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⏎ java/awt/
/* * @(#) 1.9 01/12/10 * * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package java.awt; /** * A class to encapsulate symbolic colors representing the color * of GUI objects on a system. For systems which support the dynamic * update of the system colors (when the user changes the colors) * the actual RGB values of these symbolic colors will also change * dynamically. In order to compare the "current" RGB value of a SystemColor * object with a non-symbolic Color object, getRGB() should be used * rather than equals(). * * @version 1.9, 12/10/01 * @author Carl Quinn * @author Amy Fowler */ public final class SystemColor extends Color implements { /** * The array index for the desktop background color. */ public final static int DESKTOP = 0; /** * The array index for the active caption background color. */ public final static int ACTIVE_CAPTION = 1; /** * The array index for the action caption text color. */ public final static int ACTIVE_CAPTION_TEXT = 2; /** * The array index for the active caption border color. */ public final static int ACTIVE_CAPTION_BORDER = 3; /** * The array index for the inactive caption background color. */ public final static int INACTIVE_CAPTION = 4; /** * The array index for the inactive caption text color. */ public final static int INACTIVE_CAPTION_TEXT = 5; /** * The array index for the inactive caption border color. */ public final static int INACTIVE_CAPTION_BORDER = 6; /** * The array index for the window background color. */ public final static int WINDOW = 7; /** * The array index for the window border color. */ public final static int WINDOW_BORDER = 8; /** * The array index for the window text color. */ public final static int WINDOW_TEXT = 9; /** * The array index for the menu background color. */ public final static int MENU = 10; /** * The array index for the menu text color. */ public final static int MENU_TEXT = 11; /** * The array index for the text background color. */ public final static int TEXT = 12; /** * The array index for the text text color. */ public final static int TEXT_TEXT = 13; /** * The array index for the text highlight color. */ public final static int TEXT_HIGHLIGHT = 14; /** * The array index for the text highlight text color. */ public final static int TEXT_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT = 15; /** * The array index for the text inactive text color. */ public final static int TEXT_INACTIVE_TEXT = 16; /** * The array index for the control background color. */ public final static int CONTROL = 17; /** * The array index for the control text color. */ public final static int CONTROL_TEXT = 18; /** * The array index for the control highlight color. */ public final static int CONTROL_HIGHLIGHT = 19; /** * The array index for the control light highlight color. */ public final static int CONTROL_LT_HIGHLIGHT = 20; /** * The array index for the control shadow color. */ public final static int CONTROL_SHADOW = 21; /** * The array index for the control dark shadow color. */ public final static int CONTROL_DK_SHADOW = 22; /** * The array index for the scrollbar background color. */ public final static int SCROLLBAR = 23; /** * The array index for the info background color. */ public final static int INFO = 24; /** * The array index for the info text color. */ public final static int INFO_TEXT = 25; /** * The number of system colors in the array. */ public final static int NUM_COLORS = 26; /** * The color of the desktop background. */ public final static SystemColor desktop = new SystemColor((byte)DESKTOP); /** * The background color for captions in window borders. */ public final static SystemColor activeCaption = new SystemColor((byte)ACTIVE_CAPTION); /** * The text color for captions in window borders. */ public final static SystemColor activeCaptionText = new SystemColor((byte)ACTIVE_CAPTION_TEXT); /** * The border color for captions in window borders. */ public final static SystemColor activeCaptionBorder = new SystemColor((byte)ACTIVE_CAPTION_BORDER); /** * The background color for inactive captions in window borders. */ public final static SystemColor inactiveCaption = new SystemColor((byte)INACTIVE_CAPTION); /** * The text color for inactive captions in window borders. */ public final static SystemColor inactiveCaptionText = new SystemColor((byte)INACTIVE_CAPTION_TEXT); /** * The border color for inactive captios in window borders. */ public final static SystemColor inactiveCaptionBorder = new SystemColor((byte)INACTIVE_CAPTION_BORDER); /** * The background color for windows. */ public final static SystemColor window = new SystemColor((byte)WINDOW); /** * The border color for