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JRE 8 rt.jar - com.* Package Source Code
JRE 8 rt.jar is the JAR file for JRE 8 RT (Runtime) libraries.
JRE (Java Runtime) 8 is the runtime environment included in JDK 8.
JRE 8 rt.jar libraries are divided into 6 packages:
com.* - Internal Oracle and Sun Microsystems libraries java.* - Standard Java API libraries. javax.* - Extended Java API libraries. jdk.* - JDK supporting libraries. org.* - Third party libraries. sun.* - Old libraries developed by Sun Microsystems.
JAR File Information:
Directory of C:\fyicenter\jdk-1.8.0_191\jre\lib 63,596,151 rt.jar
Here is the list of Java classes of the com.* package in JRE 1.8.0_191 rt.jar. Java source codes are also provided.
✍: FYIcenter
⏎ com/sun/corba/se/impl/presentation/rmi/
/* * Copyright (c) 2003, 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package ; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; /** * Utility class for testing RMI/IDL Types as defined in * Section 1.2 of The Java Language to IDL Mapping. Note that * these are static checks only. Runtime checks, such as those * described in Section 1.2.3, #3, are not covered. */ public final class IDLTypesUtil { private static final String GET_PROPERTY_PREFIX = "get"; private static final String SET_PROPERTY_PREFIX = "set"; private static final String IS_PROPERTY_PREFIX = "is"; public static final int VALID_TYPE = 0; public static final int INVALID_TYPE = 1; /* rmic -iiop does not correctly implement the clause in * about is<NAME>/get<NAME> conflicts. The spec says that * is<NAME> is the property and get<NAME> is left alone, * but rmic does the opposite. We will follow rmic in this, * but it's easy to change. */ public static final boolean FOLLOW_RMIC = true ; /** * Validate a class to ensure it conforms to the rules for a * Java RMI/IIOP interface. * * @throws IDLTypeException if not a valid RMI/IIOP interface. */ public void validateRemoteInterface(Class c) throws IDLTypeException { if( c == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if( !c.isInterface() ) { String msg = "Class " + c + " must be a java interface."; throw new IDLTypeException(msg); } if( !java.rmi.Remote.class.isAssignableFrom(c) ) { String msg = "Class " + c + " must extend java.rmi.Remote, " + "either directly or indirectly."; throw new IDLTypeException(msg); } // Get all methods, including super-interface methods. Method[] methods = c.getMethods(); for(int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { Method next = methods[i]; validateExceptions(next); } // Removed because of bug 4989053 // validateDirectInterfaces(c); validateConstants(c); return; } public boolean isRemoteInterface(Class c) { boolean remoteInterface = true; try { validateRemoteInterface(c); } catch(IDLTypeException ite) { remoteInterface = false; } return remoteInterface; } /** * Section 1.2.2 Primitive Types */ public boolean isPrimitive(Class c) { if( c == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } return c.isPrimitive(); } /** * Section 1.2.4 */ public boolean isValue(Class c) { if( c == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } return (!c.isInterface() && && !java.rmi.Remote.class.isAssignableFrom(c)); } /** * Section 1.2.5 */ public boolean isArray(Class c) { boolean arrayType = false; if( c == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if( c.isArray() ) { Class componentType = c.getComponentType(); arrayType = (isPrimitive(componentType) || isRemoteInterface(componentType) || isEntity(componentType) || isException(componentType) || isValue(componentType) || isObjectReference(componentType) ); } return arrayType; } /** * Section 1.2.6 */ public boolean isException(Class c) { if( c == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } // Must be a checked exception, not including RemoteException or // its subclasses. return isCheckedException(c) && !isRemoteException(c) && isValue(c); } public boolean isRemoteException(Class c) { if( c == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } return java.rmi.RemoteException.class.isAssignableFrom(c) ; } public boolean isCheckedException(Class c) { if( c == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } return Throwable.class.isAssignableFrom(c) && !RuntimeException.class.isAssignableFrom(c) && !Error.class.isAssignableFrom(c) ; } /** * Section 1.2.7 */ public boolean isObjectReference(Class c) { if( c == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } return (c.isInterface() && org.omg.CORBA.Object.class.isAssignableFrom(c)); } /** * Section 1.2.8 */ public boolean isEntity(Class c) { if( c == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } Class superClass = c.getSuperclass(); return (!c.isInterface() && (superClass != null) && (org.omg.CORBA.portable.IDLEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(c))); } /** * Return true if given method is legal property accessor as defined in * Section of Java2IDL spec. */ public boolean