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JRE 8 rt.jar - com.* Package Source Code
JRE 8 rt.jar is the JAR file for JRE 8 RT (Runtime) libraries. JRE (Java Runtime) 8 is the runtime environment included in JDK 8. JRE 8 rt.jar libraries are divided into 6 packages:
com.* - Internal Oracle and Sun Microsystems libraries java.* - Standard Java API libraries. javax.* - Extended Java API libraries. jdk.* - JDK supporting libraries. org.* - Third party libraries. sun.* - Old libraries developed by Sun Microsystems.
JAR File Information:
Directory of C:\fyicenter\jdk-1.8.0_191\jre\lib 63,596,151 rt.jar
Here is the list of Java classes of the com.* package in JRE 1.8.0_191 rt.jar. Java source codes are also provided.
✍: FYIcenter
⏎ com/sun/corba/se/impl/logging/
// Log wrapper class for Sun private system exceptions in group POA // // Generated by version 1.0, DO NOT EDIT BY HAND! // Generated from input file c:/re/workspace/8-2-build-windows-amd64-cygwin/jdk8u191/11896/corba/src/share/classes/com/sun/corba/se/spi/logging/data/ on Sat Oct 06 09:30:31 PDT 2018 package ; import java.util.logging.Logger ; import java.util.logging.Level ; import org.omg.CORBA.OMGVMCID ; import ; import org.omg.CORBA.CompletionStatus ; import org.omg.CORBA.SystemException ; import ; import; import; import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_INV_ORDER ; import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_OPERATION ; import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM ; import org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL ; import org.omg.CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT ; import org.omg.CORBA.OBJ_ADAPTER ; import org.omg.CORBA.INITIALIZE ; import org.omg.CORBA.TRANSIENT ; import org.omg.CORBA.UNKNOWN ; import org.omg.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST ; public class POASystemException extends LogWrapperBase { public POASystemException( Logger logger ) { super( logger ) ; } private static LogWrapperFactory factory = new LogWrapperFactory() { public LogWrapperBase create( Logger logger ) { return new POASystemException( logger ) ; } } ; public static POASystemException get( ORB orb, String logDomain ) { POASystemException wrapper = (POASystemException) orb.getLogWrapper( logDomain, "POA", factory ) ; return wrapper ; } public static POASystemException get( String logDomain ) { POASystemException wrapper = (POASystemException) ORB.staticGetLogWrapper( logDomain, "POA", factory ) ; return wrapper ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BAD_INV_ORDER /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int SERVANT_MANAGER_ALREADY_SET = SUNVMCID.value + 1001 ; public BAD_INV_ORDER servantManagerAlreadySet( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_INV_ORDER exc = new BAD_INV_ORDER( SERVANT_MANAGER_ALREADY_SET, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.servantManagerAlreadySet", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER servantManagerAlreadySet( CompletionStatus cs ) { return servantManagerAlreadySet( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER servantManagerAlreadySet( Throwable t ) { return servantManagerAlreadySet( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER servantManagerAlreadySet( ) { return servantManagerAlreadySet( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int DESTROY_DEADLOCK = SUNVMCID.value + 1002 ; public BAD_INV_ORDER destroyDeadlock( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_INV_ORDER exc = new BAD_INV_ORDER( DESTROY_DEADLOCK, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.destroyDeadlock", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER destroyDeadlock( CompletionStatus cs ) { return destroyDeadlock( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER destroyDeadlock( Throwable t ) { return destroyDeadlock( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_INV_ORDER destroyDeadlock( ) { return destroyDeadlock( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BAD_OPERATION /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int SERVANT_ORB = SUNVMCID.value + 1001 ; public BAD_OPERATION servantOrb( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_OPERATION exc = new BAD_OPERATION( SERVANT_ORB, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.servantOrb", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_OPERATION servantOrb( CompletionStatus cs ) { return servantOrb( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_OPERATION servantOrb( Throwable t ) { return servantOrb( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_OPERATION servantOrb( ) { return servantOrb( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int BAD_SERVANT = SUNVMCID.value + 1002 ; public BAD_OPERATION badServant( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_OPERATION exc = new BAD_OPERATION( BAD_SERVANT, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.badServant", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_OPERATION badServant( CompletionStatus cs ) { return badServant( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_OPERATION badServant( Throwable t ) { return badServant( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_OPERATION badServant( ) { return badServant( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int ILLEGAL_FORWARD_REQUEST = SUNVMCID.value + 1003 ; public BAD_OPERATION illegalForwardRequest( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_OPERATION exc = new BAD_OPERATION( ILLEGAL_FORWARD_REQUEST, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.illegalForwardRequest", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_OPERATION illegalForwardRequest( CompletionStatus cs ) { return illegalForwardRequest( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_OPERATION illegalForwardRequest( Throwable t ) { return illegalForwardRequest( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_OPERATION illegalForwardRequest( ) { return illegalForwardRequest( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BAD_PARAM /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int BAD_TRANSACTION_CONTEXT = SUNVMCID.value + 1001 ; public BAD_PARAM badTransactionContext( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( BAD_TRANSACTION_CONTEXT, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.badTransactionContext", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM badTransactionContext( CompletionStatus cs ) { return badTransactionContext( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM badTransactionContext( Throwable t ) { return badTransactionContext( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM badTransactionContext( ) { return badTransactionContext( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int BAD_REPOSITORY_ID = SUNVMCID.value + 1002 ; public BAD_PARAM badRepositoryId( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { BAD_PARAM exc = new BAD_PARAM( BAD_REPOSITORY_ID, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.badRepositoryId", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public BAD_PARAM badRepositoryId( CompletionStatus cs ) { return badRepositoryId( cs, null ) ; } public BAD_PARAM badRepositoryId( Throwable t ) { return badRepositoryId( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public BAD_PARAM badRepositoryId( ) { return badRepositoryId( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INTERNAL /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int INVOKESETUP = SUNVMCID.value + 1001 ; public INTERNAL invokesetup( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( INVOKESETUP, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.invokesetup", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL invokesetup( CompletionStatus cs ) { return invokesetup( cs, null ) ; } public INTERNAL invokesetup( Throwable t ) { return invokesetup( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTERNAL invokesetup( ) { return invokesetup( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int BAD_LOCALREPLYSTATUS = SUNVMCID.value + 1002 ; public INTERNAL badLocalreplystatus( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( BAD_LOCALREPLYSTATUS, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.badLocalreplystatus", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL badLocalreplystatus( CompletionStatus cs ) { return badLocalreplystatus( cs, null ) ; } public INTERNAL badLocalreplystatus( Throwable t ) { return badLocalreplystatus( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTERNAL badLocalreplystatus( ) { return badLocalreplystatus( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int PERSISTENT_SERVERPORT_ERROR = SUNVMCID.value + 1003 ; public INTERNAL persistentServerportError( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( PERSISTENT_SERVERPORT_ERROR, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.persistentServerportError", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL persistentServerportError( CompletionStatus cs ) { return persistentServerportError( cs, null ) ; } public INTERNAL persistentServerportError( Throwable t ) { return persistentServerportError( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTERNAL persistentServerportError( ) { return persistentServerportError( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int SERVANT_DISPATCH = SUNVMCID.value + 1004 ; public INTERNAL servantDispatch( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( SERVANT_DISPATCH, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.servantDispatch", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL servantDispatch( CompletionStatus cs ) { return servantDispatch( cs, null ) ; } public INTERNAL servantDispatch( Throwable t ) { return servantDispatch( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTERNAL servantDispatch( ) { return servantDispatch( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int WRONG_CLIENTSC = SUNVMCID.value + 1005 ; public INTERNAL wrongClientsc( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( WRONG_CLIENTSC, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.wrongClientsc", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL wrongClientsc( CompletionStatus cs ) { return wrongClientsc( cs, null ) ; } public INTERNAL wrongClientsc( Throwable t ) { return wrongClientsc( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTERNAL wrongClientsc( ) { return wrongClientsc( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int CANT_CLONE_TEMPLATE = SUNVMCID.value + 1006 ; public INTERNAL cantCloneTemplate( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( CANT_CLONE_TEMPLATE, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.cantCloneTemplate", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL cantCloneTemplate( CompletionStatus cs ) { return cantCloneTemplate( cs, null ) ; } public INTERNAL cantCloneTemplate( Throwable t ) { return cantCloneTemplate( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTERNAL cantCloneTemplate( ) { return cantCloneTemplate( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int POACURRENT_UNBALANCED_STACK = SUNVMCID.value + 1007 ; public INTERNAL poacurrentUnbalancedStack( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( POACURRENT_UNBALANCED_STACK, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.poacurrentUnbalancedStack", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL poacurrentUnbalancedStack( CompletionStatus cs ) { return poacurrentUnbalancedStack( cs, null ) ; } public INTERNAL poacurrentUnbalancedStack( Throwable t ) { return poacurrentUnbalancedStack( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTERNAL poacurrentUnbalancedStack( ) { return poacurrentUnbalancedStack( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int POACURRENT_NULL_FIELD = SUNVMCID.value + 1008 ; public INTERNAL poacurrentNullField( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( POACURRENT_NULL_FIELD, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.poacurrentNullField", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL poacurrentNullField( CompletionStatus cs ) { return poacurrentNullField( cs, null ) ; } public INTERNAL poacurrentNullField( Throwable t ) { return poacurrentNullField( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTERNAL poacurrentNullField( ) { return poacurrentNullField( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int POA_INTERNAL_GET_SERVANT_ERROR = SUNVMCID.value + 1009 ; public INTERNAL poaInternalGetServantError( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( POA_INTERNAL_GET_SERVANT_ERROR, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.poaInternalGetServantError", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL poaInternalGetServantError( CompletionStatus cs ) { return poaInternalGetServantError( cs, null ) ; } public INTERNAL poaInternalGetServantError( Throwable t ) { return poaInternalGetServantError( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTERNAL poaInternalGetServantError( ) { return poaInternalGetServantError( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int MAKE_FACTORY_NOT_POA = SUNVMCID.value + 1010 ; public INTERNAL makeFactoryNotPoa( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t, Object arg0) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( MAKE_FACTORY_NOT_POA, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = new Object[1] ; parameters[0] = arg0 ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.makeFactoryNotPoa", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL makeFactoryNotPoa( CompletionStatus cs, Object arg0) { return makeFactoryNotPoa( cs, null, arg0 ) ; } public INTERNAL makeFactoryNotPoa( Throwable t, Object arg0) { return makeFactoryNotPoa( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t, arg0 ) ; } public INTERNAL makeFactoryNotPoa( Object arg0) { return makeFactoryNotPoa( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null, arg0 ) ; } public static final int DUPLICATE_ORB_VERSION_SC = SUNVMCID.value + 1011 ; public INTERNAL duplicateOrbVersionSc( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( DUPLICATE_ORB_VERSION_SC, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.duplicateOrbVersionSc", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL duplicateOrbVersionSc( CompletionStatus cs ) { return duplicateOrbVersionSc( cs, null ) ; } public INTERNAL duplicateOrbVersionSc( Throwable t ) { return duplicateOrbVersionSc( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTERNAL duplicateOrbVersionSc( ) { return duplicateOrbVersionSc( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int PREINVOKE_CLONE_ERROR = SUNVMCID.value + 1012 ; public INTERNAL preinvokeCloneError( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( PREINVOKE_CLONE_ERROR, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.preinvokeCloneError", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL preinvokeCloneError( CompletionStatus cs ) { return preinvokeCloneError( cs, null ) ; } public INTERNAL preinvokeCloneError( Throwable t ) { return preinvokeCloneError( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTERNAL preinvokeCloneError( ) { return preinvokeCloneError( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int PREINVOKE_POA_DESTROYED = SUNVMCID.value + 1013 ; public INTERNAL preinvokePoaDestroyed( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( PREINVOKE_POA_DESTROYED, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.preinvokePoaDestroyed", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL preinvokePoaDestroyed( CompletionStatus cs ) { return preinvokePoaDestroyed( cs, null ) ; } public INTERNAL preinvokePoaDestroyed( Throwable t ) { return preinvokePoaDestroyed( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTERNAL preinvokePoaDestroyed( ) { return preinvokePoaDestroyed( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int PMF_CREATE_RETAIN = SUNVMCID.value + 1014 ; public INTERNAL pmfCreateRetain( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( PMF_CREATE_RETAIN, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.pmfCreateRetain", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL pmfCreateRetain( CompletionStatus cs ) { return pmfCreateRetain( cs, null ) ; } public INTERNAL pmfCreateRetain( Throwable t ) { return pmfCreateRetain( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTERNAL pmfCreateRetain( ) { return pmfCreateRetain( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int PMF_CREATE_NON_RETAIN = SUNVMCID.value + 1015 ; public INTERNAL pmfCreateNonRetain( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( PMF_CREATE_NON_RETAIN, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.pmfCreateNonRetain", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL pmfCreateNonRetain( CompletionStatus cs ) { return pmfCreateNonRetain( cs, null ) ; } public INTERNAL pmfCreateNonRetain( Throwable t ) { return pmfCreateNonRetain( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTERNAL pmfCreateNonRetain( ) { return pmfCreateNonRetain( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int POLICY_MEDIATOR_BAD_POLICY_IN_FACTORY = SUNVMCID.value + 1016 ; public INTERNAL policyMediatorBadPolicyInFactory( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( POLICY_MEDIATOR_BAD_POLICY_IN_FACTORY, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.policyMediatorBadPolicyInFactory", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL policyMediatorBadPolicyInFactory( CompletionStatus cs ) { return policyMediatorBadPolicyInFactory( cs, null ) ; } public INTERNAL policyMediatorBadPolicyInFactory( Throwable t ) { return policyMediatorBadPolicyInFactory( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTERNAL policyMediatorBadPolicyInFactory( ) { return policyMediatorBadPolicyInFactory( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int SERVANT_TO_ID_OAA = SUNVMCID.value + 1017 ; public INTERNAL servantToIdOaa( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( SERVANT_TO_ID_OAA, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.servantToIdOaa", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL servantToIdOaa( CompletionStatus cs ) { return servantToIdOaa( cs, null ) ; } public INTERNAL servantToIdOaa( Throwable t ) { return servantToIdOaa( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTERNAL servantToIdOaa( ) { return servantToIdOaa( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int SERVANT_TO_ID_SAA = SUNVMCID.value + 1018 ; public INTERNAL servantToIdSaa( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( SERVANT_TO_ID_SAA, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.servantToIdSaa", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL servantToIdSaa( CompletionStatus cs ) { return servantToIdSaa( cs, null ) ; } public INTERNAL servantToIdSaa( Throwable t ) { return servantToIdSaa( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTERNAL servantToIdSaa( ) { return servantToIdSaa( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int SERVANT_TO_ID_WP = SUNVMCID.value + 1019 ; public INTERNAL