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⏎ sun/reflect/
/* * Copyright (c) 2001, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package sun.reflect; import; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException; import; import; import; import; import; import jdk.internal.misc.SharedSecrets; import jdk.internal.misc.JavaSecurityAccess; /** * ReflectionFactory supports custom serialization. * Its methods support the creation of uninitialized objects, invoking serialization * private methods for readObject, writeObject, readResolve, and writeReplace. * <p> * ReflectionFactory access is restricted, if a security manager is active, * unless the permission {@code RuntimePermission("reflectionFactoryAccess")} * is granted. */ public class ReflectionFactory { private static final ReflectionFactory soleInstance = new ReflectionFactory(); private static final jdk.internal.reflect.ReflectionFactory delegate = AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<jdk.internal.reflect.ReflectionFactory>() { public jdk.internal.reflect.ReflectionFactory run() { return jdk.internal.reflect.ReflectionFactory.getReflectionFactory(); } }); private ReflectionFactory() {} private static final Permission REFLECTION_FACTORY_ACCESS_PERM = new RuntimePermission("reflectionFactoryAccess"); /** * Provides the caller with the capability to instantiate reflective * objects. * * <p> First, if there is a security manager, its {@code checkPermission} * method is called with a {@link java.lang.RuntimePermission} with target * {@code "reflectionFactoryAccess"}. This may result in a security * exception. * * <p> The returned {@code ReflectionFactory} object should be carefully * guarded by the caller, since it can be used to read and write private * data and invoke private methods, as well as to load unverified bytecodes. * It must never be passed to untrusted code. * * @return the ReflectionFactory * @throws SecurityException if a security manager exists and its * {@code checkPermission} method doesn't allow access to * the RuntimePermission "reflectionFactoryAccess". */ public static ReflectionFactory getReflectionFactory() { SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager(); if (security != null) { security.checkPermission(REFLECTION_FACTORY_ACCESS_PERM); } return soleInstance; } /** * Returns an accessible constructor capable of creating instances * of the given class, initialized by the given constructor. * * @param cl the class to instantiate * @param constructorToCall the constructor to call * @return an accessible constructor */ public Constructor<?> newConstructorForSerialization(Class<?> cl, Constructor<?> constructorToCall) { return delegate.newConstructorForSerialization(cl, constructorToCall); } /** * Returns an accessible no-arg constructor for a class. * The no-arg constructor is found searching the class and its supertypes. * * @param cl the class to instantiate * @return a no-arg constructor for the class or {@code null} if * the class or supertypes do not have a suitable no-arg constructor */ public final Constructor<?> newConstructorForSerialization(Class<?> cl) { return delegate.newConstructorForSerialization(cl); } /** * Returns an accessible no-arg constructor for an externalizable class to be * initialized using a public no-argument constructor. * * @param cl the class to instantiate * @return A no-arg constructor for the class; returns {@code null} if * the class does not implement {@link} */ public final Constructor<?> newConstructorForExternalization(Class<?> cl) { return delegate.newConstructorForExternalization(cl); } /** * Returns a direct MethodHandle for the {@code readObject} method on * a Serializable class. * The first argument of {@link MethodHandle#invoke} is the serializable * object and the second argument is the {@code ObjectInputStream} passed to * {@code readObject}. * * @param cl a Serializable class * @return a direct MethodHandle for the {@code readObject} method of the class or * {@code null} if the class does not have a {@code readObject} method */ public final MethodHandle readObjectForSerialization(Class<?> cl) { return delegate.readObjectForSerialization(cl); } /** * Invokes the supplied constructor, adding the provided protection domains * to the invocation stack before invoking {@code Constructor::newInstance}. * If no {@linkplain System#getSecurityManager() security manager} is present, * or no domains are provided, then this method simply calls * {@code cons.newInstance()}. Otherwise, it invokes the provided constructor * with privileges at the intersection of the current context and the provided * protection domains. * * @param cons A constructor obtained from {@code * newConstructorForSerialization} or {@code * newConstructorForExternalization}. * @param domains An array of protection domains that limit the privileges * with which the constructor is invoked. Can be {@code null} * or empty, in which case privileges are only limited by the * {@linkplain AccessController#getContext() current context}. * * @return A new object built from the provided constructor. * * @throws NullPointerException if {@code cons} is {@code null}. * @throws InstantiationException if thrown by {@code cons.newInstance()}. * @throws InvocationTargetException if thrown by {@code cons.newInstance()}. * @throws IllegalAccessException if thrown by {@code cons.newInstance()}. */ public final Object newInstanceForSerialization(Constructor<?