isPropertyAccessorMethod(Method m, Class c) { String methodName = m.getName(); Class returnType = m.getReturnType(); Class[] parameters = m.getParameterTypes(); Class[] exceptionTypes = m.getExceptionTypes(); String propertyType = null; if( methodName.startsWith(GET_PROPERTY_PREFIX) ) { if((parameters.length == 0) && (returnType != Void.TYPE) && !readHasCorrespondingIsProperty(m, c)) { propertyType = GET_PROPERTY_PREFIX; } } else if( methodName.startsWith(SET_PROPERTY_PREFIX) ) { if((returnType == Void.TYPE) && (parameters.length == 1)) { if (hasCorrespondingReadProperty(m, c, GET_PROPERTY_PREFIX) || hasCorrespondingReadProperty(m, c, IS_PROPERTY_PREFIX)) { propertyType = SET_PROPERTY_PREFIX; } } } else if( methodName.startsWith(IS_PROPERTY_PREFIX) ) { if((parameters.length == 0) && (returnType == Boolean.TYPE) && !isHasCorrespondingReadProperty(m, c)) { propertyType = IS_PROPERTY_PREFIX; } } // Some final checks that apply to all properties. if( propertyType != null ) { if(!validPropertyExceptions(m) || (methodName.length() <= propertyType.length())) { propertyType = null; } } return (propertyType != null); } private boolean hasCorrespondingReadProperty (Method writeProperty, Class c, String readPropertyPrefix) { String writePropertyMethodName = writeProperty.getName(); Class[] writePropertyParameters = writeProperty.getParameterTypes(); boolean foundReadProperty = false; try { // Look for a valid corresponding Read property String readPropertyMethodName = writePropertyMethodName.replaceFirst (SET_PROPERTY_PREFIX, readPropertyPrefix); Method readPropertyMethod = c.getMethod(readPropertyMethodName, new Class[] {}); foundReadProperty = ( isPropertyAccessorMethod(readPropertyMethod, c) && (readPropertyMethod.getReturnType() == writePropertyParameters[0]) ); } catch(Exception e) { // ignore. this means we didn't find a corresponding get property. } return foundReadProperty; } private boolean readHasCorrespondingIsProperty(Method readProperty, Class c) { if (FOLLOW_RMIC) return false ; String readPropertyMethodName = readProperty.getName(); boolean foundIsProperty = false; try { // Look for a valid corresponding Is property String isPropertyMethodName = readPropertyMethodName.replaceFirst(GET_PROPERTY_PREFIX, IS_PROPERTY_PREFIX); Method isPropertyMethod = c.getMethod( isPropertyMethodName, new Class[] {}); foundIsProperty = isPropertyAccessorMethod(isPropertyMethod, c) ; } catch(Exception e) { // ignore. this means we didn't find a corresponding Is property. } return foundIsProperty; } private boolean isHasCorrespondingReadProperty(Method readProperty, Class c) { if (!FOLLOW_RMIC) return false ; String readPropertyMethodName = readProperty.getName(); boolean foundIsProperty = false; try { // Look for a valid corresponding Read property String isPropertyMethodName = readPropertyMethodName.replaceFirst(IS_PROPERTY_PREFIX, GET_PROPERTY_PREFIX); Method isPropertyMethod = c.getMethod( isPropertyMethodName, new Class[] {}); foundIsProperty = isPropertyAccessorMethod(isPropertyMethod, c) ; } catch(Exception e) { // ignore. this means we didn't find a corresponding read property. } return foundIsProperty; } public String getAttributeNameForProperty(String propertyName) { String attributeName = null; String prefix = null; if( propertyName.startsWith(GET_PROPERTY_PREFIX) ) { prefix = GET_PROPERTY_PREFIX; } else if( propertyName.startsWith(SET_PROPERTY_PREFIX) ) { prefix = SET_PROPERTY_PREFIX; } else if( propertyName.startsWith(IS_PROPERTY_PREFIX) ) { prefix = IS_PROPERTY_PREFIX; } if( (prefix != null) && (prefix.length() < propertyName.length()) ) { String remainder = propertyName.substring(prefix.length()); if( (remainder.length() >= 2) && Character.isUpperCase(remainder.charAt(0)) && Character.isUpperCase(remainder.charAt(1)) ) { // don't set the first letter to lower-case if the // first two are upper-case attributeName = remainder; } else { attributeName = Character.toLowerCase(remainder.charAt(0)) + remainder.substring(1); } } return attributeName; } /** * Return IDL Type name for primitive types as defined in * Section 1.3.3 of Java2IDL spec or null if not a primitive type. */ public IDLType getPrimitiveIDLTypeMapping(Class c) { if( c == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if( c.isPrimitive() ) { if( c == Void.TYPE ) { return new IDLType( c, "void" ) ; } else if( c == Boolean.TYPE ) { return new IDLType( c, "boolean" ) ; } else if( c == Character.TYPE ) { return new IDLType( c, "wchar" ) ; } else if( c == Byte.TYPE ) { return new IDLType( c, "octet" ) ; } else if( c == Short.TYPE ) { return new IDLType( c, "short" ) ; } else if( c == Integer.TYPE ) { return new IDLType( c, "long" ) ; } else if( c == Long.TYPE ) { return new IDLType( c, "long_long" ) ; } else if( c == Float.TYPE ) { return new IDLType( c, "float" ) ; } else if( c == Double.TYPE ) { return new IDLType( c, "double" ) ; } } return null; } /** * Return IDL Type name for special case type mappings as