servantToIdWp( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( SERVANT_TO_ID_WP, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.servantToIdWp", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL servantToIdWp( CompletionStatus cs ) { return servantToIdWp( cs, null ) ; } public INTERNAL servantToIdWp( Throwable t ) { return servantToIdWp( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTERNAL servantToIdWp( ) { return servantToIdWp( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int CANT_RESOLVE_ROOT_POA = SUNVMCID.value + 1020 ; public INTERNAL cantResolveRootPoa( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( CANT_RESOLVE_ROOT_POA, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.cantResolveRootPoa", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL cantResolveRootPoa( CompletionStatus cs ) { return cantResolveRootPoa( cs, null ) ; } public INTERNAL cantResolveRootPoa( Throwable t ) { return cantResolveRootPoa( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTERNAL cantResolveRootPoa( ) { return cantResolveRootPoa( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int SERVANT_MUST_BE_LOCAL = SUNVMCID.value + 1021 ; public INTERNAL servantMustBeLocal( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( SERVANT_MUST_BE_LOCAL, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.servantMustBeLocal", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL servantMustBeLocal( CompletionStatus cs ) { return servantMustBeLocal( cs, null ) ; } public INTERNAL servantMustBeLocal( Throwable t ) { return servantMustBeLocal( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTERNAL servantMustBeLocal( ) { return servantMustBeLocal( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int NO_PROFILES_IN_IOR = SUNVMCID.value + 1022 ; public INTERNAL noProfilesInIor( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( NO_PROFILES_IN_IOR, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.noProfilesInIor", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL noProfilesInIor( CompletionStatus cs ) { return noProfilesInIor( cs, null ) ; } public INTERNAL noProfilesInIor( Throwable t ) { return noProfilesInIor( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTERNAL noProfilesInIor( ) { return noProfilesInIor( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int AOM_ENTRY_DEC_ZERO = SUNVMCID.value + 1023 ; public INTERNAL aomEntryDecZero( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( AOM_ENTRY_DEC_ZERO, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.aomEntryDecZero", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL aomEntryDecZero( CompletionStatus cs ) { return aomEntryDecZero( cs, null ) ; } public INTERNAL aomEntryDecZero( Throwable t ) { return aomEntryDecZero( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTERNAL aomEntryDecZero( ) { return aomEntryDecZero( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int ADD_POA_INACTIVE = SUNVMCID.value + 1024 ; public INTERNAL addPoaInactive( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( ADD_POA_INACTIVE, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.addPoaInactive", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL addPoaInactive( CompletionStatus cs ) { return addPoaInactive( cs, null ) ; } public INTERNAL addPoaInactive( Throwable t ) { return addPoaInactive( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTERNAL addPoaInactive( ) { return addPoaInactive( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int ILLEGAL_POA_STATE_TRANS = SUNVMCID.value + 1025 ; public INTERNAL illegalPoaStateTrans( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( ILLEGAL_POA_STATE_TRANS, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.illegalPoaStateTrans", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL illegalPoaStateTrans( CompletionStatus cs ) { return illegalPoaStateTrans( cs, null ) ; } public INTERNAL illegalPoaStateTrans( Throwable t ) { return illegalPoaStateTrans( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INTERNAL illegalPoaStateTrans( ) { return illegalPoaStateTrans( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION = SUNVMCID.value + 1026 ; public INTERNAL unexpectedException( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t, Object arg0) { INTERNAL exc = new INTERNAL( UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = new Object[1] ; parameters[0] = arg0 ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.unexpectedException", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INTERNAL unexpectedException( CompletionStatus cs, Object arg0) { return unexpectedException( cs, null, arg0 ) ; } public INTERNAL unexpectedException( Throwable t, Object arg0) { return unexpectedException( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t, arg0 ) ; } public INTERNAL unexpectedException( Object arg0) { return unexpectedException( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null, arg0 ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NO_IMPLEMENT /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int SINGLE_THREAD_NOT_SUPPORTED = SUNVMCID.value + 1001 ; public NO_IMPLEMENT singleThreadNotSupported( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { NO_IMPLEMENT exc = new NO_IMPLEMENT( SINGLE_THREAD_NOT_SUPPORTED, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.singleThreadNotSupported", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT singleThreadNotSupported( CompletionStatus cs ) { return singleThreadNotSupported( cs, null ) ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT singleThreadNotSupported( Throwable t ) { return singleThreadNotSupported( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT singleThreadNotSupported( ) { return singleThreadNotSupported( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = SUNVMCID.value + 1002 ; public NO_IMPLEMENT methodNotImplemented( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { NO_IMPLEMENT exc = new NO_IMPLEMENT( METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.methodNotImplemented", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT methodNotImplemented( CompletionStatus cs ) { return methodNotImplemented( cs, null ) ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT methodNotImplemented( Throwable t ) { return methodNotImplemented( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public NO_IMPLEMENT methodNotImplemented( ) { return