JDK 11 jdk.javadoc.jmod - Java Document Tool

JDK 11 jdk.javadoc.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 Java Document tool, which can be invoked by the "javadoc" command.

JDK 11 Java Document tool compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\jdk.javadoc.jmod.

JDK 11 Java Document tool compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.

JDK 11 Java Document tool source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\src.zip\jdk.javadoc.

You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.

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 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

package com.sun.tools.javadoc.main;

import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.*;

import javax.tools.JavaFileManager;

import com.sun.javadoc.*;
import com.sun.source.tree.CompilationUnitTree;
import com.sun.source.util.JavacTask;
import com.sun.source.util.TreePath;
import com.sun.tools.doclint.DocLint;
import com.sun.tools.javac.api.BasicJavacTask;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.ClassSymbol;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.CompletionFailure;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.MethodSymbol;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.PackageSymbol;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.VarSymbol;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Type.ClassType;
import com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Check;
import com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Enter;
import com.sun.tools.javac.file.JavacFileManager;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCClassDecl;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCCompilationUnit;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCPackageDecl;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Context;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Convert;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Name;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Names;

 * Holds the environment for a run of javadoc.
 * Holds only the information needed throughout the
 * run and not the compiler info that could be GC'ed
 * or ported.
 *  <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API.
 *  If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk.
 *  This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or
 *  deletion without notice.</b>
 * @since 1.4
 * @author Robert Field
 * @author Neal Gafter (rewrite)
 * @author Scott Seligman (generics)
@Deprecated(since="9", forRemoval=true)
public class DocEnv {
    protected static final Context.Key<DocEnv> docEnvKey = new Context.Key<>();

    public static DocEnv instance(Context context) {
        DocEnv instance = context.get(docEnvKey);
        if (instance == null)
            instance = new DocEnv(context);
        return instance;

    DocLocale doclocale;

    private final Messager messager;

    /** Predefined symbols known to the compiler. */
    final Symtab syms;

    /** Referenced directly in RootDocImpl. */
    private final ClassFinder finder;

    /** Javadoc's own version of the compiler's enter phase. */
    final Enter enter;

    /** The name table. */
    private final Names names;

    /** The encoding name. */
    private String encoding;

    final Symbol externalizableSym;

    /** Access filter (public, protected, ...).  */
    protected ModifierFilter showAccess;

    /** True if we are using a sentence BreakIterator. */
    boolean breakiterator;

     * True if we do not want to print any notifications at all.
    boolean quiet = false;

    Check chk;
    Types types;
    JavaFileManager fileManager;
    Context context;
    DocLint doclint;
    JavaScriptScanner javaScriptScanner;

    WeakHashMap<JCTree, TreePath> treePaths = new WeakHashMap<>();

    /** Allow documenting from class files? */
    boolean docClasses = false;

    /** Does the doclet only expect pre-1.5 doclet API? */
    protected boolean legacyDoclet = true;

     * Set this to true if you would like to not emit any errors, warnings and
     * notices.
    private boolean silent = false;

     * The source language version.
    protected Source source;

     * Constructor
     * @param context      Context for this javadoc instance.
    protected DocEnv(Context context) {
        context.put(docEnvKey, this);
        this.context = context;

        messager = Messager.instance0(context);
        syms = Symtab.instance(context);
        finder = JavadocClassFinder.instance(context);
        enter = JavadocEnter.instance(context);
        names = Names.instance(context);
        externalizableSym = syms.enterClass(syms.java_base, names.fromString("java.io.Externalizable"));
        chk = Check.instance(context);
        types = Types.instance(context);
        fileManager = context.get(JavaFileManager.class);
        if (fileManager instanceof JavacFileManager) {

        // Default.  Should normally be reset with setLocale.
        this.doclocale = new DocLocale(this, "", breakiterator);
        source = Source.instance(context);

    public void setSilent(boolean silent) {
        this.silent = silent;

     * Look up ClassDoc by qualified name.
    public ClassDocImpl lookupClass(String name) {
        ClassSymbol c = getClassSymbol(name);
        if (c != null) {
            return getClassDoc(c);
        } else {
            return null;

     * Load ClassDoc by qualified name.
    public ClassDocImpl loadClass(String name) {
        try {
            Name nameImpl = names.fromString(name);
            ModuleSymbol mod = syms.inferModule(Convert.packagePart(nameImpl));
            ClassSymbol c = finder.loadClass(mod != null ? mod : syms.errModule, nameImpl);
            return getClassDoc(c);
        } catch (CompletionFailure ex) {
            chk.completionError(null, ex);
            return null;