> cons, ProtectionDomain[] domains) throws InstantiationException, InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException { SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager(); if (sm == null || domains == null || domains.length == 0) { return cons.newInstance(); } else { JavaSecurityAccess jsa = SharedSecrets.getJavaSecurityAccess(); PrivilegedAction<?> pea = () -> { try { return cons.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException | InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException x) { throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(x); } }; // Can't use PrivilegedExceptionAction with jsa try { return jsa.doIntersectionPrivilege(pea, AccessController.getContext(), new AccessControlContext(domains)); } catch (UndeclaredThrowableException x) { Throwable cause = x.getCause(); if (cause instanceof InstantiationException) throw (InstantiationException) cause; if (cause instanceof InvocationTargetException) throw (InvocationTargetException) cause; if (cause instanceof IllegalAccessException) throw (IllegalAccessException) cause; // not supposed to happen throw x; } } } /** * Returns a direct MethodHandle for the {@code readObjectNoData} method on * a Serializable class. * The first argument of {@link MethodHandle#invoke} is the serializable * object and the second argument is the {@code ObjectInputStream} passed to * {@code readObjectNoData}. * * @param cl a Serializable class * @return a direct MethodHandle for the {@code readObjectNoData} method * of the class or {@code null} if the class does not have a * {@code readObjectNoData} method */ public final MethodHandle readObjectNoDataForSerialization(Class<?> cl) { return delegate.readObjectNoDataForSerialization(cl); } /** * Returns a direct MethodHandle for the {@code writeObject} method on * a Serializable class. * The first argument of {@link MethodHandle#invoke} is the serializable * object and the second argument is the {@code ObjectOutputStream} passed to * {@code writeObject}. * * @param cl a Serializable class * @return a direct MethodHandle for the {@code writeObject} method of the class or * {@code null} if the class does not have a {@code writeObject} method */ public final MethodHandle writeObjectForSerialization(Class<?> cl) { return delegate.writeObjectForSerialization(cl); } /** * Returns a direct MethodHandle for the {@code readResolve} method on * a serializable class. * The single argument of {@link MethodHandle#invoke} is the serializable * object. * * @param cl the Serializable class * @return a direct MethodHandle for the {@code readResolve} method of the class or * {@code null} if the class does not have a {@code readResolve} method */ public final MethodHandle readResolveForSerialization(Class<?> cl) { return delegate.readResolveForSerialization(cl); } /** * Returns a direct MethodHandle for the {@code writeReplace} method on * a serializable class. * The single argument of {@link MethodHandle#invoke} is the serializable * object. * * @param cl the Serializable class * @return a direct MethodHandle for the {@code writeReplace} method of the class or * {@code null} if the class does not have a {@code writeReplace} method */ public final MethodHandle writeReplaceForSerialization(Class<?> cl) { return delegate.writeReplaceForSerialization(cl); } /** * Returns true if the class has a static initializer. * The presence of a static initializer is used to compute the serialVersionUID. * @param cl a serializable class * @return {@code true} if the class has a static initializer, * otherwise {@code false} */ public final boolean hasStaticInitializerForSerialization(Class<?> cl) { return delegate.hasStaticInitializerForSerialization(cl); } /** * Returns a new OptionalDataException with {@code eof} set to {@code true} * or {@code false}. * @param bool the value of {@code eof} in the created OptionalDataException * @return a new OptionalDataException */ public final OptionalDataException newOptionalDataExceptionForSerialization(boolean bool) { Constructor<OptionalDataException> cons = delegate.newOptionalDataExceptionForSerialization(); try { return cons.newInstance(bool); } catch (InstantiationException|IllegalAccessException|InvocationTargetException ex) { throw new InternalError("unable to create OptionalDataException", ex); } } }
⏎ sun/reflect/
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⇒ JDK 11 jdk.unsupported.desktop.jmod - Unsupported Desktop Module
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