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⏎ java/awt/test/
/* * @(#) 1.14 01/12/10 * * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; class VTest extends Frame { boolean inReshape = false; Menu componentMenu; Menu backgroundMenu; Menu foregroundMenu; Menu shapeMenu; Menu sizeMenu; Menu fontMenu; Menu enableMenu; Menu familyMenu; Menu containerMenu; int currentSize = 10; Font currentFont; boolean enableComponents = true; Color currentForeground; Color currentBackground; Container currentContainer; Component component; Font font10; Font font14; Font font24; Font font36; public VTest() { super("VTest"); MenuBar mb = new MenuBar(); currentContainer = this; componentMenu = new Menu("Component"); componentMenu.add(new MenuItem("Button")); componentMenu.add(new MenuItem("Checkbox")); componentMenu.add(new MenuItem("Choice")); componentMenu.add(new MenuItem("Label")); componentMenu.add(new MenuItem("List")); componentMenu.add(new MenuItem("Panel")); componentMenu.add(new MenuItem("TextArea")); componentMenu.add(new MenuItem("TextField")); componentMenu.add(new MenuItem("HScrollbar")); componentMenu.add(new MenuItem("VScrollbar")); mb.add(componentMenu); enableMenu = new Menu("Enable/Disable"); enableMenu.add(new MenuItem("Enable")); enableMenu.add(new MenuItem("Disable")); mb.add(enableMenu); fontMenu = new Menu("Font"); familyMenu = new Menu("Family"); familyMenu.add(new MenuItem("Courier")); familyMenu.add(new MenuItem("Dialog")); familyMenu.add(new MenuItem("TimesRoman")); familyMenu.add(new MenuItem("Helvetica")); familyMenu.add(new MenuItem("Symbol")); fontMenu.add(familyMenu); sizeMenu = new Menu("Size"); sizeMenu.add(new MenuItem("10")); font10 = new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 10); sizeMenu.add(new MenuItem("14")); font14 = new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 14); sizeMenu.add(new MenuItem("24")); font24 = new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 24); sizeMenu.add(new MenuItem("36")); font36 = new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 36); fontMenu.add(sizeMenu); mb.add(fontMenu); shapeMenu = new Menu("Move/Reshape"); shapeMenu.add(new CheckboxMenuItem("Move")); shapeMenu.add(new CheckboxMenuItem("Reshape")); mb.add(shapeMenu); foregroundMenu = new Menu("Foreground"); foregroundMenu.add(new CheckboxMenuItem("default")); foregroundMenu.add(new CheckboxMenuItem("red")); foregroundMenu.add(new CheckboxMenuItem("green")); foregroundMenu.add(new CheckboxMenuItem("blue")); mb.add(foregroundMenu); backgroundMenu = new Menu("Background"); backgroundMenu.add(new CheckboxMenuItem("default")); backgroundMenu.add(new CheckboxMenuItem("red")); backgroundMenu.add(new CheckboxMenuItem("green")); backgroundMenu.add(new CheckboxMenuItem("blue")); mb.add(backgroundMenu); containerMenu = new Menu("Container"); containerMenu.add(new MenuItem("FlowLayout")); containerMenu.add(new MenuItem("GridLayout02")); containerMenu.add(new MenuItem("GridLayout20")); containerMenu.add(new MenuItem("GridLayout03")); containerMenu.add(new MenuItem("GridLayout30")); containerMenu.add(new MenuItem("BorderLayout")); mb.add(containerMenu); setMenuBar(mb); setLayout(null); currentFont = font10; currentForeground = getForeground(); currentBackground = getBackground(); enableComponents = true; resize(500, 300); show(); } public boolean handleEvent(Event e) { switch ( { case Event.WINDOW_DESTROY: System.exit(0); return true; case Event.MOUSE_DOWN: currentContainer = this; setCurrentComponent(e.x, e.y); /* fall into next case */ case Event.MOUSE_DRAG: if (component != null) { if (inReshape) { Rectangle bounds = component.bounds(); component.resize(Math.abs(e.x-bounds.x), Math.abs(e.y-bounds.y)); component.validate(); } else { component.move(e.x, e.y); } } return true; case Event.MOUSE_UP: currentContainer.validate(); return true; default: return super.handleEvent(e); } } void setAttributes(Component c) { if (c instanceof Container) { return; } c.setForeground(currentForeground); c.setBackground(currentBackground); c.setFont(currentFont); if (enableComponents) { c.enable(); } else { c.disable(); } } int computeDistance(int x, int y, Rectangle r) { int mx; int my; mx = x - (r.x + (r.width / 2)); my = y - (r.y + (r.height / 2)); return (mx*mx) + (my*my); } void setCurrentComponent(int x, int y) { int n = countComponents(); int distance = -1; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { Component c = getComponent(i); Rectangle b = c.bounds(); int d; d = computeDistance(x, y, b); if (distance == -1 || d < distance) { distance = d; component = c; } } } void setAttributes() { int n = countComponents(); for (int i=0; i < n; i++) { setAttributes(getComponent(i)); } } public boolean action(Event e, Object arg) { if ( instanceof MenuItem) { Menu menu = (Menu)(((MenuItem); String label = (String)arg; if (menu == backgroundMenu) { if (label.equals("red")) { currentBackground =; } else if (label.equals("green")) { currentBackground =; } else if (label.equals("blue")) { currentBackground =; } else if (label.equals("default")) { currentBackground = Color.lightGray; } } else if (menu == foregroundMenu) { if (label.equals("red")) { currentForeground =; } else if (label.equals("green")) { currentForeground =; } else if (label.equals("blue")) { currentForeground =; } else if (label.equals("default")) { currentForeground =; } } else if (menu == shapeMenu) { if (label.equals("Move")) { inReshape = false; } else if (label.equals("Reshape")) { inReshape = true; } } else if (menu == sizeMenu) { if (label.equals("10")) { currentFont = font10; } else if (label.equals("14")) { currentFont = font14; } else if (label.equals("24")) { currentFont = font24; } else if (label.equals("36")) { currentFont = font36; } } else if (menu == familyMenu) { font10 = new