimensional array. For example, if we had ArrayType(2, SimpleType.INTEGER) then E would have to be Integer[], while getElementOpenType() would return SimpleType.INTEGER, which is an OpenType<Integer>. Furthermore, we would like to support int[] (as well as Integer[]) as an Open Type (RFE 5045358). We would want this to be an OpenType<int[]> which can't be expressed as <E[]> because E can't be a primitive type like int. */ public class ArrayType<T> extends OpenType<T> { /* Serial version */ static final long serialVersionUID = 720504429830309770L; /** * @serial The dimension of arrays described by this {@link ArrayType} * instance. */ private int dimension; /** * @serial The <i>open type</i> of element values contained in the arrays * described by this {@link ArrayType} instance. */ private OpenType<?> elementType; /** * @serial This flag indicates whether this {@link ArrayType} * describes a primitive array. * * @since 1.6 */ private boolean primitiveArray; private transient Integer myHashCode = null; // As this instance is immutable, these two values private transient String myToString = null; // need only be calculated once. // indexes refering to columns in the PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPES table. private static final int PRIMITIVE_WRAPPER_NAME_INDEX = 0; private static final int PRIMITIVE_TYPE_NAME_INDEX = 1; private static final int PRIMITIVE_TYPE_KEY_INDEX = 2; private static final int PRIMITIVE_OPEN_TYPE_INDEX = 3; private static final Object[][] PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPES = { { Boolean.class.getName(), boolean.class.getName(), "Z", SimpleType.BOOLEAN }, { Character.class.getName(), char.class.getName(), "C", SimpleType.CHARACTER }, { Byte.class.getName(), byte.class.getName(), "B", SimpleType.BYTE }, { Short.class.getName(), short.class.getName(), "S", SimpleType.SHORT }, { Integer.class.getName(), int.class.getName(), "I", SimpleType.INTEGER }, { Long.class.getName(), long.class.getName(), "J", SimpleType.LONG }, { Float.class.getName(), float.class.getName(), "F", SimpleType.FLOAT }, { Double.class.getName(), double.class.getName(), "D", SimpleType.DOUBLE } }; static boolean isPrimitiveContentType(final String primitiveKey) { for (Object[] typeDescr : PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPES) { if (typeDescr[PRIMITIVE_TYPE_KEY_INDEX].equals(primitiveKey)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Return the key used to identify the element type in * arrays - e.g. "Z" for boolean, "C" for char etc... * @param elementClassName the wrapper class name of the array * element ("Boolean", "Character", etc...) * @return the key corresponding to the given type ("Z", "C", etc...) * return null if the given elementClassName is not a primitive * wrapper class name. **/ static String getPrimitiveTypeKey(String elementClassName) { for (Object[] typeDescr : PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPES) { if (elementClassName.equals(typeDescr[PRIMITIVE_WRAPPER_NAME_INDEX])) return (String)typeDescr[PRIMITIVE_TYPE_KEY_INDEX]; } return null; } /** * Return the primitive type name corresponding to the given wrapper class. * e.g. "boolean" for "Boolean", "char" for "Character" etc... * @param elementClassName the type of the array element ("Boolean", * "Character", etc...) * @return the primitive type name corresponding to the given wrapper class * ("boolean", "char", etc...) * return null if the given elementClassName is not a primitive * wrapper type name. **/ static String getPrimitiveTypeName(String elementClassName) { for (Object[] typeDescr : PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPES) { if (elementClassName.equals(typeDescr[PRIMITIVE_WRAPPER_NAME_INDEX])) return (String)typeDescr[PRIMITIVE_TYPE_NAME_INDEX]; } return null; } /** * Return the primitive open type corresponding to the given primitive type. * e.g. SimpleType.BOOLEAN for "boolean", SimpleType.CHARACTER for * "char", etc... * @param primitiveTypeName the primitive type of the array element ("boolean", * "char", etc...) * @return the OpenType corresponding to the given primitive type name * (SimpleType.BOOLEAN, SimpleType.CHARACTER, etc...) * return null if the given elementClassName is not a primitive * type name. **/ static SimpleType<?> getPrimitiveOpenType(String primitiveTypeName) { for (Object[] typeDescr : PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPES) { if (primitiveTypeName.equals(typeDescr[PRIMITIVE_TYPE_NAME_INDEX])) return (SimpleType<?