JDK 11 jdk.rmic.jmod - RMI Compiler Tool

JDK 11 jdk.rmic.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 RMI (Remote Method Invocation) Compiler Tool tool, which can be invoked by the "rmic" command.

JDK 11 RMI Compiler Tool tool compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\jdk.rmic.jmod.

JDK 11 RMI Compiler Tool tool compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.

JDK 11 RMI Compiler Tool tool source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\src.zip\jdk.rmic.

You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.

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 * Copyright (c) 1994, 2004, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

package sun.tools.javac;

import sun.tools.java.*;
import sun.tools.util.CommandLine;
import sun.tools.asm.Assembler;
// end JCOV

import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.text.MessageFormat;

 * Main program of the Java compiler
 * WARNING: The contents of this source file are not part of any
 * supported API.  Code that depends on them does so at its own risk:
 * they are subject to change or removal without notice.
 * @deprecated As of J2SE 1.3, the preferred way to compile Java
 * language sources is by using the new compiler,
 * com.sun.tools.javac.Main.
class Main implements Constants {
     * Name of the program.
    String program;

     * The stream where error message are printed.
    OutputStream out;

     * Constructor.
    public Main(OutputStream out, String program) {
        this.out = out;
        this.program = program;

     * Exit status.
     * We introduce a separate integer status variable, and do not alter the
     * convention that 'compile' returns a boolean true upon a successful
     * compilation with no errors.  (JavaTest relies on this.)

    public static final int EXIT_OK = 0;        // Compilation completed with no errors.
    public static final int EXIT_ERROR = 1;     // Compilation completed but reported errors.
    public static final int EXIT_CMDERR = 2;    // Bad command-line arguments and/or switches.
    public static final int EXIT_SYSERR = 3;    // System error or resource exhaustion.
    public static final int EXIT_ABNORMAL = 4;  // Compiler terminated abnormally.

    private int exitStatus;

    public int getExitStatus() {
        return exitStatus;

    public boolean compilationPerformedSuccessfully() {
        return exitStatus == EXIT_OK || exitStatus == EXIT_ERROR;

    public boolean compilationReportedErrors () {
        return exitStatus != EXIT_OK;

     * Output a message.
    private void output(String msg) {
        PrintStream out =
            this.out instanceof PrintStream ? (PrintStream)this.out
                                            : new PrintStream(this.out, true);

     * Top level error message.  This method is called when the
     * environment could not be set up yet.
    private void error(String msg) {
        exitStatus = EXIT_CMDERR;

    private void error(String msg, String arg1) {
        exitStatus = EXIT_CMDERR;
        output(getText(msg, arg1));

    private void error(String msg, String arg1, String arg2) {
        exitStatus = EXIT_CMDERR;
        output(getText(msg, arg1, arg2));

     * Print usage message and make exit status an error.
     * Note: 'javac' invoked without any arguments is considered
     * be an error.
    public void usage_error() {
        error("main.usage", program);

    private static ResourceBundle messageRB;

     * Initialize ResourceBundle
    static void initResource() {
        try {
            messageRB =
        } catch (MissingResourceException e) {
            throw new Error("Fatal: Resource for javac is missing");

     * get and format message string from resource
    public static String getText(String key) {
        return getText(key, (String)null);

    public static String getText(String key, int num) {
        return getText(key, Integer.toString(num));

    public static String getText(String key, String fixed) {
        return getText(key, fixed, null);

    public static String getText(String key, String fixed1, String fixed2) {
        return getText(key, fixed1, fixed2, null);

    public static String getText(String key, String fixed1,
                                 String fixed2, String fixed3) {
        if (messageRB == null) {
        try {
            String message = messageRB.getString(key);
            return MessageFormat.format(message, fixed1, fixed2, fixed3);
        } catch (MissingResourceException e) {
            if (fixed1 == null)  fixed1 = "null";
            if (fixed2 == null)  fixed2 = "null";
            if (fixed3 == null)  fixed3 = "null";
            String message = "JAVAC MESSAGE FILE IS BROKEN: key={0}, arguments={1}, {2}, {3}";
            return MessageFormat.format(message, key, fixed1, fixed2, fixed3);

