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JDK 11 jdk.hotspot.agent.jmod - Hotspot Agent Module
JDK 11 jdk.hotspot.agent.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 Hotspot Agent module.
JDK 11 Hotspot Agent module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\jdk.hotspot.agent.jmod.
JDK 11 Hotspot Agent module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.
JDK 11 Hotspot Agent module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\\jdk.hotspot.agent.
You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.
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⏎ sun/jvm/hotspot/debugger/windbg/
/* * Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.windbg; import java.util.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.win32.coff.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.cdbg.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.cdbg.basic.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.Assert; class WindbgCDebugInfoBuilder implements DebugVC50SubsectionTypes, DebugVC50TypeLeafIndices, DebugVC50TypeEnums, DebugVC50SymbolTypes, DebugVC50MemberAttributes, CVAttributes, AccessControl { private WindbgDebugger dbg; private Address base; private DebugVC50 vc50; private BasicCDebugInfoDataBase db; private DebugVC50TypeIterator iter; private DebugVC50SymbolIterator symIter; // Logical->physical segment mapping private COFFFile file; private DebugVC50SSSegMap segMap; // Canonicalization of primitive types private Map primIndexToTypeMap; // Global unnamed enumeration // (FIXME: must figure out how to handle nested type descriptions) private BasicEnumType unnamedEnum; private Stack blockStack; private int endsToSkip; private static final int POINTER_SIZE = 4; WindbgCDebugInfoBuilder(WindbgDebugger dbg) { this.dbg = dbg; } CDebugInfoDataBase buildDataBase(String dllName, Address base) { this.base = base; file = COFFFileParser.getParser().parse(dllName); vc50 = getDebugVC50(file); if (vc50 == null) return null; segMap = getSegMap(); primIndexToTypeMap = new HashMap(); blockStack = new Stack(); endsToSkip = 0; db = new BasicCDebugInfoDataBase(); db.beginConstruction(); // Get global types and add them to the database DebugVC50SSGlobalTypes types = getGlobalTypes(); for (iter = types.getTypeIterator(); !iter.done(); { while (!iter.typeStringDone()) { switch (iter.typeStringLeaf()) { case LF_MODIFIER: { int idx = iter.getModifierIndex(); BasicType target = getTypeByIndex(idx); short windowsMods = iter.getModifierAttribute(); short mods = 0; if ((windowsMods & MODIFIER_CONST_MASK) != 0) mods |= CONST; if ((windowsMods & MODIFIER_VOLATILE_MASK) != 0) mods |= VOLATILE; putType(target.getCVVariant(mods)); break; } case LF_POINTER: { int idx = iter.getPointerType(); BasicType target = getTypeByIndex(idx); short windowsMods = iter.getModifierAttribute(); short mods = 0; if ((windowsMods & POINTER_CONST_MASK) != 0) mods |= CONST; if ((windowsMods & POINTER_VOLATILE_MASK) != 0) mods |= VOLATILE; BasicPointerType ptrType = new BasicPointerType(POINTER_SIZE, target); if (mods != 0) { ptrType = (BasicPointerType) ptrType.getCVVariant(mods); } putType(ptrType); break; } case LF_ARRAY: { BasicType elemType = getTypeByIndex(iter.getArrayElementType()); putType(new BasicArrayType(iter.getArrayName(), elemType, iter.getArrayLength())); break; } case LF_CLASS: case LF_STRUCTURE: { CompoundTypeKind kind = ((iter.typeStringLeaf() == LF_CLASS) ? CompoundTypeKind.CLASS : CompoundTypeKind.STRUCT); BasicCompoundType type = new BasicCompoundType(iter.getClassName(), iter.getClassSize(), kind); // Skip parsing of forward references to types // FIXME: do we have to resolve these later? if ((iter.getClassProperty() & PROPERTY_FWDREF) == 0) { DebugVC50TypeIterator fieldIter = iter.getClassFieldListIterator(); if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(fieldIter.typeStringLeaf() == LF_FIELDLIST, "Expected field list"); } boolean advance = false; while (!fieldIter.typeStringDone()) { advance = true; switch (fieldIter.typeStringLeaf()) { case LF_FIELDLIST: break; case LF_BCLASS: { int accessControl = memberAttributeToAccessControl(fieldIter.getBClassAttribute()); Type baseType = getTypeByIndex(fieldIter.getBClassType()); // FIXME: take offset into account type.addBaseClass(new BasicBaseClass(accessControl, false, baseType)); break; } case LF_VBCLASS: { int accessControl = memberAttributeToAccessControl(fieldIter.getVBClassAttribute()); Type baseType = getTypeByIndex(fieldIter.getVBClassBaseClassType()); // FIXME: take offset and virtual base offset into account type.addBaseClass(new BasicBaseClass(accessControl, true, baseType)); break; } // I don't think we need to handle indirect virtual base // classes since they should be handled indirectly through // the modeling of the type hierarchy case LF_IVBCLASS: break; case LF_INDEX: { fieldIter = fieldIter.getIndexIterator(); advance = false; break; } case LF_MEMBER: { BasicField field = new BasicField(fieldIter.getMemberName(), getTypeByIndex(fieldIter.getMemberType()), memberAttributeToAccessControl(fieldIter.getMemberAttribute()), false); field.setOffset(fieldIter.getMemberOffset()); type.addField(field); break; } case LF_STMEMBER: { BasicField field = new BasicField(fieldIter.getStaticName(), getTypeByIndex(fieldIter.getStaticType()), memberAttributeToAccessControl(fieldIter.getStaticAttribute()), true); // The field's address will be found during resolution // of the debug info database type.addField(field); break; } // FIXME: handle methods case LF_METHOD: break; case LF_ONEMETHOD: break; // FIXME: handle nested types case LF_NESTTYPE: break; case LF_NESTTYPEEX: break; // NOTE: virtual functions not needed/handled yet for // this debugging system (because we are not planning to // handle calling methods in the target process at // runtime) case LF_VFUNCTAB: break; case LF_FRIENDCLS: break; case LF_VFUNCOFF: break; case LF_MEMBERMODIFY: break; case LF_PAD0: case LF_PAD1: case LF_PAD2: case LF_PAD3: case LF_PAD4: case LF_PAD5: case LF_PAD6: case LF_PAD7: case LF_PAD8: case LF_PAD9: case LF_PAD10: case LF_PAD11: case LF_PAD12: case LF_PAD13: case LF_PAD14: case LF_PAD15: break; default: System.err.println("WARNING: unexpected leaf index " + fieldIter.typeStringLeaf() + " in field list for type " + iter.getTypeIndex()); } if (advance) { fieldIter.typeStringNext(); } } } putType(type); break; } case LF_UNION: { BasicCompoundType type = new BasicCompoundType(iter.getUnionName(), iter.getUnionSize(), CompoundTypeKind.UNION); // Skip parsing of forward references to types // FIXME: do we have to resolve these later? if ((iter.getClassProperty() & PROPERTY_FWDREF) == 0) { DebugVC50TypeIterator fieldIter = iter.getUnionFieldListIterator(); if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(fieldIter.typeStringLeaf() == LF_FIELDLIST, "Expected field list"); } boolean advance = false; while (!fieldIter.typeStringDone()) { advance = true; switch (fieldIter.typeStringLeaf()) { case LF_FIELDLIST: break; case LF_BCLASS: break; case LF_VBCLASS: break; case LF_IVBCLASS: break; case LF_INDEX: { fieldIter = fieldIter.getIndexIterator(); advance = false; break; } case LF_MEMBER: { BasicField field = new BasicField(fieldIter.getMemberName(), getTypeByIndex(fieldIter.getMemberType()), memberAttributeToAccessControl(fieldIter.getMemberAttribute()), false); field.setOffset(fieldIter.getMemberOffset()); type.addField(field); break; } case LF_STMEMBER: { System.err.println("WARNING: I didn't think unions could contain static fields..."); BasicField field = new