>)typeDescr[PRIMITIVE_OPEN_TYPE_INDEX]; } return null; } /* *** Constructor *** */ /** * Constructs an {@code ArrayType} instance describing <i>open data</i> values which are * arrays with dimension <var>dimension</var> of elements * whose <i>open type</i> is <var>elementType</var>. * <p> * When invoked on an {@code ArrayType} instance, * the {@link OpenType#getClassName() getClassName} method * returns the class name of the array instances it describes * (following the rules defined by the * {@link Class#getName() getName} method of {@code java.lang.Class}), * not the class name of the array elements * (which is returned by a call to {@code getElementOpenType().getClassName()}). * <p> * The internal field corresponding to the type name of this * {@code ArrayType} instance is also set to * the class name of the array instances it describes. * In other words, the methods {@code getClassName} and * {@code getTypeName} return the same string value. * The internal field corresponding to the description of this * {@code ArrayType} instance is set to a string value * which follows the following template: * <ul> * <li>if non-primitive array: <code><i><dimension></i>-dimension array * of <i><element_class_name></i></code></li> * <li>if primitive array: <code><i><dimension></i>-dimension array * of <i><primitive_type_of_the_element_class_name></i></code></li> * </ul> * <p> * As an example, the following piece of code: * <pre>{@code * ArrayType<String[][][]> t = new ArrayType<String[][][]>(3, SimpleType.STRING); * System.out.println("array class name = " + t.getClassName()); * System.out.println("element class name = " + t.getElementOpenType().getClassName()); * System.out.println("array type name = " + t.getTypeName()); * System.out.println("array type description = " + t.getDescription()); * }</pre> * would produce the following output: * <pre>{@code * array class name = [[[Ljava.lang.String; * element class name = java.lang.String * array type name = [[[Ljava.lang.String; * array type description = 3-dimension array of java.lang.String * }</pre> * And the following piece of code which is equivalent to the one listed * above would also produce the same output: * <pre>{@code * ArrayType<String[]> t1 = new ArrayType<String[]>(1, SimpleType.STRING); * ArrayType<String[][]> t2 = new ArrayType<String[][]>(1, t1); * ArrayType<String[][][]> t3 = new ArrayType<String[][][]>(1, t2); * System.out.println("array class name = " + t3.getClassName()); * System.out.println("element class name = " + t3.getElementOpenType().getClassName()); * System.out.println("array type name = " + t3.getTypeName()); * System.out.println("array type description = " + t3.getDescription()); * }</pre> * * @param dimension the dimension of arrays described by this {@code ArrayType} instance; * must be greater than or equal to 1. * * @param elementType the <i>open type</i> of element values contained * in the arrays described by this {@code ArrayType} * instance; must be an instance of either * {@code SimpleType}, {@code CompositeType}, * {@code TabularType} or another {@code ArrayType} * with a {@code SimpleType}, {@code CompositeType} * or {@code TabularType} as its {@code elementType}. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code dimension} is not a positive * integer. * @throws OpenDataException if <var>elementType's className</var> is not * one of the allowed Java class names for open * data. */ public ArrayType(int dimension, OpenType<?> elementType) throws OpenDataException { // Check and construct state defined by parent. // We can't use the package-private OpenType constructor because // we don't know if the elementType parameter is sane. super(buildArrayClassName(dimension, elementType), buildArrayClassName(dimension, elementType), buildArrayDescription(dimension, elementType)); // Check and construct state specific to ArrayType // if (elementType.isArray()) { ArrayType<?> at = (ArrayType<?>) elementType; this.dimension = at.getDimension() + dimension; this.elementType = at.getElementOpenType(); this.primitiveArray = at.isPrimitiveArray(); } else { this.dimension = dimension; this.elementType = elementType; this.primitiveArray = false; } } /** * Constructs a unidimensional {@code ArrayType} instance for the * supplied {@code SimpleType}. * <p> * This constructor supports the creation of arrays of primitive * types when {@code primitiveArray} is {@code true}. * <p> * For primitive arrays the {@link #getElementOpenType()} method * returns the {@link SimpleType} corresponding to the wrapper * type of the primitive type of the array. * <p> * When invoked on an {@code ArrayType} instance, * the {@link OpenType#getClassName() getClassName} method * returns the class name of the array instances it describes * (following the rules defined by the * {@link Class#getName() getName} method of {@code java.lang.Class}), * not the class name of the array elements * (which is returned by a call to {@code getElementOpenType().getClassName()}). * <p> * The internal field corresponding to the type name of this * {@code ArrayType} instance is also set to * the class name of the array instances it describes. * In other words, the methods {@code getClassName} and * {@code getTypeName} return the same string value. * The internal field corresponding to the description * of this {@code ArrayType} instance is set to a string value * which follows the following template: * <ul> * <li>if non-primitive array: <code>1-dimension array * of <i><element_class_name></i></code></li> * <li>if primitive array: <code>1-dimension array * of <i><primitive_type_of_the_element_class_name></i></code></li> * </ul> * <p> * As an example, the following piece of code: * <pre>{@code * ArrayType<int[]> t = new ArrayType<int[]>(SimpleType.INTEGER, true); * System.out.println("array class name = " + t.getClassName()); * System.out.println("element class name = " + t.getElementOpenType().getClassName()); * System.out.println("array type name = " + t.getTypeName()); * System.out.println("array type description = " + t.getDescription()); * }</pre> * would produce the following output: * <pre>{@code * array class name = [I * element class name = java.lang.Integer * array type name = [I * array type description = 1-dimension array of int * }</pre> * * @param elementType the {@code SimpleType} of the element values * contained in the arrays described by this * {@code ArrayType} instance. * * @param primitiveArray {@code true} when this array describes * primitive arrays. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code dimension} is not a positive * integer. * @throws OpenDataException if {@code primitiveArray} is {@code true} and * {@code elementType} is not a valid {@code SimpleType} for a primitive * type. * * @since 1.6 */ public ArrayType(SimpleType<?> elementType, boolean primitiveArray) throws OpenDataException { // Check and construct state defined by parent. // We can call the package-private OpenType constructor because the // set of SimpleTypes is fixed and SimpleType can't be subclassed. super(buildArrayClassName(1, elementType, primitiveArray), buildArrayClassName(1, elementType, primitiveArray), buildArrayDescription(1, elementType, primitiveArray), true); // Check and construct state specific to ArrayType // this.dimension = 1; this.elementType = elementType; this.primitiveArray = primitiveArray; } /* Package-private constructor for callers we trust to get it right. */ ArrayType(String className, String typeName, String description, int dimension, OpenType<?> elementType, boolean primitiveArray) { super(className, typeName, description, true); this.dimension = dimension; this.elementType = elementType; this.primitiveArray = primitiveArray; } private static String buildArrayClassName(int dimension, OpenType<?> elementType) throws OpenDataException { boolean isPrimitiveArray = false; if (elementType.isArray()) { isPrimitiveArray = ((ArrayType<?>) elementType).isPrimitiveArray(); } return buildArrayClassName(dimension, elementType, isPrimitiveArray); } private static String buildArrayClassName(int dimension, OpenType<?> elementType, boolean isPrimitiveArray) throws OpenDataException { if (dimension < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Value of argument dimension must be greater than 0"); } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); String elementClassName = elementType.getClassName(); // Add N (= dimension) additional '[' characters to the existing array for (int i = 1; i <= dimension; i++) { result.append('['); } if (elementType.isArray()) { result.append(elementClassName); } else { if (isPrimitiveArray) { final String key = getPrimitiveTypeKey(elementClassName); // Ideally we should throw an IllegalArgumentException here, // but for compatibility reasons we throw an OpenDataException. // (used to be thrown by OpenType() constructor). // if (key == null) throw new OpenDataException("Element type is not primitive: " + elementClassName); result.append(key); } else { result.append("L"); result.append(elementClassName); result.append(';'); } } return result.toString(); } private static String buildArrayDescription(int dimension, OpenType<?> elementType) throws OpenDataException { boolean isPrimitiveArray = false; if (elementType.isArray()) { isPrimitiveArray = ((ArrayType<?>) elementType).isPrimitiveArray(); } return buildArrayDescription(dimension, elementType, isPrimitiveArray); } private static String buildArrayDescription(int dimension, OpenType<?> elementType, boolean isPrimitiveArray) throws OpenDataException { if (elementType.isArray()) { ArrayType<?> at = (ArrayType<?