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JDK 11 jdk.javadoc.jmod - Java Document Tool
JDK 11 jdk.javadoc.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 Java Document tool, which can be invoked by the "javadoc" command.
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⏎ jdk/javadoc/internal/doclets/formats/html/
/* * Copyright (c) 1998, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.markup.Head; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.markup.TableHeader; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror; import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationValue; import javax.lang.model.element.Element; import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind; import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement; import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement; import javax.lang.model.element.Name; import javax.lang.model.element.PackageElement; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement; import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement; import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror; import javax.lang.model.util.SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor9; import javax.lang.model.util.SimpleElementVisitor9; import javax.lang.model.util.SimpleTypeVisitor9; import com.sun.source.doctree.AttributeTree; import com.sun.source.doctree.AttributeTree.ValueKind; import com.sun.source.doctree.CommentTree; import com.sun.source.doctree.DocRootTree; import com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree; import com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree.Kind; import com.sun.source.doctree.EndElementTree; import com.sun.source.doctree.EntityTree; import com.sun.source.doctree.ErroneousTree; import com.sun.source.doctree.IndexTree; import com.sun.source.doctree.InheritDocTree; import com.sun.source.doctree.LinkTree; import com.sun.source.doctree.LiteralTree; import com.sun.source.doctree.SeeTree; import com.sun.source.doctree.StartElementTree; import com.sun.source.doctree.SummaryTree; import com.sun.source.doctree.TextTree; import com.sun.source.util.SimpleDocTreeVisitor; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.markup.ContentBuilder; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.markup.DocType; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.markup.HtmlDocument; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.markup.HtmlStyle; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.markup.HtmlTag; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.markup.HtmlTree; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.markup.Links; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.markup.RawHtml; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.markup.Script; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html.markup.StringContent; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.AnnotationTypeWriter; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.ClassWriter; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.Content; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.Messages; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.PackageSummaryWriter; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.Resources; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.taglets.DocRootTaglet; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.taglets.TagletWriter; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.CommentHelper; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.DocFile; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.DocFileIOException; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.DocLink; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.DocPath; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.DocPaths; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.DocletConstants; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.Utils; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.VisibleMemberTable; import static com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree.Kind.*; import static jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.CommentHelper.SPACER; /** * Class for the Html Format Code Generation specific to JavaDoc. * This Class contains methods related to the Html Code Generation which * are used extensively while generating the entire documentation. * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> * * @author Atul M Dambalkar * @author Robert Field * @author Bhavesh Patel (Modified) */ public class HtmlDocletWriter { /** * Relative path from the file getting generated to the destination * directory. For example, if the file getting generated is * "java/lang/Object.html", then the path to the root is "../..". * This string can be empty if the file getting generated is in * the destination directory. */ public final DocPath pathToRoot; /** * Platform-independent path from the current or the * destination directory to the file getting generated. * Used when creating the file. */ public final DocPath path; /** * Name of the file getting generated. If the file getting generated is * "java/lang/Object.html", then the filename is "Object.html". */ public final DocPath filename; /** * The global configuration information for this run. */ public final HtmlConfiguration configuration; protected final Utils utils; protected final Contents contents; protected final Messages messages; protected final Resources resources; protected final Links links; protected final DocPaths docPaths; /** * To check whether annotation heading is printed or not. */ protected boolean printedAnnotationHeading = false; /** * To check whether annotation field heading is printed or not. */ protected boolean printedAnnotationFieldHeading = false; /** * To check whether the repeated annotations is documented or not. */ private boolean isAnnotationDocumented = false; /** * To check whether the container annotations is documented or not. */ private boolean isContainerDocumented = false; HtmlTree fixedNavDiv = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.DIV); /** * The window title of this file. */ protected String winTitle; protected Script mainBodyScript; /** * Constructor to construct the HtmlStandardWriter object. * * @param configuration the configuration for this doclet * @param path the file to be generated. */ public HtmlDocletWriter(HtmlConfiguration configuration, DocPath path) { this.configuration = configuration; this.contents = configuration.contents; this.messages = configuration.messages; this.resources = configuration.resources; this.links = new Links(path, configuration.htmlVersion); this.utils = configuration.utils; this.path = path; this.pathToRoot = path.parent().invert(); this.filename = path.basename(); this.docPaths = configuration.docPaths; messages.notice("doclet.Generating_0", DocFile.createFileForOutput(configuration, path).getPath()); } /** * Replace {@docRoot} tag used in options that accept HTML text, such * as -header, -footer, -top and -bottom, and when converting a relative * HREF where commentTagsToString inserts a {@docRoot} where one was * missing. (Also see DocRootTaglet for {@docRoot} tags in doc * comments.) * <p> * Replace {@docRoot} tag in htmlstr with the relative path to the * destination directory from the directory where the file is being * written, looping to handle all such tags in htmlstr. * <p> * For example, for "-d docs" and -header containing {@docRoot}, when * the HTML page for source file p/ is being generated, the * {@docRoot} tag would be inserted into the header as "../", * the relative path from docs/p/ to docs/ (the document root). * <p> * Note: This doc comment was written with '&#064;' representing '@' * to prevent the inline tag from being interpreted. */ public String replaceDocRootDir(String htmlstr) { // Return if no inline tags exist int index = htmlstr.indexOf("{@"); if (index < 0) { return htmlstr; } Matcher docrootMatcher = docrootPattern.matcher(htmlstr); if (!docrootMatcher.find()) { return htmlstr; } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); int prevEnd = 0; do { int match = docrootMatcher.start(); // append htmlstr up to start of next {@docroot} buf.append(htmlstr.substring(prevEnd, match)); prevEnd = docrootMatcher.end(); if (configuration.docrootparent.length() > 0 && htmlstr.startsWith("/..", prevEnd)) { // Insert the absolute link if {@docRoot} is followed by "/..". buf.append(configuration.docrootparent); prevEnd += 3; } else { // Insert relative path where {@docRoot} was located buf.append(pathToRoot.isEmpty() ? "." : pathToRoot.getPath()); } // Append slash if next character is not a slash if (prevEnd < htmlstr.length() && htmlstr.charAt(prevEnd) != '/') { buf.append('/'); } } while (docrootMatcher.find()); buf.append(htmlstr.substring(prevEnd)); return buf.toString(); } //where: // Note: {@docRoot} is not case sensitive when passed in w/command line option: private static final Pattern docrootPattern = Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote("{@docroot}"), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); /** * Get the script to show or hide the All classes link. * * @param id id of the element to show or hide * @return a content tree for the script */ public Content getAllClassesLinkScript(String id) { Script script = new Script("<!