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JDK 11 jdk.javadoc.jmod - Java Document Tool
JDK 11 jdk.javadoc.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 Java Document tool, which can be invoked by the "javadoc" command.
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JDK 11 Java Document tool source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\\jdk.javadoc.
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⏎ jdk/javadoc/internal/doclets/toolkit/taglets/
/* * Copyright (c) 2001, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.taglets; import*; import java.util.*; import javax.lang.model.element.Element; import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement; import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement; import javax.lang.model.element.PackageElement; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement; import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement; import javax.lang.model.util.SimpleElementVisitor9; import; import; import com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree; import jdk.javadoc.doclet.Doclet; import jdk.javadoc.doclet.DocletEnvironment; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.BaseConfiguration; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.DocletElement; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.Messages; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.Resources; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.taglets.BaseTaglet.Site; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.CommentHelper; import jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.util.Utils; import static*; import static com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree.Kind.*; /** * Manages the {@code Taglet}s used by doclets. * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> * * @author Jamie Ho */ public class TagletManager { /** * The default separator for the simple tag option. */ public static final char SIMPLE_TAGLET_OPT_SEPARATOR = ':'; /** * The map of all taglets. */ private final LinkedHashMap<String,Taglet> allTaglets; /** * Block (non-line) taglets, grouped by Site */ private Map<Site, List<Taglet>> blockTagletsBySite; /** * The taglets that can appear inline in descriptive text. */ private List<Taglet> inlineTags; /** * The taglets that can appear in the serialized form. */ private List<Taglet> serializedFormTags; private final DocletEnvironment docEnv; private final Doclet doclet; private final Utils utils; private final Messages messages; private final Resources resources; /** * Keep track of standard tags. */ private final Set<String> standardTags; /** * Keep track of standard tags in lowercase to compare for better * error messages when a tag like @docRoot is mistakenly spelled * lowercase @docroot. */ private final Set<String> standardTagsLowercase; /** * Keep track of overriden standard tags. */ private final Set<String> overridenStandardTags; /** * Keep track of the tags that may conflict * with standard tags in the future (any custom tag without * a period in its name). */ private final Set<String> potentiallyConflictingTags; /** * The set of unseen custom tags. */ private final Set<String> unseenCustomTags; /** * True if we do not want to use @since tags. */ private final boolean nosince; /** * True if we want to use @version tags. */ private final boolean showversion; /** * True if we want to use @author tags. */ private final boolean showauthor; /** * True if we want to use JavaFX-related tags (@defaultValue, @treatAsPrivate). */ private final boolean javafx; /** * Show the taglets table when it has been initialized. */ private final boolean showTaglets; /** * Construct a new {@code TagletManager}. * @param nosince true if we do not want to use @since tags. * @param showversion true if we want to use @version tags. * @param showauthor true if we want to use @author tags. * @param javafx indicates whether javafx is active. * @param configuration the configuration for this taglet manager */ public TagletManager(boolean nosince, boolean showversion, boolean