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JDK 11 jdk.hotspot.agent.jmod - Hotspot Agent Module
JDK 11 jdk.hotspot.agent.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 Hotspot Agent module.
JDK 11 Hotspot Agent module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\jdk.hotspot.agent.jmod.
JDK 11 Hotspot Agent module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.
JDK 11 Hotspot Agent module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\\jdk.hotspot.agent.
You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.
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⏎ sun/jvm/hotspot/debugger/remote/
/* * Copyright (c) 2002, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.remote; import java.rmi.*; import java.util.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.cdbg.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.remote.sparc.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.remote.x86.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.remote.amd64.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.remote.ppc64.*; /** An implementation of Debugger which wraps a RemoteDebugger, providing remote debugging via RMI. This implementation provides caching of the remote process's address space on the local machine where the user interface is running. */ public class RemoteDebuggerClient extends DebuggerBase implements JVMDebugger { private RemoteDebugger remoteDebugger; private RemoteThreadFactory threadFactory; private boolean unalignedAccessesOkay = false; private static final int cacheSize = 16 * 1024 * 1024; // 16 MB public RemoteDebuggerClient(RemoteDebugger remoteDebugger) throws DebuggerException { super(); try { this.remoteDebugger = remoteDebugger; machDesc = remoteDebugger.getMachineDescription(); utils = new DebuggerUtilities(machDesc.getAddressSize(), machDesc.isBigEndian()); int cacheNumPages; int cachePageSize; String cpu = remoteDebugger.getCPU(); // page size. (FIXME: should pick this up from the remoteDebugger.) if (cpu.equals("sparc")) { threadFactory = new RemoteSPARCThreadFactory(this); cachePageSize = 8192; cacheNumPages = parseCacheNumPagesProperty(cacheSize / cachePageSize); } else if (cpu.equals("x86")) { threadFactory = new RemoteX86ThreadFactory(this); cachePageSize = 4096; cacheNumPages = parseCacheNumPagesProperty(cacheSize / cachePageSize); unalignedAccessesOkay = true; } else if (cpu.equals("amd64") || cpu.equals("x86_64")) { threadFactory = new RemoteAMD64ThreadFactory(this); cachePageSize = 4096; cacheNumPages = parseCacheNumPagesProperty(cacheSize / cachePageSize); unalignedAccessesOkay = true; } else if (cpu.equals("ppc64")) { threadFactory = new RemotePPC64ThreadFactory(this); cachePageSize = 4096; cacheNumPages = parseCacheNumPagesProperty(cacheSize / cachePageSize); unalignedAccessesOkay = true; } else { try { Class tf = Class.forName("sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.remote." + cpu.toLowerCase() + ".Remote" + cpu.toUpperCase() + "ThreadFactory"); Constructor[] ctf = tf.getConstructors(); threadFactory = (RemoteThreadFactory)ctf[0].newInstance(this); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DebuggerException("Thread access for CPU architecture " + cpu + " not yet supported"); } cachePageSize = 4096; cacheNumPages = parseCacheNumPagesProperty(cacheSize / cachePageSize); unalignedAccessesOkay = false; } // Cache portion of the remote process's address space. initCache(cachePageSize, cacheNumPages); jbooleanSize = remoteDebugger.getJBooleanSize(); jbyteSize = remoteDebugger.getJByteSize(); jcharSize = remoteDebugger.getJCharSize(); jdoubleSize = remoteDebugger.getJDoubleSize(); jfloatSize = remoteDebugger.getJFloatSize(); jintSize = remoteDebugger.getJIntSize(); jlongSize = remoteDebugger.getJLongSize(); jshortSize = remoteDebugger.getJShortSize(); javaPrimitiveTypesConfigured = true; narrowOopBase = remoteDebugger.getNarrowOopBase(); narrowOopShift = remoteDebugger.getNarrowOopShift(); narrowKlassBase = remoteDebugger.getNarrowKlassBase(); narrowKlassShift = remoteDebugger.getNarrowKlassShift(); heapOopSize = remoteDebugger.getHeapOopSize(); klassPtrSize = remoteDebugger.getKlassPtrSize(); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new DebuggerException(e); } } public