>) elementType; dimension += at.getDimension(); elementType = at.getElementOpenType(); isPrimitiveArray = at.isPrimitiveArray(); } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append(dimension).append("-dimension array of "); final String elementClassName = elementType.getClassName(); if (isPrimitiveArray) { // Convert from wrapper type to primitive type final String primitiveType = getPrimitiveTypeName(elementClassName); // Ideally we should throw an IllegalArgumentException here, // but for compatibility reasons we throw an OpenDataException. // (used to be thrown by OpenType() constructor). // if (primitiveType == null) throw new OpenDataException("Element is not a primitive type: "+ elementClassName); result.append(primitiveType); } else { result.append(elementClassName); } return result.toString(); } /* *** ArrayType specific information methods *** */ /** * Returns the dimension of arrays described by this {@code ArrayType} instance. * * @return the dimension. */ public int getDimension() { return dimension; } /** * Returns the <i>open type</i> of element values contained * in the arrays described by this {@code ArrayType} instance. * * @return the element type. */ public OpenType<?> getElementOpenType() { return elementType; } /** * Returns {@code true} if the open data values this open * type describes are primitive arrays, {@code false} otherwise. * * @return true if this is a primitive array type. * * @since 1.6 */ public boolean isPrimitiveArray() { return primitiveArray; } /** * Tests whether <var>obj</var> is a value for this {@code ArrayType} * instance. * <p> * This method returns {@code true} if and only if <var>obj</var> * is not null, <var>obj</var> is an array and any one of the following * is {@code true}: * * <ul> * <li>if this {@code ArrayType} instance describes an array of * {@code SimpleType} elements or their corresponding primitive types, * <var>obj</var>'s class name is the same as the className field defined * for this {@code ArrayType} instance (i.e. the class name returned * by the {@link OpenType#getClassName() getClassName} method, which * includes the dimension information),<br> </li> * <li>if this {@code ArrayType} instance describes an array of * classes implementing the {@code TabularData} interface or the * {@code CompositeData} interface, <var>obj</var> is assignable to * such a declared array, and each element contained in {<var>obj</var> * is either null or a valid value for the element's open type specified * by this {@code ArrayType} instance.</li> * </ul> * * @param obj the object to be tested. * * @return {@code true} if <var>obj</var> is a value for this * {@code ArrayType} instance. */ public boolean isValue(Object obj) { // if obj is null, return false // if (obj == null) { return false; } Class<?> objClass = obj.getClass(); String objClassName = objClass.getName(); // if obj is not an array, return false // if ( ! objClass.isArray() ) { return false; } // Test if obj's class name is the same as for the array values that this instance describes // (this is fine if elements are of simple types, which are final classes) // if ( this.getClassName().equals(objClassName) ) { return true; } // In case this ArrayType instance describes an array of classes implementing the TabularData or CompositeData interface, // we first check for the assignability of obj to such an array of TabularData or CompositeData, // which ensures that: // . obj is of the same dimension as this ArrayType instance, // . it is declared as an array of elements which are either all TabularData or all CompositeData. // // If the assignment check is positive, // then we have to check that each element in obj is of the same TabularType or CompositeType // as the one described by this ArrayType instance. // // [About assignment check, note that the call below returns true: ] // [Class.forName("[Lpackage.CompositeData;").isAssignableFrom(Class.forName("[Lpackage.CompositeDataImpl;)")); ] // if ( (this.elementType.getClassName().equals(TabularData.class.getName())) || (this.elementType.getClassName().equals(CompositeData.class.getName())) ) { boolean isTabular = (elementType.getClassName().equals(TabularData.class.getName())); int[] dims = new int[getDimension()]; Class<?> elementClass = isTabular ? TabularData.class : CompositeData.class; Class<?> targetClass = Array.newInstance(elementClass, dims).getClass(); // assignment check: return false if negative if ( ! targetClass.isAssignableFrom(objClass) ) { return false; } // check that all elements in obj are valid values for this ArrayType if ( ! checkElementsType( (Object[]) obj, this.dimension) ) { // we know obj's dimension is this.dimension return false; } return true; } // if previous tests did not return, then obj is not a value for this ArrayType instance return false; } /** * Returns true if and only if all elements contained in the array argument x_dim_Array of dimension dim * are valid values (ie either null or of the right openType) * for the element open type specified by this ArrayType instance. * * This method's implementation uses recursion to go down the dimensions of the array argument. */ private boolean checkElementsType(Object[] x_dim_Array, int dim) { // if the elements of x_dim_Array are themselves array: go down recursively.... if ( dim > 1 ) { for (int i=0; i<x_dim_Array.length; i++) { if ( ! checkElementsType((Object[])x_dim_Array[i], dim-1) ) { return false; } } return true; } // ...else, for a non-empty array, each element must be a valid value: either null or of the right openType else { for (int i=0; i<x_dim_Array.length; i++) { if ( (x_dim_Array[i] != null) && (! this.getElementOpenType().isValue(x_dim_Array[i])) ) { return false; } } return true; } } @Override boolean isAssignableFrom(OpenType<?