BasicField(fieldIter.getStaticName(), getTypeByIndex(fieldIter.getStaticType()), memberAttributeToAccessControl(fieldIter.getStaticAttribute()), true); // The field's address will be found during resolution // of the debug info database type.addField(field); break; } case LF_METHOD: break; case LF_ONEMETHOD: break; // FIXME: handle nested types case LF_NESTTYPE: break; case LF_NESTTYPEEX: break; case LF_VFUNCTAB: break; case LF_FRIENDCLS: break; case LF_VFUNCOFF: break; case LF_MEMBERMODIFY: break; case LF_PAD0: case LF_PAD1: case LF_PAD2: case LF_PAD3: case LF_PAD4: case LF_PAD5: case LF_PAD6: case LF_PAD7: case LF_PAD8: case LF_PAD9: case LF_PAD10: case LF_PAD11: case LF_PAD12: case LF_PAD13: case LF_PAD14: case LF_PAD15: break; default: System.err.println("WARNING: unexpected leaf index " + fieldIter.typeStringLeaf() + " in field list for union of type " + iter.getTypeIndex()); } if (advance) { fieldIter.typeStringNext(); } } } putType(type); break; } case LF_ENUM: { String name = iter.getEnumName(); BasicEnumType enumType = null; if ((name == null) || (name.equals(""))) { if (unnamedEnum == null) { unnamedEnum = new BasicEnumType(null, getTypeByIndex(iter.getEnumType())); } enumType = unnamedEnum; } else { enumType = new BasicEnumType(name, getTypeByIndex(iter.getEnumType())); } DebugVC50TypeIterator fieldIter = iter.getEnumFieldListIterator(); if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(fieldIter.typeStringLeaf() == LF_FIELDLIST, "Expected field list"); } boolean advance = false; while (!fieldIter.typeStringDone()) { advance = true; switch (fieldIter.typeStringLeaf()) { case LF_FIELDLIST: break; case LF_ENUMERATE: { String enumName = fieldIter.getEnumerateName(); long enumVal = fieldIter.getEnumerateValue(); enumType.addEnum(enumName, enumVal); break; } case LF_INDEX: { fieldIter = fieldIter.getIndexIterator(); advance = false; break; } case LF_PAD0: case LF_PAD1: case LF_PAD2: case LF_PAD3: case LF_PAD4: case LF_PAD5: case LF_PAD6: case LF_PAD7: case LF_PAD8: case LF_PAD9: case LF_PAD10: case LF_PAD11: case LF_PAD12: case LF_PAD13: case LF_PAD14: case LF_PAD15: break; default: System.err.println("WARNING: unexpected leaf index " + fieldIter.typeStringLeaf() + " in field list for enum of type " + iter.getTypeIndex()); } if (advance) { fieldIter.typeStringNext(); } } putType(enumType); break; } case LF_PROCEDURE: { Type retType = getTypeByIndex(iter.getProcedureReturnType()); BasicFunctionType func = new BasicFunctionType(null, POINTER_SIZE, retType); DebugVC50TypeIterator argIter = iter.getProcedureArgumentListIterator(); if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(argIter.typeStringLeaf() == LF_ARGLIST, "Expected argument list"); } for (int i = 0; i < argIter.getArgListCount(); i++) { func.addArgumentType(getTypeByIndex(argIter.getArgListType(i))); } putType(func); break; } case LF_MFUNCTION: { Type retType = getTypeByIndex(iter.getMFunctionReturnType()); Type container = getTypeByIndex(iter.getMFunctionContainingClass()); Type thisType = getTypeByIndex(iter.getMFunctionThis()); long thisAdjust = iter.getMFunctionThisAdjust(); BasicMemberFunctionType func = new BasicMemberFunctionType(null, POINTER_SIZE, retType, container, thisType, thisAdjust); DebugVC50TypeIterator argIter = iter.getMFunctionArgumentListIterator(); for (int i = 0; i < argIter.getArgListCount(); i++) { func.addArgumentType(getTypeByIndex(argIter.getArgListType(i))); } putType(func); break; } // FIXME: handle virtual function table shape description case LF_VTSHAPE: break; case LF_BARRAY: System.err.println("FIXME: don't know what to do with LF_BARRAY leaves (convert to pointers?"); break; case LF_LABEL: break; case LF_NULL: break; // FIXME: do we need to handle this? With what? case LF_DIMARRAY: System.err.println("FIXME: don't know what to do with LF_DIMARRAY leaves yet"); break; case LF_VFTPATH: break; case LF_PRECOMP: break; case LF_ENDPRECOMP: break; case LF_OEM: break; case LF_TYPESERVER: break; // Type records referenced from other type records case LF_SKIP: break; case LF_ARGLIST: skipTypeRecord(); break; case LF_DEFARG: System.err.println("FIXME: handle default arguments (dereference the type)"); break; case LF_FIELDLIST: skipTypeRecord(); break; case LF_DERIVED: break; case LF_BITFIELD: { Type underlyingType = getTypeByIndex(iter.getBitfieldFieldType()); BasicBitType bit = new BasicBitType(underlyingType, (iter.getBitfieldLength() & 0xFF), (iter.getBitfieldPosition() & 0xFF)); putType(bit); break; } case LF_METHODLIST: break; case LF_DIMCONU: case LF_DIMCONLU: case LF_DIMVARU: case LF_DIMVARLU: break; case LF_REFSYM: break; case LF_PAD0: case LF_PAD1: case LF_PAD2: case LF_PAD3: case LF_PAD4: case LF_PAD5: case LF_PAD6: case LF_PAD7: case LF_PAD8: case LF_PAD9: case LF_PAD10: case LF_PAD11: case LF_PAD12: case LF_PAD13: case LF_PAD14: case LF_PAD15: break; default: { System.err.println("Unexpected leaf index " + iter.typeStringLeaf() + " at offset 0x" + Integer.toHexString(iter.typeStringOffset())); break; } } if (!iter.typeStringDone()) { iter.typeStringNext(); } } } // Add all symbol directories to debug info // (FIXME: must figure out how to handle module-by-module // arrangement of at least the static symbols to have proper // lookup -- should probably also take advantage of the PROCREF // and UDT references to understand how to build the global // database vs. the module-by-module one) DebugVC50SubsectionDirectory dir = vc50.getSubsectionDirectory(); int moduleNumber = 0; // Debugging for (int i = 0; i < dir.getNumEntries(); i++) { DebugVC50Subsection ss = dir.getSubsection(i); int ssType = ss.getSubsectionType(); boolean process = false; if ((ssType == SST_GLOBAL_SYM) || (ssType == SST_GLOBAL_PUB) || (ssType == SST_STATIC_SYM)) { DebugVC50SSSymbolBase syms = (DebugVC50SSSymbolBase) ss; symIter = syms.getSymbolIterator(); process = true; } if (ssType == SST_ALIGN_SYM) { DebugVC50SSAlignSym syms = (DebugVC50SSAlignSym) ss; symIter = syms.getSymbolIterator(); process = true; } if (process) { for (; !symIter.done(); { switch (symIter.getType()) { case S_COMPILE: break; case S_SSEARCH: break; // FIXME: may need this later case S_END: { try { // FIXME: workaround for warnings until we figure out // what to do with THUNK32 symbols if (endsToSkip == 0) { blockStack.pop(); } else { --endsToSkip; } } catch (EmptyStackException e) { System.err.println("WARNING: mismatched block begins/ends in debug information"); } break; } case S_SKIP: break; case S_CVRESERVE: break; case S_OBJNAME: break; // FIXME: may need this later case S_ENDARG: break; case S_COBOLUDT: break; case S_MANYREG: break; // FIXME: may need to add support for this case S_RETURN: break; // NOTE: would need this if adding support for calling functions case S_ENTRYTHIS: break; // FIXME: may need to add support for this case S_REGISTER: break; // FIXME: may need to add support for this case S_CONSTANT: break; // FIXME: will need to add support for this case S_UDT: break; // FIXME: need to see how these are used; are // they redundant, or are they used to describe // global variables as opposed to types? case S_COBOLUDT2: break; case S_MANYREG2: break; case S_BPREL32: { LocalSym sym = new BasicLocalSym(symIter.getBPRelName(), getTypeByIndex(symIter.getBPRelType()), symIter.getBPRelOffset()); addLocalToCurBlock(sym); break; } case S_LDATA32: case S_GDATA32: { // FIXME: must handle these separately from global data (have // module scoping and only add these at the module level) boolean isModuleLocal = (symIter.getType() == S_LDATA32); GlobalSym sym = new