--\n" + " allClassesLink = document.getElementById(") .appendStringLiteral(id) .append(");\n" + " if(window==top) {\n" + " = \"block\";\n" + " }\n" + " else {\n" + " = \"none\";\n" + " }\n" + " //-->\n"); Content div = HtmlTree.DIV(script.asContent()); Content div_noscript = HtmlTree.DIV(contents.noScriptMessage); Content noScript = HtmlTree.NOSCRIPT(div_noscript); div.addContent(noScript); return div; } /** * Add method information. * * @param method the method to be documented * @param dl the content tree to which the method information will be added */ private void addMethodInfo(ExecutableElement method, Content dl) { TypeElement enclosing = utils.getEnclosingTypeElement(method); List<? extends TypeMirror> intfacs = enclosing.getInterfaces(); ExecutableElement overriddenMethod = utils.overriddenMethod(method); VisibleMemberTable vmt = configuration.getVisibleMemberTable(enclosing); // Check whether there is any implementation or overridden info to be // printed. If no overridden or implementation info needs to be // printed, do not print this section. if ((!intfacs.isEmpty() && vmt.getImplementedMethods(method).isEmpty() == false) || overriddenMethod != null) { MethodWriterImpl.addImplementsInfo(this, method, dl); if (overriddenMethod != null) { MethodWriterImpl.addOverridden(this, utils.overriddenType(method), overriddenMethod, dl); } } } /** * Adds the tags information. * * @param e the Element for which the tags will be generated * @param htmltree the documentation tree to which the tags will be added */ protected void addTagsInfo(Element e, Content htmltree) { if (configuration.nocomment) { return; } Content dl = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.DL); if (utils.isExecutableElement(e) && !utils.isConstructor(e)) { addMethodInfo((ExecutableElement)e, dl); } Content output = new ContentBuilder(); TagletWriter.genTagOutput(configuration.tagletManager, e, configuration.tagletManager.getBlockTaglets(e), getTagletWriterInstance(false), output); dl.addContent(output); htmltree.addContent(dl); } /** * Check whether there are any tags for Serialization Overview * section to be printed. * * @param field the VariableElement object to check for tags. * @return true if there are tags to be printed else return false. */ protected boolean hasSerializationOverviewTags(VariableElement field) { Content output = new ContentBuilder(); TagletWriter.genTagOutput(configuration.tagletManager, field, configuration.tagletManager.getBlockTaglets(field), getTagletWriterInstance(false), output); return !output.isEmpty(); } /** * Returns a TagletWriter that knows how to write HTML. * * @return a TagletWriter that knows how to write HTML. */ public TagletWriter getTagletWriterInstance(boolean isFirstSentence) { return new TagletWriterImpl(this, isFirstSentence); } /** * Get Package link, with target frame. * * @param pkg The link will be to the "package-summary.html" page for this package * @param target name of the target frame * @param label tag for the link * @return a content for the target package link */ public Content getTargetPackageLink(PackageElement pkg, String target, Content label) { return links.createLink(pathString(pkg, DocPaths.PACKAGE_SUMMARY), label, "", target); } /** * Get Module Package link, with target frame. * * @param pkg the PackageElement * @param target name of the target frame * @param label tag for the link * @param mdle the module being documented * @return a content for the target module packages link */ public Content getTargetModulePackageLink(PackageElement pkg, String target, Content label, ModuleElement mdle) { return links.createLink(pathString(pkg, DocPaths.PACKAGE_SUMMARY), label, "", target); } /** * Get Module link, with target frame. * * @param target name of the target frame * @param label tag for the link * @param mdle the module being documented * @return a content for the target module link */ public Content getTargetModuleLink(String target, Content label, ModuleElement mdle) { return links.createLink(pathToRoot.resolve( docPaths.moduleSummary(mdle)), label, "", target); } /** * Generates the HTML document tree and prints it out. * * @param metakeywords Array of String keywords for META tag. Each element * of the array is assigned to a separate META tag. * Pass in null for no array * @param includeScript true if printing windowtitle script * false for files that appear in the left-hand frames * @param body the body htmltree to be included in the document * @throws DocFileIOException if there is a problem writing the file */ public void printHtmlDocument(List<String> metakeywords, boolean includeScript, Content body) throws DocFileIOException { DocType htmlDocType = DocType.forVersion(configuration.htmlVersion); Content htmlComment = contents.newPage; Head head = new Head(path, configuration.htmlVersion, configuration.docletVersion) .setTimestamp(!configuration.notimestamp) .setTitle(winTitle) .setCharset(configuration.charset) .addKeywords(metakeywords) .setStylesheets(configuration.getMainStylesheet(), configuration.getAdditionalStylesheets()) .setUseModuleDirectories(configuration.useModuleDirectories) .setIndex(configuration.createindex, mainBodyScript); Content htmlTree = HtmlTree.HTML(configuration.getLocale().getLanguage(), head.toContent(), body); HtmlDocument htmlDocument = new HtmlDocument(htmlDocType, htmlComment, htmlTree); htmlDocument.write(DocFile.createFileForOutput(configuration, path)); } /** * Get the window title. * * @param title the title string to construct the complete window title * @return the window title string */ public String getWindowTitle(String title) { if (configuration.windowtitle.length() > 0) { title += " (" + configuration.windowtitle + ")"; } return title; } /** * Get user specified header and the footer. * * @param header if true print the user provided header else print the * user provided footer. */ public Content getUserHeaderFooter(boolean header) { String content; if (header) { content = replaceDocRootDir(configuration.header); } else { if (configuration.footer.length() != 0) { content = replaceDocRootDir(configuration.footer); } else { content = replaceDocRootDir(configuration.header); } } Content rawContent = new RawHtml(content); return rawContent; } /** * Adds the user specified top. * * @param htmlTree the content tree to which user specified top will be added */ public void addTop(Content htmlTree) { Content top = new RawHtml(replaceDocRootDir(; fixedNavDiv.addContent(top); } /** * Adds the user specified bottom. * * @param htmlTree the content tree to which user specified bottom will be added */ public void addBottom(Content htmlTree) { Content bottom = new RawHtml(replaceDocRootDir(configuration.bottom)); Content small = HtmlTree.SMALL(bottom); Content p = HtmlTree.P(HtmlStyle.legalCopy, small); htmlTree.addContent(p); } /** * Get the overview tree link for the main tree. * * @param label the label for the link * @return a content tree for the link */ protected Content getNavLinkMainTree(String label) { Content mainTreeContent = links.createLink(pathToRoot.resolve(DocPaths.OVERVIEW_TREE), new StringContent(label)); Content li = HtmlTree.LI(mainTreeContent); return li; } /** * Get table caption. * * @param title the content for the caption * @return a content tree for the caption */ public Content getTableCaption(Content title) { Content captionSpan = HtmlTree.SPAN(title); Content space = Contents.SPACE; Content tabSpan = HtmlTree.SPAN(HtmlStyle.tabEnd, space); Content caption = HtmlTree.CAPTION(captionSpan); caption.addContent(tabSpan); return caption; } /** * Returns a packagename content. * * @param packageElement the package