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JRE 8 rt.jar - com.* Package Source Code
JRE 8 rt.jar is the JAR file for JRE 8 RT (Runtime) libraries.
JRE (Java Runtime) 8 is the runtime environment included in JDK 8.
JRE 8 rt.jar libraries are divided into 6 packages:
com.* - Internal Oracle and Sun Microsystems libraries java.* - Standard Java API libraries. javax.* - Extended Java API libraries. jdk.* - JDK supporting libraries. org.* - Third party libraries. sun.* - Old libraries developed by Sun Microsystems.
JAR File Information:
Directory of C:\fyicenter\jdk-1.8.0_191\jre\lib 63,596,151 rt.jar
Here is the list of Java classes of the com.* package in JRE 1.8.0_191 rt.jar. Java source codes are also provided.
✍: FYIcenter
⏎ com/sun/corba/se/impl/logging/
// Log wrapper class for standard exceptions // // Generated by version 1.0, DO NOT EDIT BY HAND! // Generated from input file c:/re/workspace/8-2-build-windows-amd64-cygwin/jdk8u191/11896/corba/src/share/classes/com/sun/corba/se/spi/logging/data/ on Sat Oct 06 09:30:30 PDT 2018 package ; import java.util.logging.Logger ; import java.util.logging.Level ; import org.omg.CORBA.OMGVMCID ; import ; import org.omg.CORBA.CompletionStatus ; import org.omg.CORBA.SystemException ; import ; import; import; import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_CONTEXT ; import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_INV_ORDER ; import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_OPERATION ; import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM ; import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_TYPECODE ; import org.omg.CORBA.DATA_CONVERSION ; import org.omg.CORBA.IMP_LIMIT ; import org.omg.CORBA.INITIALIZE ; import org.omg.CORBA.INV_OBJREF ; import org.omg.CORBA.INV_POLICY ; import org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL ; import org.omg.CORBA.INTF_REPOS ; import org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL ; import org.omg.CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT ; import org.omg.CORBA.NO_RESOURCES ; import org.omg.CORBA.TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK ; import org.omg.CORBA.TRANSIENT ; import org.omg.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST ; import org.omg.CORBA.OBJ_ADAPTER ; import org.omg.CORBA.UNKNOWN ; public class OMGSystemException extends LogWrapperBase { public OMGSystemException( Logger logger ) { super( logger ) ; } private static LogWrapperFactory factory = new LogWrapperFactory() { public LogWrapperBase create( Logger logger ) { return new OMGSystemException( logger ) ; } } ; public static OMGSystemException get( ORB orb, String logDomain ) { OMGSystemException wrapper = (OMGSystemException) orb.getLogWrapper( logDomain, "OMG", factory ) ; return wrapper ; } public static OMGSystemException get( String logDomain ) { OMGSystemException wrapper = (OMGSystemException) ORB.staticGetLogWrapper( logDomain, "OMG", factory ) ; return wrapper ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BAD_CONTEXT /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int IDL_CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public BAD_CONTEXT idlContextNotFound( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_CONTEXT exc = new BAD_CONTEXT( IDL_CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.idlContextNotFound", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_CONTEXT idlContextNotFound( CompletionStatus cs ) { return idlContextNotFound( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_CONTEXT idlContextNotFound( Throwable t ) { return idlContextNotFound( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_CONTEXT idlContextNotFound( ) { return idlContextNotFound( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int NO_MATCHING_IDL_CONTEXT = OMGVMCID.value + 2 ; public BAD_CONTEXT noMatchingIdlContext( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_CONTEXT exc = new BAD_CONTEXT( NO_MATCHING_IDL_CONTEXT, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.noMatchingIdlContext", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_CONTEXT noMatchingIdlContext( CompletionStatus cs ) { return noMatchingIdlContext( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_CONTEXT noMatchingIdlContext( Throwable t ) { return noMatchingIdlContext( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_CONTEXT noMatchingIdlContext( ) { return noMatchingIdlContext( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BAD_INV_ORDER /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int DEP_PREVENT_DESTRUCTION = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public BAD_INV_ORDER depPreventDestruction( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_INV_ORDER exc = new BAD_INV_ORDER( DEP_PREVENT_DESTRUCTION, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.depPreventDestruction", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER depPreventDestruction( CompletionStatus cs ) { return depPreventDestruction( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER depPreventDestruction( Throwable t ) { return depPreventDestruction( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER depPreventDestruction( ) { return depPreventDestruction( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int DESTROY_INDESTRUCTIBLE = OMGVMCID.value + 2 ; public BAD_INV_ORDER destroyIndestructible( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_INV_ORDER exc = new BAD_INV_ORDER( DESTROY_INDESTRUCTIBLE, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.destroyIndestructible", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER destroyIndestructible( CompletionStatus cs ) { return destroyIndestructible( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER destroyIndestructible( Throwable t ) { return destroyIndestructible( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER destroyIndestructible( ) { return destroyIndestructible( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int SHUTDOWN_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION_DEADLOCK = OMGVMCID.value + 3 ; public BAD_INV_ORDER shutdownWaitForCompletionDeadlock( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_INV_ORDER exc = new BAD_INV_ORDER( SHUTDOWN_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION_DEADLOCK, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.shutdownWaitForCompletionDeadlock", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER shutdownWaitForCompletionDeadlock( CompletionStatus cs ) { return shutdownWaitForCompletionDeadlock( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER shutdownWaitForCompletionDeadlock( Throwable t ) { return shutdownWaitForCompletionDeadlock( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER shutdownWaitForCompletionDeadlock( ) { return shutdownWaitForCompletionDeadlock( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int BAD_OPERATION_AFTER_SHUTDOWN = OMGVMCID.value + 4 ; public BAD_INV_ORDER badOperationAfterShutdown( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_INV_ORDER exc = new BAD_INV_ORDER( BAD_OPERATION_AFTER_SHUTDOWN, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.badOperationAfterShutdown", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badOperationAfterShutdown( CompletionStatus cs ) { return badOperationAfterShutdown( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badOperationAfterShutdown( Throwable t ) { return badOperationAfterShutdown( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badOperationAfterShutdown( ) { return badOperationAfterShutdown( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int BAD_INVOKE = OMGVMCID.value + 5 ; public BAD_INV_ORDER badInvoke( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_INV_ORDER exc = new BAD_INV_ORDER( BAD_INVOKE, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.badInvoke", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badInvoke( CompletionStatus cs ) { return badInvoke( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badInvoke( Throwable t ) { return badInvoke( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badInvoke( ) { return badInvoke( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int BAD_SET_SERVANT_MANAGER = OMGVMCID.value + 6 ; public BAD_INV_ORDER badSetServantManager( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_INV_ORDER exc = new BAD_INV_ORDER( BAD_SET_SERVANT_MANAGER, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.badSetServantManager", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badSetServantManager( CompletionStatus cs ) { return badSetServantManager( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badSetServantManager( Throwable t ) { return badSetServantManager( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badSetServantManager( ) { return badSetServantManager( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int BAD_ARGUMENTS_CALL = OMGVMCID.value + 7 ; public BAD_INV_ORDER badArgumentsCall( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_INV_ORDER exc = new BAD_INV_ORDER( BAD_ARGUMENTS_CALL, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.badArgumentsCall", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badArgumentsCall( CompletionStatus cs ) { return badArgumentsCall( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badArgumentsCall( Throwable t ) { return badArgumentsCall( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badArgumentsCall( ) { return badArgumentsCall( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int BAD_CTX_CALL = OMGVMCID.value + 8 ; public BAD_INV_ORDER badCtxCall( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_INV_ORDER exc = new BAD_INV_ORDER( BAD_CTX_CALL, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.badCtxCall", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badCtxCall( CompletionStatus cs ) { return badCtxCall( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badCtxCall( Throwable t ) { return badCtxCall( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badCtxCall( ) { return badCtxCall( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int BAD_RESULT_CALL = OMGVMCID.value + 9 ; public BAD_INV_ORDER badResultCall( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_INV_ORDER exc = new BAD_INV_ORDER( BAD_RESULT_CALL, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.badResultCall", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badResultCall( CompletionStatus cs ) { return badResultCall( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badResultCall( Throwable t ) { return badResultCall( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badResultCall( ) { return badResultCall( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int BAD_SEND = OMGVMCID.value + 10 ; public BAD_INV_ORDER badSend( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_INV_ORDER exc = new BAD_INV_ORDER( BAD_SEND, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.badSend", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badSend( CompletionStatus cs ) { return badSend( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badSend( Throwable t ) { return badSend( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badSend( ) { return badSend( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int BAD_POLL_BEFORE = OMGVMCID.value + 11 ; public BAD_INV_ORDER badPollBefore( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_INV_ORDER exc = new BAD_INV_ORDER( BAD_POLL_BEFORE, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.badPollBefore", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badPollBefore( CompletionStatus cs ) { return badPollBefore( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badPollBefore( Throwable t ) { return badPollBefore( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badPollBefore( ) { return badPollBefore( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int