JDK 11 jdk.accessibility.jmod - Accessibility Module

JDK 11 jdk.accessibility.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 Accessibility module.

JDK 11 Accessibility module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\jdk.accessibility.jmod.

JDK 11 Accessibility module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.

JDK 11 Accessibility module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\src.zip\jdk.accessibility.

You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.

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 * Copyright (c) 2002, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

package com.sun.java.accessibility.util;

import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.accessibility.*;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;

 * The {@code EventQueueMonitor} class provides key core functionality for Assistive
 * Technologies (and other system-level technologies that need some of the same
 * things that Assistive Technology needs).
 * @see AWTEventMonitor
 * @see SwingEventMonitor
public class EventQueueMonitor
        implements AWTEventListener {

    // NOTE:  All of the following properties are static.  The reason
    //        for this is that there may be multiple EventQueue instances
    //        in use in the same VM.  By making these properties static,
    //        we can guarantee we get the information from all of the
    //        EventQueue instances.

    // The stuff that is cached.
    static Vector<Container>topLevelWindows = new Vector<>();
    static Window topLevelWindowWithFocus  = null;
    static Point currentMousePosition      = null;
    static Component currentMouseComponent = null;

    // Low-level listener interfaces
    static GUIInitializedListener guiInitializedListener = null;
    static TopLevelWindowListener topLevelWindowListener = null;
    static MouseMotionListener    mouseMotionListener    = null;

     * Class variable stating whether the assistive technologies have
     * been loaded yet or not.  The assistive technologies won't be
     * loaded until the first event is posted to the EventQueue.  This
     * gives the toolkit a chance to do all the necessary initialization
     * it needs to do.

     * Class variable stating whether the GUI subsystem has been initialized
     * or not.
     * @see #isGUIInitialized
    static boolean guiInitialized = false;

     * Queue that holds events for later processing.
    static EventQueueMonitorItem componentEventQueue = null;

     * Class that tells us what the component event dispatch thread is.
    static private ComponentEvtDispatchThread cedt = null;

     * Handle the synchronization between the thing that populates the
     * component event dispatch thread ({@link #queueComponentEvent})
     * and the thing that processes the events ({@link ComponentEvtDispatchThread}).
    static Object componentEventQueueLock = new Object();

     * Create a new {@code EventQueueMonitor} instance.  Normally, this will
     * be called only by the AWT Toolkit during initialization time.
     * Assistive technologies should not create instances of
     * EventQueueMonitor by themselves.  Instead, they should either
     * refer to it directly via the static methods in this class, e.g.,
     * {@link #getCurrentMousePosition} or obtain the instance by asking the
     * Toolkit, e.g., {@link java.awt.Toolkit#getSystemEventQueue}.
    public EventQueueMonitor() {
        if (cedt == null) {
            cedt = new ComponentEvtDispatchThread("EventQueueMonitor-ComponentEvtDispatch");


     * Queue up a {@link java.awt.event.ComponentEvent ComponentEvent} for later
     * processing by the {@link ComponentEvtDispatch} thread.
     * @param e a {@code ComponentEvent}
    static void queueComponentEvent(ComponentEvent e) {
        synchronized(componentEventQueueLock) {
            EventQueueMonitorItem eqi = new EventQueueMonitorItem(e);
            if (componentEventQueue == null) {
                componentEventQueue = eqi;
            } else {
                EventQueueMonitorItem q = componentEventQueue;
                while (true) {
                    if (q.next != null) {
                        q = q.next;
                    } else {
                q.next = eqi;

     * Tell the {@code EventQueueMonitor} to start listening for events.
    public static void maybeInitialize() {
        if (cedt == null) {
                new java.security.PrivilegedAction<Void>() {
                    public Void run() {
                        try {
                            long eventMask = AWTEvent.WINDOW_EVENT_MASK |
                                AWTEvent.FOCUS_EVENT_MASK |

                            Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().addAWTEventListener(new EventQueueMonitor(), eventMask);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                        return null;

     * Handle events as a result of registering a listener
     * on the {@link java.awt.EventQueue EventQueue} in {@link #maybeInitialize}.
    public void eventDispatched(AWTEvent theEvent) {

     * Assisitive technologies that have
     * registered a {@link GUIInitializedListener} will be notified.
     * @see #addGUIInitializedListener
    static void maybeNotifyAssistiveTechnologies() {

        if (!guiInitialized) {
            guiInitialized = true;
            if (guiInitializedListener != null) {


    /*                                                                  */
    /* Package Private Methods                                          */
    /*                                                                  */

     * Add a Container to the list of top-level containers
     * in the cache.  This follows the object's hierarchy up the
     * tree until it finds the top most parent.  If the parent is
     * not already in the list of Containers, it adds it to the list.
     * @param c the Container
    static void addTopLevelWindow(Component c) {
        Container parent;

        if (c == null) {

        if (!(c instanceof Window)) {

        if ((c instanceof Dialog) || (c instanceof Window)) {
            parent = (Container) c;
        } else {
            parent = c.getParent();
            if (parent != null) {

        if (parent == null) {
            parent = (Container) c;

