JDK 11 jdk.hotspot.agent.jmod - Hotspot Agent Module

JDK 11 jdk.hotspot.agent.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 Hotspot Agent module.

JDK 11 Hotspot Agent module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\jdk.hotspot.agent.jmod.

JDK 11 Hotspot Agent module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.

JDK 11 Hotspot Agent module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\src.zip\jdk.hotspot.agent.

You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.

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 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

package sun.jvm.hotspot.compiler;

import java.util.*;

import sun.jvm.hotspot.code.*;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.*;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.*;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.types.*;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.*;

public class ImmutableOopMapSet extends VMObject {
  private static final boolean DEBUG = System.getProperty("sun.jvm.hotspot.compiler.ImmutableOopMapSet.DEBUG") != null;

  private static CIntegerField countField;
  private static CIntegerField sizeField;
  private static AddressField omDataField;
  private static int REG_COUNT;
  private static int SAVED_ON_ENTRY_REG_COUNT;
  private static int C_SAVED_ON_ENTRY_REG_COUNT;
  private static long classSize;

  private static class MyVisitor implements OopMapVisitor {
    private AddressVisitor addressVisitor;

    public MyVisitor(AddressVisitor oopVisitor) {

    public void setAddressVisitor(AddressVisitor addressVisitor) {
      this.addressVisitor = addressVisitor;

    public void visitOopLocation(Address oopAddr) {

    public void visitDerivedOopLocation(Address baseOopAddr, Address derivedOopAddr) {
      if (VM.getVM().isClientCompiler()) {
        Assert.that(false, "should not reach here");
      } else if (VM.getVM().isServerCompiler() &&
          VM.getVM().useDerivedPointerTable()) {
        Assert.that(false, "FIXME: add derived pointer table");

    public void visitNarrowOopLocation(Address narrowOopAddr) {

  static {
    VM.registerVMInitializedObserver(new Observer() {
      public void update(Observable o, Object data) {

  private static void initialize(TypeDataBase db) {
    Type type = db.lookupType("ImmutableOopMapSet");

    countField = type.getCIntegerField("_count");
    sizeField = type.getCIntegerField("_size");
    classSize = type.getSize();

    if (!VM.getVM().isCore()) {
      REG_COUNT = db.lookupIntConstant("REG_COUNT").intValue();
      if (VM.getVM().isServerCompiler()) {
        SAVED_ON_ENTRY_REG_COUNT = (int) db.lookupIntConstant("SAVED_ON_ENTRY_REG_COUNT").intValue();
        C_SAVED_ON_ENTRY_REG_COUNT = (int) db.lookupIntConstant("C_SAVED_ON_ENTRY_REG_COUNT").intValue();

  public ImmutableOopMapSet(Address addr) {

   * Returns the number of OopMaps in this ImmutableOopMapSet
  public int getCount() { return (int) countField.getValue(addr); }

  private Address dataStart() {
    return (pairStart().addOffsetTo(ImmutableOopMapPair.classSize() * getCount()));

  private Address pairStart() {
    return addr.addOffsetTo(ImmutableOopMapSet.classSize);

  public ImmutableOopMapPair pairAt(int index) {
    Assert.that((index >= 0) && (index < getCount()), "bad index");
    return new ImmutableOopMapPair(pairStart().addOffsetTo(index * ImmutableOopMapPair.classSize()));

   * returns the OopMap at a given index
  public ImmutableOopMap getMapAt(int index) {
    if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) {
      Assert.that((index >= 0) && (index <= getCount()), "bad index");

    ImmutableOopMapPair immutableOopMapPair = pairAt(index);
    return getMap(immutableOopMapPair);

  public ImmutableOopMap findMapAtOffset(long pcOffset, boolean debugging) {
    int i;
    int len = getCount();
    if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) {
      Assert.that(len > 0, "must have pointer maps");

    // Scan through oopmaps. Stop when current offset is either equal or greater
    // than the one we are looking for.
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      if (pairAt(i).getPC() >= pcOffset) {

    if (!debugging) {
      if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) {
        Assert.that(i < len, "oopmap not found for pcOffset = " + pcOffset + "; len = " + len);
        Assert.that(pairAt(i).getPC() == pcOffset, "oopmap not found");
    } else {
      if (i == len) {
        if (DEBUG) {
          System.out.println("can't find oopmap at " + pcOffset);
          System.out.print("Oopmap offsets are [ ");
          for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        i = len - 1;
        return getMapAt(i);

    ImmutableOopMap m = getMapAt(i);
    return m;

   * Visitation -- iterates through the frame for a compiled method.
   * This is a very generic mechanism that requires the Address to be
   * dereferenced by the callee. Other, more specialized, visitation
   * mechanisms are given below.
  public static void oopsDo(Frame fr, CodeBlob cb, RegisterMap regMap, AddressVisitor oopVisitor, boolean debugging) {
    allDo(fr, cb, regMap, new MyVisitor(oopVisitor), debugging);

   * Note that there are 4 required AddressVisitors: one for oops,
   * one for derived oops, one for values, and one for dead values
  public static void allDo(Frame fr, CodeBlob cb, RegisterMap regMap, OopMapVisitor visitor, boolean debugging) {
    if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) {
      CodeBlob tmpCB = VM.getVM().getCodeCache().findBlob(fr.getPC());
      Assert.that(tmpCB != null && cb.equals(tmpCB), "wrong codeblob passed in");

