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JDK 11 - Management Module
JDK 11 is the JMOD file for JDK 11 Management module.
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⏎ javax/management/openmbean/
/* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package; // java import // import java.util.Collection; // jmx import // /** * The {@code CompositeData} interface specifies * the behavior of a specific type of complex <i>open data</i> objects * which represent <i>composite data</i> structures. * * * @since 1.5 */ public interface CompositeData { /** * Returns the <i>composite type </i> of this <i>composite data</i> instance. * * @return the type of this CompositeData. */ public CompositeType getCompositeType(); /** * Returns the value of the item whose name is {@code key}. * * @param key the name of the item. * * @return the value associated with this key. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code key} is a null or empty String. * * @throws InvalidKeyException if {@code key} is not an * existing item name for this {@code CompositeData} instance. */ public Object get(String key) ; /** * Returns an array of the values of the items whose names * are specified by {@code keys}, in the same order as {@code keys}. * * @param keys the names of the items. * * @return the values corresponding to the keys. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an element in {@code keys} is a null or empty String. * * @throws InvalidKeyException if an element in {@code keys} * is not an existing item name for this {@code CompositeData} instance. */ public Object[] getAll(String[] keys) ; /** * Returns {@code true} if and only if this {@code CompositeData} instance contains * an item whose name is {@code key}. * If {@code key} is a null or empty String, this method simply returns false. * * @param key the key to be tested. * * @return true if this {@code CompositeData} contains the key. */ public boolean containsKey(String key) ; /** * Returns {@code true} if and only if this {@code CompositeData} instance contains an item * whose value is {@code value}. * * @param value the value to be tested. * * @return true if this {@code CompositeData} contains the value. */ public boolean containsValue(Object value) ; /** * Returns an unmodifiable Collection view of the item values * contained in this {@code CompositeData} instance. * The returned collection's iterator will return the values * in the ascending lexicographic order of the corresponding * item names. * * @return the values. */ public Collection<?> values() ; /** * Compares the specified <var>obj</var> parameter with this * {@code CompositeData} instance for equality. * <p> * Returns {@code true} if and only if all of the following statements are true: * <ul> * <li><var>obj</var> is non null,</li> * <li><var>obj</var> also implements the {@code CompositeData} interface,</li> * <li>their composite types are equal</li> * <li>their contents, i.e. (name, value) pairs are equal. If a value contained in * the content is an array, the value comparison is done as if by calling * the {@link java.util.Arrays#deepEquals(Object[], Object[]) deepEquals} method * for arrays of object reference types or the appropriate overloading of * {@code Arrays.equals(e1,e2)} for arrays of primitive types</li> * </ul> * <p> * This ensures that this {@code equals} method works properly for * <var>obj</var> parameters which are different implementations of the * {@code CompositeData} interface, with the restrictions mentioned in the * {@link java.util.Collection#equals(Object) equals} * method of the {@code java.util.Collection} interface. * * @param obj the object to be compared for equality with this * {@code CompositeData} instance. * @return {@code true} if the specified object is equal to this * {@code CompositeData} instance. */ public boolean equals(Object obj) ; /** * Returns the hash code value for this {@code CompositeData} instance. * <p> * The hash code of a {@code CompositeData} instance is the sum of the hash codes * of all elements of information used in {@code equals} comparisons * (ie: its <i>composite type</i> and all the item values). * <p> * This ensures that {@code t1.equals(t2)} implies that {@code t1.hashCode()==t2.hashCode()} * for any two {@code CompositeData} instances {@code t1} and {@code t2}, * as required by the general contract of the method * {@link Object#hashCode() Object.hashCode()}. * <p> * Each item value's hash code is added to the returned hash code. * If an item value is an array, * its hash code is obtained as if by calling the * {@link java.util.Arrays#deepHashCode(Object[]) deepHashCode} method * for arrays of object reference types or the appropriate overloading * of {@code Arrays.hashCode(e)} for arrays of primitive types. * * @return the hash code value for this {@code CompositeData} instance */ public int hashCode() ; /** * Returns a string representation of this {@code CompositeData} instance. * <p> * The string representation consists of the name of the implementing class, * the string representation of the composite type of this instance, * and the string representation of the contents * (ie list the itemName=itemValue mappings). * * @return a string representation of this {@code CompositeData} instance */ public String toString() ; }
⏎ javax/management/openmbean/
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