BAD_POLL_AFTER = OMGVMCID.value + 12 ; public BAD_INV_ORDER badPollAfter( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_INV_ORDER exc = new BAD_INV_ORDER( BAD_POLL_AFTER, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.badPollAfter", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badPollAfter( CompletionStatus cs ) { return badPollAfter( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badPollAfter( Throwable t ) { return badPollAfter( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badPollAfter( ) { return badPollAfter( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int BAD_POLL_SYNC = OMGVMCID.value + 13 ; public BAD_INV_ORDER badPollSync( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_INV_ORDER exc = new BAD_INV_ORDER( BAD_POLL_SYNC, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.badPollSync", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badPollSync( CompletionStatus cs ) { return badPollSync( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badPollSync( Throwable t ) { return badPollSync( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER badPollSync( ) { return badPollSync( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int INVALID_PI_CALL1 = OMGVMCID.value + 14 ; public BAD_INV_ORDER invalidPiCall1( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_INV_ORDER exc = new BAD_INV_ORDER( INVALID_PI_CALL1, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.FINE )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.FINE, "OMG.invalidPiCall1", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER invalidPiCall1( CompletionStatus cs ) { return invalidPiCall1( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER invalidPiCall1( Throwable t ) { return invalidPiCall1( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER invalidPiCall1( ) { return invalidPiCall1( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int INVALID_PI_CALL2 = OMGVMCID.value + 14 ; public BAD_INV_ORDER invalidPiCall2( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_INV_ORDER exc = new BAD_INV_ORDER( INVALID_PI_CALL2, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.FINE )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.FINE, "OMG.invalidPiCall2", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER invalidPiCall2( CompletionStatus cs ) { return invalidPiCall2( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER invalidPiCall2( Throwable t ) { return invalidPiCall2( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER invalidPiCall2( ) { return invalidPiCall2( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int INVALID_PI_CALL3 = OMGVMCID.value + 14 ; public BAD_INV_ORDER invalidPiCall3( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_INV_ORDER exc = new BAD_INV_ORDER( INVALID_PI_CALL3, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.FINE )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.FINE, "OMG.invalidPiCall3", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER invalidPiCall3( CompletionStatus cs ) { return invalidPiCall3( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER invalidPiCall3( Throwable t ) { return invalidPiCall3( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER invalidPiCall3( ) { return invalidPiCall3( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int INVALID_PI_CALL4 = OMGVMCID.value + 14 ; public BAD_INV_ORDER invalidPiCall4( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_INV_ORDER exc = new BAD_INV_ORDER( INVALID_PI_CALL4, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.FINE )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.FINE, "OMG.invalidPiCall4", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER invalidPiCall4( CompletionStatus cs ) { return invalidPiCall4( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER invalidPiCall4( Throwable t ) { return invalidPiCall4( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER invalidPiCall4( ) { return invalidPiCall4( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int SERVICE_CONTEXT_ADD_FAILED = OMGVMCID.value + 15 ; public BAD_INV_ORDER serviceContextAddFailed( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t, Object arg0) { BAD_INV_ORDER exc = new BAD_INV_ORDER( SERVICE_CONTEXT_ADD_FAILED, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.FINE )) { Object[] parameters = new Object[1] ; parameters[0] = arg0 ; doLog( Level.FINE, "OMG.serviceContextAddFailed", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER serviceContextAddFailed( CompletionStatus cs, Object arg0) { return serviceContextAddFailed( cs, null, arg0 ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER serviceContextAddFailed( Throwable t, Object arg0) { return serviceContextAddFailed( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t, arg0 ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER serviceContextAddFailed( Object arg0) { return serviceContextAddFailed( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null, arg0 ) ; } public static final int POLICY_FACTORY_REG_FAILED = OMGVMCID.value + 16 ; public BAD_INV_ORDER policyFactoryRegFailed( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t, Object arg0) { BAD_INV_ORDER exc = new BAD_INV_ORDER( POLICY_FACTORY_REG_FAILED, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = new Object[1] ; parameters[0] = arg0 ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.policyFactoryRegFailed", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER policyFactoryRegFailed( CompletionStatus cs, Object arg0) { return policyFactoryRegFailed( cs, null, arg0 ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER policyFactoryRegFailed( Throwable t, Object arg0) { return policyFactoryRegFailed( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t, arg0 ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER policyFactoryRegFailed( Object arg0) { return policyFactoryRegFailed( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null, arg0 ) ; } public static final int CREATE_POA_DESTROY = OMGVMCID.value + 17 ; public BAD_INV_ORDER createPoaDestroy( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_INV_ORDER exc = new BAD_INV_ORDER( CREATE_POA_DESTROY, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.createPoaDestroy", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER createPoaDestroy( CompletionStatus cs ) { return createPoaDestroy( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER createPoaDestroy( Throwable t ) { return createPoaDestroy( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER createPoaDestroy( ) { return createPoaDestroy( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int PRIORITY_REASSIGN = OMGVMCID.value + 18 ; public BAD_INV_ORDER priorityReassign( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_INV_ORDER exc = new BAD_INV_ORDER( PRIORITY_REASSIGN, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.priorityReassign", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER priorityReassign( CompletionStatus cs ) { return priorityReassign( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER priorityReassign( Throwable t ) { return priorityReassign( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER priorityReassign( ) { return priorityReassign( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int XA_START_OUTSIZE = OMGVMCID.value + 19 ; public BAD_INV_ORDER xaStartOutsize( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_INV_ORDER exc = new BAD_INV_ORDER( XA_START_OUTSIZE, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.xaStartOutsize", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER xaStartOutsize( CompletionStatus cs ) { return xaStartOutsize( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER xaStartOutsize( Throwable t ) { return xaStartOutsize( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER xaStartOutsize( ) { return xaStartOutsize( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int XA_START_PROTO = OMGVMCID.value + 20 ; public BAD_INV_ORDER xaStartProto( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_INV_ORDER exc = new BAD_INV_ORDER( XA_START_PROTO, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.xaStartProto", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER xaStartProto( CompletionStatus cs ) { return xaStartProto( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER xaStartProto( Throwable t ) { return xaStartProto( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER xaStartProto( ) { return xaStartProto( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BAD_OPERATION /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int BAD_SERVANT_MANAGER_TYPE = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public BAD_OPERATION badServantManagerType( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_OPERATION exc = new BAD_OPERATION( BAD_SERVANT_MANAGER_TYPE, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.badServantManagerType", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_OPERATION badServantManagerType( CompletionStatus cs ) { return badServantManagerType( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_OPERATION badServantManagerType( Throwable t ) { return badServantManagerType( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_OPERATION badServantManagerType( ) { return badServantManagerType( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int OPERATION_UNKNOWN_TO_TARGET = OMGVMCID.value + 2 ; public BAD_OPERATION operationUnknownToTarget( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_OPERATION exc = new BAD_OPERATION( OPERATION_UNKNOWN_TO_TARGET, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.operationUnknownToTarget", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_OPERATION operationUnknownToTarget( CompletionStatus cs ) { return operationUnknownToTarget( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_OPERATION operationUnknownToTarget( Throwable t ) { return operationUnknownToTarget( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_OPERATION operationUnknownToTarget( ) { return operationUnknownToTarget( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BAD_PARAM /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int UNABLE_REGISTER_VALUE_FACTORY = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public BAD_PARAM unableRegisterValueFactory( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( UNABLE_REGISTER_VALUE_FACTORY, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.unableRegisterValueFactory", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM unableRegisterValueFactory( CompletionStatus cs ) { return unableRegisterValueFactory( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM unableRegisterValueFactory( Throwable t ) { return unableRegisterValueFactory( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM unableRegisterValueFactory( ) { return unableRegisterValueFactory( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int RID_ALREADY_DEFINED = OMGVMCID.value + 2 ; public BAD_PARAM ridAlreadyDefined( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( RID_ALREADY_DEFINED, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.ridAlreadyDefined", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM ridAlreadyDefined( CompletionStatus cs ) { return ridAlreadyDefined( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM ridAlreadyDefined( Throwable t ) { return ridAlreadyDefined( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM ridAlreadyDefined( ) { return ridAlreadyDefined( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int NAME_USED_IFR = OMGVMCID.value + 3 ; public BAD_PARAM nameUsedIfr( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( NAME_USED_IFR, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.nameUsedIfr", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM nameUsedIfr( CompletionStatus