JDK 11 jdk.scripting.nashorn.jmod - Scripting Nashorn Module

JDK 11 jdk.scripting.nashorn.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 11 Scripting Nashorn module.

JDK 11 Scripting Nashorn module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\jmods\jdk.scripting.nashorn.jmod.

JDK 11 Scripting Nashorn module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\modules JImage file.

JDK 11 Scripting Nashorn module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-11.0.1\lib\src.zip\jdk.scripting.nashorn.

You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.

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 * Copyright (c) 2010, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

package jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen;

import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.SPLIT_PREFIX;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.Block;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.FunctionNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.LiteralNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.LiteralNode.ArrayLiteralNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.Node;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.ObjectNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.PropertyNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.SplitNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.Splittable;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.Statement;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.VarNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.visitor.SimpleNodeVisitor;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.Context;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.logging.DebugLogger;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.logging.Loggable;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.logging.Logger;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.options.Options;

 * Split the IR into smaller compile units.
final class Splitter extends SimpleNodeVisitor implements Loggable {
    /** Current compiler. */
    private final Compiler compiler;

    /** IR to be broken down. */
    private final FunctionNode outermost;

    /** Compile unit for the main script. */
    private final CompileUnit outermostCompileUnit;

    /** Cache for calculated block weights. */
    private final Map<Node, Long> weightCache = new HashMap<>();

    /** Weight threshold for when to start a split. */
    public static final long SPLIT_THRESHOLD = Options.getIntProperty("nashorn.compiler.splitter.threshold", 32 * 1024);

    private final DebugLogger log;

     * Constructor.
     * @param compiler              the compiler
     * @param functionNode          function node to split
     * @param outermostCompileUnit  compile unit for outermost function, if non-lazy this is the script's compile unit
    public Splitter(final Compiler compiler, final FunctionNode functionNode, final CompileUnit outermostCompileUnit) {
        this.compiler             = compiler;
        this.outermost            = functionNode;
        this.outermostCompileUnit = outermostCompileUnit;
        this.log                  = initLogger(compiler.getContext());

    public DebugLogger initLogger(final Context context) {
        return context.getLogger(this.getClass());

    public DebugLogger getLogger() {
        return log;

     * Execute the split.
     * @param fn the function to split
     * @param top whether this is the topmost compiled function (it's either a program, or we're doing a recompilation).
    FunctionNode split(final FunctionNode fn, final boolean top) {
        FunctionNode functionNode = fn;

        log.fine("Initiating split of '", functionNode.getName(), "'");

        long weight = WeighNodes.weigh(functionNode);

        // We know that our LexicalContext is empty outside the call to functionNode.accept(this) below,
        // so we can pass null to all methods expecting a LexicalContext parameter.
        assert lc.isEmpty() : "LexicalContext not empty";

        if (weight >= SPLIT_THRESHOLD) {
            log.info("Splitting function '", functionNode.getName(), "' as its weight ", weight, " exceeds split threshold ", SPLIT_THRESHOLD);
            functionNode = (FunctionNode)functionNode.accept(this);

            if (functionNode.isSplit()) {
                // Weight has changed so weigh again, this time using block weight cache
                weight = WeighNodes.weigh(functionNode, weightCache);
                functionNode = functionNode.setBody(null, functionNode.getBody().setNeedsScope(null));

            if (weight >= SPLIT_THRESHOLD) {
                functionNode = functionNode.setBody(null, splitBlock(functionNode.getBody(), functionNode));
                functionNode = functionNode.setFlag(null, FunctionNode.IS_SPLIT);
                weight = WeighNodes.weigh(functionNode.getBody(), weightCache);

        assert functionNode.getCompileUnit() == null : "compile unit already set for " + functionNode.getName();

        if (top) {
            assert outermostCompileUnit != null : "outermost compile unit is null";
            functionNode = functionNode.setCompileUnit(null, outermostCompileUnit);
            outermostCompileUnit.addWeight(weight + WeighNodes.FUNCTION_WEIGHT);
        } else {
            functionNode = functionNode.setCompileUnit(null, findUnit(weight));