> ot) { if (!(ot instanceof ArrayType<?>)) return false; ArrayType<?> at = (ArrayType<?>) ot; return (at.getDimension() == getDimension() && at.isPrimitiveArray() == isPrimitiveArray() && at.getElementOpenType().isAssignableFrom(getElementOpenType())); } /* *** Methods overriden from class Object *** */ /** * Compares the specified {@code obj} parameter with this * {@code ArrayType} instance for equality. * <p> * Two {@code ArrayType} instances are equal if and only if they * describe array instances which have the same dimension, elements' * open type and primitive array flag. * * @param obj the object to be compared for equality with this * {@code ArrayType} instance; if <var>obj</var> * is {@code null} or is not an instance of the * class {@code ArrayType} this method returns * {@code false}. * * @return {@code true} if the specified object is equal to * this {@code ArrayType} instance. */ public boolean equals(Object obj) { // if obj is null, return false // if (obj == null) { return false; } // if obj is not an ArrayType, return false // if (!(obj instanceof ArrayType<?>)) return false; ArrayType<?> other = (ArrayType<?>) obj; // if other's dimension is different than this instance's, return false // if (this.dimension != other.dimension) { return false; } // Test if other's elementType field is the same as for this instance // if (!this.elementType.equals(other.elementType)) { return false; } // Test if other's primitiveArray flag is the same as for this instance // return this.primitiveArray == other.primitiveArray; } /** * Returns the hash code value for this {@code ArrayType} instance. * <p> * The hash code of an {@code ArrayType} instance is the sum of the * hash codes of all the elements of information used in {@code equals} * comparisons (i.e. dimension, elements' open type and primitive array flag). * The hashcode for a primitive value is the hashcode of the corresponding boxed * object (e.g. the hashcode for {@code true} is {@code Boolean.TRUE.hashCode()}). * This ensures that {@code t1.equals(t2)} implies that * {@code t1.hashCode()==t2.hashCode()} for any two * {@code ArrayType} instances {@code t1} and {@code t2}, * as required by the general contract of the method * {@link Object#hashCode() Object.hashCode()}. * <p> * As {@code ArrayType} instances are immutable, the hash * code for this instance is calculated once, on the first call * to {@code hashCode}, and then the same value is returned * for subsequent calls. * * @return the hash code value for this {@code ArrayType} instance */ public int hashCode() { // Calculate the hash code value if it has not yet been done (ie 1st call to hashCode()) // if (myHashCode == null) { int value = 0; value += dimension; value += elementType.hashCode(); value += Boolean.valueOf(primitiveArray).hashCode(); myHashCode = Integer.valueOf(value); } // return always the same hash code for this instance (immutable) // return myHashCode.intValue(); } /** * Returns a string representation of this {@code ArrayType} instance. * <p> * The string representation consists of the name of this class (i.e. * {@code}), the type name, * the dimension, the elements' open type and the primitive array flag * defined for this instance. * <p> * As {@code ArrayType} instances are immutable, the * string representation for this instance is calculated * once, on the first call to {@code toString}, and * then the same value is returned for subsequent calls. * * @return a string representation of this {@code ArrayType} instance */ public String toString() { // Calculate the string representation if it has not yet been done (ie 1st call to toString()) // if (myToString == null) { myToString = getClass().getName() + "(name=" + getTypeName() + ",dimension=" + dimension + ",elementType=" + elementType + ",primitiveArray=" + primitiveArray + ")"; } // return always the same string representation for this instance (immutable) // return myToString; } /** * Create an {@code ArrayType} instance in a type-safe manner. * <p> * Multidimensional arrays can be built up by calling this method as many * times as necessary. * <p> * Calling this method twice with the same parameters may return the same * object or two equal but not identical objects. * <p> * As an example, the following piece of code: * <pre>{@code * ArrayType<String[]> t1 = ArrayType.getArrayType(SimpleType.STRING); * ArrayType<String[][]> t2 = ArrayType.getArrayType(t1); * ArrayType<String[][][]> t3 = ArrayType.getArrayType(t2); * System.out.println("array class name = " + t3.getClassName()); * System.out.println("element class name = " + t3.getElementOpenType().getClassName()); * System.out.println("array type name = " + t3.getTypeName()); * System.out.println("array type description = " + t3.getDescription()); * }</pre> * would produce the following output: * <pre>{@code * array class name = [[[Ljava.lang.String; * element class name = java.lang.String * array type name = [[[Ljava.lang.String; * array type description = 3-dimension array of java.lang.String * }</pre> * * @param <E> the Java type that described instances must have * @param elementType the <i>open type</i> of element values contained * in the arrays described by this {@code ArrayType} * instance; must be an instance of either * {@code SimpleType}, {@code CompositeType}, * {@code TabularType} or another {@code ArrayType} * with a {@code SimpleType}, {@code CompositeType} * or {@code TabularType} as its {@code elementType}. * @return an {@code ArrayType} instance * @throws OpenDataException if <var>elementType's className</var> is not * one of the allowed Java class names for open * data. * * @since 1.6 */ public static <E> ArrayType<E[]> getArrayType(OpenType<E> elementType) throws OpenDataException { return new ArrayType<E[]>(1, elementType); } /** * Create an {@code ArrayType} instance in a type-safe manner. * <p> * Calling this method twice with the same parameters may return the * same object or two equal but not identical objects. * <p> * As an example, the following piece of code: * <pre>{@code * ArrayType<int[][][]> t = ArrayType.getPrimitiveArrayType(int[][][].class); * System.out.println("array class name = " + t.getClassName()); * System.out.println("element class name = " + t.getElementOpenType().getClassName()); * System.out.println("array type name = " + t.getTypeName()); * System.out.println("array type description = " + t.getDescription()); * }</pre> * would produce the following output: * <pre>{@code * array class name = [[[I * element class name = java.lang.Integer * array type name = [[[I * array type description = 3-dimension array of int * }</pre> * * @param <T> the Java type that described instances must have * @param arrayClass a primitive array class such as {@code int[].class}, * {@code boolean[][].class}, etc. The {@link * #getElementOpenType()} method of the returned * {@code ArrayType} returns the {@link SimpleType} * corresponding to the wrapper type of the primitive * type of the array. * @return an {@code ArrayType} instance * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <var>arrayClass</var> is not * a primitive array. * * @since 1.6 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // can't get appropriate T for primitive array public static <T> ArrayType<T> getPrimitiveArrayType(Class<T> arrayClass) { // Check if the supplied parameter is an array // if (!arrayClass.isArray()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("arrayClass must be an array"); } // Calculate array dimension and component type name // int n = 1; Class<?> componentType = arrayClass.getComponentType(); while (componentType.isArray()) { n++; componentType = componentType.getComponentType(); } String componentTypeName = componentType.getName(); // Check if the array's component type is a primitive type // if (!componentType.isPrimitive()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "component type of the array must be a primitive type"); } // Map component type name to corresponding SimpleType // final SimpleType<?> simpleType = getPrimitiveOpenType(componentTypeName); // Build primitive array // try { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") ArrayType at = new ArrayType(simpleType, true); if (n > 1) at = new ArrayType<T>(n - 1, at); return at; } catch (OpenDataException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); // should not happen } } /** * Replace/resolve the object read from the stream before it is returned * to the caller. * * @serialData The new serial form of this class defines a new serializable * {@code boolean} field {@code primitiveArray}. In order to guarantee the * interoperability with previous versions of this class the new serial * form must continue to refer to primitive wrapper types even when the * {@code ArrayType} instance describes a primitive type array. So when * {@code primitiveArray} is {@code true} the {@code className}, * {@code typeName} and {@code description} serializable fields * are converted into primitive types before the deserialized * {@code ArrayType} instance is return to the caller. The * {@code elementType} field always returns the {@code SimpleType} * corresponding to the primitive wrapper type of the array's * primitive type. * <p> * Therefore the following serializable fields are deserialized as follows: * <ul> * <li>if {@code primitiveArray} is {@code true} the {@code className} * field is deserialized by replacing the array's component primitive * wrapper type by the corresponding array's component primitive type, * e.g. {@code "[[Ljava.lang.Integer;"} will be deserialized as * {@code "[[I"}.