methodNotImplemented( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OBJ_ADAPTER /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int POA_LOOKUP_ERROR = SUNVMCID.value + 1001 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER poaLookupError( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( POA_LOOKUP_ERROR, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.poaLookupError", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaLookupError( CompletionStatus cs ) { return poaLookupError( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaLookupError( Throwable t ) { return poaLookupError( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaLookupError( ) { return poaLookupError( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int POA_INACTIVE = SUNVMCID.value + 1002 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER poaInactive( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( POA_INACTIVE, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.FINE )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.FINE, "POA.poaInactive", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaInactive( CompletionStatus cs ) { return poaInactive( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaInactive( Throwable t ) { return poaInactive( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaInactive( ) { return poaInactive( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int POA_NO_SERVANT_MANAGER = SUNVMCID.value + 1003 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER poaNoServantManager( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( POA_NO_SERVANT_MANAGER, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.poaNoServantManager", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaNoServantManager( CompletionStatus cs ) { return poaNoServantManager( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaNoServantManager( Throwable t ) { return poaNoServantManager( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaNoServantManager( ) { return poaNoServantManager( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int POA_NO_DEFAULT_SERVANT = SUNVMCID.value + 1004 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER poaNoDefaultServant( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( POA_NO_DEFAULT_SERVANT, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.poaNoDefaultServant", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaNoDefaultServant( CompletionStatus cs ) { return poaNoDefaultServant( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaNoDefaultServant( Throwable t ) { return poaNoDefaultServant( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaNoDefaultServant( ) { return poaNoDefaultServant( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int POA_SERVANT_NOT_UNIQUE = SUNVMCID.value + 1005 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER poaServantNotUnique( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( POA_SERVANT_NOT_UNIQUE, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.poaServantNotUnique", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaServantNotUnique( CompletionStatus cs ) { return poaServantNotUnique( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaServantNotUnique( Throwable t ) { return poaServantNotUnique( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaServantNotUnique( ) { return poaServantNotUnique( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int POA_WRONG_POLICY = SUNVMCID.value + 1006 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER poaWrongPolicy( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( POA_WRONG_POLICY, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.poaWrongPolicy", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaWrongPolicy( CompletionStatus cs ) { return poaWrongPolicy( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaWrongPolicy( Throwable t ) { return poaWrongPolicy( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaWrongPolicy( ) { return poaWrongPolicy( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int FINDPOA_ERROR = SUNVMCID.value + 1007 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER findpoaError( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( FINDPOA_ERROR, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.findpoaError", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER findpoaError( CompletionStatus cs ) { return findpoaError( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER findpoaError( Throwable t ) { return findpoaError( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER findpoaError( ) { return findpoaError( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int POA_SERVANT_ACTIVATOR_LOOKUP_FAILED = SUNVMCID.value + 1009 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER poaServantActivatorLookupFailed( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( POA_SERVANT_ACTIVATOR_LOOKUP_FAILED, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.poaServantActivatorLookupFailed", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaServantActivatorLookupFailed( CompletionStatus cs ) { return poaServantActivatorLookupFailed( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaServantActivatorLookupFailed( Throwable t ) { return poaServantActivatorLookupFailed( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaServantActivatorLookupFailed( ) { return poaServantActivatorLookupFailed( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int POA_BAD_SERVANT_MANAGER = SUNVMCID.value + 1010 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER poaBadServantManager( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( POA_BAD_SERVANT_MANAGER, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.poaBadServantManager", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaBadServantManager( CompletionStatus cs ) { return poaBadServantManager( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaBadServantManager( Throwable t ) { return poaBadServantManager( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaBadServantManager( ) { return poaBadServantManager( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int POA_SERVANT_LOCATOR_LOOKUP_FAILED = SUNVMCID.value + 1011 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER poaServantLocatorLookupFailed( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( POA_SERVANT_LOCATOR_LOOKUP_FAILED, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.poaServantLocatorLookupFailed", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaServantLocatorLookupFailed( CompletionStatus cs ) { return poaServantLocatorLookupFailed( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaServantLocatorLookupFailed( Throwable t ) { return poaServantLocatorLookupFailed( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaServantLocatorLookupFailed( ) { return poaServantLocatorLookupFailed( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int POA_UNKNOWN_POLICY = SUNVMCID.value + 1012 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER poaUnknownPolicy( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( POA_UNKNOWN_POLICY, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.poaUnknownPolicy", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaUnknownPolicy( CompletionStatus cs ) { return poaUnknownPolicy( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaUnknownPolicy( Throwable t ) { return poaUnknownPolicy( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaUnknownPolicy( ) { return poaUnknownPolicy( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int POA_NOT_FOUND = SUNVMCID.value + 1013 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER poaNotFound( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( POA_NOT_FOUND, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.poaNotFound", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaNotFound( CompletionStatus cs ) { return poaNotFound( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaNotFound( Throwable t ) { return poaNotFound( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER poaNotFound( ) { return poaNotFound( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int SERVANT_LOOKUP = SUNVMCID.value + 1014 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER servantLookup( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( SERVANT_LOOKUP, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.servantLookup", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER servantLookup( CompletionStatus cs ) { return servantLookup( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER servantLookup( Throwable t ) { return servantLookup( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER servantLookup( ) { return servantLookup( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int LOCAL_SERVANT_LOOKUP = SUNVMCID.value + 1015 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER localServantLookup( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( LOCAL_SERVANT_LOOKUP, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.localServantLookup", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER localServantLookup( CompletionStatus cs ) { return localServantLookup( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER localServantLookup( Throwable t ) { return localServantLookup( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER localServantLookup( ) { return localServantLookup( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int SERVANT_MANAGER_BAD_TYPE = SUNVMCID.value + 1016 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER servantManagerBadType( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( SERVANT_MANAGER_BAD_TYPE, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.servantManagerBadType", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER servantManagerBadType( CompletionStatus cs ) { return servantManagerBadType( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER servantManagerBadType( Throwable t ) { return servantManagerBadType( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER servantManagerBadType( ) { return servantManagerBadType( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int DEFAULT_POA_NOT_POAIMPL = SUNVMCID.value + 1017 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER defaultPoaNotPoaimpl( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( DEFAULT_POA_NOT_POAIMPL, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.defaultPoaNotPoaimpl", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER defaultPoaNotPoaimpl( CompletionStatus cs ) { return defaultPoaNotPoaimpl( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER defaultPoaNotPoaimpl( Throwable t ) { return defaultPoaNotPoaimpl( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER defaultPoaNotPoaimpl( ) { return defaultPoaNotPoaimpl( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int WRONG_POLICIES_FOR_THIS_OBJECT = SUNVMCID.value + 1018 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER wrongPoliciesForThisObject( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( WRONG_POLICIES_FOR_THIS_OBJECT, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.wrongPoliciesForThisObject", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER wrongPoliciesForThisObject( CompletionStatus cs ) { return wrongPoliciesForThisObject( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER wrongPoliciesForThisObject( Throwable t ) { return wrongPoliciesForThisObject( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER wrongPoliciesForThisObject( ) { return wrongPoliciesForThisObject( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int THIS_OBJECT_SERVANT_NOT_ACTIVE = SUNVMCID.value + 1019 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER thisObjectServantNotActive( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( THIS_OBJECT_SERVANT_NOT_ACTIVE, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.thisObjectServantNotActive", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER thisObjectServantNotActive( CompletionStatus cs ) { return thisObjectServantNotActive( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER thisObjectServantNotActive( Throwable t ) { return thisObjectServantNotActive( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER thisObjectServantNotActive( ) { return thisObjectServantNotActive( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int THIS_OBJECT_WRONG_POLICY = SUNVMCID.value + 1020 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER thisObjectWrongPolicy( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( THIS_OBJECT_WRONG_POLICY, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.thisObjectWrongPolicy", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER thisObjectWrongPolicy( CompletionStatus