    // What major and minor version numbers to use for the -target flag.
    // This should grow every time the minor version number accepted by
    // the VM is incremented.
    private static final String[] releases =      { "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", "1.4" };
    private static final short[] majorVersions =  {    45,    46,    47,    48 };
    private static final short[] minorVersions =  {     3,     0,     0,     0 };

     * Run the compiler
    public synchronized boolean compile(String argv[]) {
        String sourcePathArg = null;
        String classPathArg = null;
        String sysClassPathArg = null;
        boolean verbosePath = false;

        String targetArg = null;
        short majorVersion = JAVA_DEFAULT_VERSION;
        short minorVersion = JAVA_DEFAULT_MINOR_VERSION;

        File destDir = null;
        File covFile = null;
        String optJcov = "-Xjcov";
        String optJcovFile = "-Xjcov:file=";
//end JCOV
        int flags = F_WARNINGS | F_DEBUG_LINES | F_DEBUG_SOURCE;
        long tm = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Vector<String> v = new Vector<>();
        boolean nowrite = false;
        String props = null;
        String encoding = null;

        // These flags are used to make sure conflicting -O and -g
        // options aren't given.
        String prior_g = null;
        String prior_O = null;

        exitStatus = EXIT_OK;

        // Pre-process command line for @file arguments
        try {
            argv = CommandLine.parse(argv);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            error("javac.err.cant.read", e.getMessage());
        } catch (IOException e) {