     * Look up PackageDoc by qualified name.
    public PackageDocImpl lookupPackage(String name) {
        //### Jing alleges that class check is needed
        //### to avoid a compiler bug.  Most likely
        //### instead a dummy created for error recovery.
        //### Should investigate this.
        Name nameImpl = names.fromString(name);
        ModuleSymbol mod = syms.inferModule(nameImpl);
        PackageSymbol p = mod != null ? syms.getPackage(mod, nameImpl) : null;
        ClassSymbol c = getClassSymbol(name);
        if (p != null && c == null) {
            return getPackageDoc(p);
        } else {
            return null;
        // where
        /** Retrieve class symbol by fully-qualified name.
        ClassSymbol getClassSymbol(String name) {
            // Name may contain nested class qualification.
            // Generate candidate flatnames with successively shorter
            // package qualifiers and longer nested class qualifiers.
            int nameLen = name.length();
            char[] nameChars = name.toCharArray();
            int idx = name.length();
            for (;;) {
                Name nameImpl = names.fromChars(nameChars, 0, nameLen);
                ModuleSymbol mod = syms.inferModule(Convert.packagePart(nameImpl));
                ClassSymbol s = mod != null ? syms.getClass(mod, nameImpl) : null;
                if (s != null)
                    return s; // found it!
                idx = name.substring(0, idx).lastIndexOf('.');
                if (idx < 0) break;
                nameChars[idx] = '$';
            return null;

     * Set the locale.
    public void setLocale(String localeName) {
        // create locale specifics
        doclocale = new DocLocale(this, localeName, breakiterator);
        // update Messager if locale has changed.

    /** Check whether this member should be documented. */
    public boolean shouldDocument(VarSymbol sym) {
        long mod = sym.flags();

        if ((mod & Flags.SYNTHETIC) != 0) {
            return false;

        return showAccess.checkModifier(translateModifiers(mod));

    /** Check whether this member should be documented. */
    public boolean shouldDocument(MethodSymbol sym) {
        long mod = sym.flags();

        if ((mod & Flags.SYNTHETIC) != 0) {
            return false;

        return showAccess.checkModifier(translateModifiers(mod));

    /** check whether this class should be documented. */
    public boolean shouldDocument(ClassSymbol sym) {
            (sym.flags_field&Flags.SYNTHETIC) == 0 && // no synthetics
            (docClasses || getClassDoc(sym).tree != null) &&

    //### Comment below is inaccurate wrt modifier filter testing
     * Check the visibility if this is an nested class.
     * if this is not a nested class, return true.
     * if this is an static visible nested class,
     *    return true.
     * if this is an visible nested class
     *    if the outer class is visible return true.
     *    else return false.
     * IMPORTANT: This also allows, static nested classes
     * to be defined inside an nested class, which is not
     * allowed by the compiler. So such an test case will
     * not reach upto this method itself, but if compiler
     * allows it, then that will go through.
    protected boolean isVisible(ClassSymbol sym) {
        long mod = sym.flags_field;
        if (!showAccess.checkModifier(translateModifiers(mod))) {
            return false;
        ClassSymbol encl = sym.owner.enclClass();
        return (encl == null || (mod & Flags.STATIC) != 0 || isVisible(encl));

    //---------------- print forwarders ----------------//

     * Print error message, increment error count.
     * @param msg message to print.
    public void printError(String msg) {
        if (silent)

     * Print error message, increment error count.
     * @param key selects message from resource
    public void error(DocImpl doc, String key) {
        if (silent)
        messager.error(doc==null ? null : doc.position(), key);

     * Print error message, increment error count.
     * @param key selects message from resource
    public void error(SourcePosition pos, String key) {
        if (silent)
        messager.error(pos, key);

     * Print error message, increment error count.
     * @param msg message to print.
    public void printError(SourcePosition pos, String msg) {
        if (silent)
        messager.printError(pos, msg);

     * Print error message, increment error count.
     * @param key selects message from resource
     * @param a1 first argument
    public void error(DocImpl doc, String key, String a1) {
        if (silent)
        messager.error(doc==null ? null : doc.position(), key, a1);

     * Print error message, increment error count.
     * @param key selects message from resource
     * @param a1 first argument
     * @param a2 second argument
    public void error(DocImpl doc, String key, String a1, String a2) {
        if (silent)
        messager.error(doc==null ? null : doc.position(), key, a1, a2);

     * Print error message, increment error count.
     * @param key selects message from resource
     * @param a1 first argument
     * @param a2 second argument
     * @param a3 third argument
    public void error(DocImpl doc, String key, String a1, String a2, String a3) {
        if (silent)
        messager.error(doc==null ? null : doc.position(), key, a1, a2, a3);

