JDK 11 jdk.jlink.jmod - JLink Tool

JDK 11 jdk.jlink.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 JLink tool, which can be invoked by the "jlink" command.

JDK 11 JLink tool compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\jdk.jlink.jmod.

JDK 11 JLink tool compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.

JDK 11 JLink tool source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\src.zip\jdk.jlink.

You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.

✍: FYIcenter


 * Copyright (c) 2015, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
package jdk.tools.jlink.internal;

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.UncheckedIOException;
import java.lang.module.Configuration;
import java.lang.module.FindException;
import java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor;
import java.lang.module.ModuleFinder;
import java.lang.module.ModuleReference;
import java.lang.module.ResolutionException;
import java.lang.module.ResolvedModule;
import java.net.URI;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

import jdk.tools.jlink.internal.TaskHelper.BadArgs;
import static jdk.tools.jlink.internal.TaskHelper.JLINK_BUNDLE;
import jdk.tools.jlink.internal.Jlink.JlinkConfiguration;
import jdk.tools.jlink.internal.Jlink.PluginsConfiguration;
import jdk.tools.jlink.internal.TaskHelper.Option;
import jdk.tools.jlink.internal.TaskHelper.OptionsHelper;
import jdk.tools.jlink.internal.ImagePluginStack.ImageProvider;
import jdk.tools.jlink.plugin.PluginException;
import jdk.tools.jlink.builder.DefaultImageBuilder;
import jdk.tools.jlink.plugin.Plugin;
import jdk.internal.module.ModulePath;
import jdk.internal.module.ModuleResolution;

 * Implementation for the jlink tool.
 * ## Should use jdk.joptsimple some day.
public class JlinkTask {
    static final boolean DEBUG = Boolean.getBoolean("jlink.debug");

    // jlink API ignores by default. Remove when signing is implemented.
    static final boolean IGNORE_SIGNING_DEFAULT = true;

    private static final TaskHelper taskHelper
            = new TaskHelper(JLINK_BUNDLE);

    private static final Option<?>[] recognizedOptions = {
        new Option<JlinkTask>(false, (task, opt, arg) -> {
            task.options.help = true;
        }, "--help", "-h", "-?"),
        new Option<JlinkTask>(true, (task, opt, arg) -> {
            // if used multiple times, the last one wins!
            // So, clear previous values, if any.
            String[] dirs = arg.split(File.pathSeparator);
            int i = 0;
        }, "--module-path", "-p"),
        new Option<JlinkTask>(true, (task, opt, arg) -> {
            // if used multiple times, the last one wins!
            // So, clear previous values, if any.
            for (String mn : arg.split(",")) {
                if (mn.isEmpty()) {
                    throw taskHelper.newBadArgs("err.mods.must.be.specified",
        }, "--limit-modules"),
        new Option<JlinkTask>(true, (task, opt, arg) -> {
            for (String mn : arg.split(",")) {
                if (mn.isEmpty()) {
                    throw taskHelper.newBadArgs("err.mods.must.be.specified",
        }, "--add-modules"),
        new Option<JlinkTask>(true, (task, opt, arg) -> {
            Path path = Paths.get(arg);
            task.options.output = path;
        }, "--output"),
        new Option<JlinkTask>(false, (task, opt, arg) -> {
            task.options.bindServices = true;
        }, "--bind-services"),
        new Option<JlinkTask>(false, (task, opt, arg) -> {
            task.options.suggestProviders = true;
        }, "--suggest-providers", "", true),
        new Option<JlinkTask>(true, (task, opt, arg) -> {
            String[] values = arg.split("=");
            // check values
            if (values.length != 2 || values[0].isEmpty() || values[1].isEmpty()) {
                throw taskHelper.newBadArgs("err.launcher.value.format", arg);
            } else {
                String commandName = values[0];
                String moduleAndMain = values[1];
                int idx = moduleAndMain.indexOf("/");
                if (idx != -1) {
                    if (moduleAndMain.substring(0, idx).isEmpty()) {
                        throw taskHelper.newBadArgs("err.launcher.module.name.empty", arg);