showauthor, boolean javafx, BaseConfiguration configuration) { overridenStandardTags = new HashSet<>(); potentiallyConflictingTags = new HashSet<>(); standardTags = new HashSet<>(); standardTagsLowercase = new HashSet<>(); unseenCustomTags = new HashSet<>(); allTaglets = new LinkedHashMap<>(); this.nosince = nosince; this.showversion = showversion; this.showauthor = showauthor; this.javafx = javafx; this.docEnv = configuration.docEnv; this.doclet = configuration.doclet; this.messages = configuration.getMessages(); this.resources = configuration.getResources(); this.showTaglets = configuration.showTaglets; this.utils = configuration.utils; initStandardTaglets(); } /** * Add a new {@code Taglet}. This is used to add a Taglet from within * a Doclet. No message is printed to indicate that the Taglet is properly * registered because these Taglets are typically added for every execution of the * Doclet. We don't want to see this type of error message every time. * @param customTag the new {@code Taglet} to add. */ public void addCustomTag(Taglet customTag) { if (customTag != null) { String name = customTag.getName(); allTaglets.remove(name); allTaglets.put(name, customTag); checkTagName(name); } } public Set<String> getAllTagletNames() { return allTaglets.keySet(); } /** * Add a new {@code Taglet}. Print a message to indicate whether or not * the Taglet was registered properly. * @param classname the name of the class representing the custom tag. * @param fileManager the filemanager to load classes and resources. * @param tagletPath the path to the class representing the custom tag. */ public void addCustomTag(String classname, JavaFileManager fileManager, String tagletPath) { try { ClassLoader tagClassLoader; if (!fileManager.hasLocation(TAGLET_PATH)) { List<File> paths = new ArrayList<>(); if (tagletPath != null) { for (String pathname : tagletPath.split(File.pathSeparator)) { paths.add(new File(pathname)); } } if (fileManager instanceof StandardJavaFileManager) { ((StandardJavaFileManager) fileManager).setLocation(TAGLET_PATH, paths); } } tagClassLoader = fileManager.getClassLoader(TAGLET_PATH); Class<? extends jdk.javadoc.doclet.Taglet> customTagClass = tagClassLoader.loadClass(classname).asSubclass(jdk.javadoc.doclet.Taglet.class); jdk.javadoc.doclet.Taglet instance = customTagClass.getConstructor().newInstance(); instance.init(docEnv, doclet); Taglet newLegacy = new UserTaglet(instance); String tname = newLegacy.getName(); Taglet t = allTaglets.get(tname); if (t != null) { allTaglets.remove(tname); } allTaglets.put(tname, newLegacy); messages.notice("doclet.Notice_taglet_registered", classname); } catch (Exception exc) { messages.error("doclet.Error_taglet_not_registered", exc.getClass().getName(), classname); } } /** * Add a new {@code SimpleTaglet}. If this tag already exists * and the header passed as an argument is null, move tag to the back of the * list. If this tag already exists and the header passed as an argument is * not null, overwrite previous tag with new one. Otherwise, add new * SimpleTaglet to list. * @param tagName the name of this tag * @param header the header to output. * @param locations the possible locations that this tag * can appear in. */ public void addNewSimpleCustomTag(String tagName, String header, String locations) { if (tagName == null || locations == null) { return; } Taglet tag = allTaglets.get(tagName); if (tag == null || header != null) { allTaglets.remove(tagName); allTaglets.put(tagName, new SimpleTaglet(tagName, header, locations)); if (Utils.toLowerCase(locations).indexOf('x') == -1) { checkTagName(tagName); } } else { //Move to back allTaglets.remove(tagName); allTaglets.put(tagName, tag); } } /** * Given a tag name, add it to the set of tags it belongs to. */ private void checkTagName(String name) { if (standardTags.contains(name)) { overridenStandardTags.add(name); } else { if (name.indexOf('.') == -1) { potentiallyConflictingTags.add(name); } unseenCustomTags.add(name); } } /** * Given a name of a seen custom tag, remove it from the set of unseen * custom tags. * @param name the name of