    ImmutableOopMapSet maps = cb.getOopMaps();
    ImmutableOopMap map = cb.getOopMapForReturnAddress(fr.getPC(), debugging);
    if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) {
      Assert.that(map != null, "no ptr map found");

    // handle derived pointers first (otherwise base pointer may be
    // changed before derived pointer offset has been collected)
    OopMapValue omv;
      for (OopMapStream oms = new OopMapStream(map, OopMapValue.OopTypes.DERIVED_OOP_VALUE); !oms.isDone(); oms.next()) {
        if (VM.getVM().isClientCompiler()) {
          Assert.that(false, "should not reach here");
        omv = oms.getCurrent();
        Address loc = fr.oopMapRegToLocation(omv.getReg(), regMap);
        if (loc != null) {
          Address baseLoc = fr.oopMapRegToLocation(omv.getContentReg(), regMap);
          Address derivedLoc = loc;
          visitor.visitDerivedOopLocation(baseLoc, derivedLoc);

    // We want narow oop and oop oop_types
    OopMapValue.OopTypes[] values = new OopMapValue.OopTypes[] {
        OopMapValue.OopTypes.OOP_VALUE, OopMapValue.OopTypes.NARROWOOP_VALUE

      for (OopMapStream oms = new OopMapStream(map, values); !oms.isDone(); oms.next()) {
        omv = oms.getCurrent();
        Address loc = fr.oopMapRegToLocation(omv.getReg(), regMap);
        if (loc != null) {
          if (omv.getType() == OopMapValue.OopTypes.OOP_VALUE) {
            // This assert commented out because this will be useful
            // to detect in the debugging system
            // assert(Universe::is_heap_or_null(*loc), "found non oop pointer");
          } else if (omv.getType() == OopMapValue.OopTypes.NARROWOOP_VALUE) {

   * Update callee-saved register info for the following frame.
   * Should only be called in non-core builds.
  public static void updateRegisterMap(Frame fr, CodeBlob cb, RegisterMap regMap, boolean debugging) {
    if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) {
      Assert.that(!VM.getVM().isCore(), "non-core builds only");

    if (!VM.getVM().isDebugging()) {
      if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) {
        ImmutableOopMapSet maps = cb.getOopMaps();
        Assert.that((maps != null) && (maps.getCount() > 0), "found null or empty ImmutableOopMapSet for CodeBlob");
    } else {
      // Hack for some topmost frames that have been found with empty
      // OopMapSets. (Actually have not seen the null case, but don't
      // want to take any chances.) See HSDB.showThreadStackMemory().
      ImmutableOopMapSet maps = cb.getOopMaps();
      if ((maps == null) || (maps.getCount() == 0)) {

    // Check if caller must update oop argument

    int nofCallee = 0;
    Address[] locs = new Address[2 * REG_COUNT + 1];
    VMReg[] regs = new VMReg[2 * REG_COUNT + 1];
    // ("+1" because REG_COUNT might be zero)

    // Scan through oopmap and find location of all callee-saved registers
    // (we do not do update in place, since info could be overwritten)
    ImmutableOopMap map = cb.getOopMapForReturnAddress(fr.getPC(), debugging);
    if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) {
      Assert.that(map != null, "no ptr map found");

    OopMapValue omv = null;
    for (OopMapStream oms = new OopMapStream(map, OopMapValue.OopTypes.CALLEE_SAVED_VALUE); !oms.isDone(); oms.next()) {
      omv = oms.getCurrent();
      if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) {
        Assert.that(nofCallee < 2 * REG_COUNT, "overflow");
      regs[nofCallee] = omv.getContentReg();
      locs[nofCallee] = fr.oopMapRegToLocation(omv.getReg(), regMap);

    // Check that runtime stubs save all callee-saved registers
    // After adapter frames were deleted C2 doesn't use callee save registers at present
    if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) {
      if (VM.getVM().isServerCompiler()) {
        Assert.that(!cb.isRuntimeStub() ||
                (nofCallee >= SAVED_ON_ENTRY_REG_COUNT || nofCallee >= C_SAVED_ON_ENTRY_REG_COUNT),
            "must save all");

    // Copy found callee-saved register to reg_map
    for (int i = 0; i < nofCallee; i++) {
      regMap.setLocation(regs[i], locs[i]);

  public ImmutableOopMapPair getPairAt(int index) {
    return pairAt(index);

  private int getSize() {
    return (int) sizeField.getValue(addr);

  public ImmutableOopMap getMap(ImmutableOopMapPair pair) {
    Assert.that(pair.getOffset() < getSize(), "boundary check: this: " + this + " offset: " + pair);
    return new ImmutableOopMap(dataStart().addOffsetTo(pair.getOffset()));

  public String toString() {
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    builder.append("Set{ ")
      .append("addr = ").append(addr)
      .append(", count = ").append(getCount())
      .append(", size = ").append(getSize())
      .append(", pairs = [");

    for (int i = 0; i < getCount(); ++i) {

    return builder.toString();



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jdk.hotspot.agent-11.0.1-src.zip
File size: 1243786 bytes
Release date: 2018-11-04


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