                    if (moduleAndMain.substring(idx + 1).isEmpty()) {
                        throw taskHelper.newBadArgs("err.launcher.main.class.empty", arg);
                task.options.launchers.put(commandName, moduleAndMain);
        }, "--launcher"),
        new Option<JlinkTask>(true, (task, opt, arg) -> {
            if ("little".equals(arg)) {
                task.options.endian = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
            } else if ("big".equals(arg)) {
                task.options.endian = ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN;
            } else {
                throw taskHelper.newBadArgs("err.unknown.byte.order", arg);
        }, "--endian"),
        new Option<JlinkTask>(false, (task, opt, arg) -> {
            task.options.verbose = true;
        }, "--verbose", "-v"),
        new Option<JlinkTask>(false, (task, opt, arg) -> {
            task.options.version = true;
        }, "--version"),
        new Option<JlinkTask>(true, (task, opt, arg) -> {
            Path path = Paths.get(arg);
            if (Files.exists(path)) {
                throw taskHelper.newBadArgs("err.dir.exists", path);
            task.options.packagedModulesPath = path;
        }, true, "--keep-packaged-modules"),
        new Option<JlinkTask>(true, (task, opt, arg) -> {
            task.options.saveoptsfile = arg;
        }, "--save-opts"),
        new Option<JlinkTask>(false, (task, opt, arg) -> {
            task.options.fullVersion = true;
        }, true, "--full-version"),
        new Option<JlinkTask>(false, (task, opt, arg) -> {
            task.options.ignoreSigning = true;
        }, "--ignore-signing-information"),};

    private static final String PROGNAME = "jlink";
    private final OptionsValues options = new OptionsValues();

    private static final OptionsHelper<JlinkTask> optionsHelper
            = taskHelper.newOptionsHelper(JlinkTask.class, recognizedOptions);
    private PrintWriter log;

    void setLog(PrintWriter out, PrintWriter err) {
        log = out;

     * Result codes.
    static final int
            EXIT_OK = 0, // Completed with no errors.
            EXIT_ERROR = 1, // Completed but reported errors.
            EXIT_CMDERR = 2, // Bad command-line arguments
            EXIT_SYSERR = 3, // System error or resource exhaustion.
            EXIT_ABNORMAL = 4;// terminated abnormally

    static class OptionsValues {
        boolean help;
        String  saveoptsfile;
        boolean verbose;
        boolean version;
        boolean fullVersion;
        final List<Path> modulePath = new ArrayList<>();
        final Set<String> limitMods = new HashSet<>();
        final Set<String> addMods = new HashSet<>();
        Path output;
        final Map<String, String> launchers = new HashMap<>();
        Path packagedModulesPath;
        ByteOrder endian = ByteOrder.nativeOrder();
        boolean ignoreSigning = false;
        boolean bindServices = false;
        boolean suggestProviders = false;

    int run(String[] args) {
        if (log == null) {
            setLog(new PrintWriter(System.out, true),
                   new PrintWriter(System.err, true));
        try {
            List<String> remaining = optionsHelper.handleOptions(this, args);
            if (remaining.size() > 0 && !options.suggestProviders) {
                throw taskHelper.newBadArgs("err.orphan.arguments",
                                            remaining.stream().collect(Collectors.joining(" ")))
            if (options.help) {
                return EXIT_OK;
            if (optionsHelper.shouldListPlugins()) {
                return EXIT_OK;
            if (options.version || options.fullVersion) {
                return EXIT_OK;

            if (taskHelper.getExistingImage() != null) {
                return EXIT_OK;

            if (options.modulePath.isEmpty()) {
                // no --module-path specified - try to set $JAVA_HOME/jmods if that exists
                Path jmods = getDefaultModulePath();
                if (jmods != null) {

                if (options.modulePath.isEmpty()) {
                     throw taskHelper.newBadArgs("err.modulepath.must.be.specified")