long[] getThreadIntegerRegisterSet(Address addr) { try { return remoteDebugger.getThreadIntegerRegisterSet(getAddressValue(addr), true); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new DebuggerException(e); } } public long[] getThreadIntegerRegisterSet(long id) { try { return remoteDebugger.getThreadIntegerRegisterSet(id, false); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new DebuggerException(e); } } /** Unimplemented in this class (remote remoteDebugger should already be attached) */ public boolean hasProcessList() throws DebuggerException { throw new DebuggerException("Should not be called on RemoteDebuggerClient"); } /** Unimplemented in this class (remote remoteDebugger should already be attached) */ public List getProcessList() throws DebuggerException { throw new DebuggerException("Should not be called on RemoteDebuggerClient"); } /** Unimplemented in this class (remote remoteDebugger should already be attached) */ public void attach(int processID) throws DebuggerException { throw new DebuggerException("Should not be called on RemoteDebuggerClient"); } /** Unimplemented in this class (remote remoteDebugger should already be attached) */ public void attach(String executableName, String coreFileName) throws DebuggerException { throw new DebuggerException("Should not be called on RemoteDebuggerClient"); } /** Unimplemented in this class (remote remoteDebugger can not be detached) */ public boolean detach() { throw new DebuggerException("Should not be called on RemoteDebuggerClient"); } public Address parseAddress(String addressString) throws NumberFormatException { long addr = utils.scanAddress(addressString); if (addr == 0) { return null; } return new RemoteAddress(this, addr); } public String getOS() throws DebuggerException { try { return remoteDebugger.getOS(); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new DebuggerException(e); } } public String getCPU() { try { return remoteDebugger.getCPU(); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new DebuggerException(e); } } public boolean hasConsole() throws DebuggerException { try { return remoteDebugger.hasConsole(); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new DebuggerException(e); } } public String consoleExecuteCommand(String cmd) throws DebuggerException { try { return remoteDebugger.consoleExecuteCommand(cmd); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new DebuggerException(e); } } public String getConsolePrompt() throws DebuggerException { try { return remoteDebugger.getConsolePrompt(); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new DebuggerException(e); } } public CDebugger getCDebugger() throws DebuggerException { return null; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of SymbolLookup interface public Address lookup(String objectName, String symbol) { try { long addr = remoteDebugger.lookupInProcess(objectName, symbol); if (addr == 0) { return null; } return new RemoteAddress(this, addr); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new DebuggerException(e); } } public OopHandle lookupOop(String objectName, String symbol) { try { long addr = remoteDebugger.lookupInProcess(objectName, symbol); if (addr == 0) { return null; } return new RemoteOopHandle(this, addr); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new DebuggerException(e); } } /** Need to override this to relax alignment checks on x86. */ public long readCInteger(long address, long numBytes, boolean isUnsigned) throws UnmappedAddressException, UnalignedAddressException { if (!unalignedAccessesOkay) { utils.checkAlignment(address, numBytes); } else { // Only slightly relaxed semantics -- this is a hack, but is // necessary on x86 where it seems the compiler is // putting some global 64-bit data on 32-bit boundaries if (numBytes == 8) { utils.checkAlignment(address, 4); } else { utils.checkAlignment(address, numBytes); } } byte[] data = readBytes(address, numBytes); return utils.dataToCInteger(data, isUnsigned); } // Overridden from DebuggerBase because we need to relax alignment // constraints on x86 public long readJLong(long address) throws UnmappedAddressException, UnalignedAddressException { // FIXME: allow this to be configurable. Undesirable to add a // dependency on the runtime