to check * @return package name content */ public Content getPackageName(PackageElement packageElement) { return packageElement == null || packageElement.isUnnamed() ? contents.defaultPackageLabel : getPackageLabel(packageElement.getQualifiedName()); } /** * Returns a package name label. * * @param packageName the package name * @return the package name content */ public Content getPackageLabel(CharSequence packageName) { return new StringContent(packageName); } /** * Return the path to the class page for a typeElement. * * @param te TypeElement for which the path is requested. * @param name Name of the file(doesn't include path). */ protected DocPath pathString(TypeElement te, DocPath name) { return pathString(utils.containingPackage(te), name); } /** * Return path to the given file name in the given package. So if the name * passed is "Object.html" and the name of the package is "java.lang", and * if the relative path is "../.." then returned string will be * "../../java/lang/Object.html" * * @param packageElement Package in which the file name is assumed to be. * @param name File name, to which path string is. */ protected DocPath pathString(PackageElement packageElement, DocPath name) { return pathToRoot.resolve(docPaths.forPackage(packageElement).resolve(name)); } /** * Given a package, return the name to be used in HTML anchor tag. * @param packageElement the package. * @return the name to be used in HTML anchor tag. */ public String getPackageAnchorName(PackageElement packageElement) { return packageElement == null || packageElement.isUnnamed() ? SectionName.UNNAMED_PACKAGE_ANCHOR.getName() : utils.getPackageName(packageElement); } /** * Return the link to the given package. * * @param packageElement the package to link to. * @param label the label for the link. * @return a content tree for the package link. */ public Content getPackageLink(PackageElement packageElement, CharSequence label) { return getPackageLink(packageElement, new StringContent(label)); } public Content getPackageLink(PackageElement packageElement) { StringContent content = packageElement.isUnnamed() ? new StringContent() : new StringContent(utils.getPackageName(packageElement)); return getPackageLink(packageElement, content); } /** * Return the link to the given package. * * @param packageElement the package to link to. * @param label the label for the link. * @return a content tree for the package link. */ public Content getPackageLink(PackageElement packageElement, Content label) { boolean included = packageElement != null && utils.isIncluded(packageElement); if (!included) { for (PackageElement p : configuration.packages) { if (p.equals(packageElement)) { included = true; break; } } } if (included || packageElement == null) { return links.createLink(pathString(packageElement, DocPaths.PACKAGE_SUMMARY), label); } else { DocLink crossPkgLink = getCrossPackageLink(utils.getPackageName(packageElement)); if (crossPkgLink != null) { return links.createLink(crossPkgLink, label); } else { return label; } } } /** * Get Module link. * * @param mdle the module being documented * @param label tag for the link * @return a content for the module link */ public Content getModuleLink(ModuleElement mdle, Content label) { boolean included = utils.isIncluded(mdle); return (included) ? links.createLink(pathToRoot.resolve(docPaths.moduleSummary(mdle)), label, "", "") : label; } public Content interfaceName(TypeElement typeElement, boolean qual) { Content name = new StringContent((qual) ? typeElement.getQualifiedName() : utils.getSimpleName(typeElement)); return (utils.isInterface(typeElement)) ? HtmlTree.SPAN(HtmlStyle.interfaceName, name) : name; } /** * Add the link to the content tree. * * @param element program element for which the link will be added * @param label label for the link * @param htmltree the content tree to which the link will be added */ public void addSrcLink(Element element, Content label, Content htmltree) { if (element == null) { return; } TypeElement te = utils.getEnclosingTypeElement(element); if (te == null) { // must be a typeElement since in has no containing class. te = (TypeElement) element; } if (utils.isIncluded(te)) { DocPath href = pathToRoot .resolve(DocPaths.SOURCE_OUTPUT) .resolve(docPaths.forClass(te)); Content content = links.createLink(href .fragment(SourceToHTMLConverter.getAnchorName(utils, element)), label, "", ""); htmltree.addContent(content); } else { htmltree.addContent(label); } } /** * Return the link to the given class. * * @param linkInfo the information about the link. * * @return the link for the given class. */ public Content getLink(LinkInfoImpl linkInfo) { LinkFactoryImpl factory = new LinkFactoryImpl(this); return factory.getLink(linkInfo); } /** * Return the type parameters for the given class. * * @param linkInfo the information about the link. * @return the type for the given class. */ public Content getTypeParameterLinks(LinkInfoImpl linkInfo) { LinkFactoryImpl factory = new LinkFactoryImpl(this); return factory.getTypeParameterLinks(linkInfo, false); } /************************************************************* * Return a class cross link to external class documentation. * The name must be fully qualified to determine which package * the class is in. The -link option does not allow users to * link to external classes in the "default" package. * * @param qualifiedClassName the qualified name of the external class. * @param refMemName the name of the member being referenced. This should * be null or empty string if no member is being referenced. * @param label the label for the external link. * @param strong true if the link should be strong. * @param code true if the label should be code font. * @return the link */ public Content getCrossClassLink(String qualifiedClassName, String refMemName, Content label, boolean strong, boolean code) { String className = ""; String packageName = qualifiedClassName == null ? "" : qualifiedClassName; int periodIndex; while ((periodIndex = packageName.lastIndexOf('.')) != -1) { className = packageName.substring(periodIndex + 1, packageName.length()) + (className.length() > 0 ? "." + className : ""); Content defaultLabel = new StringContent(className); if (code) defaultLabel = HtmlTree.CODE(defaultLabel); packageName = packageName.substring(0, periodIndex); if (getCrossPackageLink(packageName) != null) { /* The package exists in external documentation, so link to the external class (assuming that it exists). This is definitely a limitation of the -link option. There are ways to determine if an external package exists, but no way to determine if the external class exists. We just have to assume that it does. */ DocLink link = configuration.extern.getExternalLink(packageName, pathToRoot, className + ".html", refMemName); return links.createLink(link, (label == null) || label.isEmpty() ? defaultLabel : label, strong, resources.getText("doclet.Href_Class_Or_Interface_Title", packageName), "", true); } } return null; } public boolean isClassLinkable(TypeElement typeElement) { if (utils.isIncluded(typeElement)) { return configuration.isGeneratedDoc(typeElement); } return configuration.extern.isExternal(typeElement); } public DocLink getCrossPackageLink(String pkgName) { return configuration.extern.getExternalLink(pkgName, pathToRoot, DocPaths.PACKAGE_SUMMARY.getPath()); } public DocLink getCrossModuleLink(String mdleName) { return configuration.extern.getExternalLink(mdleName, pathToRoot, docPaths.moduleSummary(mdleName).getPath()); } /** * Get the class link. * * @param context the id of the context where the link will be added * @param element to link to * @return a content tree for the link */ public Content getQualifiedClassLink(LinkInfoImpl.Kind context, Element element) { LinkInfoImpl linkInfoImpl = new LinkInfoImpl(configuration, context, (TypeElement)element); return getLink(linkInfoImpl.label(utils.getFullyQualifiedName(element))); } /** * Add the class link. * * @param context the id of the context where the link will be added * @param typeElement to link to * @param contentTree the content tree to which the link will be added */ public void addPreQualifiedClassLink(LinkInfoImpl.Kind context, TypeElement typeElement, Content contentTree) { addPreQualifiedClassLink(context, typeElement, false, contentTree); } /** * Retrieve the class link with the package portion of the label in * plain text. If the qualifier is excluded, it will not be included in the * link label. * * @param typeElement the class to link