            JlinkConfiguration config = initJlinkConfig();
            if (options.suggestProviders) {
                suggestProviders(config, remaining);
            } else {
                if (options.saveoptsfile != null) {
                    Files.write(Paths.get(options.saveoptsfile), getSaveOpts().getBytes());

            return EXIT_OK;
        } catch (PluginException | IllegalArgumentException |
                 UncheckedIOException |IOException | FindException | ResolutionException e) {
            log.println(taskHelper.getMessage("error.prefix") + " " + e.getMessage());
            if (DEBUG) {
            return EXIT_ERROR;
        } catch (BadArgs e) {
            taskHelper.reportError(e.key, e.args);
            if (e.showUsage) {
                log.println(taskHelper.getMessage("main.usage.summary", PROGNAME));
            if (DEBUG) {
            return EXIT_CMDERR;
        } catch (Throwable x) {
            log.println(taskHelper.getMessage("error.prefix") + " " + x.getMessage());
            return EXIT_ABNORMAL;
        } finally {

     * Jlink API entry point.
    public static void createImage(JlinkConfiguration config,
                                   PluginsConfiguration plugins)
            throws Exception {
        plugins = plugins == null ? new PluginsConfiguration() : plugins;

        // First create the image provider
        ImageProvider imageProvider =

        // Then create the Plugin Stack
        ImagePluginStack stack = ImagePluginConfiguration.parseConfiguration(plugins);

        //Ask the stack to proceed;

     * Jlink API entry point.
    public static void postProcessImage(ExecutableImage image, List<Plugin> postProcessorPlugins)
            throws Exception {
        PluginsConfiguration config = new PluginsConfiguration(postProcessorPlugins);
        ImagePluginStack stack = ImagePluginConfiguration.

        stack.operate((ImagePluginStack stack1) -> image);

    private void postProcessOnly(Path existingImage) throws Exception {
        PluginsConfiguration config = taskHelper.getPluginsConfig(null, null);
        ExecutableImage img = DefaultImageBuilder.getExecutableImage(existingImage);
        if (img == null) {
            throw taskHelper.newBadArgs("err.existing.image.invalid");
        postProcessImage(img, config.getPlugins());

    // the token for "all modules on the module path"
    private static final String ALL_MODULE_PATH = "ALL-MODULE-PATH";
    private JlinkConfiguration initJlinkConfig() throws BadArgs {
        Set<String> roots = new HashSet<>();
        for (String mod : options.addMods) {
            if (mod.equals(ALL_MODULE_PATH)) {
                ModuleFinder finder = newModuleFinder(options.modulePath, options.limitMods, Set.of());
                // all observable modules are roots
                      .forEach(mn -> roots.add(mn));
            } else {

        ModuleFinder finder = newModuleFinder(options.modulePath, options.limitMods, roots);
        if (!finder.find("java.base").isPresent()) {
            Path defModPath = getDefaultModulePath();
            if (defModPath != null) {
            finder = newModuleFinder(options.modulePath, options.limitMods, roots);

        return new JlinkConfiguration(options.output,

    private void createImage(JlinkConfiguration config) throws Exception {
        if (options.output == null) {
            throw taskHelper.newBadArgs("err.output.must.be.specified").showUsage(true);
        if (options.addMods.isEmpty()) {
            throw taskHelper.newBadArgs("err.mods.must.be.specified", "--add-modules")

        // First create the image provider
        ImageProvider imageProvider = createImageProvider(config,

        // Then create the Plugin Stack
        ImagePluginStack stack = ImagePluginConfiguration.parseConfiguration(
            taskHelper.getPluginsConfig(options.output, options.launchers));

        //Ask the stack to proceed

     * @return the system module path or null
    public static Path getDefaultModulePath() {
        Path jmods = Paths.get(System.getProperty("java.home"), "jmods");
        return Files.isDirectory(jmods)? jmods : null;

