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⏎ javax/management/openmbean/
/* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package; import com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.GetPropertyAction; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import; import; /** * The <code>OpenType</code> class is the parent abstract class of all classes which describe the actual <i>open type</i> * of open data values. * <p> * An <i>open type</i> is defined by: * <ul> * <li>the fully qualified Java class name of the open data values this type describes; * note that only a limited set of Java classes is allowed for open data values * (see {@link #ALLOWED_CLASSNAMES_LIST ALLOWED_CLASSNAMES_LIST}),</li> * <li>its name,</li> * <li>its description.</li> * </ul> * * @param <T> the Java type that instances described by this type must * have. For example, {@link SimpleType#INTEGER} is a {@code * SimpleType<Integer>} which is a subclass of {@code OpenType<Integer>}, * meaning that an attribute, parameter, or return value that is described * as a {@code SimpleType.INTEGER} must have Java type * {@link Integer}. * * @since 1.5 */ public abstract class OpenType<T> implements Serializable { /* Serial version */ static final long serialVersionUID = -9195195325186646468L; /** * List of the fully qualified names of the Java classes allowed for open * data values. A multidimensional array of any one of these classes or * their corresponding primitive types is also an allowed class for open * data values. * <pre>ALLOWED_CLASSNAMES_LIST = { "java.lang.Void", "java.lang.Boolean", "java.lang.Character", "java.lang.Byte", "java.lang.Short", "java.lang.Integer", "java.lang.Long", "java.lang.Float", "java.lang.Double", "java.lang.String", "java.math.BigDecimal", "java.math.BigInteger", "java.util.Date", "", CompositeData.class.getName(), TabularData.class.getName() } ; </pre> * */ public static final List<String> ALLOWED_CLASSNAMES_LIST = Collections.unmodifiableList( Arrays.asList( "java.lang.Void", "java.lang.Boolean", "java.lang.Character", "java.lang.Byte", "java.lang.Short", "java.lang.Integer", "java.lang.Long", "java.lang.Float", "java.lang.Double", "java.lang.String", "java.math.BigDecimal", "java.math.BigInteger", "java.util.Date", "", CompositeData.class.getName(), // better refer to these two class names like this, rather than hardcoding a string, TabularData.class.getName()) ); // in case the package of these classes should change (who knows...) /** * @deprecated Use {@link #ALLOWED_CLASSNAMES_LIST ALLOWED_CLASSNAMES_LIST} instead. */ @Deprecated public static final String[] ALLOWED_CLASSNAMES = ALLOWED_CLASSNAMES_LIST.toArray(new String[0]); /** * @serial The fully qualified Java class name of open data values this * type describes. */ private String className; /** * @serial The type description (should not be null or empty). */ private String description; /** * @serial The name given to this type (should not be null or empty). */ private String typeName; /** * Tells if this type describes an array (checked in constructor). */ private transient boolean isArray = false; /** * Cached Descriptor for this OpenType, constructed on demand. */ private transient Descriptor descriptor; /* *** Constructor *** */ /** * Constructs an <code>OpenType</code> instance (actually a subclass instance as <code>OpenType</code> is abstract), * checking for the validity of the given parameters. * The validity constraints are described below for each parameter. * <br> * @param className The fully qualified Java class name of the open data values this open type describes. * The valid Java class names allowed for open data values are listed in * {@link #ALLOWED_CLASSNAMES_LIST ALLOWED_CLASSNAMES_LIST}. * A multidimensional array of any one of these classes * or their corresponding primitive types is also an allowed class, * in which case the class name follows the rules defined by the method * {@link Class#getName() getName()} of <code>java.lang.Class</code>. * For example, a 3-dimensional array of Strings has for class name * "<code>[[[Ljava.lang.String;</code>" (without the quotes). * <br> * @param typeName The name given to the open type this instance represents; cannot be a null or empty string. * <br> * @param description The human readable description of the open type this instance represents; * cannot be a null or empty string. * <br> * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <var>className</var>, <var>typeName</var> or <var>description</var> * is a null or empty string * <br> * @throws OpenDataException if <var>className</var> is not one of the allowed Java class names for open data */ protected OpenType(String className, String typeName, String description) throws OpenDataException { checkClassNameOverride(); this.typeName = valid("typeName", typeName); this.description = valid("description", description); this.className = validClassName(className); this.isArray = (this.className != null && this.className.startsWith("[")); } /* Package-private constructor for callers we trust to get it right. */ OpenType(String className, String typeName, String description, boolean isArray) { this.className = valid("className",className); this.typeName = valid("typeName", typeName); this.description = valid("description", description); this.isArray = isArray; } private void checkClassNameOverride() throws SecurityException { if (this.getClass().getClassLoader() == null) return; // We trust bootstrap classes. if (overridesGetClassName(this.getClass())) { final GetPropertyAction getExtendOpenTypes = new GetPropertyAction(""); if (AccessController.doPrivileged(getExtendOpenTypes) == null) { throw new SecurityException("Cannot override getClassName() " + "unless"); } } } private static boolean overridesGetClassName(final Class<?