        final Block body = functionNode.getBody();
        final List<FunctionNode> dc = directChildren(functionNode);

        final Block newBody = (Block)body.accept(new SimpleNodeVisitor() {
            public boolean enterFunctionNode(final FunctionNode nestedFunction) {
                return dc.contains(nestedFunction);

            public Node leaveFunctionNode(final FunctionNode nestedFunction) {
                final FunctionNode split = new Splitter(compiler, nestedFunction, outermostCompileUnit).split(nestedFunction, false);
                lc.replace(nestedFunction, split);
                return split;
        functionNode = functionNode.setBody(null, newBody);

        assert functionNode.getCompileUnit() != null;

        return functionNode;

    private static List<FunctionNode> directChildren(final FunctionNode functionNode) {
        final List<FunctionNode> dc = new ArrayList<>();
        functionNode.accept(new SimpleNodeVisitor() {
            public boolean enterFunctionNode(final FunctionNode child) {
                if (child == functionNode) {
                    return true;
                if (lc.getParentFunction(child) == functionNode) {
                return false;
        return dc;

     * Override this logic to look up compile units in a different way
     * @param weight weight needed
     * @return compile unit
    protected CompileUnit findUnit(final long weight) {
        return compiler.findUnit(weight);

     * Split a block into sub methods.
     * @param block Block or function to split.
     * @return new weight for the resulting block.
    private Block splitBlock(final Block block, final FunctionNode function) {

        final List<Statement> splits = new ArrayList<>();
        List<Statement> statements = new ArrayList<>();
        long statementsWeight = 0;

        for (final Statement statement : block.getStatements()) {
            final long weight = WeighNodes.weigh(statement, weightCache);
            final boolean isBlockScopedVarNode = isBlockScopedVarNode(statement);

            if (statementsWeight + weight >= SPLIT_THRESHOLD || statement.isTerminal() || isBlockScopedVarNode) {
                if (!statements.isEmpty()) {
                    splits.add(createBlockSplitNode(block, function, statements, statementsWeight));
                    statements = new ArrayList<>();
                    statementsWeight = 0;

            if (statement.isTerminal() || isBlockScopedVarNode) {
            } else {
                statementsWeight += weight;

        if (!statements.isEmpty()) {
            splits.add(createBlockSplitNode(block, function, statements, statementsWeight));

        return block.setStatements(lc, splits);

     * Create a new split node from statements contained in a parent block.
     * @param parent     Parent block.
     * @param statements Statements to include.
     * @return New split node.
    private SplitNode createBlockSplitNode(final Block parent, final FunctionNode function, final List<Statement> statements, final long weight) {
        final long   token      = parent.getToken();
        final int    finish     = parent.getFinish();
        final String name       = function.uniqueName(SPLIT_PREFIX.symbolName());

        final Block newBlock = new Block(token, finish, statements);

        return new SplitNode(name, newBlock, compiler.findUnit(weight + WeighNodes.FUNCTION_WEIGHT));

    private boolean isBlockScopedVarNode(final Statement statement) {
        return statement instanceof VarNode && ((VarNode) statement).isBlockScoped();

    public boolean enterBlock(final Block block) {
        if (block.isCatchBlock()) {
            return false;

        final long weight = WeighNodes.weigh(block, weightCache);

        if (weight < SPLIT_THRESHOLD) {
            weightCache.put(block, weight);
            return false;

        return true;

    public Node leaveBlock(final Block block) {
        assert !block.isCatchBlock();

        Block newBlock = block;

