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JDK 11 jdk.rmic.jmod - RMI Compiler Tool
JDK 11 jdk.rmic.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 RMI (Remote Method Invocation) Compiler Tool tool, which can be invoked by the "rmic" command.
JDK 11 RMI Compiler Tool tool compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\jdk.rmic.jmod.
JDK 11 RMI Compiler Tool tool compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.
JDK 11 RMI Compiler Tool tool source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\\jdk.rmic.
You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.
✍: FYIcenter
⏎ sun/tools/java/
/* * Copyright (c) 1998, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package; /** * WARNING: The contents of this source file are not part of any * supported API. Code that depends on them does so at its own risk: * they are subject to change or removal without notice. */ public interface RuntimeConstants { /* Signature Characters */ char SIGC_VOID = 'V'; String SIG_VOID = "V"; char SIGC_BOOLEAN = 'Z'; String SIG_BOOLEAN = "Z"; char SIGC_BYTE = 'B'; String SIG_BYTE = "B"; char SIGC_CHAR = 'C'; String SIG_CHAR = "C"; char SIGC_SHORT = 'S'; String SIG_SHORT = "S"; char SIGC_INT = 'I'; String SIG_INT = "I"; char SIGC_LONG = 'J'; String SIG_LONG = "J"; char SIGC_FLOAT = 'F'; String SIG_FLOAT = "F"; char SIGC_DOUBLE = 'D'; String SIG_DOUBLE = "D"; char SIGC_ARRAY = '['; String SIG_ARRAY = "["; char SIGC_CLASS = 'L'; String SIG_CLASS = "L"; char SIGC_METHOD = '('; String SIG_METHOD = "("; char SIGC_ENDCLASS = ';'; String SIG_ENDCLASS = ";"; char SIGC_ENDMETHOD = ')'; String SIG_ENDMETHOD = ")"; char SIGC_PACKAGE = '/'; String SIG_PACKAGE = "/"; /* Class File Constants */ int JAVA_MAGIC = 0xcafebabe; int JAVA_MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION = 45; int JAVA_MAX_SUPPORTED_VERSION = 55; int JAVA_MAX_SUPPORTED_MINOR_VERSION = 0; /* Generate class file version for 1.1 by default */ int JAVA_DEFAULT_VERSION = 45; int JAVA_DEFAULT_MINOR_VERSION = 3; /* Constant table */ int CONSTANT_UTF8 = 1; int CONSTANT_UNICODE = 2; int CONSTANT_INTEGER = 3; int CONSTANT_FLOAT = 4; int CONSTANT_LONG = 5; int CONSTANT_DOUBLE = 6; int CONSTANT_CLASS = 7; int CONSTANT_STRING = 8; int CONSTANT_FIELD = 9; int CONSTANT_METHOD = 10; int CONSTANT_INTERFACEMETHOD = 11; int CONSTANT_NAMEANDTYPE = 12; int CONSTANT_METHODHANDLE = 15; int CONSTANT_METHODTYPE = 16; int CONSTANT_INVOKEDYNAMIC = 18; /* Access and modifier flags */ int ACC_PUBLIC = 0x00000001; int ACC_PRIVATE = 0x00000002; int ACC_PROTECTED = 0x00000004; int ACC_STATIC = 0x00000008; int ACC_FINAL = 0x00000010; int ACC_SYNCHRONIZED = 0x00000020; int ACC_VOLATILE = 0x00000040; int ACC_TRANSIENT = 0x00000080; int ACC_NATIVE = 0x00000100; int ACC_INTERFACE = 0x00000200; int ACC_ABSTRACT = 0x00000400; int ACC_SUPER = 0x00000020; int ACC_STRICT = 0x00000800; /* Type codes */ int T_CLASS = 0x00000002; int T_BOOLEAN = 0x00000004; int T_CHAR = 0x00000005; int T_FLOAT = 0x00000006; int T_DOUBLE = 0x00000007; int T_BYTE = 0x00000008; int T_SHORT = 0x00000009; int T_INT = 0x0000000a; int T_LONG = 0x0000000b; /* Opcodes */ int opc_try = -3; int opc_dead = -2; int opc_label = -1; int opc_nop = 0; int opc_aconst_null = 1; int opc_iconst_m1 = 2; int opc_iconst_0 = 3; int opc_iconst_1 = 4; int opc_iconst_2 = 5; int opc_iconst_3 = 6; int opc_iconst_4 = 7; int opc_iconst_5 = 8; int