BasicGlobalSym(symIter.getLGDataName(), getTypeByIndex(symIter.getLGDataType()), newAddress(symIter.getLGDataOffset(), symIter.getLGDataSegment()), isModuleLocal); // FIXME: must handle module-local symbols differently addGlobalSym(sym); break; } case S_PUB32: break; // FIXME: figure out how these differ from // above and how they are used case S_LPROC32: case S_GPROC32: { BasicFunctionSym sym = new BasicFunctionSym(newLazyBlockSym(symIter.getLGProcParentOffset()), symIter.getLGProcLength(), newAddress(symIter.getLGProcOffset(), symIter.getLGProcSegment()), symIter.getLGProcName(), getTypeByIndex(symIter.getLGProcType()), (symIter.getType() == S_LPROC32)); // FIXME: have to handle local procedures differently (have // notion of modules and only add those procedures to the // module they are defined in) addBlock(sym); break; } case S_THUNK32: { // FIXME: see whether we need to handle these skipEnd(); break; } case S_BLOCK32: { BasicBlockSym sym = new BasicBlockSym(newLazyBlockSym(symIter.getBlockParentOffset()), symIter.getBlockLength(), newAddress(symIter.getBlockOffset(), symIter.getBlockSegment()), symIter.getBlockName()); addBlock(sym); break; } case S_WITH32: break; case S_LABEL32: break; case S_CEXMODEL32: break; case S_VFTTABLE32: break; // FIXME: may need to handle this // (most likely for run-time type determination) case S_REGREL32: break; // FIXME: may need to add support for this case S_LTHREAD32: break; case S_GTHREAD32: break; // FIXME: may need to add support for these case S_PROCREF: break; case S_DATAREF: break; case S_ALIGN: break; default: // These two unknown symbol types show up very frequently. // Symbol type 0 appears to always be a no-op symbol of // length 2 (i.e., length just covers the symbol type.) // Symbol type 4115 appears to be a copyright notice for // the Microsoft linker. if ((symIter.getType() != 0) && (symIter.getType() != 4115)) { System.err.println(" NOTE: Unexpected symbol of type " + symIter.getType() + " at offset 0x" + Integer.toHexString(symIter.getOffset())); } break; } } } } // Add line number information for all modules for (int i = 0; i < dir.getNumEntries(); i++) { DebugVC50Subsection ss = dir.getSubsection(i); if (ss.getSubsectionType() == SST_SRC_MODULE) { DebugVC50SSSrcModule srcMod = (DebugVC50SSSrcModule) ss; for (int sf = 0; sf < srcMod.getNumSourceFiles(); sf++) { DebugVC50SrcModFileDesc desc = srcMod.getSourceFileDesc(sf); // Uniquify these to save space String name = desc.getSourceFileName().intern(); for (int cs = 0; cs < desc.getNumCodeSegments(); cs++) { DebugVC50SrcModLineNumberMap map = desc.getLineNumberMap(cs); SectionHeader seg = file.getHeader().getSectionHeader(map.getSegment()); for (int lp = 0; lp < map.getNumSourceLinePairs(); lp++) { Address startPC = base.addOffsetTo(seg.getVirtualAddress() + map.getCodeOffset(lp)); // Fake address for endPC -- will be filled in by BasicLineNumberMapping Address endPC = base.addOffsetTo(seg.getSize()); db.addLineNumberInfo(new BasicLineNumberInfo(name, map.getLineNumber(lp), startPC, endPC)); } } } } } // Finish assembly of database db.resolve(new ResolveListener() { public void resolveFailed(Type containingType, LazyType failedResolve, String detail) { System.err.println("WARNING: failed to resolve type of index " + ((Integer) failedResolve.getKey()).intValue() + " in type " + containingType.getName() + " (class " + containingType.getClass().getName() + ") while " + detail); } public void resolveFailed(Type containingType, String staticFieldName) { System.err.println("WARNING: failed to resolve address of static field \"" + staticFieldName + "\" in type " + containingType.getName()); } public void resolveFailed(Sym containingSymbol, LazyType failedResolve, String detail) { System.err.println("WARNING: failed to resolve type of