     * Print warning message, increment warning count.
     * @param msg message to print.
    public void printWarning(String msg) {
        if (silent)

     * Print warning message, increment warning count.
     * @param key selects message from resource
    public void warning(DocImpl doc, String key) {
        if (silent)
        messager.warning(doc==null ? null : doc.position(), key);

     * Print warning message, increment warning count.
     * @param msg message to print.
    public void printWarning(SourcePosition pos, String msg) {
        if (silent)
        messager.printWarning(pos, msg);

     * Print warning message, increment warning count.
     * @param key selects message from resource
     * @param a1 first argument
    public void warning(DocImpl doc, String key, String a1) {
        if (silent)
        // suppress messages that have (probably) been covered by doclint
        if (doclint != null && doc != null && key.startsWith("tag"))
        messager.warning(doc==null ? null : doc.position(), key, a1);

     * Print warning message, increment warning count.
     * @param key selects message from resource
     * @param a1 first argument
     * @param a2 second argument
    public void warning(DocImpl doc, String key, String a1, String a2) {
        if (silent)
        messager.warning(doc==null ? null : doc.position(), key, a1, a2);

     * Print warning message, increment warning count.
     * @param key selects message from resource
     * @param a1 first argument
     * @param a2 second argument
     * @param a3 third argument
    public void warning(DocImpl doc, String key, String a1, String a2, String a3) {
        if (silent)
        messager.warning(doc==null ? null : doc.position(), key, a1, a2, a3);

     * Print warning message, increment warning count.
     * @param key selects message from resource
     * @param a1 first argument
     * @param a2 second argument
     * @param a3 third argument
    public void warning(DocImpl doc, String key, String a1, String a2, String a3,
                        String a4) {
        if (silent)
        messager.warning(doc==null ? null : doc.position(), key, a1, a2, a3, a4);

     * Print a message.
     * @param msg message to print.
    public void printNotice(String msg) {
        if (silent || quiet)

     * Print a message.
     * @param key selects message from resource
    public void notice(String key) {
        if (silent || quiet)

     * Print a message.
     * @param msg message to print.
    public void printNotice(SourcePosition pos, String msg) {
        if (silent || quiet)
        messager.printNotice(pos, msg);

     * Print a message.
     * @param key selects message from resource
     * @param a1 first argument
    public void notice(String key, String a1) {
        if (silent || quiet)
        messager.notice(key, a1);

     * Print a message.
     * @param key selects message from resource
     * @param a1 first argument
     * @param a2 second argument
    public void notice(String key, String a1, String a2) {
        if (silent || quiet)
        messager.notice(key, a1, a2);

     * Print a message.
     * @param key selects message from resource
     * @param a1 first argument
     * @param a2 second argument
     * @param a3 third argument
    public void notice(String key, String a1, String a2, String a3) {
        if (silent || quiet)
        messager.notice(key, a1, a2, a3);

     * Exit, reporting errors and warnings.
    public void exit() {
        // Messager should be replaced by a more general
        // compilation environment.  This can probably
        // subsume DocEnv as well.

    protected Map<PackageSymbol, PackageDocImpl> packageMap = new HashMap<>();
     * Return the PackageDoc of this package symbol.
    public PackageDocImpl getPackageDoc(PackageSymbol pack) {
        PackageDocImpl result = packageMap.get(pack);
        if (result != null) return result;
        result = new PackageDocImpl(this, pack);
        packageMap.put(pack, result);
        return result;

     * Create the PackageDoc (or a subtype) for a package symbol.
    void makePackageDoc(PackageSymbol pack, TreePath treePath) {
        PackageDocImpl result = packageMap.get(pack);
        if (result != null) {
            if (treePath != null) result.setTreePath(treePath);
        } else {
            result = new PackageDocImpl(this, pack, treePath);
            packageMap.put(pack, result);

    protected Map<ClassSymbol, ClassDocImpl> classMap = new HashMap<>();
     * Return the ClassDoc (or a subtype) of this class symbol.
    public ClassDocImpl getClassDoc(ClassSymbol clazz) {
        ClassDocImpl result = classMap.get(clazz);
        if (result != null) return result;
        if (isAnnotationType(clazz)) {
            result = new AnnotationTypeDocImpl(this, clazz);
        } else {
            result = new ClassDocImpl(this, clazz);
        classMap.put(clazz, result);
        return result;