windows. */ public final static SystemColor windowBorder = new SystemColor((byte)WINDOW_BORDER); /** * The text color for windows. */ public final static SystemColor windowText = new SystemColor((byte)WINDOW_TEXT); /** * The background color for menus. */ public final static SystemColor menu = new SystemColor((byte)MENU); /** * The text color for menus. */ public final static SystemColor menuText = new SystemColor((byte)MENU_TEXT); /** * The background color for text components. */ public final static SystemColor text = new SystemColor((byte)TEXT); /** * The text color for text components. */ public final static SystemColor textText = new SystemColor((byte)TEXT_TEXT); /** * The background color for highlighted text. */ public final static SystemColor textHighlight = new SystemColor((byte)TEXT_HIGHLIGHT); /** * The text color for highlighted text. */ public final static SystemColor textHighlightText = new SystemColor((byte)TEXT_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT); /** * The text color for inactive text. */ public final static SystemColor textInactiveText = new SystemColor((byte)TEXT_INACTIVE_TEXT); /** * The background color for control objects. */ public final static SystemColor control = new SystemColor((byte)CONTROL); /** * The text color for control objects. */ public final static SystemColor controlText = new SystemColor((byte)CONTROL_TEXT); /** * The regular highlight color for control objects. */ public final static SystemColor controlHighlight = new SystemColor((byte)CONTROL_HIGHLIGHT); /** * The light highlight color for control objects. */ public final static SystemColor controlLtHighlight = new SystemColor((byte)CONTROL_LT_HIGHLIGHT); /** * The regular shadow color for control objects. */ public final static SystemColor controlShadow = new SystemColor((byte)CONTROL_SHADOW); /** * The dark shadow color for control objects. */ public final static SystemColor controlDkShadow = new SystemColor((byte)CONTROL_DK_SHADOW); /** * The background color for scrollbars. */ public final static SystemColor scrollbar = new SystemColor((byte)SCROLLBAR); /** * The background color for info(help) text. */ public final static SystemColor info = new SystemColor((byte)INFO); /** * The text color for info(help) text. */ public final static SystemColor infoText = new SystemColor((byte)INFO_TEXT); /* * System colors with default initial values, overwritten by toolkit if * system values differ and are available. */ private static int[] systemColors = { 0xFF005C5C, // desktop = new Color(0,92,92); 0xFF000080, // activeCaption = new Color(0,0,128); 0xFFFFFFFF, // activeCaptionText = Color.white; 0xFFC0C0C0, // activeCaptionBorder = Color.lightGray; 0xFF808080, // inactiveCaption = Color.gray; 0xFFC0C0C0, // inactiveCaptionText = Color.lightGray; 0xFFC0C0C0, // inactiveCaptionBorder = Color.lightGray; 0xFFFFFFFF, // window = Color.white; 0xFF000000, // windowBorder =; 0xFF000000, // windowText =; 0xFFC0C0C0, // menu = Color.lightGray; 0xFF000000, // menuText =; 0xFFC0C0C0, // text = Color.lightGray; 0xFF000000, // textText =; 0xFF000080, // textHighlight = new Color(0,0,128); 0xFFFFFFFF, // textHighlightText = Color.white; 0xFF808080, // textInactiveText = Color.gray; 0xFFC0C0C0, // control = Color.lightGray; 0xFF000000, // controlText =; 0xFFFFFFFF, // controlHighlight = Color.white; 0xFFE0E0E0, // controlLtHighlight = new Color(224,224,224); 0xFF808080, // controlShadow = Color.gray; 0xFF000000, // controlDkShadow =; 0xFFE0E0E0, // scrollbar = new Color(224,224,224); 0xFFE0E000, // info = new Color(224,224,0); 0xFF000000, // infoText =; }; /* * JDK 1.1 serialVersionUID */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 4503142729533789064L; static { updateSystemColors(); } /** * called from <init> & toolkit to update the above systemColors cache */ private static void updateSystemColors() { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().loadSystemColors(systemColors); } /** * Create a symbolic color that represents an indexed entry into system * color cache. Used by above static system colors. */ private SystemColor(byte index) { super(0, 0, 0); value = index; } /** * Gets the "current" RGB value representing the symbolic color. * (Bits 24-31 are 0xff, 16-23 are red, 8-15 are green, 0-7 are blue). * @see java.awt.image.ColorModel#getRGBdefault * @see java.awt.Color#getBlue(int) * @see java.awt.Color#getGreen(int) * @see java.awt.Color#getRed(int) */ public int getRGB() { return systemColors[value]; } /** * Returns the String representation of this Color's values. */ public String toString() { return getClass().getName() + "[i=" + (value) + "]"; } }
⏎ java/awt/
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