the seen custom tag. */ void seenCustomTag(String name) { unseenCustomTags.remove(name); } /** * Given a series of {@code DocTree}s, check for spelling mistakes. * @param element the tags holder * @param trees the trees containing the comments * @param areInlineTags true if the array of tags are inline and false otherwise. */ public void checkTags(Element element, Iterable<? extends DocTree> trees, boolean areInlineTags) { if (trees == null) { return; } CommentHelper ch = utils.getCommentHelper(element); for (DocTree tag : trees) { String name = tag.getKind().tagName; if (name == null) { continue; } if (name.length() > 0 && name.charAt(0) == '@') { name = name.substring(1, name.length()); } if (! (standardTags.contains(name) || allTaglets.containsKey(name))) { if (standardTagsLowercase.contains(Utils.toLowerCase(name))) { messages.warning(ch.getDocTreePath(tag), "doclet.UnknownTagLowercase", ch.getTagName(tag)); continue; } else { messages.warning(ch.getDocTreePath(tag), "doclet.UnknownTag", ch.getTagName(tag)); continue; } } final Taglet taglet = allTaglets.get(name); // Check and verify tag usage if (taglet != null) { if (areInlineTags && !taglet.isInlineTag()) { printTagMisuseWarn(ch, taglet, tag, "inline"); } // nothing more to do if (element == null) { return; } new SimpleElementVisitor9<Void, Void>() { @Override public Void visitModule(ModuleElement e, Void p) { if (!taglet.inModule()) { printTagMisuseWarn(utils.getCommentHelper(e), taglet, tag, "module"); } return null; } @Override public Void visitPackage(PackageElement e, Void p) { if (!taglet.inPackage()) { printTagMisuseWarn(utils.getCommentHelper(e), taglet, tag, "package"); } return null; } @Override public Void visitType(TypeElement e, Void p) { if (!taglet.inType()) { printTagMisuseWarn(utils.getCommentHelper(e), taglet, tag, "class"); } return null; } @Override public Void visitExecutable(ExecutableElement e, Void p) { if (utils.isConstructor(e) && !taglet.inConstructor()) { printTagMisuseWarn(utils.getCommentHelper(e), taglet, tag, "constructor"); } else if (!taglet.inMethod()) { printTagMisuseWarn(utils.getCommentHelper(e), taglet, tag, "method"); } return null; } @Override public Void visitVariable(VariableElement e, Void p) { if (utils.isField(e) && !taglet.inField()) { printTagMisuseWarn(utils.getCommentHelper(e), taglet, tag, "field"); } return null; } @Override public Void visitUnknown(Element e, Void p) { if (utils.isOverviewElement(e) && !taglet.inOverview()) { printTagMisuseWarn(utils.getCommentHelper(e), taglet, tag, "overview"); } return null; } @Override protected Void defaultAction(Element e, Void p) { return null; } }.visit(element); } } } /** * Given the taglet, the tag and the type of documentation that the tag * was found in, print a tag misuse warning. * @param taglet the taglet representing the misused tag. * @param tag the misused tag. * @param holderType the type of documentation that the misused tag was found in. */ private void printTagMisuseWarn(CommentHelper ch, Taglet taglet, DocTree tag, String holderType) { Set<String> locationsSet = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // The following names should be localized if (taglet.inOverview()) { locationsSet.add("overview"); } if (taglet.inModule()) { locationsSet.add("module"); } if (taglet.inPackage()) { locationsSet.add("package"); } if (taglet.inType()) { locationsSet.add("class/interface"); } if (taglet.inConstructor()) { locationsSet.add("constructor"); } if (taglet.inField()) { locationsSet.add("field"); } if (taglet.inMethod()) { locationsSet.add("method"); } if (taglet.isInlineTag()) { locationsSet.add("inline text"); } if (locationsSet.isEmpty()) { //This known tag is excluded. return; } StringBuilder combined_locations = new StringBuilder(); for (String location: locationsSet) { if (combined_locations.length() > 0) { combined_locations.append(", "); } combined_locations.append(location); } messages.warning(ch.getDocTreePath(tag), "doclet.tag_misuse", "@" + taglet.getName(), holderType, combined_locations.toString()); } /** * Returns the taglets that can appear inline, in