     * Returns a module finder of the given module path that limits
     * the observable modules to those in the transitive closure of
     * the modules specified in {@code limitMods} plus other modules
     * specified in the {@code roots} set.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if java.base module is present
     * but its descriptor has no version
    public static ModuleFinder newModuleFinder(List<Path> paths,
                                               Set<String> limitMods,
                                               Set<String> roots)
        if (Objects.requireNonNull(paths).isEmpty()) {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException(taskHelper.getMessage("err.empty.module.path"));

        Path[] entries = paths.toArray(new Path[0]);
        Runtime.Version version = Runtime.version();
        ModuleFinder finder = ModulePath.of(version, true, entries);

        if (finder.find("java.base").isPresent()) {
            // use the version of java.base module, if present, as
            // the release version for multi-release JAR files
            ModuleDescriptor.Version v = finder.find("java.base").get()
                .descriptor().version().orElseThrow(() ->
                    new IllegalArgumentException("No version in java.base descriptor")

            // java.base version is different than the current runtime version
            version = Runtime.Version.parse(v.toString());
            if (Runtime.version().feature() != version.feature() ||
                Runtime.version().interim() != version.interim())
                // jlink version and java.base version do not match.
                // We do not (yet) support this mode.
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(taskHelper.getMessage("err.jlink.version.mismatch",
                    Runtime.version().feature(), Runtime.version().interim(),
                    version.feature(), version.interim()));

        // if limitmods is specified then limit the universe
        if (limitMods != null && !limitMods.isEmpty()) {
            finder = limitFinder(finder, limitMods, Objects.requireNonNull(roots));
        return finder;

    private static Path toPathLocation(ResolvedModule m) {
        Optional<URI> ouri = m.reference().location();
        if (!ouri.isPresent())
            throw new InternalError(m + " does not have a location");
        URI uri = ouri.get();
        return Paths.get(uri);

    private static ImageProvider createImageProvider(JlinkConfiguration config,
                                                     Path retainModulesPath,
                                                     boolean ignoreSigning,
                                                     boolean bindService,
                                                     boolean verbose,
                                                     PrintWriter log)
            throws IOException
        Configuration cf = bindService ? config.resolveAndBind()
                                       : config.resolve();

            .filter(mref -> mref.descriptor().isAutomatic())
            .ifPresent(mref -> {
                String loc = mref.location().map(URI::toString).orElse("<unknown>");
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    taskHelper.getMessage("err.automatic.module", mref.descriptor().name(), loc));

        if (verbose && log != null) {
            // print modules to be linked in
              .forEach(rm -> log.format("%s %s%n",
                                        rm.name(), rm.reference().location().get()));

            // print provider info
            Set<ModuleReference> references = cf.modules().stream()

            String msg = String.format("%n%s:", taskHelper.getMessage("providers.header"));
            printProviders(log, msg, references);

        // emit a warning for any incubating modules in the configuration
        if (log != null) {
            String im = cf.modules()
                          .collect(Collectors.joining(", "));

            if (!"".equals(im))
                log.println("WARNING: Using incubator modules: " + im);

        Map<String, Path> mods = cf.modules().stream()
            .collect(Collectors.toMap(ResolvedModule::name, JlinkTask::toPathLocation));
        return new ImageHelper(cf, mods, config.getByteOrder(), retainModulesPath, ignoreSigning);

     * Returns a ModuleFinder that limits observability to the given root
     * modules, their transitive dependences, plus a set of other modules.
    public static ModuleFinder limitFinder(ModuleFinder finder,
                                           Set<String> roots,
                                           Set<String> otherMods) {

        // resolve all root modules
        Configuration cf = Configuration.empty()

        // module name -> reference
        Map<String, ModuleReference> map = new HashMap<>();
        cf.modules().forEach(m -> {
            ModuleReference mref = m.reference();
            map.put(mref.descriptor().name(), mref);

        // add the other modules
            .forEach(mref -> map.putIfAbsent(mref.descriptor().name(), mref));