        // Because this method is static, do not make it synchronized because
        // it can lock the whole class.  Instead, just lock what needs to be
        // locked.
        synchronized (topLevelWindows) {
            if ((parent != null) && !topLevelWindows.contains(parent)) {
                if (topLevelWindowListener != null) {
                    topLevelWindowListener.topLevelWindowCreated((Window) parent);

     * Removes a container from the list of top level containers in the cache.
     * @param c the top level container to remove
    static void removeTopLevelWindow(Window w) {

        // Because this method is static, do not make it synchronized because
        // it can lock the whole class.  Instead, just lock what needs to be
        // locked.
        synchronized (topLevelWindows) {
            if (topLevelWindows.contains(w)) {
                if (topLevelWindowListener != null) {

     * Update current mouse position.
     * @param mouseEvent the MouseEvent that holds the new mouse position.
    static void updateCurrentMousePosition(MouseEvent mouseEvent) {
        Point oldMousePos = currentMousePosition;
        // Be careful here.  The component in the event might be
        // hidden by the time we process the event.
        try {
            Point eventPoint      = mouseEvent.getPoint();
            currentMouseComponent = (Component) (mouseEvent.getSource());
            currentMousePosition  = currentMouseComponent.getLocationOnScreen();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            currentMousePosition = oldMousePos;

     * Process the event.  This maintains the event cache in addition
     * to calling all the registered listeners.  NOTE: The events that
     * come through here are from peered Components.
     * @param theEvent the AWTEvent
    static void processEvent(AWTEvent theEvent) {
        switch (theEvent.getID()) {
        case MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED:
        case MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED:
        case FocusEvent.FOCUS_GAINED:
        case WindowEvent.WINDOW_DEACTIVATED:
            queueComponentEvent((ComponentEvent) theEvent);

        case WindowEvent.WINDOW_ACTIVATED:
            // Dialogs fire WINDOW_ACTIVATED and FOCUS_GAINED events
            // before WINDOW_OPENED so we need to add topLevelListeners
            // for the dialog when it is first activated to get a
            // focus gained event for the focus component in the dialog.
            if (theEvent instanceof ComponentEvent) {
                ComponentEvent ce = (ComponentEvent)theEvent;
                if (ce.getComponent() instanceof Window) {
                } else {
            queueComponentEvent((ComponentEvent) theEvent);

            // handle WINDOW_OPENED and WINDOW_CLOSED events synchronously
        case WindowEvent.WINDOW_OPENED:
            if (theEvent instanceof ComponentEvent) {
                ComponentEvent ce = (ComponentEvent)theEvent;
                if (ce.getComponent() instanceof Window) {
                } else {
        case WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSED:
            if (theEvent instanceof ComponentEvent) {
                ComponentEvent ce = (ComponentEvent)theEvent;
                EventQueueMonitor.removeTopLevelWindow((Window) (ce.getComponent()));


     * Internal test
    static synchronized Component getShowingComponentAt(Container c, int x, int y) {
        if (!c.contains(x, y)) {
            return null;
        int ncomponents = c.getComponentCount();
        for (int i = 0 ; i < ncomponents ; i++) {
            Component comp = c.getComponent(i);
            if (comp != null && comp.isShowing()) {
                Point location = comp.getLocation();
                if (comp.contains(x - location.x, y - location.y)) {
                    return comp;
        return c;

     * Return the Component at the given Point on the screen in the
     * given Container.
     * @param c the Container to search
     * @param p the Point in screen coordinates
     * @return the Component at the given Point on the screen in the
     * given Container -- can be null if no Component is at that Point
    static synchronized Component getComponentAt(Container c, Point p) {
        if (!c.isShowing()) {
            return null;

        Component comp;
        Point containerLoc = c.getLocationOnScreen();
        Point containerPoint = new Point(p.x - containerLoc.x,
                                         p.y - containerLoc.y);

        comp = getShowingComponentAt(c, containerPoint.x, containerPoint.y);

        if ((comp != c) && (comp instanceof Container)) {
            return getComponentAt((Container)comp,p);
        } else {
            return comp;

     * Obtain the {@link javax.accessibility.Accessible Accessible} object at the given point on the Screen.
     * The return value may be null if an {@code Accessible} object cannot be
     * found at the particular point.
     * @param p the point to be accessed
     * @return the {@code Accessible} at the specified point
    static public Accessible getAccessibleAt(Point p) {
        Window w = getTopLevelWindowWithFocus();
        Window[] wins = getTopLevelWindows();
        Component c = null;

        // See if the point we're being asked about is the
        // currentMousePosition.  If so, start with the component
        // that we know the currentMousePostion is over
        if (currentMousePosition == null) {
            return null;
        if (currentMousePosition.equals(p)) {
            if (currentMouseComponent instanceof Container) {
                c = getComponentAt((Container) currentMouseComponent, p);