opc_lconst_0 = 9; int opc_lconst_1 = 10; int opc_fconst_0 = 11; int opc_fconst_1 = 12; int opc_fconst_2 = 13; int opc_dconst_0 = 14; int opc_dconst_1 = 15; int opc_bipush = 16; int opc_sipush = 17; int opc_ldc = 18; int opc_ldc_w = 19; int opc_ldc2_w = 20; int opc_iload = 21; int opc_lload = 22; int opc_fload = 23; int opc_dload = 24; int opc_aload = 25; int opc_iload_0 = 26; int opc_iload_1 = 27; int opc_iload_2 = 28; int opc_iload_3 = 29; int opc_lload_0 = 30; int opc_lload_1 = 31; int opc_lload_2 = 32; int opc_lload_3 = 33; int opc_fload_0 = 34; int opc_fload_1 = 35; int opc_fload_2 = 36; int opc_fload_3 = 37; int opc_dload_0 = 38; int opc_dload_1 = 39; int opc_dload_2 = 40; int opc_dload_3 = 41; int opc_aload_0 = 42; int opc_aload_1 = 43; int opc_aload_2 = 44; int opc_aload_3 = 45; int opc_iaload = 46; int opc_laload = 47; int opc_faload = 48; int opc_daload = 49; int opc_aaload = 50; int opc_baload = 51; int opc_caload = 52; int opc_saload = 53; int opc_istore = 54; int opc_lstore = 55; int opc_fstore = 56; int opc_dstore = 57; int opc_astore = 58; int opc_istore_0 = 59; int opc_istore_1 = 60; int opc_istore_2 = 61; int opc_istore_3 = 62; int opc_lstore_0 = 63; int opc_lstore_1 = 64; int opc_lstore_2 = 65; int opc_lstore_3 = 66; int opc_fstore_0 = 67; int opc_fstore_1 = 68; int opc_fstore_2 = 69; int opc_fstore_3 = 70; int opc_dstore_0 = 71; int opc_dstore_1 = 72; int opc_dstore_2 = 73; int opc_dstore_3 = 74; int opc_astore_0 = 75; int opc_astore_1 = 76; int opc_astore_2 = 77; int opc_astore_3 = 78; int opc_iastore = 79; int opc_lastore = 80; int opc_fastore = 81; int opc_dastore = 82; int opc_aastore = 83; int opc_bastore = 84; int opc_castore = 85; int opc_sastore = 86; int opc_pop = 87; int opc_pop2 = 88; int opc_dup = 89; int opc_dup_x1 = 90; int opc_dup_x2 = 91; int opc_dup2 = 92; int opc_dup2_x1 = 93; int opc_dup2_x2 = 94; int opc_swap = 95; int opc_iadd = 96; int opc_ladd = 97; int opc_fadd = 98; int opc_dadd = 99; int opc_isub = 100; int opc_lsub = 101; int opc_fsub = 102; int opc_dsub = 103; int opc_imul = 104; int opc_lmul = 105; int opc_fmul = 106; int opc_dmul = 107; int opc_idiv = 108; int opc_ldiv = 109; int opc_fdiv = 110; int opc_ddiv = 111; int opc_irem = 112; int opc_lrem = 113; int opc_frem = 114; int opc_drem = 115; int opc_ineg = 116; int opc_lneg = 117; int opc_fneg = 118; int opc_dneg = 119; int opc_ishl = 120; int opc_lshl = 121; int opc_ishr = 122; int opc_lshr = 123; int opc_iushr = 124; int opc_lushr = 125; int opc_iand = 126; int opc_land = 127; int opc_ior = 128; int opc_lor = 129; int opc_ixor = 130; int opc_lxor = 131; int opc_iinc = 132; int opc_i2l = 133; int opc_i2f = 134; int opc_i2d = 135; int opc_l2i = 136; int opc_l2f = 137; int opc_l2d = 138; int opc_f2i = 139; int opc_f2l = 140; int opc_f2d = 141; int opc_d2i = 142; int opc_d2l = 143; int opc_d2f = 144; int opc_i2b = 145; int opc_i2c = 146; int opc_i2s = 147; int opc_lcmp = 148; int opc_fcmpl = 149; int opc_fcmpg = 150; int opc_dcmpl = 151; int opc_dcmpg = 152; int opc_ifeq = 153; int opc_ifne = 154; int opc_iflt = 155; int opc_ifge = 156; int opc_ifgt = 157; int opc_ifle = 158; int opc_if_icmpeq = 159; int opc_if_icmpne = 160; int opc_if_icmplt = 161; int opc_if_icmpge = 162; int opc_if_icmpgt = 163; int opc_if_icmple = 164; int opc_if_acmpeq = 165; int opc_if_acmpne = 166; int opc_goto = 167; int opc_jsr = 168; int opc_ret = 169; int opc_tableswitch = 170; int