        // set of modules that are observable
        Set<ModuleReference> mrefs = new HashSet<>(map.values());

        return new ModuleFinder() {
            public Optional<ModuleReference> find(String name) {
                return Optional.ofNullable(map.get(name));

            public Set<ModuleReference> findAll() {
                return mrefs;

     * Returns a map of each service type to the modules that use it
     * It will include services that are provided by a module but may not used
     * by any of the observable modules.
    private static Map<String, Set<String>> uses(Set<ModuleReference> modules) {
        // collects the services used by the modules and print uses
        Map<String, Set<String>> services = new HashMap<>();
               .forEach(md -> {
                   // include services that may not be used by any observable modules
                   md.provides().forEach(p ->
                       services.computeIfAbsent(p.service(), _k -> new HashSet<>()));
                   md.uses().forEach(s -> services.computeIfAbsent(s, _k -> new HashSet<>())
        return services;

    private static void printProviders(PrintWriter log,
                                       String header,
                                       Set<ModuleReference> modules) {
        printProviders(log, header, modules, uses(modules));

     * Prints the providers that are used by the specified services.
     * The specified services maps a service type name to the modules
     * using the service type which may be empty if no observable module uses
     * that service.
    private static void printProviders(PrintWriter log,
                                       String header,
                                       Set<ModuleReference> modules,
                                       Map<String, Set<String>> serviceToUses) {
        if (modules.isEmpty())

        // Build a map of a service type to the provider modules
        Map<String, Set<ModuleDescriptor>> providers = new HashMap<>();
            .forEach(md -> {
                  .filter(p -> serviceToUses.containsKey(p.service()))
                  .forEach(p -> providers.computeIfAbsent(p.service(), _k -> new HashSet<>())

        if (!providers.isEmpty()) {

        // print the providers of the service types used by the specified modules
        // sorted by the service type name and then provider's module name
            .forEach(e -> {
                String service = e.getKey();
                 .forEach(md ->
                       .filter(p -> p.service().equals(service))
                       .forEach(p -> {
                           String usedBy;
                           if (serviceToUses.get(p.service()).isEmpty()) {
                               usedBy = "not used by any observable module";
                           } else {
                               usedBy = serviceToUses.get(p.service()).stream()
                                            .collect(Collectors.joining(",", "used by ", ""));
                           log.format("  %s provides %s %s%n",
                                      md.name(), p.service(), usedBy);

    private void suggestProviders(JlinkConfiguration config, List<String> args)
        throws BadArgs
        if (args.size() > 1) {
            List<String> arguments = args.get(0).startsWith("-")
                                        ? args
                                        : args.subList(1, args.size());
            throw taskHelper.newBadArgs("err.invalid.arg.for.option",
                                        arguments.stream().collect(Collectors.joining(" ")));

        if (options.bindServices) {

        ModuleFinder finder = config.finder();
        if (args.isEmpty()) {
            // print providers used by the observable modules without service binding
            Set<ModuleReference> mrefs = finder.findAll();
            // print uses of the modules that would be linked into the image
                 .sorted(Comparator.comparing(mref -> mref.descriptor().name()))
                 .forEach(mref -> {
                     ModuleDescriptor md = mref.descriptor();
                     log.format("%s %s%n", md.name(),
                       .forEach(s -> log.format("    uses %s%n", s));

            String msg = String.format("%n%s:", taskHelper.getMessage("suggested.providers.header"));
            printProviders(log, msg, mrefs, uses(mrefs));

        } else {
            // comma-separated service types, if specified
            Set<String> names = Stream.of(args.get(0).split(","))
            // find the modules that provide the specified service
            Set<ModuleReference> mrefs = finder.findAll().stream()
                .filter(mref -> mref.descriptor().provides().stream()

            // find the modules that uses the specified services
            Map<String, Set<String>> uses = new HashMap<>();
            names.forEach(s -> uses.computeIfAbsent(s, _k -> new HashSet<>()));
                  .forEach(md -> md.uses().stream()
                                   .forEach(s -> uses.get(s).add(md.name())));