        // Parse arguments
        for (int i = 0 ; i < argv.length ; i++) {
            if (argv[i].equals("-g")) {
                if (prior_g!=null && !(prior_g.equals("-g")))
                   error("main.conflicting.options", prior_g, "-g");
                prior_g = "-g";
                flags |= F_DEBUG_LINES;
                flags |= F_DEBUG_VARS;
                flags |= F_DEBUG_SOURCE;
            } else if (argv[i].equals("-g:none")) {
                if (prior_g!=null && !(prior_g.equals("-g:none")))
                   error("main.conflicting.options", prior_g, "-g:none");
                prior_g = "-g:none";
                flags &= ~F_DEBUG_LINES;
                flags &= ~F_DEBUG_VARS;
                flags &= ~F_DEBUG_SOURCE;
            } else if (argv[i].startsWith("-g:")) {
                // We choose to have debugging options conflict even
                // if they amount to the same thing (for example,
                // -g:source,lines and -g:lines,source).  However, multiple
                // debugging options are allowed if they are textually
                // identical.
                if (prior_g!=null && !(prior_g.equals(argv[i])))
                   error("main.conflicting.options", prior_g, argv[i]);
                prior_g = argv[i];
                String args = argv[i].substring("-g:".length());
                flags &= ~F_DEBUG_LINES;
                flags &= ~F_DEBUG_VARS;
                flags &= ~F_DEBUG_SOURCE;
                while (true) {
                    if (args.startsWith("lines")) {
                        flags |= F_DEBUG_LINES;
                        args = args.substring("lines".length());
                    } else if (args.startsWith("vars")) {
                        flags |= F_DEBUG_VARS;
                        args = args.substring("vars".length());
                    } else if (args.startsWith("source")) {
                        flags |= F_DEBUG_SOURCE;
                        args = args.substring("source".length());
                    } else {
                        return false;  // Stop processing now
                    if (args.length() == 0) break;
                    if (args.startsWith(","))
                        args = args.substring(",".length());
            } else if (argv[i].equals("-O")) {
                // -O is accepted for backward compatibility, but
                // is no longer effective.  Use the undocumented
                // -XO option to get the old behavior.
                if (prior_O!=null && !(prior_O.equals("-O")))
                    error("main.conflicting.options", prior_O, "-O");
                prior_O = "-O";
            } else if (argv[i].equals("-nowarn")) {
                flags &= ~F_WARNINGS;
            } else if (argv[i].equals("-deprecation")) {
                flags |= F_DEPRECATION;
            } else if (argv[i].equals("-verbose")) {
                flags |= F_VERBOSE;
            } else if (argv[i].equals("-nowrite")) {
                nowrite = true;
            } else if (argv[i].equals("-classpath")) {
                if ((i + 1) < argv.length) {
                    if (classPathArg!=null) {
                    classPathArg = argv[++i];
                } else {
                    return false;  // Stop processing now
            } else if (argv[i].equals("-sourcepath")) {
                if ((i + 1) < argv.length) {
                    if (sourcePathArg != null) {
                    sourcePathArg = argv[++i];
                } else {
                    return false;  // Stop processing now
            } else if (argv[i].equals("-sysclasspath")) {
                if ((i + 1) < argv.length) {
                    if (sysClassPathArg != null) {
                    sysClassPathArg = argv[++i];
                } else {
                    return false;  // Stop processing now
            } else if (argv[i].equals("-bootclasspath")) {
                if ((i + 1) < argv.length) {
                    if (sysClassPathArg != null) {
                    sysClassPathArg = argv[++i];
                } else {
                    return false;  // Stop processing now
            } else if (argv[i].equals("-encoding")) {
                if ((i + 1) < argv.length) {
                    if (encoding!=null)
                    encoding = argv[++i];
                } else {
                    return false; // Stop processing now
            } else if (argv[i].equals("-target")) {
                if ((i + 1) < argv.length) {
                    if (targetArg!=null)
                    targetArg = argv[++i];
                    int j;
                    for (j=0; j<releases.length; j++) {
                        if (releases[j].equals(targetArg)) {
                            majorVersion = majorVersions[j];
                            minorVersion = minorVersions[j];
                    if (j==releases.length) {
                        return false; // Stop processing now
                } else {
                    return false; // Stop processing now
            } else if (argv[i].equals("-d")) {
                if ((i + 1) < argv.length) {
                    if (destDir!=null)
                    destDir = new File(argv[++i]);
                    if (!destDir.exists()) {
                        return false; // Stop processing now
                } else {
                    return false; // Stop processing now
            } else if (argv[i].equals(optJcov)) {
                    flags |= F_COVERAGE;
                    flags &= ~F_OPT;
                    flags &= ~F_OPT_INTERCLASS;
            } else if ((argv[i].startsWith(optJcovFile)) &&
                       (argv[i].length() > optJcovFile.length())) {
                    covFile = new File(argv[i].substring(optJcovFile.length()));
                    flags &= ~F_OPT;
                    flags &= ~F_OPT_INTERCLASS;
                    flags |= F_COVERAGE;
                    flags |= F_COVDATA;
// end JCOV
            } else if (argv[i].equals("-XO")) {
                // This is what -O used to be.  Now undocumented.
                if (prior_O!=null && !(prior_O.equals("-XO")))
                   error("main.conflicting.options", prior_O, "-XO");
                prior_O = "-XO";
                flags |= F_OPT;
            } else if (argv[i].equals("-Xinterclass")) {
                if (prior_O!=null && !(prior_O.equals("-Xinterclass")))
                   error("main.conflicting.options", prior_O, "-Xinterclass");
                prior_O = "-Xinterclass";
                flags |= F_OPT;
                flags |= F_OPT_INTERCLASS;
                flags |= F_DEPENDENCIES;
            } else if (argv[i].equals("-Xdepend")) {
                flags |= F_DEPENDENCIES;
            } else if (argv[i].equals("-Xdebug")) {
                flags |= F_DUMP;
            // Unadvertised option used by JWS.  The non-X version should
            // be removed, but we'll leave it in until we find out for
            // sure that no one still depends on that option syntax.
            } else if (argv[i].equals("-xdepend") || argv[i].equals("-Xjws")) {
                flags |= F_PRINT_DEPENDENCIES;
                // change the default output in this case:
                if (out == System.err) {
                    out = System.out;
            } else if (argv[i].equals("-Xstrictdefault")) {
                // Make strict floating point the default
                flags |= F_STRICTDEFAULT;
            } else if (argv[i].equals("-Xverbosepath")) {
                verbosePath = true;
            } else if (argv[i].equals("-Xstdout")) {
                out = System.out;
            } else if (argv[i].equals("-X")) {
                return false; // Stop processing now
            } else if (argv[i].equals("-Xversion1.2")) {
                // Inform the compiler that it need not target VMs
                // earlier than version 1.2.  This option is here
                // for testing purposes only.  It is deliberately
                // kept orthogonal to the -target option in 1.2.0
                // for the sake of stability.  These options will
                // be merged in a future release.
                flags |= F_VERSION12;
            } else if (argv[i].endsWith(".java")) {
            } else {
                return false; // Stop processing now
        if (v.size() == 0 || exitStatus == EXIT_CMDERR) {
            return false;