     * Create the ClassDoc (or a subtype) for a class symbol.
    protected void makeClassDoc(ClassSymbol clazz, TreePath treePath) {
        ClassDocImpl result = classMap.get(clazz);
        if (result != null) {
            if (treePath != null) result.setTreePath(treePath);
        if (isAnnotationType((JCClassDecl) treePath.getLeaf())) {   // flags of clazz may not yet be set
            result = new AnnotationTypeDocImpl(this, clazz, treePath);
        } else {
            result = new ClassDocImpl(this, clazz, treePath);
        classMap.put(clazz, result);

    protected static boolean isAnnotationType(ClassSymbol clazz) {
        return ClassDocImpl.isAnnotationType(clazz);

    protected static boolean isAnnotationType(JCClassDecl tree) {
        return (tree.mods.flags & Flags.ANNOTATION) != 0;

    protected Map<VarSymbol, FieldDocImpl> fieldMap = new HashMap<>();
     * Return the FieldDoc of this var symbol.
    public FieldDocImpl getFieldDoc(VarSymbol var) {
        FieldDocImpl result = fieldMap.get(var);
        if (result != null) return result;
        result = new FieldDocImpl(this, var);
        fieldMap.put(var, result);
        return result;
     * Create a FieldDoc for a var symbol.
    protected void makeFieldDoc(VarSymbol var, TreePath treePath) {
        FieldDocImpl result = fieldMap.get(var);
        if (result != null) {
            if (treePath != null) result.setTreePath(treePath);
        } else {
            result = new FieldDocImpl(this, var, treePath);
            fieldMap.put(var, result);

    protected Map<MethodSymbol, ExecutableMemberDocImpl> methodMap = new HashMap<>();
     * Create a MethodDoc for this MethodSymbol.
     * Should be called only on symbols representing methods.
    protected void makeMethodDoc(MethodSymbol meth, TreePath treePath) {
        MethodDocImpl result = (MethodDocImpl)methodMap.get(meth);
        if (result != null) {
            if (treePath != null) result.setTreePath(treePath);
        } else {
            result = new MethodDocImpl(this, meth, treePath);
            methodMap.put(meth, result);

     * Return the MethodDoc for a MethodSymbol.
     * Should be called only on symbols representing methods.
    public MethodDocImpl getMethodDoc(MethodSymbol meth) {
        assert !meth.isConstructor() : "not expecting a constructor symbol";
        MethodDocImpl result = (MethodDocImpl)methodMap.get(meth);
        if (result != null) return result;
        result = new MethodDocImpl(this, meth);
        methodMap.put(meth, result);
        return result;

     * Create the ConstructorDoc for a MethodSymbol.
     * Should be called only on symbols representing constructors.
    protected void makeConstructorDoc(MethodSymbol meth, TreePath treePath) {
        ConstructorDocImpl result = (ConstructorDocImpl)methodMap.get(meth);
        if (result != null) {
            if (treePath != null) result.setTreePath(treePath);
        } else {
            result = new ConstructorDocImpl(this, meth, treePath);
            methodMap.put(meth, result);

     * Return the ConstructorDoc for a MethodSymbol.
     * Should be called only on symbols representing constructors.
    public ConstructorDocImpl getConstructorDoc(MethodSymbol meth) {
        assert meth.isConstructor() : "expecting a constructor symbol";
        ConstructorDocImpl result = (ConstructorDocImpl)methodMap.get(meth);
        if (result != null) return result;
        result = new ConstructorDocImpl(this, meth);
        methodMap.put(meth, result);
        return result;

     * Create the AnnotationTypeElementDoc for a MethodSymbol.
     * Should be called only on symbols representing annotation type elements.
    protected void makeAnnotationTypeElementDoc(MethodSymbol meth, TreePath treePath) {
        AnnotationTypeElementDocImpl result =
        if (result != null) {
            if (treePath != null) result.setTreePath(treePath);
        } else {
            result =
                new AnnotationTypeElementDocImpl(this, meth, treePath);
            methodMap.put(meth, result);

     * Return the AnnotationTypeElementDoc for a MethodSymbol.
     * Should be called only on symbols representing annotation type elements.
    public AnnotationTypeElementDocImpl getAnnotationTypeElementDoc(
            MethodSymbol meth) {

        AnnotationTypeElementDocImpl result =
        if (result != null) return result;
        result = new AnnotationTypeElementDocImpl(this, meth);
        methodMap.put(meth, result);
        return result;