> c) { return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Boolean>() { public Boolean run() { try { return (c.getMethod("getClassName").getDeclaringClass() != OpenType.class); } catch (Exception e) { return true; // fail safe } } }); } private static String validClassName(String className) throws OpenDataException { className = valid("className", className); // Check if className describes an array class, and determines its elements' class name. // (eg: a 3-dimensional array of Strings has for class name: "[[[Ljava.lang.String;") // int n = 0; while (className.startsWith("[", n)) { n++; } String eltClassName; // class name of array elements boolean isPrimitiveArray = false; if (n > 0) { if (className.startsWith("L", n) && className.endsWith(";")) { // removes the n leading '[' + the 'L' characters // and the last ';' character eltClassName = className.substring(n+1, className.length()-1); } else if (n == className.length() - 1) { // removes the n leading '[' characters eltClassName = className.substring(n, className.length()); isPrimitiveArray = true; } else { throw new OpenDataException("Argument className=\"" + className + "\" is not a valid class name"); } } else { // not an array eltClassName = className; } // Check that eltClassName's value is one of the allowed basic data types for open data // boolean ok = false; if (isPrimitiveArray) { ok = ArrayType.isPrimitiveContentType(eltClassName); } else { ok = ALLOWED_CLASSNAMES_LIST.contains(eltClassName); } if ( ! ok ) { throw new OpenDataException("Argument className=\""+ className + "\" is not one of the allowed Java class names for open data."); } return className; } /* Return argValue.trim() provided argValue is neither null nor empty; otherwise throw IllegalArgumentException. */ private static String valid(String argName, String argValue) { if (argValue == null || (argValue = argValue.trim()).equals("")) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument " + argName + " cannot be null or empty"); return argValue; } /* Package-private access to a Descriptor containing this OpenType. */ synchronized Descriptor getDescriptor() { if (descriptor == null) { descriptor = new ImmutableDescriptor(new String[] {"openType"}, new Object[] {this}); } return descriptor; } /* *** Open type information methods *** */ /** * Returns the fully qualified Java class name of the open data values * this open type describes. * The only possible Java class names for open data values are listed in * {@link #ALLOWED_CLASSNAMES_LIST ALLOWED_CLASSNAMES_LIST}. * A multidimensional array of any one of these classes or their * corresponding primitive types is also an allowed class, * in which case the class name follows the rules defined by the method * {@link Class#getName() getName()} of <code>java.lang.Class</code>. * For example, a 3-dimensional array of Strings has for class name * "<code>[[[Ljava.lang.String;</code>" (without the quotes), * a 3-dimensional array of Integers has for class name * "<code>[[[Ljava.lang.Integer;</code>" (without the quotes), * and a 3-dimensional array of int has for class name * "<code>[[[I</code>" (without the quotes) * * @return the class name. */ public String getClassName() { return className; } // A version of getClassName() that can only be called from within this // package and that cannot be overridden. String safeGetClassName() { return className; } /** * Returns the name of this <code>OpenType</code> instance. * * @return the type name. */ public String getTypeName() { return typeName; } /** * Returns the text description of this <code>OpenType</code> instance. * * @return the description. */ public String getDescription() { return description; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the open data values this open * type describes are arrays, <code>false</code> otherwise. * * @return true if this is an array type. */ public boolean isArray() { return isArray; } /** * Tests whether <var>obj</var> is a value for this open type. * * @param obj the object to be tested for validity. * * @return <code>true</code> if <var>obj</var> is a value for this * open type, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ public abstract boolean isValue(Object obj) ; /** * Tests whether values of the given type can be assigned to this open type. * The default implementation of this method returns true only if the * types are equal. * * @param ot the type to be tested. * * @return true if {@code ot} is assignable to this open type. */ boolean isAssignableFrom(OpenType<?> ot) { return this.equals(ot); } /* *** Methods overriden from class Object *** */ /** * Compares the specified <code>obj</code> parameter with this * open type instance for equality. * * @param obj the object to compare to. * * @return true if this object and <code>obj</code> are equal. */ public abstract boolean equals(Object obj) ; public abstract int hashCode() ; /** * Returns a string representation of this open type instance. * * @return the string representation. */ public abstract String toString() ; /** * Deserializes an {@link OpenType} from an {@link}. */ private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { checkClassNameOverride(); ObjectInputStream.GetField fields = in.readFields(); final String classNameField; final String descriptionField; final String typeNameField; try { classNameField = validClassName((String) fields.get("className", null)); descriptionField = valid("description", (String) fields.get("description", null)); typeNameField = valid("typeName", (String) fields.get("typeName", null)); } catch (Exception e) { IOException e2 = new InvalidObjectException(e.getMessage()); e2.initCause(e); throw e2; } className = classNameField; description = descriptionField; typeName = typeNameField; isArray = (className.startsWith("[")); } }
⏎ javax/management/openmbean/
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