</li> * <li>if {@code primitiveArray} is {@code true} the {@code typeName} * field is deserialized by replacing the array's component primitive * wrapper type by the corresponding array's component primitive type, * e.g. {@code "[[Ljava.lang.Integer;"} will be deserialized as * {@code "[[I"}.</li> * <li>if {@code primitiveArray} is {@code true} the {@code description} * field is deserialized by replacing the array's component primitive * wrapper type by the corresponding array's component primitive type, * e.g. {@code "2-dimension array of java.lang.Integer"} will be * deserialized as {@code "2-dimension array of int"}.</li> * </ul> * * @since 1.6 */ private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { if (primitiveArray) { return convertFromWrapperToPrimitiveTypes(); } else { return this; } } private <T> ArrayType<T> convertFromWrapperToPrimitiveTypes() { String cn = getClassName(); String tn = getTypeName(); String d = getDescription(); for (Object[] typeDescr : PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPES) { if (cn.indexOf((String)typeDescr[PRIMITIVE_WRAPPER_NAME_INDEX]) != -1) { cn = cn.replaceFirst( "L" + typeDescr[PRIMITIVE_WRAPPER_NAME_INDEX] + ";", (String) typeDescr[PRIMITIVE_TYPE_KEY_INDEX]); tn = tn.replaceFirst( "L" + typeDescr[PRIMITIVE_WRAPPER_NAME_INDEX] + ";", (String) typeDescr[PRIMITIVE_TYPE_KEY_INDEX]); d = d.replaceFirst( (String) typeDescr[PRIMITIVE_WRAPPER_NAME_INDEX], (String) typeDescr[PRIMITIVE_TYPE_NAME_INDEX]); break; } } return new ArrayType<T>(cn, tn, d, dimension, elementType, primitiveArray); } /** * Nominate a replacement for this object in the stream before the object * is written. * * @serialData The new serial form of this class defines a new serializable * {@code boolean} field {@code primitiveArray}. In order to guarantee the * interoperability with previous versions of this class the new serial * form must continue to refer to primitive wrapper types even when the * {@code ArrayType} instance describes a primitive type array. So when * {@code primitiveArray} is {@code true} the {@code className}, * {@code typeName} and {@code description} serializable fields * are converted into wrapper types before the serialized * {@code ArrayType} instance is written to the stream. The * {@code elementType} field always returns the {@code SimpleType} * corresponding to the primitive wrapper type of the array's * primitive type. * <p> * Therefore the following serializable fields are serialized as follows: * <ul> * <li>if {@code primitiveArray} is {@code true} the {@code className} * field is serialized by replacing the array's component primitive * type by the corresponding array's component primitive wrapper type, * e.g. {@code "[[I"} will be serialized as * {@code "[[Ljava.lang.Integer;"}.</li> * <li>if {@code primitiveArray} is {@code true} the {@code typeName} * field is serialized by replacing the array's component primitive * type by the corresponding array's component primitive wrapper type, * e.g. {@code "[[I"} will be serialized as * {@code "[[Ljava.lang.Integer;"}.</li> * <li>if {@code primitiveArray} is {@code true} the {@code description} * field is serialized by replacing the array's component primitive * type by the corresponding array's component primitive wrapper type, * e.g. {@code "2-dimension array of int"} will be serialized as * {@code "2-dimension array of java.lang.Integer"}.</li> * </ul> * * @since 1.6 */ private Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException { if (primitiveArray) { return convertFromPrimitiveToWrapperTypes(); } else { return this; } } private <T> ArrayType<T> convertFromPrimitiveToWrapperTypes() { String cn = getClassName(); String tn = getTypeName(); String d = getDescription(); for (Object[] typeDescr : PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPES) { if (cn.indexOf((String) typeDescr[PRIMITIVE_TYPE_KEY_INDEX]) != -1) { cn = cn.replaceFirst( (String) typeDescr[PRIMITIVE_TYPE_KEY_INDEX], "L" + typeDescr[PRIMITIVE_WRAPPER_NAME_INDEX] + ";"); tn = tn.replaceFirst( (String) typeDescr[PRIMITIVE_TYPE_KEY_INDEX], "L" + typeDescr[PRIMITIVE_WRAPPER_NAME_INDEX] + ";"); d = d.replaceFirst( (String) typeDescr[PRIMITIVE_TYPE_NAME_INDEX], (String) typeDescr[PRIMITIVE_WRAPPER_NAME_INDEX]); break; } } return new ArrayType<T>(cn, tn, d, dimension, elementType, primitiveArray); } }
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