to. * @param isStrong true if the link should be strong. * @return the link with the package portion of the label in plain text. */ public Content getPreQualifiedClassLink(LinkInfoImpl.Kind context, TypeElement typeElement, boolean isStrong) { ContentBuilder classlink = new ContentBuilder(); PackageElement pkg = utils.containingPackage(typeElement); if (pkg != null && ! configuration.shouldExcludeQualifier(pkg.getSimpleName().toString())) { classlink.addContent(getEnclosingPackageName(typeElement)); } classlink.addContent(getLink(new LinkInfoImpl(configuration, context, typeElement).label(utils.getSimpleName(typeElement)).strong(isStrong))); return classlink; } /** * Add the class link with the package portion of the label in * plain text. If the qualifier is excluded, it will not be included in the * link label. * * @param context the id of the context where the link will be added * @param typeElement the class to link to * @param isStrong true if the link should be strong * @param contentTree the content tree to which the link with be added */ public void addPreQualifiedClassLink(LinkInfoImpl.Kind context, TypeElement typeElement, boolean isStrong, Content contentTree) { PackageElement pkg = utils.containingPackage(typeElement); if(pkg != null && ! configuration.shouldExcludeQualifier(pkg.getSimpleName().toString())) { contentTree.addContent(getEnclosingPackageName(typeElement)); } LinkInfoImpl linkinfo = new LinkInfoImpl(configuration, context, typeElement) .label(utils.getSimpleName(typeElement)) .strong(isStrong); Content link = getLink(linkinfo); contentTree.addContent(link); } /** * Get the enclosed name of the package * * @param te TypeElement * @return the name */ public String getEnclosingPackageName(TypeElement te) { PackageElement encl = configuration.utils.containingPackage(te); return (encl.isUnnamed()) ? "" : (encl.getQualifiedName() + "."); } /** * Add the class link, with only class name as the strong link and prefixing * plain package name. * * @param context the id of the context where the link will be added * @param typeElement the class to link to * @param contentTree the content tree to which the link with be added */ public void addPreQualifiedStrongClassLink(LinkInfoImpl.Kind context, TypeElement typeElement, Content contentTree) { addPreQualifiedClassLink(context, typeElement, true, contentTree); } /** * Get the link for the given member. * * @param context the id of the context where the link will be added * @param element the member being linked to * @param label the label for the link * @return a content tree for the element link */ public Content getDocLink(LinkInfoImpl.Kind context, Element element, CharSequence label) { return getDocLink(context, utils.getEnclosingTypeElement(element), element, new StringContent(label)); } /** * Return the link for the given member. * * @param context the id of the context where the link will be printed. * @param element the member being linked to. * @param label the label for the link. * @param strong true if the link should be strong. * @return the link for the given member. */ public Content getDocLink(LinkInfoImpl.Kind context, Element element, CharSequence label, boolean strong) { return getDocLink(context, utils.getEnclosingTypeElement(element), element, label, strong); } /** * Return the link for the given member. * * @param context the id of the context where the link will be printed. * @param typeElement the typeElement that we should link to. This is not necessarily equal to element.containingClass(). We may be inheriting comments. * @param element the member being linked to. * @param label the label for the link. * @param strong true if the link should be strong. * @return the link for the given member. */ public Content getDocLink(LinkInfoImpl.Kind context, TypeElement typeElement, Element element, CharSequence label, boolean strong) { return getDocLink(context, typeElement, element, label, strong, false); } public Content getDocLink(LinkInfoImpl.Kind context, TypeElement typeElement, Element element, Content label, boolean strong) { return getDocLink(context, typeElement, element, label, strong, false); } /** * Return the link for the given member. * * @param context the id of the context where the link will be printed. * @param typeElement the typeElement that we should link to. This is not necessarily equal to element.containingClass(). We may be inheriting comments. * @param element the member being linked to. * @param label the label for the link. * @param strong true if the link should be strong. * @param isProperty true if the element parameter is a JavaFX property. * @return the link for the given member. */ public Content getDocLink(LinkInfoImpl.Kind context, TypeElement typeElement, Element element, CharSequence label, boolean strong, boolean isProperty) { return getDocLink(context, typeElement, element, new StringContent(label), strong, isProperty); } public Content getDocLink(LinkInfoImpl.Kind context, TypeElement typeElement, Element element, Content label, boolean strong, boolean isProperty) { if (! (utils.isIncluded(element) || utils.isLinkable(typeElement))) { return label; } else if (utils.isExecutableElement(element)) { ExecutableElement ee = (ExecutableElement)element; return getLink(new LinkInfoImpl(configuration, context, typeElement) .label(label) .where(links.getName(getAnchor(ee, isProperty))) .strong(strong)); } else if (utils.isVariableElement(element) || utils.isTypeElement(element)) { return getLink(new LinkInfoImpl(configuration, context, typeElement) .label(label) .where(links.getName(element.getSimpleName().toString())) .strong(strong)); } else { return label; } } /** * Return the link for the given member. * * @param context the id of the context where the link will be added * @param typeElement the typeElement that we should link to. This is not necessarily equal to element.containingClass(). We may be inheriting comments * @param element the member being linked to * @param label the label for the link * @return the link for the given member */ public Content getDocLink(LinkInfoImpl.Kind context, TypeElement typeElement, Element element, Content label) { if (! (utils.isIncluded(element) || utils.isLinkable(typeElement))) { return label; } else if (utils.isExecutableElement(element)) { ExecutableElement emd = (ExecutableElement) element; return getLink(new LinkInfoImpl(configuration, context, typeElement) .label(label) .where(links.getName(getAnchor(emd)))); } else if (utils.isVariableElement(element) || utils.isTypeElement(element)) { return getLink(new LinkInfoImpl(configuration, context, typeElement) .label(label).where(links.getName(element.getSimpleName().toString()))); } else { return label; } } public String getAnchor(ExecutableElement executableElement) { return getAnchor(executableElement, false); } public String getAnchor(ExecutableElement executableElement, boolean isProperty) { if (isProperty) { return executableElement.getSimpleName().toString(); } String member = anchorName(executableElement); String erasedSignature = utils.makeSignature(executableElement, true, true); return member + erasedSignature; } public String anchorName(Element member) { if (member.getKind() == ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR && configuration.isOutputHtml5()) { return "<init>"; } else { return utils.getSimpleName(member); } } public Content seeTagToContent(Element element, DocTree see) { Kind kind = see.getKind(); if (!