descriptive text. * @return the taglets that can appear inline */ List<Taglet> getInlineTaglets() { if (inlineTags == null) { initBlockTaglets(); } return inlineTags; } /** * Returns the taglets that can appear in the serialized form. * @return the taglet that can appear in the serialized form */ public List<Taglet> getSerializedFormTaglets() { if (serializedFormTags == null) { initBlockTaglets(); } return serializedFormTags; } /** * Returns the custom tags for a given element. * * @param e the element to get custom tags for * @return the array of {@code Taglet}s that can * appear in the given element. */ @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") public List<Taglet> getBlockTaglets(Element e) { if (blockTagletsBySite == null) { initBlockTaglets(); } switch (e.getKind()) { case CONSTRUCTOR: return blockTagletsBySite.get(Site.CONSTRUCTOR); case METHOD: return blockTagletsBySite.get(Site.METHOD); case ENUM_CONSTANT: case FIELD: return blockTagletsBySite.get(Site.FIELD); case ANNOTATION_TYPE: case INTERFACE: case CLASS: case ENUM: return blockTagletsBySite.get(Site.TYPE); case MODULE: return blockTagletsBySite.get(Site.MODULE); case PACKAGE: return blockTagletsBySite.get(Site.PACKAGE); case OTHER: if (e instanceof DocletElement) { DocletElement de = (DocletElement)e; switch (de.getSubKind()) { case DOCFILE: return blockTagletsBySite.get(Site.PACKAGE); case OVERVIEW: return blockTagletsBySite.get(Site.OVERVIEW); default: // fall through } } // fall through default: throw new AssertionError("unknown element: " + e + " ,kind: " + e.getKind()); } } /** * Initialize the custom tag Lists. */ private void initBlockTaglets() { blockTagletsBySite = new EnumMap<>(Site.class); for (Site site : Site.values()) { blockTagletsBySite.put(site, new ArrayList<>()); } inlineTags = new ArrayList<>(); for (Taglet current : allTaglets.values()) { if (current.isInlineTag()) { inlineTags.add(current); } else { if (current.inOverview()) { blockTagletsBySite.get(Site.OVERVIEW).add(current); } if (current.inModule()) { blockTagletsBySite.get(Site.MODULE).add(current); } if (current.inPackage()) { blockTagletsBySite.get(Site.PACKAGE).add(current); } if (current.inType()) { blockTagletsBySite.get(Site.TYPE).add(current); } if (current.inConstructor()) { blockTagletsBySite.get(Site.CONSTRUCTOR).add(current); } if (current.inMethod()) { blockTagletsBySite.get(Site.METHOD).add(current); } if (current.inField()) { blockTagletsBySite.get(Site.FIELD).add(current); } } } //Init the serialized form tags serializedFormTags = new ArrayList<>(); serializedFormTags.add(allTaglets.get(SERIAL_DATA.tagName)); serializedFormTags.add(allTaglets.get(THROWS.tagName)); if (!nosince) serializedFormTags.add(allTaglets.get(SINCE.tagName)); serializedFormTags.add(allTaglets.get(SEE.tagName)); if (showTaglets) { showTaglets(System.out); } } /** * Initialize standard Javadoc tags for ordering purposes. */ private void initStandardTaglets() { if (javafx) { initJavaFXTaglets(); } addStandardTaglet(new ParamTaglet()); addStandardTaglet(new ReturnTaglet()); addStandardTaglet(new ThrowsTaglet()); addStandardTaglet( new SimpleTaglet(EXCEPTION.tagName, null, EnumSet.of(Site.METHOD, Site.CONSTRUCTOR))); addStandardTaglet( new SimpleTaglet(SINCE.tagName, resources.getText("doclet.Since"), EnumSet.allOf(Site.class), !nosince)); addStandardTaglet( new SimpleTaglet(VERSION.tagName, resources.getText("doclet.Version"), EnumSet.of(Site.OVERVIEW, Site.MODULE, Site.PACKAGE, Site.TYPE), showversion)); addStandardTaglet( new SimpleTaglet(AUTHOR.tagName, resources.getText("doclet.Author"), EnumSet.of(Site.OVERVIEW, Site.MODULE, Site.PACKAGE, Site.TYPE), showauthor)); addStandardTaglet( new SimpleTaglet(SERIAL_DATA.tagName, resources.getText("doclet.SerialData"), EnumSet.noneOf(Site.class))); addStandardTaglet( new SimpleTaglet(HIDDEN.tagName, null, EnumSet.of(Site.TYPE, Site.METHOD, Site.FIELD))); // This appears to be a default custom (non-standard) taglet Taglet factoryTaglet = new SimpleTaglet("factory", resources.getText("doclet.Factory"), EnumSet.of(Site.METHOD)); allTaglets.put(factoryTaglet.getName(), factoryTaglet); addStandardTaglet(new