        // Try the window with focus next
        if (c == null && w != null) {
            c = getComponentAt(w,p);

        // Try the other windows next.  [[[WDW: Stacking order???]]]
        if (c == null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < wins.length; i++) {
                c = getComponentAt(wins[i],p);
                if (c != null) {

        if (c instanceof Accessible) {
            AccessibleContext ac = ((Accessible) c).getAccessibleContext();
            if (ac != null) {
                AccessibleComponent acmp = ac.getAccessibleComponent();
                if ((acmp != null) && (ac.getAccessibleChildrenCount() != 0)) {
                    Point location = acmp.getLocationOnScreen();
                    location.move(p.x - location.x, p.y - location.y);
                    return acmp.getAccessibleAt(location);
            return (Accessible) c;
        } else {
            return Translator.getAccessible(c);

    /*                                                                  */
    /* Public Methods                                                   */
    /*                                                                  */

     * Says whether the GUI subsystem has been initialized or not.
     * If this returns true, the assistive technology can freely
     * create GUI component instances.  If the return value is false,
     * the assistive technology should register a {@link GUIInitializedListener}
     * and wait to create GUI component instances until the listener is
     * called.
     * @return true if the GUI subsystem has been initialized
     * @see #addGUIInitializedListener
    static public boolean isGUIInitialized() {
        return guiInitialized;

     * Adds the specified listener to be notified when the GUI subsystem
     * is initialized.  Assistive technologies should get the results of
     * {@link #isGUIInitialized} before calling this method.
     * @param l the listener to add
     * @see #isGUIInitialized
     * @see #removeTopLevelWindowListener
    static public void addGUIInitializedListener(GUIInitializedListener l) {
        guiInitializedListener =

     * Removes the specified listener to be notified when the GUI subsystem
     * is initialized.
     * @param l the listener to remove
     * @see #addGUIInitializedListener
    static public void removeGUIInitializedListener(GUIInitializedListener l) {
        guiInitializedListener =

     * Adds the specified listener to be notified when a top level window
     * is created or destroyed.
     * @param l the listener to add
     * @see #removeTopLevelWindowListener
    static public void addTopLevelWindowListener(TopLevelWindowListener l) {
        topLevelWindowListener =

     * Removes the specified listener to be notified when a top level window
     * is created or destroyed.
     * @param l the listener to remove
     * @see #addTopLevelWindowListener
    static public void removeTopLevelWindowListener(TopLevelWindowListener l) {
        topLevelWindowListener =

     * Return the last recorded position of the mouse in screen coordinates.
     * @return the last recorded position of the mouse in screen coordinates
    static public Point getCurrentMousePosition() {
        return currentMousePosition;

     * Return the list of top level Windows in use in the Java Virtual Machine.
     * @return an array of top level {@code Window}s in use in the Java Virtual Machine
    static public Window[] getTopLevelWindows() {

        // Because this method is static, do not make it synchronized because
        // it can lock the whole class.  Instead, just lock what needs to be
        // locked.
        synchronized (topLevelWindows) {
            int count = topLevelWindows.size();
            if (count > 0) {
                Window[] w = new Window[count];
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                    w[i] = (Window)topLevelWindows.elementAt(i);
                return w;
            } else {
                return new Window[0];

     * Return the top level {@code Window} that currently has keyboard focus.
     * @return the top level {@code Window} that currently has keyboard focus
    static public Window getTopLevelWindowWithFocus() {
        return topLevelWindowWithFocus;

 * Handle all Component events in a separate thread.  The reason for this is
 * that WindowEvents tend to be used to do lots of processing on the Window
 * hierarchy.  As a result, it can frequently result in deadlock situations.
class ComponentEvtDispatchThread extends Thread {
    public ComponentEvtDispatchThread(String name) {
    public void run() {
        ComponentEvent ce = null;
        while (true) {
            synchronized(EventQueueMonitor.componentEventQueueLock) {
                while (EventQueueMonitor.componentEventQueue == null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                ce = (ComponentEvent)EventQueueMonitor.componentEventQueue.event;
                EventQueueMonitor.componentEventQueue =
            switch (ce.getID()) {
            case MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED:
            case MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED:
                EventQueueMonitor.updateCurrentMousePosition((MouseEvent) ce);
            case WindowEvent.WINDOW_ACTIVATED:
                EventQueueMonitor.topLevelWindowWithFocus = ((WindowEvent) ce).getWindow();


 * EventQueueMonitorItem is the basic type that handles the
 * queue for queueComponentEvent and the ComponentEvtDispatchThread.
class EventQueueMonitorItem {
    AWTEvent event;
    EventQueueMonitorItem next;

    EventQueueMonitorItem(AWTEvent evt) {
        event = evt;
            next = null;



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jdk.accessibility-11.0.1-src.zip
File size: 79006 bytes
Release date: 2018-11-04


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