        // Create our Environment.
        BatchEnvironment env = BatchEnvironment.create(out,
        if (verbosePath) {

        env.flags |= flags;
        env.majorVersion = majorVersion;
        env.minorVersion = minorVersion;
        env.covFile = covFile;
// end JCOV

        // Preload the "out of memory" error string just in case we run
        // out of memory during the compile.
        String noMemoryErrorString = getText("main.no.memory");
        String stackOverflowErrorString = getText("main.stack.overflow");

        env.error(0, "warn.class.is.deprecated", "sun.tools.javac.Main");

        try {
            // Parse all input files
            for (Enumeration<String> e = v.elements() ; e.hasMoreElements() ;) {
                File file = new File(e.nextElement());
                try {
                } catch (FileNotFoundException ee) {
                    env.error(0, "cant.read", file.getPath());
                    exitStatus = EXIT_CMDERR;

            // Do a post-read check on all newly-parsed classes,
            // after they have all been read.
            for (Enumeration<ClassDeclaration> e = env.getClasses() ; e.hasMoreElements() ; ) {
                ClassDeclaration c = e.nextElement();
                if (c.getStatus() == CS_PARSED) {
                    if (c.getClassDefinition().isLocal())
                    try {
                    } catch (ClassNotFound ee) {

            // compile all classes that need compilation
            ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(4096);
            boolean done;

            do {
                done = true;
                for (Enumeration<ClassDeclaration> e = env.getClasses() ; e.hasMoreElements() ; ) {
                    ClassDeclaration c = e.nextElement();
                    SourceClass src;

                    switch (c.getStatus()) {
                      case CS_UNDEFINED:
                        if (!env.dependencies()) {
                        // fall through

                      case CS_SOURCE:
                        if (tracing)
                            env.dtEvent("Main.compile (SOURCE): loading, " + c);
                        done = false;
                        if (c.getStatus() != CS_PARSED) {
                            if (tracing)
                                env.dtEvent("Main.compile (SOURCE): not parsed, " + c);
                        // fall through

                      case CS_PARSED:
                        if (c.getClassDefinition().isInsideLocal()) {
                            // the enclosing block will check this one
                            if (tracing)
                                env.dtEvent("Main.compile (PARSED): skipping local class, " + c);
                        done = false;
                        if (tracing) env.dtEvent("Main.compile (PARSED): checking, " + c);
                        src = (SourceClass)c.getClassDefinition(env);
                        c.setDefinition(src, CS_CHECKED);
                        // fall through

                      case CS_CHECKED:
                        src = (SourceClass)c.getClassDefinition(env);
                        // bail out if there were any errors
                        if (src.getError()) {
                            if (tracing)
                                env.dtEvent("Main.compile (CHECKED): bailing out on error, " + c);
                            c.setDefinition(src, CS_COMPILED);
                        done = false;
                        if (tracing)
                            env.dtEvent("Main.compile (CHECKED): compiling, " + c);
                        c.setDefinition(src, CS_COMPILED);

                        if (src.getNestError() || nowrite) {

                        String pkgName = c.getName().getQualifier().toString().replace('.', File.separatorChar);
                        String className = c.getName().getFlatName().toString().replace('.', SIGC_INNERCLASS) + ".class";