cs ) { return nameUsedIfr( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM nameUsedIfr( Throwable t ) { return nameUsedIfr( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM nameUsedIfr( ) { return nameUsedIfr( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int TARGET_NOT_CONTAINER = OMGVMCID.value + 4 ; public BAD_PARAM targetNotContainer( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( TARGET_NOT_CONTAINER, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.targetNotContainer", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM targetNotContainer( CompletionStatus cs ) { return targetNotContainer( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM targetNotContainer( Throwable t ) { return targetNotContainer( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM targetNotContainer( ) { return targetNotContainer( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int NAME_CLASH = OMGVMCID.value + 5 ; public BAD_PARAM nameClash( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( NAME_CLASH, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.nameClash", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM nameClash( CompletionStatus cs ) { return nameClash( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM nameClash( Throwable t ) { return nameClash( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM nameClash( ) { return nameClash( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int NOT_SERIALIZABLE = OMGVMCID.value + 6 ; public BAD_PARAM notSerializable( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t, Object arg0) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( NOT_SERIALIZABLE, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = new Object[1] ; parameters[0] = arg0 ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.notSerializable", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM notSerializable( CompletionStatus cs, Object arg0) { return notSerializable( cs, null, arg0 ) ; } public BAD_PARAM notSerializable( Throwable t, Object arg0) { return notSerializable( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t, arg0 ) ; } public BAD_PARAM notSerializable( Object arg0) { return notSerializable( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null, arg0 ) ; } public static final int SO_BAD_SCHEME_NAME = OMGVMCID.value + 7 ; public BAD_PARAM soBadSchemeName( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( SO_BAD_SCHEME_NAME, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.soBadSchemeName", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM soBadSchemeName( CompletionStatus cs ) { return soBadSchemeName( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM soBadSchemeName( Throwable t ) { return soBadSchemeName( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM soBadSchemeName( ) { return soBadSchemeName( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int SO_BAD_ADDRESS = OMGVMCID.value + 8 ; public BAD_PARAM soBadAddress( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( SO_BAD_ADDRESS, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.soBadAddress", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM soBadAddress( CompletionStatus cs ) { return soBadAddress( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM soBadAddress( Throwable t ) { return soBadAddress( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM soBadAddress( ) { return soBadAddress( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int SO_BAD_SCHEMA_SPECIFIC = OMGVMCID.value + 9 ; public BAD_PARAM soBadSchemaSpecific( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( SO_BAD_SCHEMA_SPECIFIC, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.soBadSchemaSpecific", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM soBadSchemaSpecific( CompletionStatus cs ) { return soBadSchemaSpecific( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM soBadSchemaSpecific( Throwable t ) { return soBadSchemaSpecific( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM soBadSchemaSpecific( ) { return soBadSchemaSpecific( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int SO_NON_SPECIFIC = OMGVMCID.value + 10 ; public BAD_PARAM soNonSpecific( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( SO_NON_SPECIFIC, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.soNonSpecific", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM soNonSpecific( CompletionStatus cs ) { return soNonSpecific( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM soNonSpecific( Throwable t ) { return soNonSpecific( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM soNonSpecific( ) { return soNonSpecific( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int IR_DERIVE_ABS_INT_BASE = OMGVMCID.value + 11 ; public BAD_PARAM irDeriveAbsIntBase( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( IR_DERIVE_ABS_INT_BASE, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.irDeriveAbsIntBase", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM irDeriveAbsIntBase( CompletionStatus cs ) { return irDeriveAbsIntBase( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM irDeriveAbsIntBase( Throwable t ) { return irDeriveAbsIntBase( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM irDeriveAbsIntBase( ) { return irDeriveAbsIntBase( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int IR_VALUE_SUPPORT = OMGVMCID.value + 12 ; public BAD_PARAM irValueSupport( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( IR_VALUE_SUPPORT, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.irValueSupport", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM irValueSupport( CompletionStatus cs ) { return irValueSupport( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM irValueSupport( Throwable t ) { return irValueSupport( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM irValueSupport( ) { return irValueSupport( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int INCOMPLETE_TYPECODE = OMGVMCID.value + 13 ; public BAD_PARAM incompleteTypecode( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( INCOMPLETE_TYPECODE, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.incompleteTypecode", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM incompleteTypecode( CompletionStatus cs ) { return incompleteTypecode( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM incompleteTypecode( Throwable t ) { return incompleteTypecode( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM incompleteTypecode( ) { return incompleteTypecode( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int INVALID_OBJECT_ID = OMGVMCID.value + 14 ; public BAD_PARAM invalidObjectId( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( INVALID_OBJECT_ID, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.invalidObjectId", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM invalidObjectId( CompletionStatus cs ) { return invalidObjectId( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM invalidObjectId( Throwable t ) { return invalidObjectId( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM invalidObjectId( ) { return invalidObjectId( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int TYPECODE_BAD_NAME = OMGVMCID.value + 15 ; public BAD_PARAM typecodeBadName( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( TYPECODE_BAD_NAME, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.typecodeBadName", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM typecodeBadName( CompletionStatus cs ) { return typecodeBadName( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM typecodeBadName( Throwable t ) { return typecodeBadName( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM typecodeBadName( ) { return typecodeBadName( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int TYPECODE_BAD_REPID = OMGVMCID.value + 16 ; public BAD_PARAM typecodeBadRepid( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( TYPECODE_BAD_REPID, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.typecodeBadRepid", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM typecodeBadRepid( CompletionStatus cs ) { return typecodeBadRepid( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM typecodeBadRepid( Throwable t ) { return typecodeBadRepid( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM typecodeBadRepid( ) { return typecodeBadRepid( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int TYPECODE_INV_MEMBER = OMGVMCID.value + 17 ; public BAD_PARAM typecodeInvMember( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( TYPECODE_INV_MEMBER, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.typecodeInvMember", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM typecodeInvMember( CompletionStatus cs ) { return typecodeInvMember( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM typecodeInvMember( Throwable t ) { return typecodeInvMember( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM typecodeInvMember( ) { return typecodeInvMember( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int TC_UNION_DUP_LABEL = OMGVMCID.value + 18 ; public BAD_PARAM tcUnionDupLabel( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( TC_UNION_DUP_LABEL, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.tcUnionDupLabel", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM tcUnionDupLabel( CompletionStatus cs ) { return tcUnionDupLabel( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM tcUnionDupLabel( Throwable t ) { return tcUnionDupLabel( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM tcUnionDupLabel( ) { return tcUnionDupLabel( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int TC_UNION_INCOMPATIBLE = OMGVMCID.value + 19 ; public BAD_PARAM tcUnionIncompatible( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( TC_UNION_INCOMPATIBLE, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.tcUnionIncompatible", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM tcUnionIncompatible( CompletionStatus cs ) { return tcUnionIncompatible( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM tcUnionIncompatible( Throwable t ) { return tcUnionIncompatible( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM tcUnionIncompatible( ) { return tcUnionIncompatible( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int TC_UNION_BAD_DISC = OMGVMCID.value + 20 ; public BAD_PARAM tcUnionBadDisc( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( TC_UNION_BAD_DISC, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.tcUnionBadDisc", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM tcUnionBadDisc( CompletionStatus cs ) { return tcUnionBadDisc( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM tcUnionBadDisc( Throwable t ) { return tcUnionBadDisc( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM tcUnionBadDisc( ) { return tcUnionBadDisc( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int SET_EXCEPTION_BAD_ANY = OMGVMCID.value + 21 ; public BAD_PARAM setExceptionBadAny( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( SET_EXCEPTION_BAD_ANY, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.setExceptionBadAny", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM setExceptionBadAny( CompletionStatus cs ) { return setExceptionBadAny( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM setExceptionBadAny( Throwable t ) { return setExceptionBadAny( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM setExceptionBadAny( ) { return setExceptionBadAny( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int SET_EXCEPTION_UNLISTED = OMGVMCID.value + 22 ; public BAD_PARAM setExceptionUnlisted( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( SET_EXCEPTION_UNLISTED, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.setExceptionUnlisted", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM setExceptionUnlisted( CompletionStatus cs ) { return setExceptionUnlisted( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM setExceptionUnlisted( Throwable t ) { return setExceptionUnlisted( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM setExceptionUnlisted( ) { return setExceptionUnlisted( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int NO_CLIENT_WCHAR_CODESET_CTX = OMGVMCID.value + 23 ; public BAD_PARAM noClientWcharCodesetCtx( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( NO_CLIENT_WCHAR_CODESET_CTX, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.noClientWcharCodesetCtx", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM noClientWcharCodesetCtx( CompletionStatus cs ) { return noClientWcharCodesetCtx( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM noClientWcharCodesetCtx( Throwable t ) { return noClientWcharCodesetCtx( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM noClientWcharCodesetCtx( ) { return noClientWcharCodesetCtx( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int ILLEGAL_SERVICE_CONTEXT = OMGVMCID.value + 24 ; public BAD_PARAM illegalServiceContext( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( ILLEGAL_SERVICE_CONTEXT, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.illegalServiceContext", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM illegalServiceContext( CompletionStatus cs ) { return illegalServiceContext( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM illegalServiceContext( Throwable t ) { return illegalServiceContext( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM illegalServiceContext( ) { return illegalServiceContext( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int ENUM_OUT_OF_RANGE = OMGVMCID.value + 25 ; public BAD_PARAM enumOutOfRange( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( ENUM_OUT_OF_RANGE, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.enumOutOfRange", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM enumOutOfRange( CompletionStatus cs ) { return enumOutOfRange( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM enumOutOfRange( Throwable t ) { return enumOutOfRange( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM enumOutOfRange( ) { return enumOutOfRange( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int INVALID_SERVICE_CONTEXT_ID = OMGVMCID.value + 26 ; public BAD_PARAM invalidServiceContextId( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( INVALID_SERVICE_CONTEXT_ID, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.FINE )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.FINE, "OMG.invalidServiceContextId", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM invalidServiceContextId( CompletionStatus cs ) { return invalidServiceContextId( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM invalidServiceContextId( Throwable t ) { return invalidServiceContextId( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM invalidServiceContextId( ) { return invalidServiceContextId( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int RIR_WITH_NULL_OBJECT = OMGVMCID.value + 27 ; public BAD_PARAM rirWithNullObject( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( RIR_WITH_NULL_OBJECT, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.rirWithNullObject", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM rirWithNullObject( CompletionStatus cs ) { return rirWithNullObject( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM rirWithNullObject( Throwable t ) { return rirWithNullObject( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM rirWithNullObject( ) { return rirWithNullObject( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int INVALID_COMPONENT_ID = OMGVMCID.value + 28 ; public BAD_PARAM invalidComponentId( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t, Object arg0) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( INVALID_COMPONENT_ID, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.FINE )) { Object[] parameters = new Object[1] ; parameters[0] = arg0 ; doLog( Level.FINE, "OMG.invalidComponentId", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM invalidComponentId( CompletionStatus cs, Object arg0) { return invalidComponentId( cs, null, arg0 ) ; } public BAD_PARAM invalidComponentId( Throwable t, Object arg0) { return invalidComponentId( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t, arg0 ) ; } public BAD_PARAM invalidComponentId( Object arg0) { return invalidComponentId( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null, arg0 ) ; } public static final int INVALID_PROFILE_ID = OMGVMCID.value + 29 ; public BAD_PARAM invalidProfileId( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( INVALID_PROFILE_ID, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.invalidProfileId", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM invalidProfileId( CompletionStatus cs ) { return invalidProfileId( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM invalidProfileId( Throwable t ) { return invalidProfileId( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM invalidProfileId( ) { return invalidProfileId( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int POLICY_TYPE_DUPLICATE = OMGVMCID.value + 30 ; public BAD_PARAM policyTypeDuplicate( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( POLICY_TYPE_DUPLICATE, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.policyTypeDuplicate", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM policyTypeDuplicate( CompletionStatus cs ) { return policyTypeDuplicate( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM policyTypeDuplicate( Throwable t ) { return policyTypeDuplicate( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM policyTypeDuplicate( ) { return policyTypeDuplicate( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int BAD_ONEWAY_DEFINITION = OMGVMCID.value + 31 ; public BAD_PARAM badOnewayDefinition( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( BAD_ONEWAY_DEFINITION, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.badOnewayDefinition", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM badOnewayDefinition( CompletionStatus cs ) { return badOnewayDefinition( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM badOnewayDefinition( Throwable t ) { return badOnewayDefinition( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM badOnewayDefinition( ) { return badOnewayDefinition( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int DII_FOR_IMPLICIT_OPERATION = OMGVMCID.value + 32 ; public BAD_PARAM diiForImplicitOperation( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( DII_FOR_IMPLICIT_OPERATION, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.diiForImplicitOperation", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM diiForImplicitOperation( CompletionStatus cs ) { return diiForImplicitOperation( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM diiForImplicitOperation( Throwable t ) { return diiForImplicitOperation( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM diiForImplicitOperation( ) { return diiForImplicitOperation( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int XA_CALL_INVAL = OMGVMCID.value + 33 ; public BAD_PARAM xaCallInval( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( XA_CALL_INVAL, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.xaCallInval", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM xaCallInval( CompletionStatus cs ) { return xaCallInval( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM xaCallInval( Throwable t ) { return xaCallInval( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM xaCallInval( ) { return xaCallInval( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int UNION_BAD_DISCRIMINATOR = OMGVMCID.value + 34 ; public BAD_PARAM unionBadDiscriminator( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( UNION_BAD_DISCRIMINATOR, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.unionBadDiscriminator", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM unionBadDiscriminator( CompletionStatus cs ) { return unionBadDiscriminator( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM unionBadDiscriminator( Throwable t ) { return unionBadDiscriminator( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM unionBadDiscriminator( ) { return unionBadDiscriminator( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int CTX_ILLEGAL_PROPERTY_NAME = OMGVMCID.value + 35 ; public BAD_PARAM ctxIllegalPropertyName( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( CTX_ILLEGAL_PROPERTY_NAME, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.ctxIllegalPropertyName", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM ctxIllegalPropertyName( CompletionStatus cs ) { return ctxIllegalPropertyName( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM ctxIllegalPropertyName( Throwable t ) { return ctxIllegalPropertyName( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM ctxIllegalPropertyName( ) { return ctxIllegalPropertyName( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int CTX_ILLEGAL_SEARCH_STRING = OMGVMCID.value + 36 ; public BAD_PARAM ctxIllegalSearchString( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( CTX_ILLEGAL_SEARCH_STRING, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.ctxIllegalSearchString", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM ctxIllegalSearchString( CompletionStatus cs ) { return ctxIllegalSearchString( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM ctxIllegalSearchString( Throwable t ) { return ctxIllegalSearchString( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM ctxIllegalSearchString( ) { return ctxIllegalSearchString( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int CTX_ILLEGAL_NAME = OMGVMCID.value + 37 ; public BAD_PARAM ctxIllegalName( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( CTX_ILLEGAL_NAME, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.ctxIllegalName", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM ctxIllegalName( CompletionStatus cs ) { return ctxIllegalName( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM ctxIllegalName( Throwable t ) { return ctxIllegalName( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM ctxIllegalName( ) { return ctxIllegalName( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int CTX_NON_EMPTY = OMGVMCID.value + 38 ; public BAD_PARAM ctxNonEmpty( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( CTX_NON_EMPTY, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.ctxNonEmpty", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM ctxNonEmpty( CompletionStatus cs ) { return ctxNonEmpty( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM ctxNonEmpty( Throwable t ) { return ctxNonEmpty( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM ctxNonEmpty( ) { return ctxNonEmpty( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int INVALID_STREAM_FORMAT_VERSION = OMGVMCID.value + 39 ; public BAD_PARAM invalidStreamFormatVersion( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t, Object arg0) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( INVALID_STREAM_FORMAT_VERSION, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = new Object[1] ; parameters[0] = arg0 ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.invalidStreamFormatVersion", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM invalidStreamFormatVersion( CompletionStatus cs, Object arg0) { return invalidStreamFormatVersion( cs, null, arg0 ) ; } public BAD_PARAM invalidStreamFormatVersion( Throwable t, Object arg0) { return invalidStreamFormatVersion( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t, arg0 ) ; } public BAD_PARAM invalidStreamFormatVersion( Object arg0) { return invalidStreamFormatVersion( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null, arg0 ) ; } public static final int NOT_A_VALUEOUTPUTSTREAM = OMGVMCID.value + 40 ; public BAD_PARAM