        // Block was heavier than SLIT_THRESHOLD in enter, but a sub-block may have
        // been split already, so weigh again before splitting.
        long weight = WeighNodes.weigh(block, weightCache);
        if (weight >= SPLIT_THRESHOLD) {
            final FunctionNode currentFunction = lc.getCurrentFunction();
            newBlock = splitBlock(block, currentFunction);
            weight   = WeighNodes.weigh(newBlock, weightCache);
            lc.setFlag(currentFunction, FunctionNode.IS_SPLIT);
        weightCache.put(newBlock, weight);
        return newBlock;

    public Node leaveLiteralNode(final LiteralNode literal) {
        final long weight = WeighNodes.weigh(literal);

        if (weight < SPLIT_THRESHOLD) {
            return literal;

        final FunctionNode functionNode = lc.getCurrentFunction();

        lc.setFlag(functionNode, FunctionNode.IS_SPLIT);

        if (literal instanceof ArrayLiteralNode) {
            final ArrayLiteralNode arrayLiteralNode = (ArrayLiteralNode) literal;
            final Node[]           value            = arrayLiteralNode.getValue();
            final int[]            postsets         = arrayLiteralNode.getPostsets();
            final List<Splittable.SplitRange> ranges = new ArrayList<>();

            long totalWeight = 0;
            int  lo          = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < postsets.length; i++) {
                final int  postset = postsets[i];
                final Node element = value[postset];

                final long elementWeight = WeighNodes.weigh(element);
                totalWeight += WeighNodes.AASTORE_WEIGHT + elementWeight;

                if (totalWeight >= SPLIT_THRESHOLD) {
                    final CompileUnit unit = compiler.findUnit(totalWeight - elementWeight);
                    ranges.add(new Splittable.SplitRange(unit, lo, i));
                    lo = i;
                    totalWeight = elementWeight;

            if (lo != postsets.length) {
                final CompileUnit unit = compiler.findUnit(totalWeight);
                ranges.add(new Splittable.SplitRange(unit, lo, postsets.length));

            log.info("Splitting array literal in '", functionNode.getName(), "' as its weight ", weight, " exceeds split threshold ", SPLIT_THRESHOLD);

            return arrayLiteralNode.setSplitRanges(lc, ranges);

        return literal;

    public Node leaveObjectNode(final ObjectNode objectNode) {
        final long weight = WeighNodes.weigh(objectNode);

        if (weight < SPLIT_THRESHOLD) {
            return objectNode;

        final FunctionNode functionNode = lc.getCurrentFunction();
        lc.setFlag(functionNode, FunctionNode.IS_SPLIT);

        final List<Splittable.SplitRange> ranges        = new ArrayList<>();
        final List<PropertyNode>          properties    = objectNode.getElements();
        final boolean                     isSpillObject = properties.size() > CodeGenerator.OBJECT_SPILL_THRESHOLD;
        long totalWeight = 0;
        int  lo          = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < properties.size(); i++) {

            final PropertyNode property = properties.get(i);
            final boolean isConstant = LiteralNode.isConstant(property.getValue());

            if (!isConstant || !isSpillObject) {
                final long propertyWeight = isConstant ? 0 : WeighNodes.weigh(property.getValue());
                totalWeight += WeighNodes.AASTORE_WEIGHT + propertyWeight;

                if (totalWeight >= SPLIT_THRESHOLD) {
                    final CompileUnit unit = compiler.findUnit(totalWeight - propertyWeight);
                    ranges.add(new Splittable.SplitRange(unit, lo, i));
                    lo = i;
                    totalWeight = propertyWeight;

        if (lo != properties.size()) {
            final CompileUnit unit = compiler.findUnit(totalWeight);
            ranges.add(new Splittable.SplitRange(unit, lo, properties.size()));

        log.info("Splitting object node in '", functionNode.getName(), "' as its weight ", weight, " exceeds split threshold ", SPLIT_THRESHOLD);

        return objectNode.setSplitRanges(lc, ranges);

    public boolean enterFunctionNode(final FunctionNode node) {
        //only go into the function node for this splitter. any subfunctions are rejected
        return node == outermost;



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jdk.scripting.nashorn-11.0.1-src.zip
File size: 1390965 bytes
Release date: 2018-11-04


JDK 11 jdk.scripting.nashorn.shell.jmod - Scripting Nashorn Shell Module

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