                        File file;
                        if (destDir != null) {
                            if (pkgName.length() > 0) {
                                file = new File(destDir, pkgName);
                                if (!file.exists()) {
                                file = new File(file, className);
                            } else {
                                file = new File(destDir, className);
                        } else {
                            ClassFile classfile = (ClassFile)src.getSource();
                            if (classfile.isZipped()) {
                                env.error(0, "cant.write", classfile.getPath());
                                exitStatus = EXIT_CMDERR;
                            file = new File(classfile.getPath());
                            file = new File(file.getParent(), className);

                        // Create the file
                        try {
                            FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file.getPath());

                            if (env.verbose()) {
                                output(getText("main.wrote", file.getPath()));
                        } catch (IOException ee) {
                            env.error(0, "cant.write", file.getPath());
                            exitStatus = EXIT_CMDERR;

                        // Print class dependencies if requested (-xdepend)
                        if (env.print_dependencies()) {
            } while (!done);
        } catch (OutOfMemoryError ee) {
            // The compiler has run out of memory.  Use the error string
            // which we preloaded.
            exitStatus = EXIT_SYSERR;
            return false;
        } catch (StackOverflowError ee) {
            exitStatus = EXIT_SYSERR;
            return false;
        } catch (Error ee) {
            // We allow the compiler to take an exception silently if a program
            // error has previously been detected.  Presumably, this makes the
            // compiler more robust in the face of bad error recovery.
            if (env.nerrors == 0 || env.dump()) {
                env.error(0, "fatal.error");
                exitStatus = EXIT_ABNORMAL;
        } catch (Exception ee) {
            if (env.nerrors == 0 || env.dump()) {
                env.error(0, "fatal.exception");
                exitStatus = EXIT_ABNORMAL;

        int ndepfiles = env.deprecationFiles.size();
        if (ndepfiles > 0 && env.warnings()) {
            int ndeps = env.ndeprecations;
            Object file1 = env.deprecationFiles.elementAt(0);
            if (env.deprecation()) {
                if (ndepfiles > 1) {
                    env.error(0, "warn.note.deprecations",
                              ndepfiles, ndeps);
                } else {
                    env.error(0, "warn.note.1deprecation",
                              file1, ndeps);
            } else {
                if (ndepfiles > 1) {
                    env.error(0, "warn.note.deprecations.silent",
                              ndepfiles, ndeps);
                } else {
                    env.error(0, "warn.note.1deprecation.silent",
                              file1, ndeps);


        boolean status = true;
        if (env.nerrors > 0) {
            String msg = "";
            if (env.nerrors > 1) {
                msg = getText("main.errors", env.nerrors);
            } else {
                msg = getText("main.1error");
            if (env.nwarnings > 0) {
                if (env.nwarnings > 1) {
                    msg += ", " + getText("main.warnings", env.nwarnings);
                } else {
                    msg += ", " + getText("main.1warning");
            if (exitStatus == EXIT_OK) {
                // Allow EXIT_CMDERR or EXIT_ABNORMAL to take precedence.
                exitStatus = EXIT_ERROR;
            status = false;
        } else {
            if (env.nwarnings > 0) {
                if (env.nwarnings > 1) {
                    output(getText("main.warnings", env.nwarnings));
                } else {
        if (env.covdata()) {
            Assembler CovAsm = new Assembler();
// end JCOV

        // We're done
        if (env.verbose()) {
            tm = System.currentTimeMillis() - tm;
            output(getText("main.done_in", Long.toString(tm)));

        return status;

     * Main program
    public static void main(String argv[]) {
        OutputStream out = System.err;

        // This is superceeded by the -Xstdout option, but we leave
        // in the old property check for compatibility.
        if (Boolean.getBoolean("javac.pipe.output")) {
            out = System.out;

        Main compiler = new Main(out, "javac");
        System.exit(compiler.compile(argv) ? 0 : compiler.exitStatus);



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jdk.rmic-11.0.1-src.zip
File size: 418901 bytes
Release date: 2018-11-04


JDK 11 jdk.scripting.nashorn.jmod - Scripting Nashorn Module

JDK 11 jdk.pack.jmod - Pack Module

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