cs ) { return thisObjectWrongPolicy( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER thisObjectWrongPolicy( Throwable t ) { return thisObjectWrongPolicy( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER thisObjectWrongPolicy( ) { return thisObjectWrongPolicy( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int NO_CONTEXT = SUNVMCID.value + 1021 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER noContext( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( NO_CONTEXT, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.FINE )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.FINE, "POA.noContext", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER noContext( CompletionStatus cs ) { return noContext( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER noContext( Throwable t ) { return noContext( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER noContext( ) { return noContext( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int INCARNATE_RETURNED_NULL = SUNVMCID.value + 1022 ; public OBJ_ADAPTER incarnateReturnedNull( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJ_ADAPTER exc = new OBJ_ADAPTER( INCARNATE_RETURNED_NULL, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.incarnateReturnedNull", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER incarnateReturnedNull( CompletionStatus cs ) { return incarnateReturnedNull( cs, null ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER incarnateReturnedNull( Throwable t ) { return incarnateReturnedNull( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJ_ADAPTER incarnateReturnedNull( ) { return incarnateReturnedNull( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INITIALIZE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int JTS_INIT_ERROR = SUNVMCID.value + 1001 ; public INITIALIZE jtsInitError( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INITIALIZE exc = new INITIALIZE( JTS_INIT_ERROR, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.jtsInitError", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INITIALIZE jtsInitError( CompletionStatus cs ) { return jtsInitError( cs, null ) ; } public INITIALIZE jtsInitError( Throwable t ) { return jtsInitError( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INITIALIZE jtsInitError( ) { return jtsInitError( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int PERSISTENT_SERVERID_NOT_SET = SUNVMCID.value + 1002 ; public INITIALIZE persistentServeridNotSet( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INITIALIZE exc = new INITIALIZE( PERSISTENT_SERVERID_NOT_SET, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.persistentServeridNotSet", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INITIALIZE persistentServeridNotSet( CompletionStatus cs ) { return persistentServeridNotSet( cs, null ) ; } public INITIALIZE persistentServeridNotSet( Throwable t ) { return persistentServeridNotSet( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INITIALIZE persistentServeridNotSet( ) { return persistentServeridNotSet( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int PERSISTENT_SERVERPORT_NOT_SET = SUNVMCID.value + 1003 ; public INITIALIZE persistentServerportNotSet( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INITIALIZE exc = new INITIALIZE( PERSISTENT_SERVERPORT_NOT_SET, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.persistentServerportNotSet", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INITIALIZE persistentServerportNotSet( CompletionStatus cs ) { return persistentServerportNotSet( cs, null ) ; } public INITIALIZE persistentServerportNotSet( Throwable t ) { return persistentServerportNotSet( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INITIALIZE persistentServerportNotSet( ) { return persistentServerportNotSet( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int ORBD_ERROR = SUNVMCID.value + 1004 ; public INITIALIZE orbdError( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INITIALIZE exc = new INITIALIZE( ORBD_ERROR, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.orbdError", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INITIALIZE orbdError( CompletionStatus cs ) { return orbdError( cs, null ) ; } public INITIALIZE orbdError( Throwable t ) { return orbdError( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INITIALIZE orbdError( ) { return orbdError( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int BOOTSTRAP_ERROR = SUNVMCID.value + 1005 ; public INITIALIZE bootstrapError( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { INITIALIZE exc = new INITIALIZE( BOOTSTRAP_ERROR, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.bootstrapError", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public INITIALIZE bootstrapError( CompletionStatus cs ) { return bootstrapError( cs, null ) ; } public INITIALIZE bootstrapError( Throwable t ) { return bootstrapError( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public INITIALIZE bootstrapError( ) { return bootstrapError( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TRANSIENT /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int POA_DISCARDING = SUNVMCID.value + 1001 ; public TRANSIENT poaDiscarding( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { TRANSIENT exc = new TRANSIENT( POA_DISCARDING, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.FINE )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.FINE, "POA.poaDiscarding", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public TRANSIENT poaDiscarding( CompletionStatus cs ) { return poaDiscarding( cs, null ) ; } public TRANSIENT poaDiscarding( Throwable t ) { return poaDiscarding( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public TRANSIENT poaDiscarding( ) { return poaDiscarding( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UNKNOWN /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int OTSHOOKEXCEPTION = SUNVMCID.value + 1001 ; public UNKNOWN otshookexception( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { UNKNOWN exc = new UNKNOWN( OTSHOOKEXCEPTION, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.otshookexception", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public UNKNOWN otshookexception( CompletionStatus cs ) { return otshookexception( cs, null ) ; } public UNKNOWN otshookexception( Throwable t ) { return otshookexception( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public