            // check if any name given on the command line are not provided by any module
                 .flatMap(mref -> mref.descriptor().provides().stream()
            if (!names.isEmpty()) {

            String msg = String.format("%n%s:", taskHelper.getMessage("suggested.providers.header"));
            printProviders(log, msg, mrefs, uses);

    private String getSaveOpts() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append('#').append(new Date()).append("\n");
        for (String c : optionsHelper.getInputCommand()) {
            sb.append(c).append(" ");

        return sb.toString();

    private static String getBomHeader() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("#").append(new Date()).append("\n");
        sb.append("#Please DO NOT Modify this file").append("\n");
        return sb.toString();

    private String genBOMContent() throws IOException {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder();
        for (String c : optionsHelper.getInputCommand()) {
            command.append(c).append(" ");
        sb.append("command").append(" = ").append(command);

        return sb.toString();

    private static String genBOMContent(JlinkConfiguration config,
            PluginsConfiguration plugins)
            throws IOException {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        return sb.toString();

    private static class ImageHelper implements ImageProvider {
        final ByteOrder order;
        final Path packagedModulesPath;
        final boolean ignoreSigning;
        final Runtime.Version version;
        final Set<Archive> archives;

        ImageHelper(Configuration cf,
                    Map<String, Path> modsPaths,
                    ByteOrder order,
                    Path packagedModulesPath,
                    boolean ignoreSigning) throws IOException {
            this.order = order;
            this.packagedModulesPath = packagedModulesPath;
            this.ignoreSigning = ignoreSigning;

            // use the version of java.base module, if present, as
            // the release version for multi-release JAR files
            this.version = cf.findModule("java.base")

            this.archives = modsPaths.entrySet().stream()
                                .map(e -> newArchive(e.getKey(), e.getValue()))

        private Archive newArchive(String module, Path path) {
            if (path.toString().endsWith(".jmod")) {
                return new JmodArchive(module, path);
            } else if (path.toString().endsWith(".jar")) {
                ModularJarArchive modularJarArchive = new ModularJarArchive(module, path, version);

                Stream<Archive.Entry> signatures = modularJarArchive.entries().filter((entry) -> {
                    String name = entry.name().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);

                    return name.startsWith("META-INF/") && name.indexOf('/', 9) == -1 && (
                                name.endsWith(".SF") ||
                                name.endsWith(".DSA") ||
                                name.endsWith(".RSA") ||
                                name.endsWith(".EC") ||

                if (signatures.count() != 0) {
                    if (ignoreSigning) {
                        System.err.println(taskHelper.getMessage("warn.signing", path));
                    } else {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(taskHelper.getMessage("err.signing", path));

                return modularJarArchive;
            } else if (Files.isDirectory(path)) {
                Path modInfoPath = path.resolve("module-info.class");
                if (Files.isRegularFile(modInfoPath)) {
                    return new DirArchive(path, findModuleName(modInfoPath));
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        taskHelper.getMessage("err.not.a.module.directory", path));
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    taskHelper.getMessage("err.not.modular.format", module, path));

        private static String findModuleName(Path modInfoPath) {
            try (BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(
                    Files.newInputStream(modInfoPath))) {
                return ModuleDescriptor.read(bis).name();
            } catch (IOException exp) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(taskHelper.getMessage(
                    "err.cannot.read.module.info", modInfoPath), exp);

        public ExecutableImage retrieve(ImagePluginStack stack) throws IOException {
            ExecutableImage image = ImageFileCreator.create(archives, order, stack);
            if (packagedModulesPath != null) {
                // copy the packaged modules to the given path
                for (Archive a : archives) {
                    Path file = a.getPath();
                    Path dest = packagedModulesPath.resolve(file.getFileName());
                    Files.copy(file, dest);
            return image;



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jdk.jlink-11.0.1-src.zip
File size: 155677 bytes
Release date: 2018-11-04


JDK 11 jdk.jshell.jmod - JShell Tool

JDK 11 jdk.jfr.jmod - JFR Module

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