notAValueoutputstream( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( NOT_A_VALUEOUTPUTSTREAM, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.notAValueoutputstream", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM notAValueoutputstream( CompletionStatus cs ) { return notAValueoutputstream( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM notAValueoutputstream( Throwable t ) { return notAValueoutputstream( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM notAValueoutputstream( ) { return notAValueoutputstream( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int NOT_A_VALUEINPUTSTREAM = OMGVMCID.value + 41 ; public BAD_PARAM notAValueinputstream( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( NOT_A_VALUEINPUTSTREAM, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.notAValueinputstream", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM notAValueinputstream( CompletionStatus cs ) { return notAValueinputstream( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM notAValueinputstream( Throwable t ) { return notAValueinputstream( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM notAValueinputstream( ) { return notAValueinputstream( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BAD_TYPECODE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int MARSHALL_INCOMPLETE_TYPECODE = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public BAD_TYPECODE marshallIncompleteTypecode( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_TYPECODE exc = new BAD_TYPECODE( MARSHALL_INCOMPLETE_TYPECODE, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.marshallIncompleteTypecode", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_TYPECODE marshallIncompleteTypecode( CompletionStatus cs ) { return marshallIncompleteTypecode( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_TYPECODE marshallIncompleteTypecode( Throwable t ) { return marshallIncompleteTypecode( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_TYPECODE marshallIncompleteTypecode( ) { return marshallIncompleteTypecode( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int BAD_MEMBER_TYPECODE = OMGVMCID.value + 2 ; public BAD_TYPECODE badMemberTypecode( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_TYPECODE exc = new BAD_TYPECODE( BAD_MEMBER_TYPECODE, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.badMemberTypecode", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_TYPECODE badMemberTypecode( CompletionStatus cs ) { return badMemberTypecode( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_TYPECODE badMemberTypecode( Throwable t ) { return badMemberTypecode( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_TYPECODE badMemberTypecode( ) { return badMemberTypecode( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int ILLEGAL_PARAMETER = OMGVMCID.value + 3 ; public BAD_TYPECODE illegalParameter( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_TYPECODE exc = new BAD_TYPECODE( ILLEGAL_PARAMETER, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.illegalParameter", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_TYPECODE illegalParameter( CompletionStatus cs ) { return illegalParameter( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_TYPECODE illegalParameter( Throwable t ) { return illegalParameter( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_TYPECODE illegalParameter( ) { return illegalParameter( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DATA_CONVERSION /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int CHAR_NOT_IN_CODESET = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public DATA_CONVERSION charNotInCodeset( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { DATA_CONVERSION exc = new DATA_CONVERSION( CHAR_NOT_IN_CODESET, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.charNotInCodeset", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public DATA_CONVERSION charNotInCodeset( CompletionStatus cs ) { return charNotInCodeset( cs, null ) ; } public DATA_CONVERSION charNotInCodeset( Throwable t ) { return charNotInCodeset( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public DATA_CONVERSION charNotInCodeset( ) { return charNotInCodeset( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int PRIORITY_MAP_FAILRE = OMGVMCID.value + 2 ; public DATA_CONVERSION priorityMapFailre( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { DATA_CONVERSION exc = new DATA_CONVERSION( PRIORITY_MAP_FAILRE, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.priorityMapFailre", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public DATA_CONVERSION priorityMapFailre( CompletionStatus cs ) { return priorityMapFailre( cs, null ) ; } public DATA_CONVERSION priorityMapFailre( Throwable t ) { return priorityMapFailre( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public DATA_CONVERSION priorityMapFailre( ) { return priorityMapFailre( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IMP_LIMIT /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int NO_USABLE_PROFILE = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public IMP_LIMIT noUsableProfile( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { IMP_LIMIT exc = new IMP_LIMIT( NO_USABLE_PROFILE, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.noUsableProfile", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public IMP_LIMIT noUsableProfile( CompletionStatus cs ) { return noUsableProfile( cs, null ) ; } public IMP_LIMIT noUsableProfile( Throwable t ) { return noUsableProfile( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public IMP_LIMIT noUsableProfile( ) { return noUsableProfile( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INITIALIZE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int PRIORITY_RANGE_RESTRICT = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public INITIALIZE priorityRangeRestrict( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INITIALIZE exc = new INITIALIZE( PRIORITY_RANGE_RESTRICT, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.priorityRangeRestrict", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INITIALIZE priorityRangeRestrict( CompletionStatus cs ) { return priorityRangeRestrict( cs, null ) ; } public INITIALIZE priorityRangeRestrict( Throwable t ) { return priorityRangeRestrict( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INITIALIZE priorityRangeRestrict( ) { return priorityRangeRestrict( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INV_OBJREF /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int NO_SERVER_WCHAR_CODESET_CMP = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public INV_OBJREF noServerWcharCodesetCmp( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INV_OBJREF exc = new INV_OBJREF( NO_SERVER_WCHAR_CODESET_CMP, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.noServerWcharCodesetCmp", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INV_OBJREF noServerWcharCodesetCmp( CompletionStatus cs ) { return noServerWcharCodesetCmp( cs, null ) ; } public INV_OBJREF noServerWcharCodesetCmp( Throwable t ) { return noServerWcharCodesetCmp( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INV_OBJREF noServerWcharCodesetCmp( ) { return noServerWcharCodesetCmp( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int CODESET_COMPONENT_REQUIRED = OMGVMCID.value + 2 ; public INV_OBJREF codesetComponentRequired( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INV_OBJREF exc = new INV_OBJREF( CODESET_COMPONENT_REQUIRED, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.codesetComponentRequired", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INV_OBJREF codesetComponentRequired( CompletionStatus cs ) { return codesetComponentRequired( cs, null ) ; } public INV_OBJREF codesetComponentRequired( Throwable t ) { return codesetComponentRequired( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INV_OBJREF codesetComponentRequired( ) { return codesetComponentRequired( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INV_POLICY /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int IOR_POLICY_RECONCILE_ERROR = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public INV_POLICY iorPolicyReconcileError( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INV_POLICY exc = new INV_POLICY( IOR_POLICY_RECONCILE_ERROR, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.iorPolicyReconcileError", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INV_POLICY iorPolicyReconcileError( CompletionStatus cs ) { return iorPolicyReconcileError( cs, null ) ; } public INV_POLICY iorPolicyReconcileError( Throwable t ) { return iorPolicyReconcileError( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INV_POLICY iorPolicyReconcileError( ) { return iorPolicyReconcileError( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int POLICY_UNKNOWN = OMGVMCID.value + 2 ; public INV_POLICY policyUnknown( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INV_POLICY exc = new INV_POLICY( POLICY_UNKNOWN, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.policyUnknown", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INV_POLICY policyUnknown( CompletionStatus cs ) { return policyUnknown( cs, null ) ; } public INV_POLICY policyUnknown( Throwable t ) { return policyUnknown( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INV_POLICY policyUnknown( ) { return policyUnknown( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int NO_POLICY_FACTORY = OMGVMCID.value + 3 ; public INV_POLICY noPolicyFactory( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INV_POLICY exc = new INV_POLICY( NO_POLICY_FACTORY, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.noPolicyFactory", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INV_POLICY noPolicyFactory( CompletionStatus cs ) { return noPolicyFactory( cs, null ) ; } public INV_POLICY noPolicyFactory( Throwable t ) { return noPolicyFactory( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INV_POLICY noPolicyFactory( ) { return noPolicyFactory( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INTERNAL /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int XA_RMERR = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public INTERNAL xaRmerr( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( XA_RMERR, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.xaRmerr", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL xaRmerr( CompletionStatus cs ) { return xaRmerr( cs, null ) ; } public INTERNAL xaRmerr( Throwable t ) { return xaRmerr( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTERNAL xaRmerr( ) { return xaRmerr( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int XA_RMFAIL = OMGVMCID.value + 2 ; public INTERNAL xaRmfail( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( XA_RMFAIL, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.xaRmfail", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL xaRmfail( CompletionStatus cs ) { return xaRmfail( cs, null ) ; } public INTERNAL xaRmfail( Throwable t ) { return xaRmfail( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTERNAL xaRmfail( ) { return xaRmfail( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INTF_REPOS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int NO_IR = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public INTF_REPOS noIr( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTF_REPOS exc = new INTF_REPOS( NO_IR, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.noIr", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTF_REPOS noIr( CompletionStatus cs ) { return noIr( cs, null ) ; } public INTF_REPOS noIr( Throwable t ) { return noIr( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTF_REPOS noIr( ) { return noIr( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int NO_INTERFACE_IN_IR = OMGVMCID.value + 2 ; public INTF_REPOS noInterfaceInIr( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTF_REPOS exc = new