UNKNOWN otshookexception( ) { return otshookexception( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int UNKNOWN_SERVER_EXCEPTION = SUNVMCID.value + 1002 ; public UNKNOWN unknownServerException( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { UNKNOWN exc = new UNKNOWN( UNKNOWN_SERVER_EXCEPTION, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.unknownServerException", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public UNKNOWN unknownServerException( CompletionStatus cs ) { return unknownServerException( cs, null ) ; } public UNKNOWN unknownServerException( Throwable t ) { return unknownServerException( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public UNKNOWN unknownServerException( ) { return unknownServerException( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int UNKNOWN_SERVERAPP_EXCEPTION = SUNVMCID.value + 1003 ; public UNKNOWN unknownServerappException( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { UNKNOWN exc = new UNKNOWN( UNKNOWN_SERVERAPP_EXCEPTION, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.unknownServerappException", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public UNKNOWN unknownServerappException( CompletionStatus cs ) { return unknownServerappException( cs, null ) ; } public UNKNOWN unknownServerappException( Throwable t ) { return unknownServerappException( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public UNKNOWN unknownServerappException( ) { return unknownServerappException( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int UNKNOWN_LOCALINVOCATION_ERROR = SUNVMCID.value + 1004 ; public UNKNOWN unknownLocalinvocationError( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { UNKNOWN exc = new UNKNOWN( UNKNOWN_LOCALINVOCATION_ERROR, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.unknownLocalinvocationError", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public UNKNOWN unknownLocalinvocationError( CompletionStatus cs ) { return unknownLocalinvocationError( cs, null ) ; } public UNKNOWN unknownLocalinvocationError( Throwable t ) { return unknownLocalinvocationError( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public UNKNOWN unknownLocalinvocationError( ) { return unknownLocalinvocationError( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OBJECT_NOT_EXIST /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int ADAPTER_ACTIVATOR_NONEXISTENT = SUNVMCID.value + 1001 ; public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST adapterActivatorNonexistent( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJECT_NOT_EXIST exc = new OBJECT_NOT_EXIST( ADAPTER_ACTIVATOR_NONEXISTENT, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.adapterActivatorNonexistent", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST adapterActivatorNonexistent( CompletionStatus cs ) { return adapterActivatorNonexistent( cs, null ) ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST adapterActivatorNonexistent( Throwable t ) { return adapterActivatorNonexistent( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST adapterActivatorNonexistent( ) { return adapterActivatorNonexistent( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int ADAPTER_ACTIVATOR_FAILED = SUNVMCID.value + 1002 ; public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST adapterActivatorFailed( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJECT_NOT_EXIST exc = new OBJECT_NOT_EXIST( ADAPTER_ACTIVATOR_FAILED, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.adapterActivatorFailed", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST adapterActivatorFailed( CompletionStatus cs ) { return adapterActivatorFailed( cs, null ) ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST adapterActivatorFailed( Throwable t ) { return adapterActivatorFailed( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST adapterActivatorFailed( ) { return adapterActivatorFailed( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int BAD_SKELETON = SUNVMCID.value + 1003 ; public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST badSkeleton( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJECT_NOT_EXIST exc = new OBJECT_NOT_EXIST( BAD_SKELETON, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.badSkeleton", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST badSkeleton( CompletionStatus cs ) { return badSkeleton( cs, null ) ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST badSkeleton( Throwable t ) { return badSkeleton( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST badSkeleton( ) { return badSkeleton( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int NULL_SERVANT = SUNVMCID.value + 1004 ; public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST nullServant( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJECT_NOT_EXIST exc = new OBJECT_NOT_EXIST( NULL_SERVANT, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.FINE )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.FINE, "POA.nullServant", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST nullServant( CompletionStatus cs ) { return nullServant( cs, null ) ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST nullServant( Throwable t ) { return nullServant( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST nullServant( ) { return nullServant( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } public static final int ADAPTER_DESTROYED = SUNVMCID.value + 1005 ; public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST adapterDestroyed( CompletionStatus cs, Throwable t ) { OBJECT_NOT_EXIST exc = new OBJECT_NOT_EXIST( ADAPTER_DESTROYED, cs ) ; if (t != null) exc.initCause( t ) ; if (logger.isLoggable( Level.WARNING )) { Object[] parameters = null ; doLog( Level.WARNING, "POA.adapterDestroyed", parameters, POASystemException.class, exc ) ; } return exc ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST adapterDestroyed( CompletionStatus cs ) { return adapterDestroyed( cs, null ) ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST adapterDestroyed( Throwable t ) { return adapterDestroyed( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, t ) ; } public OBJECT_NOT_EXIST adapterDestroyed( ) { return adapterDestroyed( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO, null ) ; } }
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