JRE 8 rt.jar - java.* Package Source Code

JRE 8 rt.jar is the JAR file for JRE 8 RT (Runtime) libraries. JRE (Java Runtime) 8 is the runtime environment included in JDK 8. JRE 8 rt.jar libraries are divided into 6 packages:

com.* - Internal Oracle and Sun Microsystems libraries
java.* - Standard Java API libraries.
javax.* - Extended Java API libraries.
jdk.* -  JDK supporting libraries.
org.* - Third party libraries.
sun.* - Old libraries developed by Sun Microsystems.

JAR File Information:

Directory of C:\fyicenter\jdk-1.8.0_191\jre\lib
      63,596,151 rt.jar

Here is the list of Java classes of the java.* package in JRE 1.8.0_191 rt.jar. Java source codes are also provided.

✍: FYIcenter


 * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

package java.awt.dnd;

import java.awt.Point;

import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor;
import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable;

import java.util.List;

 * The <code>DropTargetDropEvent</code> is delivered
 * via the <code>DropTargetListener</code> drop() method.
 * <p>
 * The <code>DropTargetDropEvent</code> reports the <i>source drop actions</i>
 * and the <i>user drop action</i> that reflect the current state of the
 * drag-and-drop operation.
 * <p>
 * <i>Source drop actions</i> is a bitwise mask of <code>DnDConstants</code>
 * that represents the set of drop actions supported by the drag source for
 * this drag-and-drop operation.
 * <p>
 * <i>User drop action</i> depends on the drop actions supported by the drag
 * source and the drop action selected by the user. The user can select a drop
 * action by pressing modifier keys during the drag operation:
 * <pre>
 *   Ctrl + Shift -&gt; ACTION_LINK
 *   Ctrl         -&gt; ACTION_COPY
 *   Shift        -&gt; ACTION_MOVE
 * </pre>
 * If the user selects a drop action, the <i>user drop action</i> is one of
 * <code>DnDConstants</code> that represents the selected drop action if this
 * drop action is supported by the drag source or
 * <code>DnDConstants.ACTION_NONE</code> if this drop action is not supported
 * by the drag source.
 * <p>
 * If the user doesn't select a drop action, the set of
 * <code>DnDConstants</code> that represents the set of drop actions supported
 * by the drag source is searched for <code>DnDConstants.ACTION_MOVE</code>,
 * then for <code>DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY</code>, then for
 * <code>DnDConstants.ACTION_LINK</code> and the <i>user drop action</i> is the
 * first constant found. If no constant is found the <i>user drop action</i>
 * is <code>DnDConstants.ACTION_NONE</code>.
 * @since 1.2

public class DropTargetDropEvent extends DropTargetEvent {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -1721911170440459322L;

     * Construct a <code>DropTargetDropEvent</code> given
     * the <code>DropTargetContext</code> for this operation,
     * the location of the drag <code>Cursor</code>'s
     * hotspot in the <code>Component</code>'s coordinates,
     * the currently
     * selected user drop action, and the current set of
     * actions supported by the source.
     * By default, this constructor
     * assumes that the target is not in the same virtual machine as
     * the source; that is, {@link #isLocalTransfer()} will
     * return <code>false</code>.
     * <P>
     * @param dtc        The <code>DropTargetContext</code> for this operation
     * @param cursorLocn The location of the "Drag" Cursor's
     * hotspot in <code>Component</code> coordinates
     * @param dropAction the user drop action.
     * @param srcActions the source drop actions.
     * @throws NullPointerException
     * if cursorLocn is <code>null</code>
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *         if dropAction is not one of  <code>DnDConstants</code>.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *         if srcActions is not a bitwise mask of <code>DnDConstants</code>.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if dtc is <code>null</code>.

    public DropTargetDropEvent(DropTargetContext dtc, Point cursorLocn, int dropAction, int srcActions)  {

        if (cursorLocn == null) throw new NullPointerException("cursorLocn");

        if (dropAction != DnDConstants.ACTION_NONE &&
            dropAction != DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY &&
            dropAction != DnDConstants.ACTION_MOVE &&
            dropAction != DnDConstants.ACTION_LINK
        ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("dropAction = " + dropAction);

        if ((srcActions & ~(DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY_OR_MOVE | DnDConstants.ACTION_LINK)) != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("srcActions");

        location        = cursorLocn;
        actions         = srcActions;
        this.dropAction = dropAction;

