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JDK 11 java.naming.jmod - Naming Module
JDK 11 java.naming.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 Naming module.
JDK 11 Naming module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\java.naming.jmod.
JDK 11 Naming module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.
JDK 11 Naming module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\\java.naming.
You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.
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⏎ javax/naming/ldap/
/* * Copyright (c) 2003, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package javax.naming.ldap; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.naming.InvalidNameException; /* * RFC2253Parser implements a recursive descent parser for a single DN. */ final class Rfc2253Parser { private final String name; // DN being parsed private final char[] chars; // characters in LDAP name being parsed private final int len; // length of "chars" private int cur = 0; // index of first unconsumed char in "chars" /* * Given an LDAP DN in string form, returns a parser for it. */ Rfc2253Parser(String name) { = name; len = name.length(); chars = name.toCharArray(); } /* * Parses the DN, returning a List of its RDNs. */ // public List<Rdn> getDN() throws InvalidNameException { List<Rdn> parseDn() throws InvalidNameException { cur = 0; // ArrayList<Rdn> rdns = // new ArrayList<Rdn>(len / 3 + 10); // leave room for growth ArrayList<Rdn> rdns = new ArrayList<>(len / 3 + 10); // leave room for growth if (len == 0) { return rdns; } rdns.add(doParse(new Rdn())); while (cur < len) { if (chars[cur] == ',' || chars[cur] == ';') { ++cur; rdns.add(0, doParse(new Rdn())); } else { throw new InvalidNameException("Invalid name: " + name); } } return rdns; } /* * Parses the DN, if it is known to contain a single RDN. */ Rdn parseRdn() throws InvalidNameException { return parseRdn(new Rdn()); } /* * Parses the DN, if it is known to contain a single RDN. */ Rdn parseRdn(Rdn rdn) throws InvalidNameException { rdn = doParse(rdn); if (cur < len) { throw new InvalidNameException("Invalid RDN: " + name); } return rdn; } /* * Parses the next RDN and returns it. Throws an exception if * none is found. Leading and trailing whitespace is consumed. */ private Rdn doParse(Rdn rdn) throws InvalidNameException { while (cur < len) { consumeWhitespace(); String attrType = parseAttrType(); consumeWhitespace(); if (cur >= len || chars[cur] != '=') { throw new InvalidNameException("Invalid name: " + name); } ++cur; // consume '=' consumeWhitespace(); String value = parseAttrValue(); consumeWhitespace(); rdn.put(attrType, Rdn.unescapeValue(value)); if (cur >= len || chars[cur] != '+') { break; } ++cur; // consume '+' } rdn.sort(); return rdn; } /* * Returns the attribute type that begins at the next unconsumed * char. No leading whitespace is expected. * This routine is more generous than RFC 2253. It accepts * attribute types composed of any nonempty combination of Unicode * letters, Unicode digits, '.', '-', and internal space characters. */ private String parseAttrType() throws InvalidNameException { final int beg = cur; while (cur < len) { char c = chars[cur]; if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(c) || c == '.' || c == '-' || c == ' ') { ++cur; } else { break; } } // Back out any trailing spaces. while ((cur > beg) && (chars[cur - 1] == ' ')) { --cur; } if (beg == cur) { throw new InvalidNameException("Invalid name: " + name); } return new String(chars, beg, cur - beg); } /* * Returns the attribute value that begins at the next unconsumed * char. No leading whitespace is expected. */ private String parseAttrValue() throws InvalidNameException { if (cur < len && chars[cur] == '#') { return parseBinaryAttrValue(); } else if (cur < len && chars[cur] == '"') { return parseQuotedAttrValue(); } else { return parseStringAttrValue(); } } private String parseBinaryAttrValue() throws InvalidNameException { final int beg = cur; ++cur; // consume '#' while ((cur < len) && Character.isLetterOrDigit(chars[cur])) { ++cur; } return new String(chars, beg, cur - beg); } private String parseQuotedAttrValue() throws InvalidNameException { final int beg = cur; ++cur; // consume '"' while ((cur < len) && chars[cur] != '"') { if (chars[cur] == '\\') { ++cur; // consume backslash, then what follows } ++cur; } if (cur >= len) { // no closing quote throw new InvalidNameException("Invalid name: " + name); } ++cur; // consume closing quote return new String(chars, beg, cur - beg); } private String parseStringAttrValue() throws InvalidNameException { final int beg = cur; int esc = -1; // index of the most recently escaped character while ((cur < len) && !atTerminator()) { if (chars[cur] == '\\') { ++cur; // consume backslash, then what follows esc = cur; } ++cur; } if (cur > len) { // 'twas backslash followed by nothing throw new InvalidNameException("Invalid name: " + name); } // Trim off (unescaped) trailing whitespace. int end; for (end = cur; end > beg; end--) { if (!isWhitespace(chars[end - 1]) || (esc == end - 1)) { break; } } return new String(chars, beg, end - beg); } private void consumeWhitespace() { while ((cur < len) && isWhitespace(chars[cur])) { ++cur; } } /* * Returns true if next unconsumed character is one that terminates * a string attribute value. */ private boolean atTerminator() { return (cur < len && (chars[cur] == ',' || chars[cur] == ';' || chars[cur] == '+')); } /* * Best guess as to what RFC 2253 means by "whitespace". */ private static boolean isWhitespace(char c) { return (c == ' ' || c == '\r'); } }
⏎ javax/naming/ldap/
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