index " + ((Integer) failedResolve.getKey()).intValue() + " in symbol of type " + containingSymbol.getClass().getName() + " while " + detail); } public void resolveFailed(Sym containingSymbol, LazyBlockSym failedResolve, String detail) { System.err.println("WARNING: failed to resolve block at offset 0x" + Integer.toHexString(((Integer) failedResolve.getKey()).intValue()) + " in symbol of type " + containingSymbol.getClass().getName() + " while " + detail); } }); db.endConstruction(); return db; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Internals only below this point // private static DebugVC50 getDebugVC50(COFFFile file) { COFFHeader header = file.getHeader(); OptionalHeader opt = header.getOptionalHeader(); if (opt == null) { // Optional header not found return null; } OptionalHeaderDataDirectories dd = opt.getDataDirectories(); if (dd == null) { // Optional header data directories not found return null; } DebugDirectory debug = dd.getDebugDirectory(); if (debug == null) { // Debug directory not found return null; } for (int i = 0; i < debug.getNumEntries(); i++) { DebugDirectoryEntry entry = debug.getEntry(i); if (entry.getType() == DebugTypes.IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_CODEVIEW) { return entry.getDebugVC50(); } } // CodeView information not found in debug directory return null; } private DebugVC50SSSegMap getSegMap() { return (DebugVC50SSSegMap) findSubsection(SST_SEG_MAP); } private DebugVC50SSGlobalTypes getGlobalTypes() { return (DebugVC50SSGlobalTypes) findSubsection(SST_GLOBAL_TYPES); } private DebugVC50SSGlobalSym getGlobalSymbols() { return (DebugVC50SSGlobalSym) findSubsection(SST_GLOBAL_SYM); } private DebugVC50Subsection findSubsection(short ssType) { DebugVC50SubsectionDirectory dir = vc50.getSubsectionDirectory(); for (int i = 0; i < dir.getNumEntries(); i++) { DebugVC50Subsection ss = dir.getSubsection(i); if (ss.getSubsectionType() == ssType) { return ss; } } throw new DebuggerException("Unable to find subsection of type " + ssType); } private void putType(Type t) { db.addType(new Integer(iter.getTypeIndex()), t); } private Address newAddress(int offset, short segment) { int seg = segment & 0xFFFF; // NOTE: it isn't clear how to use the segMap to map from logical // to physical segments. It seems it would make more sense if the // SegDescs contained a physical segment number in addition to the // offset within the physical segment of the logical one. // Get the section header corresponding to this segment SectionHeader section = file.getHeader().getSectionHeader(seg); // Result is relative to image base return base.addOffsetTo(section.getVirtualAddress() + offset); } private BasicType getTypeByIndex(int intIndex) { Integer index = new Integer(intIndex); // Handle primitive types here. if (intIndex <= 0x0FFF) { BasicType type = (BasicType) primIndexToTypeMap.get(index); if (type != null) { return type; } // Construct appropriate new primitive type int primMode = intIndex & RESERVED_MODE_MASK; if (primMode == RESERVED_MODE_DIRECT) { int primType = intIndex & RESERVED_TYPE_MASK; switch (primType) { case RESERVED_TYPE_SIGNED_INT: case RESERVED_TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT: { boolean unsigned = (primType == RESERVED_TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT); int size = 0; String name = null; switch (intIndex & RESERVED_SIZE_MASK) { case RESERVED_SIZE_INT_1_BYTE: size = 1; name = "char"; break; case RESERVED_SIZE_INT_2_BYTE: size = 2; name = "short"; break; case RESERVED_SIZE_INT_4_BYTE: size = 4; name = "int"; break; case RESERVED_SIZE_INT_8_BYTE: size = 8; name = "__int64"; break; default: throw new DebuggerException("Illegal size of integer type " + intIndex); } type = new BasicIntType(name, size, unsigned); break; } case