opc_lookupswitch = 171; int opc_ireturn = 172; int opc_lreturn = 173; int opc_freturn = 174; int opc_dreturn = 175; int opc_areturn = 176; int opc_return = 177; int opc_getstatic = 178; int opc_putstatic = 179; int opc_getfield = 180; int opc_putfield = 181; int opc_invokevirtual = 182; int opc_invokespecial = 183; int opc_invokestatic = 184; int opc_invokeinterface = 185; int opc_invokedynamic = 186; int opc_new = 187; int opc_newarray = 188; int opc_anewarray = 189; int opc_arraylength = 190; int opc_athrow = 191; int opc_checkcast = 192; int opc_instanceof = 193; int opc_monitorenter = 194; int opc_monitorexit = 195; int opc_wide = 196; int opc_multianewarray = 197; int opc_ifnull = 198; int opc_ifnonnull = 199; int opc_goto_w = 200; int opc_jsr_w = 201; int opc_breakpoint = 202; /* Opcode Names */ String opcNames[] = { "nop", "aconst_null", "iconst_m1", "iconst_0", "iconst_1", "iconst_2", "iconst_3", "iconst_4", "iconst_5", "lconst_0", "lconst_1", "fconst_0", "fconst_1", "fconst_2", "dconst_0", "dconst_1", "bipush", "sipush", "ldc", "ldc_w", "ldc2_w", "iload", "lload", "fload", "dload", "aload", "iload_0", "iload_1", "iload_2", "iload_3", "lload_0", "lload_1", "lload_2", "lload_3", "fload_0", "fload_1", "fload_2", "fload_3", "dload_0", "dload_1", "dload_2", "dload_3", "aload_0", "aload_1", "aload_2", "aload_3", "iaload", "laload", "faload", "daload", "aaload", "baload", "caload", "saload", "istore", "lstore", "fstore", "dstore", "astore", "istore_0", "istore_1", "istore_2", "istore_3", "lstore_0", "lstore_1", "lstore_2", "lstore_3", "fstore_0", "fstore_1", "fstore_2", "fstore_3", "dstore_0", "dstore_1", "dstore_2", "dstore_3", "astore_0", "astore_1", "astore_2", "astore_3", "iastore", "lastore", "fastore", "dastore", "aastore", "bastore", "castore", "sastore", "pop", "pop2", "dup", "dup_x1", "dup_x2", "dup2", "dup2_x1", "dup2_x2", "swap", "iadd", "ladd", "fadd", "dadd", "isub", "lsub", "fsub", "dsub", "imul", "lmul", "fmul", "dmul", "idiv", "ldiv", "fdiv", "ddiv", "irem", "lrem", "frem", "drem", "ineg", "lneg", "fneg", "dneg", "ishl", "lshl", "ishr", "lshr", "iushr", "lushr", "iand", "land", "ior", "lor", "ixor", "lxor", "iinc", "i2l", "i2f", "i2d", "l2i", "l2f", "l2d", "f2i", "f2l", "f2d", "d2i", "d2l", "d2f", "i2b", "i2c", "i2s", "lcmp", "fcmpl", "fcmpg", "dcmpl", "dcmpg", "ifeq", "ifne", "iflt", "ifge", "ifgt", "ifle", "if_icmpeq", "if_icmpne", "if_icmplt", "if_icmpge", "if_icmpgt", "if_icmple", "if_acmpeq", "if_acmpne", "goto", "jsr", "ret", "tableswitch", "lookupswitch", "ireturn", "lreturn", "freturn", "dreturn", "areturn", "return", "getstatic", "putstatic", "getfield", "putfield", "invokevirtual", "invokespecial", "invokestatic", "invokeinterface", "invokedynamic", "new", "newarray", "anewarray", "arraylength", "athrow", "checkcast", "instanceof", "monitorenter", "monitorexit", "wide", "multianewarray", "ifnull", "ifnonnull", "goto_w", "jsr_w", "breakpoint" }; /* Opcode Lengths */ int opcLengths[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 99, 99, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 3, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 0, 4, 3, 3, 5, 5, 1 }; }
⏎ sun/tools/java/
Or download all of them as a single archive file:
File name: File size: 418901 bytes Release date: 2018-11-04 Download
⇒ JDK 11 jdk.scripting.nashorn.jmod - Scripting Nashorn Module
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