defined in * Table 1-1 of Java2IDL spec or null if given class is not a special * type. */ public IDLType getSpecialCaseIDLTypeMapping(Class c) { if( c == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if( c == java.lang.Object.class ) { return new IDLType( c, new String[] { "java", "lang" }, "Object" ) ; } else if( c == java.lang.String.class ) { return new IDLType( c, new String[] { "CORBA" }, "WStringValue" ) ; } else if( c == java.lang.Class.class ) { return new IDLType( c, new String[] { "javax", "rmi", "CORBA" }, "ClassDesc" ) ; } else if( c == ) { return new IDLType( c, new String[] { "java", "io" }, "Serializable" ) ; } else if( c == ) { return new IDLType( c, new String[] { "java", "io" }, "Externalizable" ) ; } else if( c == java.rmi.Remote.class ) { return new IDLType( c, new String[] { "java", "rmi" }, "Remote" ) ; } else if( c == org.omg.CORBA.Object.class ) { return new IDLType( c, "Object" ) ; } else { return null; } } /** * Implements 1.2.3 #2 and #4 */ private void validateExceptions(Method method) throws IDLTypeException { Class[] exceptions = method.getExceptionTypes(); boolean declaresRemoteExceptionOrSuperClass = false; // Section 1.2.3, #2 for(int eIndex = 0; eIndex < exceptions.length; eIndex++) { Class exception = exceptions[eIndex]; if( isRemoteExceptionOrSuperClass(exception) ) { declaresRemoteExceptionOrSuperClass = true; break; } } if( !declaresRemoteExceptionOrSuperClass ) { String msg = "Method '" + method + "' must throw at least one " + "exception of type java.rmi.RemoteException or one of its " + "super-classes"; throw new IDLTypeException(msg); } // Section 1.2.3, #4 // See also bug 4972402 // For all exceptions E in exceptions, // (isCheckedException(E) => (isValue(E) || RemoteException.isAssignableFrom( E ) ) for(int eIndex = 0; eIndex < exceptions.length; eIndex++) { Class exception = exceptions[eIndex]; if (isCheckedException(exception) && !isValue(exception) && !isRemoteException(exception)) { String msg = "Exception '" + exception + "' on method '" + method + "' is not a allowed RMI/IIOP exception type"; throw new IDLTypeException(msg); } } return; } /** * Returns true if the method's throw clause conforms to the exception * restrictions for properties as defined in Section of * Java2IDL spec. This means that for all exceptions E declared on the * method, E isChecked => RemoteException.isAssignableFrom( E ). */ private boolean validPropertyExceptions(Method method) { Class[] exceptions = method.getExceptionTypes(); for(int eIndex = 0; eIndex < exceptions.length; eIndex++) { Class exception = exceptions[eIndex]; if (isCheckedException(exception) && !isRemoteException(exception)) return false ; } return true; } /** * Implements Section 1.2.3, #2. */ private boolean isRemoteExceptionOrSuperClass(Class c) { return ((c == java.rmi.RemoteException.class) || (c == || (c == java.lang.Exception.class) || (c == java.lang.Throwable.class)); } /** * Implements Section 1.2.3, #5. */ private void validateDirectInterfaces(Class c) throws IDLTypeException { Class[] directInterfaces = c.getInterfaces(); if( directInterfaces.length < 2 ) { return; } Set allMethodNames = new HashSet(); Set currentMethodNames = new HashSet(); for(int i = 0; i < directInterfaces.length; i++) { Class next = directInterfaces[i]; Method[] methods = next.getMethods(); // Comparison is based on method names only. First collect // all methods from current interface, eliminating duplicate // names. currentMethodNames.clear(); for(int m = 0; m < methods.length; m++) { currentMethodNames.add(methods[m].getName()); } // Now check each method against list of all unique method // names processed so far. for(Iterator iter=currentMethodNames.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String methodName = (String); if( allMethodNames.contains(methodName) ) { String msg = "Class " + c + " inherits method " + methodName + " from multiple direct interfaces."; throw new IDLTypeException(msg); } else { allMethodNames.add(methodName); } } } return; } /** * Implements 1.2.3 #6 */ private void validateConstants(final Class c) throws IDLTypeException { Field[] fields = null; try { fields = (Field[]) (new { public java.lang.Object run() throws Exception { return c.getFields(); } }); } catch( pae) { IDLTypeException ite = new IDLTypeException(); ite.initCause(pae); throw ite; } for(int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { Field next = fields[i]; Class fieldType = next.getType(); if( (fieldType != java.lang.String.class) && !isPrimitive(fieldType) ) { String msg = "Constant field '" + next.getName() + "' in class '" + next.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "' has invalid type' " + next.getType() + "'. Constants" + " in RMI/IIOP interfaces can only have primitive" + " types and java.lang.String types."; throw new IDLTypeException(msg); } } return; } }
⏎ com/sun/corba/se/impl/presentation/rmi/
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