(kind == LINK || kind == SEE || kind == LINK_PLAIN)) { return new ContentBuilder(); } CommentHelper ch = utils.getCommentHelper(element); String tagName = ch.getTagName(see); String seetext = replaceDocRootDir(utils.normalizeNewlines(ch.getText(see)).toString()); // Check if @see is an href or "string" if (seetext.startsWith("<") || seetext.startsWith("\"")) { return new RawHtml(seetext); } boolean isLinkPlain = kind == LINK_PLAIN; Content label = plainOrCode(isLinkPlain, new RawHtml(ch.getLabel(configuration, see))); //The text from the @see tag. We will output this text when a label is not specified. Content text = plainOrCode(kind == LINK_PLAIN, new RawHtml(seetext)); TypeElement refClass = ch.getReferencedClass(configuration, see); String refClassName = ch.getReferencedClassName(configuration, see); Element refMem = ch.getReferencedMember(configuration, see); String refMemName = ch.getReferencedMemberName(see); if (refMemName == null && refMem != null) { refMemName = refMem.toString(); } if (refClass == null) { //@see is not referencing an included class PackageElement refPackage = ch.getReferencedPackage(configuration, see); if (refPackage != null && utils.isIncluded(refPackage)) { //@see is referencing an included package if (label.isEmpty()) label = plainOrCode(isLinkPlain, new StringContent(refPackage.getQualifiedName())); return getPackageLink(refPackage, label); } else { // @see is not referencing an included class, module or package. Check for cross links. Content classCrossLink; DocLink elementCrossLink = (configuration.extern.isModule(refClassName)) ? getCrossModuleLink(refClassName) : getCrossPackageLink(refClassName); if (elementCrossLink != null) { // Element cross link found return links.createLink(elementCrossLink, (label.isEmpty() ? text : label), true); } else if ((classCrossLink = getCrossClassLink(refClassName, refMemName, label, false, !isLinkPlain)) != null) { // Class cross link found (possibly to a member in the class) return classCrossLink; } else { // No cross link found so print warning messages.warning(ch.getDocTreePath(see), "doclet.see.class_or_package_not_found", "@" + tagName, seetext); return (label.isEmpty() ? text: label); } } } else if (refMemName == null) { // Must be a class reference since refClass is not null and refMemName is null. if (label.isEmpty()) { /* * it seems to me this is the right thing to do, but it causes comparator failures. */ if (!configuration.backwardCompatibility) { StringContent content = utils.isEnclosingPackageIncluded(refClass) ? new StringContent(utils.getSimpleName(refClass)) : new StringContent(utils.getFullyQualifiedName(refClass)); label = plainOrCode(isLinkPlain, content); } else { label = plainOrCode(isLinkPlain, new StringContent(utils.getSimpleName(refClass))); } } return getLink(new LinkInfoImpl(configuration, LinkInfoImpl.Kind.DEFAULT, refClass) .label(label)); } else if (refMem == null) { // Must be a member reference since refClass is not null and refMemName is not null. // However, refMem is null, so this referenced member does not exist. return (label.isEmpty() ? text: label); } else { // Must be a member reference since refClass is not null and refMemName is not null. // refMem is not null, so this @see tag must be referencing a valid member. TypeElement containing = utils.getEnclosingTypeElement(refMem); // Find the enclosing type where the method is actually visible // in the inheritance hierarchy. ExecutableElement overriddenMethod = null; if (refMem.getKind() == ElementKind.METHOD) { VisibleMemberTable vmt = configuration.getVisibleMemberTable(containing); overriddenMethod = vmt.getOverriddenMethod((ExecutableElement)refMem); if (overriddenMethod != null) containing = utils.getEnclosingTypeElement(overriddenMethod); } if (ch.getText(see).trim().startsWith("#") && ! (utils.isPublic(containing) || utils.isLinkable(containing))) { // Since the link is relative and the holder is not even being // documented, this must be an inherited link. Redirect it. // The current class either overrides the referenced member or // inherits it automatically. if (this instanceof ClassWriterImpl) { containing = ((ClassWriterImpl) this).getTypeElement(); } else if (!utils.isPublic(containing)) { messages.warning( ch.getDocTreePath(see), "doclet.see.class_or_package_not_accessible", tagName, utils.getFullyQualifiedName(containing)); } else { messages.warning( ch.getDocTreePath(see), "doclet.see.class_or_package_not_found", tagName, seetext); } } if (configuration.currentTypeElement != containing) { refMemName = (utils.isConstructor(refMem)) ? refMemName : utils.getSimpleName(containing) + "." + refMemName; } if (utils.isExecutableElement(refMem)) { if (refMemName.indexOf('(') < 0) { refMemName += utils.makeSignature((ExecutableElement)refMem, true); } if (overriddenMethod != null) { // The method to actually link. refMem = overriddenMethod; } } text = plainOrCode(kind == LINK_PLAIN, new StringContent(refMemName)); return getDocLink(LinkInfoImpl.Kind.SEE_TAG, containing, refMem, (label.isEmpty() ? text: label), false); } } private Content plainOrCode(boolean plain, Content body) { return (plain || body.isEmpty()) ? body : HtmlTree.CODE(body); } /** * Add the inline comment. * * @param element the Element for which the inline comment will be added * @param tag the inline tag to be added * @param htmltree the content tree to which the comment will be added */ public void addInlineComment(Element element, DocTree tag, Content htmltree) { CommentHelper ch = utils.getCommentHelper(element); List<? extends DocTree> description = ch.getDescription(configuration, tag); addCommentTags(element, tag, description, false, false, htmltree); } /** * Get the deprecated phrase as content. * * @param e the Element for which the inline deprecated comment will be added * @return a content tree for the deprecated phrase. */ public Content getDeprecatedPhrase(Element e) { return (utils.isDeprecatedForRemoval(e)) ? contents.deprecatedForRemovalPhrase : contents.deprecatedPhrase; } /** * Add the inline deprecated comment. * * @param e the Element for which the inline deprecated comment will be added * @param tag the inline tag to be added * @param htmltree the content tree to which the comment will be added */ public void addInlineDeprecatedComment(Element e, DocTree tag, Content htmltree) { CommentHelper ch = utils.getCommentHelper(e); addCommentTags(e, ch.getBody(configuration, tag), true, false, htmltree); } /** * Adds the summary content. * * @param element the Element for which the summary will be generated * @param htmltree the documentation tree to which the summary will be added */ public void addSummaryComment(Element element, Content htmltree) { addSummaryComment(element, utils.getFirstSentenceTrees(element), htmltree); } /** * Adds the summary content. * * @param element the Element for which the summary will be generated * @param firstSentenceTags the first sentence tags for the doc * @param htmltree the documentation tree to which the summary will be added */ public void addSummaryComment(Element element, List<? extends DocTree> firstSentenceTags, Content htmltree) { addCommentTags(element, firstSentenceTags, false, true, htmltree); } public void addSummaryDeprecatedComment(Element element, DocTree tag, Content htmltree) { CommentHelper ch = utils.getCommentHelper(element); List<? extends DocTree> body = ch.getBody(configuration, tag); addCommentTags(element, ch.getFirstSentenceTrees(configuration, body), true, true, htmltree); } /** * Adds the inline comment. * * @param element the Element for which the inline comments will be generated * @param htmltree the documentation tree to which the inline comments will be added */ public void addInlineComment(Element element, Content htmltree) { addCommentTags(element, utils.getFullBody(element), false, false, htmltree); } /** * Adds the comment tags. * * @param element the Element for which the comment tags will be generated * @param tags the first sentence tags for the doc * @param depr true if it is deprecated * @param first true if the first sentence tags should be added * @param htmltree the documentation tree to which the comment tags will be added */ private void addCommentTags(Element element, List<? extends DocTree> tags, boolean depr, boolean first, Content htmltree) { addCommentTags(element, null, tags, depr, first, htmltree); } /** * Adds the comment tags. * * @param element for which the comment tags will be generated * @param holderTag the block tag context for the inline tags * @param tags the first sentence tags for the doc * @param depr true if it is deprecated * @param first true if the first sentence tags should be added * @param htmltree the documentation tree to which the comment tags will be added */ private void addCommentTags(Element element, DocTree holderTag, List<? extends DocTree> tags, boolean depr, boolean first, Content htmltree) { if(configuration.nocomment){ return; } Content div; Content result = commentTagsToContent(null, element, tags, first); if (depr) { div = HtmlTree.DIV(HtmlStyle.deprecationComment, result); htmltree.addContent(div); } else { div = HtmlTree.DIV(HtmlStyle.block, result); htmltree.addContent(div); } if (tags.isEmpty()) { htmltree.addContent(Contents.SPACE); } } boolean ignoreNonInlineTag(DocTree dtree) { Name name = null; if (dtree.getKind() == Kind.START_ELEMENT) { StartElementTree setree = (StartElementTree)dtree; name = setree.getName(); } else if (dtree.getKind() == Kind.END_ELEMENT) { EndElementTree eetree = (EndElementTree)dtree; name = eetree.getName(); } if (name != null) { htmlTag =; if (htmlTag != null && htmlTag.blockType != { return true; } } return false; } boolean isAllWhiteSpace(String body) { for (int i = 0 ; i < body.length(); i++) { if (!Character.isWhitespace(body.charAt(i))) return false; } return true; } // Notify the next DocTree handler to take necessary action private boolean commentRemoved = false; /** * Converts inline tags and text to text strings, expanding the * inline tags along the way. Called wherever text can contain * an inline tag, such as in comments or in free-form text arguments * to non-inline tags. * * @param holderTag specific tag where comment resides * @param element specific element where comment resides * @param tags array of text tags and inline tags (often alternating) present in the text of interest for this element * @param isFirstSentence true if text is first sentence * @return a Content object */ public Content commentTagsToContent(DocTree holderTag, Element element, List<? extends DocTree> tags, boolean isFirstSentence) { final Content result = new ContentBuilder() { @Override public void addContent(CharSequence text) { super.addContent(utils.normalizeNewlines(text)); } }; CommentHelper ch = utils.getCommentHelper(element); // Array of all possible inline tags for this javadoc run configuration.tagletManager.checkTags(element, tags, true); commentRemoved = false; for (ListIterator<? extends DocTree> iterator = tags.listIterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { boolean isFirstNode = !iterator.hasPrevious(); DocTree tag =; boolean isLastNode = !iterator.hasNext(); if (isFirstSentence) { // Ignore block tags if (ignoreNonInlineTag(tag)) continue; // Ignore any trailing whitespace OR whitespace after removed html comment if ((isLastNode || commentRemoved) && tag.getKind() == TEXT && isAllWhiteSpace(ch.getText(tag))) continue; // Ignore any leading html comments if ((isFirstNode || commentRemoved) && tag.getKind() == COMMENT) { commentRemoved = true; continue; } } boolean allDone = new SimpleDocTreeVisitor<Boolean, Content>() { private boolean inAnAtag() { if (utils.isStartElement(tag)) { StartElementTree st = (StartElementTree)tag; Name name = st.getName(); if (name != null) { htag =; return htag != null && htag.equals(; } } return false; } @Override public Boolean visitAttribute(AttributeTree node, Content c) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(SPACER).append(node.getName()); if (node.getValueKind() == ValueKind.EMPTY) { result.addContent(sb); return false; } sb.append("="); String quote; switch (node.getValueKind()) { case DOUBLE: quote = "\""; break; case SINGLE: quote = "\'"; break; default: quote = ""; break; } sb.append(quote); result.addContent(sb); Content docRootContent = new ContentBuilder(); boolean isHRef = inAnAtag() && node.getName().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("href"); for (DocTree dt : node.getValue()) { if (utils.isText(dt) && isHRef) { String text = ((TextTree) dt).getBody(); if (text.startsWith("/..") && !configuration.docrootparent.isEmpty()) { result.addContent(configuration.docrootparent); docRootContent = new ContentBuilder(); result.addContent(textCleanup(text.substring(3), isLastNode)); } else { if (!docRootContent.isEmpty()) { docRootContent = copyDocRootContent(docRootContent); } else { text = redirectRelativeLinks(element, (TextTree) dt); } result.addContent(textCleanup(text, isLastNode)); } } else { docRootContent = copyDocRootContent(docRootContent); dt.accept(this, docRootContent); } } copyDocRootContent(docRootContent); result.addContent(quote); return false; } @Override public Boolean visitComment(CommentTree node, Content c) { result.addContent(new RawHtml(node.getBody())); return false; } private Content copyDocRootContent(Content content) { if (!content.isEmpty()) { result.addContent(content); return new ContentBuilder(); } return content; } @Override public Boolean visitDocRoot(DocRootTree node, Content c) { Content docRootContent = TagletWriter.getInlineTagOutput(element, configuration.tagletManager, holderTag, node, getTagletWriterInstance(isFirstSentence)); if (c != null) { c.addContent(docRootContent); } else { result.addContent(docRootContent); } return false; } @Override public Boolean visitEndElement(EndElementTree node, Content c) { RawHtml rawHtml = new RawHtml("</" + node.getName() + ">"); result.addContent(rawHtml); return false; } @Override public Boolean visitEntity(EntityTree node, Content c) { result.addContent(new RawHtml(node.toString())); return false; } @Override public Boolean visitErroneous(ErroneousTree node, Content c) { messages.warning(ch.getDocTreePath(node), "doclet.tag.invalid_usage", node); result.addContent(new RawHtml(node.toString())); return false; } @Override public Boolean visitInheritDoc(InheritDocTree node, Content c) { Content output = TagletWriter.getInlineTagOutput(element, configuration.tagletManager, holderTag, tag, getTagletWriterInstance(isFirstSentence)); result.addContent(output); // if we obtained the first sentence successfully, nothing more to do return (isFirstSentence && !output.isEmpty()); } @Override public Boolean visitIndex(IndexTree node, Content p) { Content output = TagletWriter.getInlineTagOutput(element, configuration.tagletManager, holderTag, tag, getTagletWriterInstance(isFirstSentence)); if (output != null) { result.addContent(output); } return false; } @Override public Boolean visitLink(LinkTree node, Content c) { // we need to pass the DocTreeImpl here, so ignore node result.addContent(seeTagToContent(element, tag)); return false; } @Override public Boolean visitLiteral(LiteralTree node, Content c) { String s = node.getBody().getBody(); Content content = new StringContent(utils.normalizeNewlines(s)); if (node.getKind() == CODE) content = HtmlTree.CODE(content); result.addContent(content); return false; } @Override public Boolean visitSee(SeeTree node, Content c) { // we need to pass the DocTreeImpl here, so ignore node result.addContent(seeTagToContent(element, tag)); return false; } @Override public Boolean visitStartElement(StartElementTree node, Content c) { String text = "<" + node.getName(); RawHtml rawHtml = new RawHtml(utils.normalizeNewlines(text)); result.addContent(rawHtml); for (DocTree dt : node.getAttributes()) { dt.accept(this, null); } result.addContent(new RawHtml(node.isSelfClosing() ? "/>" : ">")); return false; } @Override public Boolean visitSummary(SummaryTree node, Content c) { Content output = TagletWriter.getInlineTagOutput(element, configuration.tagletManager, holderTag, tag, getTagletWriterInstance(isFirstSentence)); result.addContent(output); return false; } private CharSequence textCleanup(String text, boolean isLast) { return textCleanup(text, isLast, false); } private CharSequence textCleanup(String text, boolean isLast, boolean trimLeader) { if (trimLeader) { text = removeLeadingWhitespace(text); } if (isFirstSentence && isLast) { text = removeTrailingWhitespace(text); } text = utils.replaceTabs(text); return utils.normalizeNewlines(text); } @Override public Boolean visitText(TextTree node, Content c) { String text = node.getBody(); result.addContent(new RawHtml(textCleanup(text, isLastNode, commentRemoved))); return false; } @Override protected Boolean defaultAction(DocTree node, Content c) { Content output = TagletWriter.getInlineTagOutput(element, configuration.tagletManager, holderTag, tag, getTagletWriterInstance(isFirstSentence)); if (output != null) { result.addContent(output); } return false; } }.visit(tag, null); commentRemoved = false; if (allDone) break; } return result; } private String removeTrailingWhitespace(String text) { char[] buf = text.toCharArray(); for (int i = buf.length - 1; i > 0 ; i--) { if (!Character.isWhitespace(buf[i])) return text.substring(0, i + 1); } return text; } private String removeLeadingWhitespace(String text) { char[] buf = text.