     * Construct a <code>DropTargetEvent</code> given the
     * <code>DropTargetContext</code> for this operation,
     * the location of the drag <code>Cursor</code>'s hotspot
     * in the <code>Component</code>'s
     * coordinates, the currently selected user drop action,
     * the current set of actions supported by the source,
     * and a <code>boolean</code> indicating if the source is in the same JVM
     * as the target.
     * <P>
     * @param dtc        The DropTargetContext for this operation
     * @param cursorLocn The location of the "Drag" Cursor's
     * hotspot in Component's coordinates
     * @param dropAction the user drop action.
     * @param srcActions the source drop actions.
     * @param isLocal  True if the source is in the same JVM as the target
     * @throws NullPointerException
     *         if cursorLocn is  <code>null</code>
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *         if dropAction is not one of <code>DnDConstants</code>.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if srcActions is not a bitwise mask of <code>DnDConstants</code>.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException  if dtc is <code>null</code>.

    public DropTargetDropEvent(DropTargetContext dtc, Point cursorLocn, int dropAction, int srcActions, boolean isLocal)  {
        this(dtc, cursorLocn, dropAction, srcActions);

        isLocalTx = isLocal;

     * This method returns a <code>Point</code>
     * indicating the <code>Cursor</code>'s current
     * location in the <code>Component</code>'s coordinates.
     * <P>
     * @return the current <code>Cursor</code> location in Component's coords.

    public Point getLocation() {
        return location;

     * This method returns the current DataFlavors.
     * <P>
     * @return current DataFlavors

    public DataFlavor[] getCurrentDataFlavors() {
        return getDropTargetContext().getCurrentDataFlavors();

     * This method returns the currently available
     * <code>DataFlavor</code>s as a <code>java.util.List</code>.
     * <P>
     * @return the currently available DataFlavors as a java.util.List

    public List<DataFlavor> getCurrentDataFlavorsAsList() {
        return getDropTargetContext().getCurrentDataFlavorsAsList();

     * This method returns a <code>boolean</code> indicating if the
     * specified <code>DataFlavor</code> is available
     * from the source.
     * <P>
     * @param df the <code>DataFlavor</code> to test
     * <P>
     * @return if the DataFlavor specified is available from the source

    public boolean isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor df) {
        return getDropTargetContext().isDataFlavorSupported(df);

     * This method returns the source drop actions.
     * @return the source drop actions.
    public int getSourceActions() { return actions; }

     * This method returns the user drop action.
     * @return the user drop actions.
    public int getDropAction() { return dropAction; }

     * This method returns the <code>Transferable</code> object
     * associated with the drop.
     * <P>
     * @return the <code>Transferable</code> associated with the drop

    public Transferable getTransferable() {
        return getDropTargetContext().getTransferable();

     * accept the drop, using the specified action.
     * <P>
     * @param dropAction the specified action

    public void acceptDrop(int dropAction) {

     * reject the Drop.

    public void rejectDrop() {

     * This method notifies the <code>DragSource</code>
     * that the drop transfer(s) are completed.
     * <P>
     * @param success a <code>boolean</code> indicating that the drop transfer(s) are completed.

    public void dropComplete(boolean success) {

     * This method returns an <code>int</code> indicating if
     * the source is in the same JVM as the target.
     * <P>
     * @return if the Source is in the same JVM

    public boolean isLocalTransfer() {
        return isLocalTx;

     * fields

    static final private Point  zero     = new Point(0,0);

     * The location of the drag cursor's hotspot in Component coordinates.
     * @serial
    private Point               location   = zero;

     * The source drop actions.
     * @serial
    private int                 actions    = DnDConstants.ACTION_NONE;

     * The user drop action.
     * @serial
    private int                 dropAction = DnDConstants.ACTION_NONE;

     * <code>true</code> if the source is in the same JVM as the target.
     * @serial
    private boolean             isLocalTx = false;



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jre-rt-java-1.8.0_191-src.zip
File size: 6664831 bytes
Release date: 2018-10-28


JRE 8 rt.jar - javax.* Package Source Code

JRE 8 plugin.jar - Java Deploy Control Panel Plugin

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