package here, though, since this // package should be strictly underneath it. if (unalignedAccessesOkay) { utils.checkAlignment(address, jintSize); } else { utils.checkAlignment(address, jlongSize); } byte[] data = readBytes(address, jlongSize); return utils.dataToJLong(data, jlongSize); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of JVMDebugger interface // /** Unimplemented in this class (remote remoteDebugger should already be configured) */ public void configureJavaPrimitiveTypeSizes(long jbooleanSize, long jbyteSize, long jcharSize, long jdoubleSize, long jfloatSize, long jintSize, long jlongSize, long jshortSize) { throw new DebuggerException("Should not be called on RemoteDebuggerClient"); } public void setMachineDescription(MachineDescription machDesc) { throw new DebuggerException("Should not be called on RemoteDebuggerClient"); } public int getRemoteProcessAddressSize() { throw new DebuggerException("Should not be called on RemoteDebuggerClient"); } public String addressValueToString(long addr) { return utils.addressValueToString(addr); } public long getAddressValue(Address addr) throws DebuggerException { if (addr == null) return 0; return ((RemoteAddress) addr).getValue(); } public Address newAddress(long value) { if (value == 0) return null; return new RemoteAddress(this, value); } RemoteAddress readAddress(long address) throws UnmappedAddressException, UnalignedAddressException { long value = readAddressValue(address); return (value == 0 ? null : new RemoteAddress(this, value)); } RemoteAddress readCompOopAddress(long address) throws UnmappedAddressException, UnalignedAddressException { long value = readCompOopAddressValue(address); return (value == 0 ? null : new RemoteAddress(this, value)); } RemoteAddress readCompKlassAddress(long address) throws UnmappedAddressException, UnalignedAddressException { long value = readCompKlassAddressValue(address); return (value == 0 ? null : new RemoteAddress(this, value)); } RemoteOopHandle readOopHandle(long address) throws UnmappedAddressException, UnalignedAddressException, NotInHeapException { long value = readAddressValue(address); return (value == 0 ? null : new RemoteOopHandle(this, value)); } RemoteOopHandle readCompOopHandle(long address) throws UnmappedAddressException, UnalignedAddressException, NotInHeapException { long value = readCompOopAddressValue(address); return (value == 0 ? null : new RemoteOopHandle(this, value)); } boolean areThreadsEqual(Address addr1, Address addr2) { try { return remoteDebugger.areThreadsEqual(getAddressValue(addr1), true, getAddressValue(addr2), true); } catch (RemoteException e) { } return false; } boolean areThreadsEqual(long id1, long id2) { try { return remoteDebugger.areThreadsEqual(id1, false, id2, false); } catch (RemoteException e) { } return false; } boolean areThreadsEqual(Address addr1, long id2) { try { return remoteDebugger.areThreadsEqual(getAddressValue(addr1), true, id2, false); } catch (RemoteException e) { } return false; } boolean areThreadsEqual(long id1, Address addr2) { try { return remoteDebugger.areThreadsEqual(id1, false, getAddressValue(addr2), true); } catch (RemoteException e) { } return false; } int getThreadHashCode(Address a) { try { return remoteDebugger.getThreadHashCode(getAddressValue(a), true); } catch (RemoteException e) { } return a.hashCode(); } int getThreadHashCode(long id) { try { return remoteDebugger.getThreadHashCode(id, false); } catch (RemoteException e) { } return (int) id; } public ThreadProxy getThreadForIdentifierAddress(Address addr) { return threadFactory.createThreadWrapper(addr); } public ThreadProxy getThreadForThreadId(long id) { return threadFactory.createThreadWrapper(id); } public MachineDescription getMachineDescription() throws DebuggerException { return machDesc; } /** This reads bytes from the remote process. */ public ReadResult readBytesFromProcess(long address, long numBytes) { try { return remoteDebugger.readBytesFromProcess(address, numBytes); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new DebuggerException(e); } } public void writeBytesToProcess(long a, long b, byte[] c) { throw new DebuggerException("Unimplemented!"); } }
⏎ sun/jvm/hotspot/debugger/remote/
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