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { if (!Character.isWhitespace(buf[i])) { return text.substring(i); } } return text; } /** * Return true if relative links should not be redirected. * * @return Return true if a relative link should not be redirected. */ private boolean shouldNotRedirectRelativeLinks() { return this instanceof AnnotationTypeWriter || this instanceof ClassWriter || this instanceof PackageSummaryWriter; } /** * Suppose a piece of documentation has a relative link. When you copy * that documentation to another place such as the index or class-use page, * that relative link will no longer work. We should redirect those links * so that they will work again. * <p> * Here is the algorithm used to fix the link: * <p> * {@literal <relative link> => docRoot + <relative path to file> + <relative link> } * <p> * For example, suppose DocletEnvironment has this link: * {@literal <a href="package-summary.html">The package Page</a> } * <p> * If this link appeared in the index, we would redirect * the link like this: * * {@literal <a href="./com/sun/javadoc/package-summary.html">The package Page</a>} * * @param element the Element object whose documentation is being written. * @param tt the text being written. * * @return the text, with all the relative links redirected to work. */ private String redirectRelativeLinks(Element element, TextTree tt) { String text = tt.getBody(); if (element == null || utils.isOverviewElement(element) || shouldNotRedirectRelativeLinks()) { return text; } DocPath redirectPathFromRoot = new SimpleElementVisitor9<DocPath, Void>() { @Override public DocPath visitType(TypeElement e, Void p) { return docPaths.forPackage(utils.containingPackage(e)); } @Override public DocPath visitPackage(PackageElement e, Void p) { return docPaths.forPackage(e); } @Override public DocPath visitVariable(VariableElement e, Void p) { return docPaths.forPackage(utils.containingPackage(e)); } @Override public DocPath visitExecutable(ExecutableElement e, Void p) { return docPaths.forPackage(utils.containingPackage(e)); } @Override protected DocPath defaultAction(Element e, Void p) { return null; } }.visit(element); if (redirectPathFromRoot == null) { return text; } String lower = Utils.toLowerCase(text); if (!(lower.startsWith("mailto:") || lower.startsWith("http:") || lower.startsWith("https:") || lower.startsWith("file:"))) { text = "{@" + (new DocRootTaglet()).getName() + "}/" + redirectPathFromRoot.resolve(text).getPath(); text = replaceDocRootDir(text); } return text; } /** * According to * <cite>The Java™ Language Specification</cite>, * all the outer classes and static nested classes are core classes. */ public boolean isCoreClass(TypeElement typeElement) { return utils.getEnclosingTypeElement(typeElement) == null || utils.isStatic(typeElement); } /** * Adds the annotation types for the given packageElement. * * @param packageElement the package to write annotations for. * @param htmltree the documentation tree to which the annotation info will be * added */ public void addAnnotationInfo(PackageElement packageElement, Content htmltree) { addAnnotationInfo(packageElement, packageElement.getAnnotationMirrors(), htmltree); } /** * Add the annotation types of the executable receiver. * * @param method the executable to write the receiver annotations for. * @param descList a list of annotation mirrors. * @param htmltree the documentation tree to which the annotation info will be * added */ public void addReceiverAnnotationInfo(ExecutableElement method, List<AnnotationMirror> descList, Content htmltree) { addAnnotationInfo(0, method, descList, false, htmltree); } /* * this is a hack to delay dealing with Annotations in the writers, the assumption * is that all necessary checks have been made to get here. */ public void addReceiverAnnotationInfo(ExecutableElement method, TypeMirror rcvrTypeMirror, List<? extends AnnotationMirror> annotationMirrors, Content htmltree) { TypeMirror rcvrType = method.getReceiverType(); List<? extends AnnotationMirror> annotationMirrors1 = rcvrType.getAnnotationMirrors(); addAnnotationInfo(0, method, annotationMirrors1, false, htmltree); } /** * Adds the annotation types for the given element. * * @param element the package to write annotations for * @param htmltree the content tree to which the annotation types will be added */ public void addAnnotationInfo(Element element, Content htmltree) { addAnnotationInfo(element, element.getAnnotationMirrors(), htmltree); } /** * Add the annotatation types for the given element and parameter. * * @param indent the number of spaces to indent the parameters. * @param element the element to write annotations for. * @param param the parameter to write annotations for. * @param tree the content tree to which the annotation types will be added */ public boolean addAnnotationInfo(int indent, Element element, VariableElement param, Content tree) { return addAnnotationInfo(indent, element, param.getAnnotationMirrors(), false, tree); } /** * Adds the annotatation types for the given Element. * * @param element the element to write annotations for. * @param descList a list of annotation mirrors. * @param htmltree the documentation tree to which the annotation info will be * added */ private void addAnnotationInfo(Element element, List<? extends AnnotationMirror> descList, Content htmltree) { addAnnotationInfo(0, element, descList, true, htmltree); } /** * Adds the annotation types for the given element. * * @param indent the number of extra spaces to indent the annotations. * @param element the element to write annotations for. * @param descList a list of annotation mirrors. * @param htmltree the documentation tree to which the annotation info will be * added */ private boolean addAnnotationInfo(int indent, Element element, List<? extends AnnotationMirror> descList, boolean lineBreak, Content htmltree) { List<Content> annotations = getAnnotations(indent, descList, lineBreak); String sep = ""; if (annotations.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (Content annotation: annotations) { htmltree.addContent(sep); htmltree.addContent(annotation); if (!lineBreak) { sep = " "; } } return true; } /** * Return the string representations of the annotation types for * the given doc. * * @param indent the number of extra spaces to indent the annotations. * @param descList a list of annotation mirrors. * @param linkBreak if true, add new line between each member value. * @return a list of strings representing the annotations being * documented. */ private List<Content> getAnnotations(int indent, List<? extends AnnotationMirror> descList, boolean linkBreak) { return getAnnotations(indent, descList, linkBreak, true); } private List<Content> getAnnotations(int indent, AnnotationMirror amirror, boolean linkBreak) { List<AnnotationMirror> descList = new ArrayList<>(); descList.add(amirror); return getAnnotations(indent, descList, linkBreak, true); } /** * Return the string representations of the annotation types for * the given doc. * * A {@code null} {@code elementType} indicates that all the * annotations should be returned without any filtering. * * @param indent the number of extra spaces to indent the annotations. * @param descList a list of annotation mirrors. * @param linkBreak if true, add new line between each member value. * @param isJava5DeclarationLocation * @return a list of strings representing the annotations being * documented. */ public List<Content> getAnnotations(int indent, List<? extends AnnotationMirror> descList, boolean linkBreak, boolean isJava5DeclarationLocation) { List<Content> results = new ArrayList<>(); ContentBuilder annotation; for (AnnotationMirror aDesc : descList) { TypeElement annotationElement = (TypeElement)aDesc.getAnnotationType().asElement(); // If an annotation is not documented, do not add it to the list. If // the annotation is of a repeatable type, and if it is not documented // and also if its container annotation is not documented, do not add it // to the list. If an annotation of a repeatable type is not documented // but its container is documented, it will be added to the list. if (!utils.isDocumentedAnnotation(annotationElement) && (!isAnnotationDocumented && !isContainerDocumented)) { continue; } /* TODO: check logic here to correctly handle declaration * and type annotations. if (utils.isDeclarationAnnotation(annotationElement, isJava5DeclarationLocation)) { continue; }*/ annotation = new ContentBuilder(); isAnnotationDocumented = false; LinkInfoImpl linkInfo = new LinkInfoImpl(configuration, LinkInfoImpl.Kind.ANNOTATION, annotationElement); Map<? extends ExecutableElement, ? extends AnnotationValue> pairs = aDesc.getElementValues(); // If the annotation is synthesized, do not print the container. if (utils.configuration.workArounds.isSynthesized(aDesc)) { for (ExecutableElement ee : pairs.keySet()) { AnnotationValue annotationValue = pairs.get(ee); List<AnnotationValue> annotationTypeValues = new ArrayList<>(); new SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor9<Void, List<AnnotationValue>>() { @Override public Void