JDK 11 jdk.hotspot.agent.jmod - Hotspot Agent Module

JDK 11 jdk.hotspot.agent.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 Hotspot Agent module.

JDK 11 Hotspot Agent module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\jdk.hotspot.agent.jmod.

JDK 11 Hotspot Agent module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.

JDK 11 Hotspot Agent module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\src.zip\jdk.hotspot.agent.

You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.

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 * Copyright (c) 2003, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

package sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.amd64;

import java.lang.annotation.Native;

import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.*;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.cdbg.*;

/** Specifies the thread context on amd64 platforms; only a sub-portion
 * of the context is guaranteed to be present on all operating
 * systems. */

public abstract class AMD64ThreadContext implements ThreadContext {
    // Taken from /usr/include/sys/regset.h on Solaris/AMD64.

    // NOTE: the indices for the various registers must be maintained as
    // listed across various operating systems. However, only a small
    // subset of the registers' values are guaranteed to be present (and
    // must be present for the SA's stack walking to work)

    // One instance of the Native annotation is enough to trigger header generation
    // for this file.
    public static final int R15 = 0;
    public static final int R14 = 1;
    public static final int R13 = 2;
    public static final int R12 = 3;
    public static final int R11 = 4;
    public static final int R10 = 5;
    public static final int R9  = 6;
    public static final int R8  = 7;
    public static final int RDI = 8;
    public static final int RSI = 9;
    public static final int RBP = 10;
    public static final int RBX = 11;
    public static final int RDX = 12;
    public static final int RCX = 13;
    public static final int RAX = 14;
    public static final int TRAPNO = 15;
    public static final int ERR = 16;
    public static final int RIP = 17;
    public static final int CS = 18;
    public static final int RFL = 19;
    public static final int RSP = 20;
    public static final int SS = 21;
    public static final int FS = 22;
    public static final int GS = 23;
    public static final int ES = 24;
    public static final int DS = 25;
    public static final int FSBASE = 26;
    public static final int GSBASE = 27;

    public static final int NPRGREG = 28;

    private static final String[] regNames = {
        "r15",  "r14", "r13", "r12", "r11", "r10", "r9", "r8",
        "rdi",  "rsi", "rbp", "rbx", "rdx", "rcx", "rax", "trapno",
        "err",  "rip", "cs",  "rfl", "rsp", "ss",  "fs", "gs",
        "es",   "ds",  "fsbase", "gsbase"

    private long[] data;

    public AMD64ThreadContext() {
        data = new long[NPRGREG];

    public int getNumRegisters() {
        return NPRGREG;

    public String getRegisterName(int index) {
        return regNames[index];

    public void setRegister(int index, long value) {
        data[index] = value;

    public long getRegister(int index) {
        return data[index];

    public CFrame getTopFrame(Debugger dbg) {
        return null;

    /** This can't be implemented in this class since we would have to
     * tie the implementation to, for example, the debugging system */
    public abstract void setRegisterAsAddress(int index, Address value);

    /** This can't be implemented in this class since we would have to
     * tie the implementation to, for example, the debugging system */
    public abstract Address getRegisterAsAddress(int index);



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jdk.hotspot.agent-11.0.1-src.zip
File size: 1243786 bytes
Release date: 2018-11-04


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