RESERVED_TYPE_BOOLEAN: { int size = 0; switch (intIndex & RESERVED_SIZE_MASK) { case RESERVED_SIZE_INT_1_BYTE: size = 1; break; case RESERVED_SIZE_INT_2_BYTE: size = 2; break; case RESERVED_SIZE_INT_4_BYTE: size = 4; break; case RESERVED_SIZE_INT_8_BYTE: size = 8; break; default: throw new DebuggerException("Illegal size of boolean type " + intIndex); } type = new BasicIntType("bool", size, false); break; } case RESERVED_TYPE_REAL: { switch (intIndex & RESERVED_SIZE_MASK) { case RESERVED_SIZE_REAL_32_BIT: type = new BasicFloatType("float", 4); break; case RESERVED_SIZE_REAL_64_BIT: type = new BasicDoubleType("double", 8); break; default: throw new DebuggerException("Unsupported floating-point size in type " + intIndex); } break; } case RESERVED_TYPE_REALLY_INT: { switch (intIndex & RESERVED_SIZE_MASK) { case RESERVED_SIZE_REALLY_INT_CHAR: type = new BasicIntType("char", 1, false); break; case RESERVED_SIZE_REALLY_INT_WCHAR: type = new BasicIntType("wchar", 2, false); break; case RESERVED_SIZE_REALLY_INT_2_BYTE: type = new BasicIntType("short", 2, false); break; case RESERVED_SIZE_REALLY_INT_2_BYTE_U: type = new BasicIntType("short", 2, true); break; case RESERVED_SIZE_REALLY_INT_4_BYTE: type = new BasicIntType("int", 4, false); break; case RESERVED_SIZE_REALLY_INT_4_BYTE_U: type = new BasicIntType("int", 4, true); break; case RESERVED_SIZE_REALLY_INT_8_BYTE: type = new BasicIntType("__int64", 8, false); break; case RESERVED_SIZE_REALLY_INT_8_BYTE_U: type = new BasicIntType("__int64", 8, true); break; default: throw new DebuggerException("Illegal REALLY_INT size in type " + intIndex); } break; } case RESERVED_TYPE_SPECIAL: { switch (intIndex & RESERVED_SIZE_MASK) { case RESERVED_SIZE_SPECIAL_NO_TYPE: case RESERVED_SIZE_SPECIAL_VOID: type = new BasicVoidType(); break; default: throw new DebuggerException("Don't know how to handle reserved special type " + intIndex); } break; } default: throw new DebuggerException("Don't know how to handle reserved type " + intIndex); } } else { // Fold all pointer types together since we only support // flat-mode addressing anyway Type targetType = getTypeByIndex(intIndex & (~RESERVED_MODE_MASK)); type = new BasicPointerType(POINTER_SIZE, targetType); } if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(type != null, "Got null Type for primitive type " + intIndex); } primIndexToTypeMap.put(index, type); return type; } // Not primitive type. Construct lazy reference to target type. // (Is it worth canonicalizing these as well to save space?) return new LazyType(index); } private void addBlock(BlockSym block) { db.addBlock(new Integer(symIter.getOffset()), block); blockStack.push(block); } private void skipEnd() { ++endsToSkip; } private BlockSym newLazyBlockSym(int offset) { if (offset == 0) { return null; } return new LazyBlockSym(new Integer(offset)); } private int memberAttributeToAccessControl(short memberAttribute) { int acc = memberAttribute & MEMATTR_ACCESS_MASK; switch (acc) { case MEMATTR_ACCESS_NO_PROTECTION: return NO_PROTECTION; case MEMATTR_ACCESS_PRIVATE: return PRIVATE; case MEMATTR_ACCESS_PROTECTED: return PROTECTED; case MEMATTR_ACCESS_PUBLIC: return PUBLIC; default: throw new RuntimeException("Should not reach here"); } } private void addLocalToCurBlock(LocalSym local) { ((BasicBlockSym) blockStack.peek()).addLocal(local); } private void addGlobalSym(GlobalSym sym) { db.addGlobalSym(sym); } private void skipTypeRecord() { while (!iter.typeStringDone()) { iter.typeStringNext(); } } }
⏎ sun/jvm/hotspot/debugger/windbg/
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File name: File size: 1243786 bytes Release date: 2018-11-04 Download
⇒ JDK 11 jdk.httpserver.jmod - HTTP Server Module
2020-02-29, 156833👍, 0💬
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