visitArray(List<? extends AnnotationValue> vals, List<AnnotationValue> p) { p.addAll(vals); return null; } @Override protected Void defaultAction(Object o, List<AnnotationValue> p) { p.add(annotationValue); return null; } }.visit(annotationValue, annotationTypeValues); String sep = ""; for (AnnotationValue av : annotationTypeValues) { annotation.addContent(sep); annotation.addContent(annotationValueToContent(av)); sep = " "; } } } else if (isAnnotationArray(pairs)) { // If the container has 1 or more value defined and if the // repeatable type annotation is not documented, do not print // the container. if (pairs.size() == 1 && isAnnotationDocumented) { List<AnnotationValue> annotationTypeValues = new ArrayList<>(); for (AnnotationValue a : pairs.values()) { new SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor9<Void, List<AnnotationValue>>() { @Override public Void visitArray(List<? extends AnnotationValue> vals, List<AnnotationValue> annotationTypeValues) { for (AnnotationValue av : vals) { annotationTypeValues.add(av); } return null; } }.visit(a, annotationTypeValues); } String sep = ""; for (AnnotationValue av : annotationTypeValues) { annotation.addContent(sep); annotation.addContent(annotationValueToContent(av)); sep = " "; } } // If the container has 1 or more value defined and if the // repeatable type annotation is not documented, print the container. else { addAnnotations(annotationElement, linkInfo, annotation, pairs, indent, false); } } else { addAnnotations(annotationElement, linkInfo, annotation, pairs, indent, linkBreak); } annotation.addContent(linkBreak ? DocletConstants.NL : ""); results.add(annotation); } return results; } /** * Add annotation to the annotation string. * * @param annotationDoc the annotation being documented * @param linkInfo the information about the link * @param annotation the annotation string to which the annotation will be added * @param map annotation type element to annotation value pairs * @param indent the number of extra spaces to indent the annotations. * @param linkBreak if true, add new line between each member value */ private void addAnnotations(TypeElement annotationDoc, LinkInfoImpl linkInfo, ContentBuilder annotation, Map<? extends ExecutableElement, ? extends AnnotationValue> map, int indent, boolean linkBreak) { linkInfo.label = new StringContent("@"); linkInfo.label.addContent(annotationDoc.getSimpleName()); annotation.addContent(getLink(linkInfo)); if (!map.isEmpty()) { annotation.addContent("("); boolean isFirst = true; Set<? extends ExecutableElement> keys = map.keySet(); boolean multipleValues = keys.size() > 1; for (ExecutableElement element : keys) { if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; } else { annotation.addContent(","); if (linkBreak) { annotation.addContent(DocletConstants.NL); int spaces = annotationDoc.getSimpleName().length() + 2; for (int k = 0; k < (spaces + indent); k++) { annotation.addContent(" "); } } } String simpleName = element.getSimpleName().toString(); if (multipleValues || !"value".equals(simpleName)) { // Omit "value=" where unnecessary annotation.addContent(getDocLink(LinkInfoImpl.Kind.ANNOTATION, element, simpleName, false)); annotation.addContent("="); } AnnotationValue annotationValue = map.get(element); List<AnnotationValue> annotationTypeValues = new ArrayList<>(); new SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor9<Void, AnnotationValue>() { @Override public Void visitArray(List<? extends AnnotationValue> vals, AnnotationValue p) { annotationTypeValues.addAll(vals); return null; } @Override protected Void defaultAction(Object o, AnnotationValue p) { annotationTypeValues.add(p); return null; } }.visit(annotationValue, annotationValue); annotation.addContent(annotationTypeValues.size() == 1 ? "" : "{"); String sep = ""; for (AnnotationValue av : annotationTypeValues) { annotation.addContent(sep); annotation.addContent(annotationValueToContent(av)); sep = ","; } annotation.addContent(annotationTypeValues.size() == 1 ? "" : "}"); isContainerDocumented = false; } annotation.addContent(")"); } } /** * Check if the annotation contains an array of annotation as a value. This * check is to verify if a repeatable type annotation is present or not. * * @param pairs annotation type element and value pairs * * @return true if the annotation contains an array of annotation as a value. */ private boolean isAnnotationArray(Map<? extends ExecutableElement, ? extends AnnotationValue> pairs) { AnnotationValue annotationValue; for (ExecutableElement ee : pairs.keySet()) { annotationValue = pairs.get(ee); boolean rvalue = new SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor9<Boolean, Void>() { @Override public Boolean visitArray(List<? extends AnnotationValue> vals, Void p) { if (vals.size() > 1) { if (vals.get(0) instanceof AnnotationMirror) { isContainerDocumented = true; return new SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor9<Boolean, Void>() { @Override public Boolean visitAnnotation(AnnotationMirror a, Void p) { isContainerDocumented = true; Element asElement = a.getAnnotationType().asElement(); if (utils.isDocumentedAnnotation((TypeElement)asElement)) { isAnnotationDocumented = true; } return true; } @Override protected Boolean defaultAction(Object o, Void p) { return false; } }.visit(vals.get(0)); } } return false; } @Override protected Boolean defaultAction(Object o, Void p) { return false; } }.visit(annotationValue); if (rvalue) { return true; } } return false; } private Content annotationValueToContent(AnnotationValue annotationValue) { return new SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor9<Content, Void>() { @Override public Content visitType(TypeMirror t, Void p) { return new SimpleTypeVisitor9<Content, Void>() { @Override public Content visitDeclared(DeclaredType t, Void p) { LinkInfoImpl linkInfo = new LinkInfoImpl(configuration, LinkInfoImpl.Kind.ANNOTATION, t); String name = utils.isIncluded(t.asElement()) ? t.asElement().getSimpleName().toString() : utils.getFullyQualifiedName(t.asElement()); linkInfo.label = new StringContent(name + utils.getDimension(t) + ".class"); return getLink(linkInfo); } @Override protected Content defaultAction(TypeMirror e, Void p) { return new StringContent(t + utils.getDimension(t) + ".class"); } }.visit(t); } @Override public Content visitAnnotation(AnnotationMirror a, Void p) { List<Content> list = getAnnotations(0, a, false); ContentBuilder buf = new ContentBuilder(); for (Content c : list) { buf.addContent(c); } return buf; } @Override public Content visitEnumConstant(VariableElement c, Void p) { return getDocLink(LinkInfoImpl.Kind.ANNOTATION, c, c.getSimpleName(), false); } @Override public Content visitArray(List<? extends AnnotationValue> vals, Void p) { ContentBuilder buf = new ContentBuilder(); String sep = ""; for (AnnotationValue av : vals) { buf.addContent(sep); buf.addContent(visit(av)); sep = " "; } return buf; } @Override protected Content defaultAction(Object o, Void p) { return new StringContent(annotationValue.toString()); } }.visit(annotationValue); } protected TableHeader getPackageTableHeader() { return new TableHeader(contents.packageLabel, contents.descriptionLabel); } /** * Returns an HtmlTree for the SCRIPT tag. * * @return an HtmlTree for the SCRIPT tag */ protected Script getWinTitleScript() { Script script = new Script(); if (winTitle != null && winTitle.length() > 0) { script.append("<!--\n" + " try {\n" + " if (location.href.indexOf('is-external=true') == -1) {\n" + " parent.document.title=") .appendStringLiteral(winTitle) .append(";\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " catch(err) {\n" + " }\n" + "//-->\n"); } return script; } /** * Returns an HtmlTree for the BODY tag. * * @param includeScript set true if printing windowtitle script * @param title title for the window * @return an HtmlTree for the BODY tag */ public HtmlTree getBody(boolean includeScript, String title) { HtmlTree body = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.BODY); // Set window title string which is later printed this.winTitle = title; // Don't print windowtitle script for overview-frame, allclasses-frame // and package-frame if (includeScript) { this.mainBodyScript = getWinTitleScript(); body.addContent(mainBodyScript.asContent()); Content noScript = HtmlTree.NOSCRIPT(HtmlTree.DIV(contents.noScriptMessage)); body.addContent(noScript); } return body; } Script getMainBodyScript() { return mainBodyScript; } }
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