//  private Map<ClassType, ParameterizedTypeImpl> parameterizedTypeMap =
//          new HashMap<ClassType, ParameterizedTypeImpl>();
     * Return the ParameterizedType of this instantiation.
//   * ### Could use Type.sameTypeAs() instead of equality matching in hashmap
//   * ### to avoid some duplication.
    ParameterizedTypeImpl getParameterizedType(ClassType t) {
        return new ParameterizedTypeImpl(this, t);
//      ParameterizedTypeImpl result = parameterizedTypeMap.get(t);
//      if (result != null) return result;
//      result = new ParameterizedTypeImpl(this, t);
//      parameterizedTypeMap.put(t, result);
//      return result;

    TreePath getTreePath(JCCompilationUnit tree) {
        TreePath p = treePaths.get(tree);
        if (p == null)
            treePaths.put(tree, p = new TreePath(tree));
        return p;

    TreePath getTreePath(JCCompilationUnit toplevel, JCPackageDecl tree) {
        TreePath p = treePaths.get(tree);
        if (p == null)
            treePaths.put(tree, p = new TreePath(getTreePath(toplevel), tree));
        return p;

    TreePath getTreePath(JCCompilationUnit toplevel, JCClassDecl tree) {
        TreePath p = treePaths.get(tree);
        if (p == null)
            treePaths.put(tree, p = new TreePath(getTreePath(toplevel), tree));
        return p;

    TreePath getTreePath(JCCompilationUnit toplevel, JCClassDecl cdecl, JCTree tree) {
        return new TreePath(getTreePath(toplevel, cdecl), tree);

     * Set the encoding.
    public void setEncoding(String encoding) {
        this.encoding = encoding;

     * Get the encoding.
    public String getEncoding() {
        return encoding;

     * Convert modifier bits from private coding used by
     * the compiler to that of java.lang.reflect.Modifier.
    static int translateModifiers(long flags) {
        int result = 0;
        if ((flags & Flags.ABSTRACT) != 0)
            result |= Modifier.ABSTRACT;
        if ((flags & Flags.FINAL) != 0)
            result |= Modifier.FINAL;
        if ((flags & Flags.INTERFACE) != 0)
            result |= Modifier.INTERFACE;
        if ((flags & Flags.NATIVE) != 0)
            result |= Modifier.NATIVE;
        if ((flags & Flags.PRIVATE) != 0)
            result |= Modifier.PRIVATE;
        if ((flags & Flags.PROTECTED) != 0)
            result |= Modifier.PROTECTED;
        if ((flags & Flags.PUBLIC) != 0)
            result |= Modifier.PUBLIC;
        if ((flags & Flags.STATIC) != 0)
            result |= Modifier.STATIC;
        if ((flags & Flags.SYNCHRONIZED) != 0)
            result |= Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED;
        if ((flags & Flags.TRANSIENT) != 0)
            result |= Modifier.TRANSIENT;
        if ((flags & Flags.VOLATILE) != 0)
            result |= Modifier.VOLATILE;
        return result;

    void initDoclint(Collection<String> opts, Collection<String> customTagNames, String htmlVersion) {
        ArrayList<String> doclintOpts = new ArrayList<>();
        boolean msgOptionSeen = false;

        for (String opt : opts) {
            if (opt.startsWith(DocLint.XMSGS_OPTION)) {
                if (opt.equals(DocLint.XMSGS_CUSTOM_PREFIX + "none"))
                msgOptionSeen = true;

        if (!msgOptionSeen) {

        String sep = "";
        StringBuilder customTags = new StringBuilder();
        for (String customTag : customTagNames) {
            sep = DocLint.SEPARATOR;
        doclintOpts.add(DocLint.XCUSTOM_TAGS_PREFIX + customTags.toString());
        doclintOpts.add(DocLint.XHTML_VERSION_PREFIX + htmlVersion);

        JavacTask t = BasicJavacTask.instance(context);
        doclint = new DocLint();
        // standard doclet normally generates H1, H2
        doclintOpts.add(DocLint.XIMPLICIT_HEADERS + "2");
        doclint.init(t, doclintOpts.toArray(new String[doclintOpts.size()]), false);

    JavaScriptScanner initJavaScriptScanner(boolean allowScriptInComments) {
        if (allowScriptInComments) {
            javaScriptScanner = null;
        } else {
            javaScriptScanner = new JavaScriptScanner();
        return javaScriptScanner;

    boolean showTagMessages() {
        return (doclint == null);

    Map<CompilationUnitTree, Boolean> shouldCheck = new HashMap<>();

    boolean shouldCheck(CompilationUnitTree unit) {
        return shouldCheck.computeIfAbsent(unit, doclint :: shouldCheck);



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jdk.javadoc-11.0.1-src.zip
File size: 680806 bytes
Release date: 2018-11-04


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