INTF_REPOS( NO_INTERFACE_IN_IR, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.noInterfaceInIr", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTF_REPOS noInterfaceInIr( CompletionStatus cs ) { return noInterfaceInIr( cs, null ) ; } public INTF_REPOS noInterfaceInIr( Throwable t ) { return noInterfaceInIr( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTF_REPOS noInterfaceInIr( ) { return noInterfaceInIr( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MARSHAL /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int UNABLE_LOCATE_VALUE_FACTORY = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public MARSHAL unableLocateValueFactory( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { MARSHAL exc = new MARSHAL( UNABLE_LOCATE_VALUE_FACTORY, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.FINE )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.FINE, "OMG.unableLocateValueFactory", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public MARSHAL unableLocateValueFactory( CompletionStatus cs ) { return unableLocateValueFactory( cs, null ) ; } public MARSHAL unableLocateValueFactory( Throwable t ) { return unableLocateValueFactory( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public MARSHAL unableLocateValueFactory( ) { return unableLocateValueFactory( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int SET_RESULT_BEFORE_CTX = OMGVMCID.value + 2 ; public MARSHAL setResultBeforeCtx( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { MARSHAL exc = new MARSHAL( SET_RESULT_BEFORE_CTX, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.setResultBeforeCtx", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public MARSHAL setResultBeforeCtx( CompletionStatus cs ) { return setResultBeforeCtx( cs, null ) ; } public MARSHAL setResultBeforeCtx( Throwable t ) { return setResultBeforeCtx( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public MARSHAL setResultBeforeCtx( ) { return setResultBeforeCtx( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int BAD_NVLIST = OMGVMCID.value + 3 ; public MARSHAL badNvlist( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { MARSHAL exc = new MARSHAL( BAD_NVLIST, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.badNvlist", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public MARSHAL badNvlist( CompletionStatus cs ) { return badNvlist( cs, null ) ; } public MARSHAL badNvlist( Throwable t ) { return badNvlist( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public MARSHAL badNvlist( ) { return badNvlist( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int NOT_AN_OBJECT_IMPL = OMGVMCID.value + 4 ; public MARSHAL notAnObjectImpl( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { MARSHAL exc = new MARSHAL( NOT_AN_OBJECT_IMPL, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.notAnObjectImpl", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public MARSHAL notAnObjectImpl( CompletionStatus cs ) { return notAnObjectImpl( cs, null ) ; } public MARSHAL notAnObjectImpl( Throwable t ) { return notAnObjectImpl( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public MARSHAL notAnObjectImpl( ) { return notAnObjectImpl( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int WCHAR_BAD_GIOP_VERSION_SENT = OMGVMCID.value + 5 ; public MARSHAL wcharBadGiopVersionSent( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { MARSHAL exc = new MARSHAL( WCHAR_BAD_GIOP_VERSION_SENT, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.wcharBadGiopVersionSent", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public MARSHAL wcharBadGiopVersionSent( CompletionStatus cs ) { return wcharBadGiopVersionSent( cs, null ) ; } public MARSHAL wcharBadGiopVersionSent( Throwable t ) { return wcharBadGiopVersionSent( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public MARSHAL wcharBadGiopVersionSent( ) { return wcharBadGiopVersionSent( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int WCHAR_BAD_GIOP_VERSION_RETURNED = OMGVMCID.value + 6 ; public MARSHAL wcharBadGiopVersionReturned( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { MARSHAL exc = new MARSHAL( WCHAR_BAD_GIOP_VERSION_RETURNED, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.wcharBadGiopVersionReturned", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public MARSHAL wcharBadGiopVersionReturned( CompletionStatus cs ) { return wcharBadGiopVersionReturned( cs, null ) ; } public MARSHAL wcharBadGiopVersionReturned( Throwable t ) { return wcharBadGiopVersionReturned( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public MARSHAL wcharBadGiopVersionReturned( ) { return wcharBadGiopVersionReturned( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT_VERSION = OMGVMCID.value + 7 ; public MARSHAL unsupportedFormatVersion( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { MARSHAL exc = new MARSHAL( UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT_VERSION, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.unsupportedFormatVersion", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public MARSHAL unsupportedFormatVersion( CompletionStatus cs ) { return unsupportedFormatVersion( cs, null ) ; } public MARSHAL unsupportedFormatVersion( Throwable t ) { return unsupportedFormatVersion( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public MARSHAL unsupportedFormatVersion( ) { return unsupportedFormatVersion( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int RMIIIOP_OPTIONAL_DATA_INCOMPATIBLE1 = OMGVMCID.value + 8 ; public MARSHAL rmiiiopOptionalDataIncompatible1( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { MARSHAL exc = new MARSHAL( RMIIIOP_OPTIONAL_DATA_INCOMPATIBLE1, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.rmiiiopOptionalDataIncompatible1", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public MARSHAL rmiiiopOptionalDataIncompatible1( CompletionStatus cs ) { return rmiiiopOptionalDataIncompatible1( cs, null ) ; } public MARSHAL rmiiiopOptionalDataIncompatible1( Throwable t ) { return rmiiiopOptionalDataIncompatible1( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public MARSHAL rmiiiopOptionalDataIncompatible1( ) { return rmiiiopOptionalDataIncompatible1( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int RMIIIOP_OPTIONAL_DATA_INCOMPATIBLE2 = OMGVMCID.value + 8 ; public MARSHAL rmiiiopOptionalDataIncompatible2( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { MARSHAL exc = new MARSHAL( RMIIIOP_OPTIONAL_DATA_INCOMPATIBLE2, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.rmiiiopOptionalDataIncompatible2", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public MARSHAL rmiiiopOptionalDataIncompatible2( CompletionStatus cs ) { return rmiiiopOptionalDataIncompatible2( cs, null ) ; } public MARSHAL rmiiiopOptionalDataIncompatible2( Throwable t ) { return rmiiiopOptionalDataIncompatible2( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public MARSHAL rmiiiopOptionalDataIncompatible2( ) { return rmiiiopOptionalDataIncompatible2( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int RMIIIOP_OPTIONAL_DATA_INCOMPATIBLE3 = OMGVMCID.value + 8 ; public MARSHAL rmiiiopOptionalDataIncompatible3( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { MARSHAL exc = new MARSHAL( RMIIIOP_OPTIONAL_DATA_INCOMPATIBLE3, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.FINE )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.FINE, "OMG.rmiiiopOptionalDataIncompatible3", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public MARSHAL rmiiiopOptionalDataIncompatible3( CompletionStatus cs ) { return rmiiiopOptionalDataIncompatible3( cs, null ) ; } public MARSHAL rmiiiopOptionalDataIncompatible3( Throwable t ) { return rmiiiopOptionalDataIncompatible3( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public MARSHAL rmiiiopOptionalDataIncompatible3( ) { return rmiiiopOptionalDataIncompatible3( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NO_IMPLEMENT /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int MISSING_LOCAL_VALUE_IMPL = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public NO_IMPLEMENT missingLocalValueImpl( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { NO_IMPLEMENT exc = new NO_IMPLEMENT( MISSING_LOCAL_VALUE_IMPL, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.missingLocalValueImpl", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT missingLocalValueImpl( CompletionStatus cs ) { return missingLocalValueImpl( cs, null ) ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT missingLocalValueImpl( Throwable t ) { return missingLocalValueImpl( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT missingLocalValueImpl( ) { return missingLocalValueImpl( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int INCOMPATIBLE_VALUE_IMPL = OMGVMCID.value + 2 ; public NO_IMPLEMENT incompatibleValueImpl( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { NO_IMPLEMENT exc = new NO_IMPLEMENT( INCOMPATIBLE_VALUE_IMPL, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.incompatibleValueImpl", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT incompatibleValueImpl( CompletionStatus cs ) { return incompatibleValueImpl( cs, null ) ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT incompatibleValueImpl( Throwable t ) { return incompatibleValueImpl( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT incompatibleValueImpl( ) { return incompatibleValueImpl( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int NO_USABLE_PROFILE_2 = OMGVMCID.value + 3 ; public NO_IMPLEMENT noUsableProfile2( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { NO_IMPLEMENT exc = new NO_IMPLEMENT( NO_USABLE_PROFILE_2, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.noUsableProfile2", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT noUsableProfile2( CompletionStatus cs ) { return noUsableProfile2( cs, null ) ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT noUsableProfile2( Throwable t ) { return noUsableProfile2( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT noUsableProfile2( ) { return noUsableProfile2( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int DII_LOCAL_OBJECT = OMGVMCID.value + 4 ; public NO_IMPLEMENT diiLocalObject( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { NO_IMPLEMENT exc = new NO_IMPLEMENT( DII_LOCAL_OBJECT, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.diiLocalObject", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT diiLocalObject( CompletionStatus cs ) { return diiLocalObject( cs, null ) ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT diiLocalObject( Throwable t ) { return diiLocalObject( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT diiLocalObject( ) { return diiLocalObject( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int BIO_RESET = OMGVMCID.value + 5 ; public NO_IMPLEMENT bioReset( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { NO_IMPLEMENT exc = new NO_IMPLEMENT( BIO_RESET, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.bioReset", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT bioReset( CompletionStatus cs ) { return bioReset( cs, null ) ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT bioReset( Throwable t ) { return bioReset( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT bioReset( ) { return bioReset( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int BIO_META_NOT_AVAILABLE = OMGVMCID.value + 6 ; public NO_IMPLEMENT bioMetaNotAvailable( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { NO_IMPLEMENT exc = new NO_IMPLEMENT( BIO_META_NOT_AVAILABLE, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.bioMetaNotAvailable", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT bioMetaNotAvailable( CompletionStatus cs ) { return bioMetaNotAvailable( cs, null ) ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT bioMetaNotAvailable( Throwable t ) { return bioMetaNotAvailable( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT bioMetaNotAvailable( ) { return bioMetaNotAvailable( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int BIO_GENOMIC_NO_ITERATOR = OMGVMCID.value + 7 ; public NO_IMPLEMENT bioGenomicNoIterator( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { NO_IMPLEMENT exc = new NO_IMPLEMENT( BIO_GENOMIC_NO_ITERATOR, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.bioGenomicNoIterator", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT bioGenomicNoIterator( CompletionStatus cs ) { return bioGenomicNoIterator( cs, null ) ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT bioGenomicNoIterator( Throwable t ) { return bioGenomicNoIterator( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT bioGenomicNoIterator( ) { return bioGenomicNoIterator( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NO_RESOURCES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int PI_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED1 = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported1( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { NO_RESOURCES exc = new NO_RESOURCES( PI_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED1, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.FINE )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.FINE, "OMG.piOperationNotSupported1", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported1( CompletionStatus cs ) { return piOperationNotSupported1( cs, null ) ; } public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported1( Throwable t ) { return piOperationNotSupported1( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported1( ) { return piOperationNotSupported1( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int PI_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED2 = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported2( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { NO_RESOURCES exc = new NO_RESOURCES( PI_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED2, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.FINE )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.FINE, "OMG.piOperationNotSupported2", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported2( CompletionStatus cs ) { return piOperationNotSupported2( cs, null ) ; } public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported2( Throwable t ) { return piOperationNotSupported2( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported2( ) { return piOperationNotSupported2( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int PI_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED3 = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported3( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { NO_RESOURCES exc = new NO_RESOURCES( PI_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED3, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.FINE )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.FINE, "OMG.piOperationNotSupported3", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported3( CompletionStatus cs ) { return piOperationNotSupported3( cs, null ) ; } public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported3( Throwable t ) { return piOperationNotSupported3( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported3( ) { return piOperationNotSupported3( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int PI_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED4 = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported4( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { NO_RESOURCES exc = new NO_RESOURCES( PI_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED4, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.FINE )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.FINE, "OMG.piOperationNotSupported4", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported4( CompletionStatus cs ) { return piOperationNotSupported4( cs, null ) ; } public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported4( Throwable t ) { return piOperationNotSupported4( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported4( ) { return piOperationNotSupported4( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int PI_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED5 = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported5( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { NO_RESOURCES exc = new NO_RESOURCES( PI_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED5, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.FINE )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.FINE, "OMG.piOperationNotSupported5", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported5( CompletionStatus cs ) { return piOperationNotSupported5( cs, null ) ; } public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported5( Throwable t ) { return piOperationNotSupported5( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported5( ) { return piOperationNotSupported5( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int PI_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED6 = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported6( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { NO_RESOURCES exc = new NO_RESOURCES( PI_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED6, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.FINE )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.FINE, "OMG.piOperationNotSupported6", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported6( CompletionStatus cs ) { return piOperationNotSupported6( cs, null ) ; } public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported6( Throwable t ) { return piOperationNotSupported6( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported6( ) { return piOperationNotSupported6( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int PI_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED7 = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported7( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { NO_RESOURCES exc = new NO_RESOURCES( PI_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED7, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.FINE )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.FINE, "OMG.piOperationNotSupported7", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported7( CompletionStatus cs ) { return piOperationNotSupported7( cs, null ) ; } public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported7( Throwable t ) { return piOperationNotSupported7( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported7( ) { return piOperationNotSupported7( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int PI_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED8 = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported8( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { NO_RESOURCES exc = new NO_RESOURCES( PI_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED8, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.FINE )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.FINE, "OMG.piOperationNotSupported8", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported8( CompletionStatus cs ) { return piOperationNotSupported8( cs, null ) ; } public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported8( Throwable t ) { return piOperationNotSupported8( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public NO_RESOURCES piOperationNotSupported8( ) { return piOperationNotSupported8( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int NO_CONNECTION_PRIORITY = OMGVMCID.value + 2 ; public NO_RESOURCES noConnectionPriority( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { NO_RESOURCES exc = new NO_RESOURCES( NO_CONNECTION_PRIORITY, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.noConnectionPriority", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public NO_RESOURCES noConnectionPriority( CompletionStatus cs ) { return noConnectionPriority( cs, null ) ; } public NO_RESOURCES noConnectionPriority( Throwable t ) { return noConnectionPriority( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public NO_RESOURCES noConnectionPriority( ) { return noConnectionPriority( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int XA_RB = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK xaRb( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK exc = new TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK( XA_RB, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.xaRb", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK xaRb( CompletionStatus cs ) { return xaRb( cs, null ) ; } public TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK xaRb( Throwable t ) { return xaRb( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK xaRb( ) { return xaRb( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int XA_NOTA = OMGVMCID.value + 2 ; public TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK xaNota( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK exc = new TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK( XA_NOTA, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.xaNota", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK xaNota( CompletionStatus cs ) { return xaNota( cs, null ) ; } public TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK xaNota( Throwable t ) { return xaNota( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK xaNota( ) { return xaNota( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int XA_END_TRUE_ROLLBACK_DEFERRED = OMGVMCID.value + 3 ; public TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK xaEndTrueRollbackDeferred( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK exc = new TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK( XA_END_TRUE_ROLLBACK_DEFERRED, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.xaEndTrueRollbackDeferred", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK xaEndTrueRollbackDeferred( CompletionStatus cs ) { return xaEndTrueRollbackDeferred( cs, null ) ; } public TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK xaEndTrueRollbackDeferred( Throwable t ) { return xaEndTrueRollbackDeferred( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK xaEndTrueRollbackDeferred( ) { return xaEndTrueRollbackDeferred( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TRANSIENT /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int POA_REQUEST_DISCARD = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public TRANSIENT poaRequestDiscard( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { TRANSIENT exc = new TRANSIENT( POA_REQUEST_DISCARD, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.poaRequestDiscard", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public TRANSIENT poaRequestDiscard( CompletionStatus cs ) { return poaRequestDiscard( cs, null ) ; } public TRANSIENT poaRequestDiscard( Throwable t ) { return poaRequestDiscard( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public TRANSIENT poaRequestDiscard( ) { return poaRequestDiscard( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int NO_USABLE_PROFILE_3 = OMGVMCID.value + 2 ; public TRANSIENT noUsableProfile3( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { TRANSIENT exc = new TRANSIENT( NO_USABLE_PROFILE_3, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.noUsableProfile3", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public TRANSIENT noUsableProfile3( CompletionStatus cs ) { return noUsableProfile3( cs, null ) ; } public TRANSIENT noUsableProfile3( Throwable t ) { return noUsableProfile3( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public TRANSIENT noUsableProfile3( ) { return noUsableProfile3( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int REQUEST_CANCELLED = OMGVMCID.value + 3 ; public TRANSIENT requestCancelled( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { TRANSIENT exc = new TRANSIENT( REQUEST_CANCELLED, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.requestCancelled", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public TRANSIENT requestCancelled( CompletionStatus cs ) { return requestCancelled( cs, null ) ; } public TRANSIENT requestCancelled( Throwable t ) { return requestCancelled( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public TRANSIENT requestCancelled( ) { return requestCancelled( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int POA_DESTROYED = OMGVMCID.value + 4 ; public TRANSIENT poaDestroyed( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { TRANSIENT exc = new TRANSIENT( POA_DESTROYED, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.poaDestroyed", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public TRANSIENT poaDestroyed( CompletionStatus cs ) { return poaDestroyed( cs, null ) ; } public TRANSIENT poaDestroyed( Throwable t ) { return poaDestroyed( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public TRANSIENT poaDestroyed( ) { return poaDestroyed( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OBJECT_NOT_EXIST /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int UNREGISTERED_VALUE_AS_OBJREF = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST unregisteredValueAsObjref( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJECT_NOT_EXIST exc = new OBJECT_NOT_EXIST( UNREGISTERED_VALUE_AS_OBJREF, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.unregisteredValueAsObjref", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST unregisteredValueAsObjref( CompletionStatus cs ) { return unregisteredValueAsObjref( cs, null ) ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST unregisteredValueAsObjref( Throwable t ) { return unregisteredValueAsObjref( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST unregisteredValueAsObjref( ) { return unregisteredValueAsObjref( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int NO_OBJECT_ADAPTOR = OMGVMCID.value + 2 ; public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST noObjectAdaptor( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJECT_NOT_EXIST exc = new OBJECT_NOT_EXIST( NO_OBJECT_ADAPTOR, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.FINE )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.FINE, "OMG.noObjectAdaptor", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST noObjectAdaptor( CompletionStatus cs ) { return noObjectAdaptor( cs, null ) ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST noObjectAdaptor( Throwable t ) { return noObjectAdaptor( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST noObjectAdaptor( ) { return noObjectAdaptor( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int BIO_NOT_AVAILABLE = OMGVMCID.value + 3 ; public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST bioNotAvailable( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJECT_NOT_EXIST exc = new OBJECT_NOT_EXIST( BIO_NOT_AVAILABLE, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.bioNotAvailable", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST bioNotAvailable( CompletionStatus cs ) { return bioNotAvailable( cs, null ) ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST bioNotAvailable( Throwable t ) { return bioNotAvailable( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST bioNotAvailable( ) { return bioNotAvailable( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int OBJECT_ADAPTER_INACTIVE = OMGVMCID.value + 4 ; public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST objectAdapterInactive( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJECT_NOT_EXIST exc = new OBJECT_NOT_EXIST( OBJECT_ADAPTER_INACTIVE, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.objectAdapterInactive", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST objectAdapterInactive( CompletionStatus cs ) { return objectAdapterInactive( cs, null ) ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST objectAdapterInactive( Throwable t ) { return objectAdapterInactive( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST objectAdapterInactive( ) { return objectAdapterInactive( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OBJ_ADAPTER /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int ADAPTER_ACTIVATOR_EXCEPTION = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER adapterActivatorException( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t, Object arg0, Object arg1) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( ADAPTER_ACTIVATOR_EXCEPTION, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = new Object[2] ; parameters[0] = arg0 ; parameters[1] = arg1 ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.adapterActivatorException", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER adapterActivatorException( CompletionStatus cs, Object arg0, Object arg1) { return adapterActivatorException( cs, null, arg0, arg1 ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER adapterActivatorException( Throwable t, Object arg0, Object arg1) { return adapterActivatorException( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t, arg0, arg1 ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER adapterActivatorException( Object arg0, Object arg1) { return adapterActivatorException( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null, arg0, arg1 ) ; } public static final int BAD_SERVANT_TYPE = OMGVMCID.value + 2 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER badServantType( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( BAD_SERVANT_TYPE, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.badServantType", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER badServantType( CompletionStatus cs ) { return badServantType( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER badServantType( Throwable t ) { return badServantType( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER badServantType( ) { return badServantType( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int NO_DEFAULT_SERVANT = OMGVMCID.value + 3 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER noDefaultServant( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( NO_DEFAULT_SERVANT, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.noDefaultServant", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER noDefaultServant( CompletionStatus cs ) { return noDefaultServant( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER noDefaultServant( Throwable t ) { return noDefaultServant( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER noDefaultServant( ) { return noDefaultServant( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int NO_SERVANT_MANAGER = OMGVMCID.value + 4 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER noServantManager( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( NO_SERVANT_MANAGER, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.noServantManager", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER noServantManager( CompletionStatus cs ) { return noServantManager( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER noServantManager( Throwable t ) { return noServantManager( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER noServantManager( ) { return noServantManager( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int BAD_POLICY_INCARNATE = OMGVMCID.value + 5 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER badPolicyIncarnate( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( BAD_POLICY_INCARNATE, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.badPolicyIncarnate", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER badPolicyIncarnate( CompletionStatus cs ) { return badPolicyIncarnate( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER badPolicyIncarnate( Throwable t ) { return badPolicyIncarnate( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER badPolicyIncarnate( ) { return badPolicyIncarnate( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int PI_EXC_COMP_ESTABLISHED = OMGVMCID.value + 6 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER piExcCompEstablished( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( PI_EXC_COMP_ESTABLISHED, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.piExcCompEstablished", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER piExcCompEstablished( CompletionStatus cs ) { return piExcCompEstablished( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER piExcCompEstablished( Throwable t ) { return piExcCompEstablished( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER piExcCompEstablished( ) { return piExcCompEstablished( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int NULL_SERVANT_RETURNED = OMGVMCID.value + 7 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER nullServantReturned( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( NULL_SERVANT_RETURNED, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.FINE )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.FINE, "OMG.nullServantReturned", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER nullServantReturned( CompletionStatus cs ) { return nullServantReturned( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER nullServantReturned( Throwable t ) { return nullServantReturned( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER nullServantReturned( ) { return nullServantReturned( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UNKNOWN /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int UNKNOWN_USER_EXCEPTION = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ; public UNKNOWN unknownUserException( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { UNKNOWN exc = new UNKNOWN( UNKNOWN_USER_EXCEPTION, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.FINE )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.FINE, "OMG.unknownUserException", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public UNKNOWN unknownUserException( CompletionStatus cs ) { return unknownUserException( cs, null ) ; } public UNKNOWN unknownUserException( Throwable t ) { return unknownUserException( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public UNKNOWN unknownUserException( ) { return unknownUserException( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int UNSUPPORTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION = OMGVMCID.value + 2 ; public UNKNOWN unsupportedSystemException( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { UNKNOWN exc = new UNKNOWN( UNSUPPORTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.unsupportedSystemException", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public UNKNOWN unsupportedSystemException( CompletionStatus cs ) { return unsupportedSystemException( cs, null ) ; } public UNKNOWN unsupportedSystemException( Throwable t ) { return unsupportedSystemException( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public UNKNOWN unsupportedSystemException( ) { return unsupportedSystemException( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int PI_UNKNOWN_USER_EXCEPTION = OMGVMCID.value + 3 ; public UNKNOWN piUnknownUserException( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { UNKNOWN exc = new UNKNOWN( PI_UNKNOWN_USER_EXCEPTION, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "OMG.piUnknownUserException", parameters, OMGSystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public UNKNOWN piUnknownUserException( CompletionStatus cs ) { return piUnknownUserException( cs, null ) ; } public UNKNOWN piUnknownUserException( Throwable t ) { return piUnknownUserException( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public UNKNOWN piUnknownUserException( ) { return piUnknownUserException( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } }
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