Font(label, Font.PLAIN, 10); font14 = new Font(label, Font.PLAIN, 14); font24 = new Font(label, Font.PLAIN, 24); font36 = new Font(label, Font.PLAIN, 36); switch (currentSize) { case 10: default: currentFont = font10; break; case 14: currentFont = font14; break; case 24: currentFont = font24; break; case 36: currentFont = font36; break; } } else if (menu == enableMenu) { if (label.equals("Enable")) { enableComponents = true; } else if (label.equals("Disable")) { enableComponents = false; } } else if (menu == componentMenu) { Component component; if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("Button")) { component = new Button("Button"); } else if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("Label")) { component = new Label("label"); } else if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("TextField")) { component = new TextField("textfield"); } else if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("Choice")) { component = new Choice(); ((Choice)component).addItem("Choice"); } else if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("List")) { component = new List(4, false); ((List)component).addItem("List1"); ((List)component).addItem("List2"); ((List)component).addItem("List3"); ((List)component).addItem("List4"); ((List)component).addItem("List5"); currentContainer.add(component); } else if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("TextArea")) { component = new TextArea(5, 15); ((TextArea)component).setText("TextArea"); } else if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("Checkbox")) { component = new Checkbox("Checkbox"); } else if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("Panel")) { component = new VPanel(this); } else if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("HScrollbar")) { component = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL); } else if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("VScrollbar")) { component = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.VERTICAL); } else { component = new Button("Button"); } if (! (component instanceof Container)) { Dimension d = component.preferredSize(); component.reshape(10, 10, d.width, d.height); } currentContainer.add(component); currentContainer.validate(); } else if (menu == containerMenu) { if (currentContainer != this) { if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("FlowLayout")) { currentContainer.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); } else if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("GridLayout02")) { currentContainer.setLayout(new GridLayout(0,2)); } else if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("GridLayout20")) { currentContainer.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,0)); } else if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("GridLayout03")) { currentContainer.setLayout(new GridLayout(0,3)); } else if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("GridLayout30")) { currentContainer.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 0)); } else if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("BorderLayout")) { currentContainer.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); Component comp1; Component comp2; Component comp3; Component comp4; Component comp5; switch (currentContainer.countComponents()) { case 1: comp1 = currentContainer.getComponent(0); currentContainer.remove(comp1); currentContainer.add("Center", comp1); break; case 2: comp1 = currentContainer.getComponent(0); comp2 = currentContainer.getComponent(1); currentContainer.remove(comp1); currentContainer.remove(comp2); currentContainer.add("North", comp1); currentContainer.add("Center", comp2); break; case 3: comp1 = currentContainer.getComponent(0); comp2 = currentContainer.getComponent(1); comp3 = currentContainer.getComponent(2); currentContainer.remove(comp1); currentContainer.remove(comp2); currentContainer.remove(comp3); currentContainer.add("North", comp1); currentContainer.add("South", comp2); currentContainer.add("Center", comp3); break; case 4: comp1 = currentContainer.getComponent(0); comp2 = currentContainer.getComponent(1); comp3 = currentContainer.getComponent(2); comp4 = currentContainer.getComponent(3); currentContainer.remove(comp1); currentContainer.remove(comp2); currentContainer.remove(comp3); currentContainer.remove(comp4); currentContainer.add("North", comp1); currentContainer.add("South", comp2); currentContainer.add("East", comp3); currentContainer.add("Center", comp4); break; case 5: default: comp1 = currentContainer.getComponent(0); comp2 = currentContainer.getComponent(1); comp3 = currentContainer.getComponent(2); comp4 = currentContainer.getComponent(3); comp5 = currentContainer.getComponent(4); currentContainer.remove(comp1); currentContainer.remove(comp2); currentContainer.remove(comp3); currentContainer.remove(comp4); currentContainer.remove(comp5); currentContainer.add("North", comp1); currentContainer.add("South", comp2); currentContainer.add("East", comp3); currentContainer.add("West", comp4); currentContainer.add("Center", comp5); break; } } currentContainer.validate(); } } setAttributes(); return true; } return false; } } public class VisualTest extends Applet { public void init() { new VTest(); } public static void main(String args[]) { Frame f = new Frame("VisualTest"); VisualTest visualtest = new VisualTest(); visualtest.init(); visualtest.start(); f.add("Center", visualtest); } } class VPanel extends Panel { VTest target; public VPanel(VTest target) { = target; setBackground(target.getBackground().darker()); resize(100, 100); } public boolean mouseDown(Event evt, int x, int y) { target.currentContainer = this; target.containerMenu.enable(); return true; } }
⏎ java/awt/test/
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