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⏎ java/awt/image/
/* * @(#) 1.17 01/12/10 * * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package java.awt.image; /** * A ColorModel class that specifies a translation from pixel values * to alpha, red, green, and blue color components for pixels which * represent indices into a fixed colormap. An optional transparent * pixel value can be supplied which indicates a completely transparent * pixel, regardless of any alpha value recorded for that pixel value. * This color model is similar to an X11 PseudoColor visual. * <p>Many of the methods in this class are final. The reason for * this is that the underlying native graphics code makes assumptions * about the layout and operation of this class and those assumptions * are reflected in the implementations of the methods here that are * marked final. You can subclass this class for other reaons, but * you cannot override or modify the behaviour of those methods. * * @see ColorModel * * @version 1.17 12/10/01 * @author Jim Graham */ public class IndexColorModel extends ColorModel { private int rgb[]; private int map_size; private boolean opaque; private int transparent_index; /** * Constructs an IndexColorModel from the given arrays of red, * green, and blue components. Pixels described by this color * model will all have alpha components of 255 (fully opaque). * All of the arrays specifying the color components must have * at least the specified number of entries. * @param bits The number of bits each pixel occupies. * @param size The size of the color component arrays. * @param r The array of red color components. * @param g The array of green color components. * @param b The array of blue color components. */ public IndexColorModel(int bits, int size, byte r[], byte g[], byte b[]) { super(bits); setRGBs(size, r, g, b, null); } /** * Constructs an IndexColorModel from the given arrays of red, * green, and blue components. Pixels described by this color * model will all have alpha components of 255 (fully opaque), * except for the indicated transparent pixel. All of the arrays * specifying the color components must have at least the specified * number of entries. * @param bits The number of bits each pixel occupies. * @param size The size of the color component arrays. * @param r The array of red color components. * @param g The array of green color components. * @param b The array of blue color components. * @param trans The index of the transparent pixel. */ public IndexColorModel(int bits, int size, byte r[], byte g[], byte b[], int trans) { super(bits); setRGBs(size, r, g, b, null); setTransparentPixel(trans); } /** * Constructs an IndexColorModel from the given arrays of red, * green, blue and alpha components. All of the arrays specifying * the color components must have at least the specified number * of entries. * @param bits The number of bits each pixel occupies. * @param size The size of the color component arrays. * @param r The array of red color components. * @param g The array of green color components. * @param b The array of blue color components. * @param a The array of alpha value components. */ public IndexColorModel(int bits, int size, byte r[], byte g[], byte b[], byte a[]) { super(bits); if (size > 0 && a == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } setRGBs(size, r, g, b, a); } private void setRGBs(int size, byte r[], byte g[], byte b[], byte a[]) { map_size = size; rgb = new int[Math.max(size, 256)]; int alpha = 0xff; opaque = true; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (a != null) { alpha = (a[i] & 0xff); if (alpha != 0xff) { opaque = false; } } rgb[i] = (alpha << 24) | ((r[i] & 0xff) << 16) | ((g[i] & 0xff) << 8) | (b[i] & 0xff); } } /** * Constructs an IndexColorModel from a single arrays of packed * red, green, blue and optional alpha components. The array * must have enough values in it to fill all of the needed * component arrays of the specified size. * @param bits The number of bits each pixel occupies. * @param size The size of the color component arrays. * @param cmap The array of color components. * @param start The starting offset of the first color component. * @param hasalpha Indicates whether alpha values are contained in * the cmap array. */ public IndexColorModel(int bits, int size, byte cmap[], int start, boolean hasalpha) { this(bits, size, cmap, start, hasalpha, -1); } /** * Constructs an IndexColorModel from a single arrays of packed * red, green, blue and optional alpha components. The specified * transparent index represents a pixel which will be considered * entirely transparent regardless of any alpha value specified * for it. The array must have enough values in it to fill all * of the needed component arrays of the specified size. * @param bits The number of bits each pixel occupies. * @param size The size of the color component arrays. * @param cmap The array of color components. * @param start The starting offset of the first color component. * @param hasalpha Indicates whether alpha values are contained in * the cmap array. * @param trans The index of the fully transparent pixel. */ public IndexColorModel(int bits, int size, byte cmap[], int start, boolean hasalpha, int trans) { // REMIND: This assumes the ordering: RGB[A] super(bits); map_size = size; rgb = new int[Math.max(size, 256)]; int j = start; int alpha = 0xff; opaque = true; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { rgb[i] = ((cmap[j++] & 0xff) << 16) | ((cmap[j++] & 0xff) << 8) | (cmap[j++] & 0xff); if (hasalpha) { alpha = cmap[j++]; if (alpha != 0xff) { opaque = false; } } rgb[i] |= (alpha << 24); } setTransparentPixel(trans); } /** * Returns the size of the color component arrays in this IndexColorModel. */ final public int getMapSize() { return map_size; } /** * Returns the index of the transparent pixel in this IndexColorModel * or -1 if there is no transparent pixel. */ final public int getTransparentPixel() { return transparent_index; } /** * Copies the array of red color components into the given array. Only * the initial entries of the array as specified by getMapSize() are * written. */ final public void getReds(byte r[]) { for (int i = 0; i < map_size; i++) { r[i] = (byte) (rgb[i] >> 16); } } /** * Copies the array of green color components into the given array. Only * the initial entries of the array as specified by getMapSize() are * written. */ final public void getGreens(byte g[]) { for (int i = 0; i < map_size; i++) { g[i] = (byte) (rgb[i] >> 8); } } /** * Copies the array of blue color components into the given array. Only * the initial entries of the array as specified by getMapSize() will * be written. */ final public void getBlues(byte b[]) { for (int i = 0; i < map_size; i++) { b[i] = (byte) rgb[i]; } } /** * Copies the array of alpha transparency values into the given array. Only * the initial entries of the array as specified by getMapSize() will * be written. */ final public void getAlphas(byte a[]) { for (int i = 0; i < map_size; i++) { a[i] = (byte) (rgb[i] >> 24); } } private void setTransparentPixel(int trans) { if (trans >= map_size || trans < 0) { trans = -1; } else { rgb[trans] &= 0x00ffffff; opaque = false; } transparent_index = trans; } /** * Returns the red color compoment for the specified pixel in the * range 0-255. */ final public int getRed(int pixel) { return (rgb[pixel] >> 16) & 0xff; } /** * Returns the green color compoment for the specified pixel in the * range 0-255. */ final public int getGreen(int pixel) { return (rgb[pixel] >> 8) & 0xff; } /** * Returns the blue color compoment for the specified pixel in the * range 0-255. */ final public int getBlue(int pixel) { return rgb[pixel] & 0xff; } /** * Returns the alpha transparency value for the specified pixel in the * range 0-255. */ final public int getAlpha(int pixel) { return (rgb[pixel] >> 24) & 0xff; } /** * Returns the color of the pixel in the default RGB color model. * @see ColorModel#getRGBdefault */ final public int getRGB(int pixel) { return rgb[pixel]; } }
⏎ java/awt/image/
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