SeeTaglet()); // Standard inline tags addStandardTaglet(new DocRootTaglet()); addStandardTaglet(new InheritDocTaglet()); addStandardTaglet(new ValueTaglet()); addStandardTaglet(new LiteralTaglet()); addStandardTaglet(new CodeTaglet()); addStandardTaglet(new IndexTaglet()); addStandardTaglet(new SummaryTaglet()); // Keep track of the names of standard tags for error checking purposes. // The following are not handled above. addStandardTaglet(new DeprecatedTaglet()); addStandardTaglet(new BaseTaglet(LINK.tagName, true, EnumSet.allOf(Site.class))); addStandardTaglet(new BaseTaglet(LINK_PLAIN.tagName, true, EnumSet.allOf(Site.class))); addStandardTaglet(new BaseTaglet(USES.tagName, false, EnumSet.of(Site.MODULE))); addStandardTaglet(new BaseTaglet(PROVIDES.tagName, false, EnumSet.of(Site.MODULE))); addStandardTaglet( new SimpleTaglet(SERIAL.tagName, null, EnumSet.of(Site.PACKAGE, Site.TYPE, Site.FIELD))); addStandardTaglet( new SimpleTaglet(SERIAL_FIELD.tagName, null, EnumSet.of(Site.FIELD))); } /** * Initialize JavaFX-related tags. */ private void initJavaFXTaglets() { addStandardTaglet(new PropertyGetterTaglet()); addStandardTaglet(new PropertySetterTaglet()); addStandardTaglet(new SimpleTaglet("propertyDescription", resources.getText("doclet.PropertyDescription"), EnumSet.of(Site.METHOD, Site.FIELD))); addStandardTaglet(new SimpleTaglet("defaultValue", resources.getText("doclet.DefaultValue"), EnumSet.of(Site.METHOD, Site.FIELD))); addStandardTaglet(new SimpleTaglet("treatAsPrivate", null, EnumSet.of(Site.TYPE, Site.METHOD, Site.FIELD))); } private void addStandardTaglet(Taglet taglet) { String name = taglet.getName(); allTaglets.put(name, taglet); standardTags.add(name); standardTagsLowercase.add(Utils.toLowerCase(name)); } public boolean isKnownCustomTag(String tagName) { return allTaglets.containsKey(tagName); } /** * Print a list of {@link Taglet}s that might conflict with * standard tags in the future and a list of standard tags * that have been overriden. */ public void printReport() { printReportHelper("doclet.Notice_taglet_conflict_warn", potentiallyConflictingTags); printReportHelper("doclet.Notice_taglet_overriden", overridenStandardTags); printReportHelper("doclet.Notice_taglet_unseen", unseenCustomTags); } private void printReportHelper(String noticeKey, Set<String> names) { if (names.size() > 0) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (String name : names) { result.append(result.length() == 0 ? " " : ", "); result.append("@").append(name); } messages.notice(noticeKey, result); } } /** * Given the name of a tag, return the corresponding taglet. * Return null if the tag is unknown. * * @param name the name of the taglet to retrieve. * @return return the corresponding taglet. Return null if the tag is * unknown. */ Taglet getTaglet(String name) { if (name.indexOf("@") == 0) { return allTaglets.get(name.substring(1)); } else { return allTaglets.get(name); } } /* * The output of this method is the basis for a table at the end of the * doc comment specification, so any changes in the output may indicate * a need for a corresponding update to the spec. */ private void showTaglets(PrintStream out) { Set<Taglet> taglets = new TreeSet<>((o1, o2) -> o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName())); taglets.addAll(allTaglets.values()); for (Taglet t : taglets) { String name = t.isInlineTag() ? "{@" + t.getName() + "}" : "@" + t.getName(); out.println(String.format("%20s", name) + ": " + format(t.inOverview(), "overview") + " " + format(t.inModule(), "module") + " " + format(t.inPackage(), "package") + " " + format(t.inType(), "type") + " " + format(t.inConstructor(),"constructor") + " " + format(t.inMethod(), "method") + " " + format(t.inField(), "field") + " " + format(t.isInlineTag(), "inline")+ " " + format((t instanceof SimpleTaglet) && !((SimpleTaglet)t).enabled, "disabled")); } } private String format(boolean b, String s) { return b ? s : s.replaceAll(".", "."); // replace all with "." } }
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