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JDK 1.1 Source Code Directory
JDK 1.1 source code directory contains Java source code for JDK 1.1 core classes:
Here is the list of Java classes of the JDK 1.1 source code:
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⏎ java/awt/image/
/* * @(#) 1.16 01/12/10 * * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package java.awt.image; import java.awt.AWTException; /** * A ColorModel class that specifies a translation from pixel values * to alpha, red, green, and blue color components for pixels which * have the color components embedded directly in the bits of the * pixel itself. This color model is similar to an X11 TrueColor * visual. * <p>Many of the methods in this class are final. This is because the * underlying native graphics code makes assumptions about the layout * and operation of this class and those assumptions are reflected in * the implementations of the methods here that are marked final. You * can subclass this class for other reaons, but you cannot override * or modify the behaviour of those methods. * * @see ColorModel * * @version 1.16 12/10/01 * @author Jim Graham */ public class DirectColorModel extends ColorModel { private int red_mask; private int green_mask; private int blue_mask; private int alpha_mask; private int red_offset; private int green_offset; private int blue_offset; private int alpha_offset; private int red_scale; private int green_scale; private int blue_scale; private int alpha_scale; /** * Constructs a DirectColorModel from the given masks specifying * which bits in the pixel contain the red, green and blue color * components. Pixels described by this color model will all * have alpha components of 255 (fully opaque). All of the bits * in each mask must be contiguous and fit in the specified number * of least significant bits of the integer. */ public DirectColorModel(int bits, int rmask, int gmask, int bmask) { this(bits, rmask, gmask, bmask, 0); } /** * Constructs a DirectColorModel from the given masks specifying * which bits in the pixel contain the alhpa, red, green and blue * color components. All of the bits in each mask must be contiguous * and fit in the specified number of least significant bits of the * integer. */ public DirectColorModel(int bits, int rmask, int gmask, int bmask, int amask) { super(bits); red_mask = rmask; green_mask = gmask; blue_mask = bmask; alpha_mask = amask; CalculateOffsets(); } /** * Returns the mask indicating which bits in a pixel contain the red * color component. */ final public int getRedMask() { return red_mask; } /** * Returns the mask indicating which bits in a pixel contain the green * color component. */ final public int getGreenMask() { return green_mask; } /** * Returns the mask indicating which bits in a pixel contain the blue * color component. */ final public int getBlueMask() { return blue_mask; } /** * Returns the mask indicating which bits in a pixel contain the alpha * transparency component. */ final public int getAlphaMask() { return alpha_mask; } private int accum_mask = 0; /* * A utility function to decompose a single mask and verify that it * fits in the specified pixel size, and that it does not overlap any * other color component. The values necessary to decompose and * manipulate pixels are calculated as a side effect. */ private void DecomposeMask(int mask, String componentName, int values[]) { if ((mask & accum_mask) != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(componentName + " mask bits not unique"); } int off = 0; int count = 0; if (mask != 0) { while ((mask & 1) == 0) { mask >>>= 1; off++; } while ((mask & 1) == 1) { mask >>>= 1; count++; } } if (mask != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(componentName + " mask bits not contiguous"); } if (off + count > pixel_bits) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(componentName + " mask overflows pixel"); } int scale; if (count < 8) { scale = (1 << count) - 1; } else { scale = 0; if (count > 8) { off += (count - 8); } } values[0] = off; values[1] = scale; } /* * A utility function to verify all of the masks and to store * the auxilliary values needed to manipulate the pixels. */ private void CalculateOffsets() { int values[] = new int[2]; DecomposeMask(red_mask, "red", values); red_offset = values[0]; red_scale = values[1]; DecomposeMask(green_mask, "green", values); green_offset = values[0]; green_scale = values[1]; DecomposeMask(blue_mask, "blue", values); blue_offset = values[0]; blue_scale = values[1]; DecomposeMask(alpha_mask, "alpha", values); alpha_offset = values[0]; alpha_scale = values[1]; } /** * Returns the red color compoment for the specified pixel in the * range 0-255. */ final public int getRed(int pixel) { int r = ((pixel & red_mask) >>> red_offset); if (red_scale != 0) { r = r * 255 / red_scale; } return r; } /** * Returns the green color compoment for the specified pixel in the * range 0-255. */ final public int getGreen(int pixel) { int g = ((pixel & green_mask) >>> green_offset); if (green_scale != 0) { g = g * 255 / green_scale; } return g; } /** * Returns the blue color compoment for the specified pixel in the * range 0-255. */ final public int getBlue(int pixel) { int b = ((pixel & blue_mask) >>> blue_offset); if (blue_scale != 0) { b = b * 255 / blue_scale; } return b; } /** * Return the alpha transparency value for the specified pixel in the * range 0-255. */ final public int getAlpha(int pixel) { if (alpha_mask == 0) return 255; int a = ((pixel & alpha_mask) >>> alpha_offset); if (alpha_scale != 0) { a = a * 255 / alpha_scale; } return a; } /** * Returns the color of the pixel in the default RGB color model. * @see ColorModel#getRGBdefault */ final public int getRGB(int pixel) { return (getAlpha(pixel) << 24) | (getRed(pixel) << 16) | (getGreen(pixel) << 8) | (getBlue(pixel) << 0); } }
⏎ java/awt/image/
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