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/* * @(#) 1.74 01/12/10 * * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package java.beans; import java.lang.reflect.*; /** * The Introspector class provides a standard way for tools to learn about * the properties, events, and methods supported by a target Java Bean. * <p> * For each of those three kinds of information, the Introspector will * separately analyze the bean's class and superclasses looking for * either explicit or implicit information and use that information to * build a BeanInfo object that comprehensively describes the target bean. * <p> * For each class "Foo", explicit information may be available if there exists * a corresponding "FooBeanInfo" class that provides a non-null value when * queried for the information. We first look for the BeanInfo class by * taking the full package-qualified name of the target bean class and * appending "BeanInfo" to form a new class name. If this fails, then * we take the final classname component of this name, and look for that * class in each of the packages specified in the BeanInfo package search * path. * <p> * Thus for a class such as "" we would first look for a * BeanInfo class called "" and if that failed we'd * look in each package in the BeanInfo search path for an OurButtonBeanInfo * class. With the default search path, this would mean looking for * "sun.beans.infos.OurButtonBeanInfo". * <p> * If a class provides explicit BeanInfo about itself then we add that to * the BeanInfo information we obtained from analyzing any derived classes, * but we regard the explicit information as being definitive for the current * class and its base classes, and do not proceed any further up the superclass * chain. * <p> * If we don't find explicit BeanInfo on a class, we use low-level * reflection to study the methods of the class and apply standard design * patterns to identify property accessors, event sources, or public * methods. We then proceed to analyze the class's superclass and add * in the information from it (and possibly on up the superclass chain). */ public class Introspector { //====================================================================== // Public methods //====================================================================== /** * Introspect on a Java bean and learn about all its properties, exposed * methods, and events. * * @param beanClass The bean class to be analyzed. * @return A BeanInfo object describing the target bean. * @exception IntrospectionException if an exception occurs during * introspection. */ public static BeanInfo getBeanInfo(Class beanClass) throws IntrospectionException { BeanInfo bi = (BeanInfo)beanInfoCache.get(beanClass); if (bi == null) { bi = (new Introspector(beanClass, null)).getBeanInfo(); beanInfoCache.put(beanClass, bi); } return bi; } /** * Introspect on a Java bean and learn all about its properties, exposed * methods, below a given "stop" point. * * @param bean The bean class to be analyzed. * @param stopClass The baseclass at which to stop the analysis. Any * methods/properties/events in the stopClass or in its baseclasses * will be ignored in the analysis. * @exception IntrospectionException if an exception occurs during * introspection. */ public static BeanInfo getBeanInfo(Class beanClass, Class stopClass) throws IntrospectionException { return (new Introspector(beanClass, stopClass)).getBeanInfo(); } /** * Utility method to take a string and convert it to normal Java variable * name capitalization. This normally means converting the first * character from upper case to lower case, but in the (unusual) special * case when there is more than one character and both the first and * second characters are upper case, we leave it alone. * <p> * Thus "FooBah" becomes "fooBah" and "X" becomes "x", but "URL" stays * as "URL". * * @param name The string to be decapitalized. * @return The decapitalized version of the string. */ public static String decapitalize(String name) { if (name == null || name.length() == 0) { return name; } if (name.length() > 1 && Character.isUpperCase(name.charAt(1)) && Character.isUpperCase(name.charAt(0))){ return name; } char chars[] = name.toCharArray(); chars[0] = Character.toLowerCase(chars[0]); return new String(chars); } /** * @return The array of package names that will be searched in * order to find BeanInfo classes. * <p> This is initially set to {"sun.beans.infos"}. */ public static String[] getBeanInfoSearchPath() { return searchPath; } /** * Change the list of package names that will be used for * finding BeanInfo classes. * @param path Array of package names. */ public static void setBeanInfoSearchPath(String path[]) { searchPath = path; } //====================================================================== // Private implementation methods //====================================================================== private Introspector(Class beanClass, Class stopClass) throws IntrospectionException { this.beanClass = beanClass; // Check stopClass is a superClass of startClass. if (stopClass != null) { boolean isSuper = false; for (Class c = beanClass.getSuperclass(); c != null; c = c.getSuperclass()) { if (c == stopClass) { isSuper = true; } } if (!isSuper) { throw new IntrospectionException(stopClass.getName() + " not superclass of " + beanClass.getName()); } } informant = findInformant(beanClass); if (beanClass.getSuperclass() != stopClass) { if (stopClass == null) { superBeanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo( beanClass.getSuperclass()); } else { superBeanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo( beanClass.getSuperclass(), stopClass); } } if (informant != null) { additionalBeanInfo = informant.getAdditionalBeanInfo(); } if (additionalBeanInfo == null) { additionalBeanInfo = new BeanInfo[0]; } } private BeanInfo getBeanInfo() throws IntrospectionException { // the evaluation order here is import, as we evaluate the // event sets and locate PropertyChangeListeners before we // look for properties. BeanDescriptor bd = getTargetBeanDescriptor(); EventSetDescriptor esds[] = getTargetEventInfo(); int defaultEvent = getTargetDefaultEventIndex(); PropertyDescriptor pds[] = getTargetPropertyInfo(); int defaultProperty = getTargetDefaultPropertyIndex(); MethodDescriptor mds[] = getTargetMethodInfo(); return new GenericBeanInfo(bd, esds, defaultEvent, pds, defaultProperty, mds, informant); } private BeanInfo findInformant(Class beanClass) { String name = beanClass.getName() + "BeanInfo"; try { return (java.beans.BeanInfo)instantiate(beanClass, name); } catch (Exception ex) { // Just drop through } // Now try checking if the bean is its own BeanInfo. try { if (isSubclass(beanClass, java.beans.BeanInfo.class)) { return (java.beans.BeanInfo)beanClass.newInstance(); } } catch (Exception ex) { // Just drop through } // Now try looking for <searchPath>.fooBeanInfo while (name.indexOf('.') > 0) { name = name.substring(name.indexOf('.')+1); } for (int i = 0; i < searchPath.length; i++) { try { String fullName = searchPath[i] + "." + name; return (java.beans.BeanInfo)instantiate(beanClass, fullName); } catch (Exception ex) { // Silently ignore any errors. } } return null; } /** * @return An array of PropertyDescriptors describing the editable * properties supported by the target bean. */ private PropertyDescriptor[] getTargetPropertyInfo() throws IntrospectionException { // Check if the bean has its own BeanInfo that will provide // explicit information. PropertyDescriptor[] explicit = null; if (informant != null) { explicit = informant.getPropertyDescriptors(); int ix = informant.getDefaultPropertyIndex(); if (ix >= 0 && ix < explicit.length) { defaultPropertyName = explicit[ix].getName(); } } if (explicit == null && superBeanInfo != null) { // We have no explicit BeanInfo properties. Check with our parent. PropertyDescriptor supers[] = superBeanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors(); for (int i = 0 ; i < supers.length; i++) { addProperty(supers[i]); } int ix = superBeanInfo.getDefaultPropertyIndex(); if (ix >= 0 && ix < supers.length) { defaultPropertyName = supers[ix].getName(); } } for (int i = 0; i < additionalBeanInfo.length; i++) { PropertyDescriptor additional[] = additionalBeanInfo[i].getPropertyDescriptors(); if (additional != null) { for (int j = 0 ; j < additional.length; j++) { addProperty(additional[j]); } } } if (explicit != null) { // Add the explicit informant data to our results. for (int i = 0 ; i < explicit.length; i++) { addProperty(explicit[i]); } } else { // Apply some reflection to the current class. // First get an array of all the beans methods at this level Method methodList[] = getDeclaredMethods(beanClass); // Now analyze each method. for (int i = 0; i < methodList.length; i++) { Method method = methodList[i]; // skip static and non-public methods. int mods = method.getModifiers(); if (Modifier.isStatic(mods) || !Modifier.isPublic(mods)) { continue; } String name = method.getName(); Class argTypes[] = method.getParameterTypes(); Class resultType = method.getReturnType(); int argCount = argTypes.length; PropertyDescriptor pd = null; try { if (argCount == 0) { if (name.startsWith("get")) { // Simple getter pd = new PropertyDescriptor(decapitalize(name.substring(3)), method, null); } else if (resultType == boolean.class && name.startsWith("is")) { // Boolean getter pd = new PropertyDescriptor(decapitalize(name.substring(2)), method, null); } } else if (argCount == 1) { if (argTypes[0] == int.class && name.startsWith("get")) { pd = new IndexedPropertyDescriptor( decapitalize(name.substring(3)), null, null, method, null); } else if (resultType == void.class && name.startsWith("set")) { // Simple setter pd = new PropertyDescriptor(decapitalize(name.substring(3)), null, method); if (throwsException(method, PropertyVetoException.class)) { pd.setConstrained(true); } } } else if (argCount == 2) { if (argTypes[0] == int.class && name.startsWith("set")) { pd = new IndexedPropertyDescriptor( decapitalize(name.substring(3)), null, null, null, method); if (throwsException(method, PropertyVetoException.class)) { pd.setConstrained(true); } } } } catch (IntrospectionException ex) { // This happens if a PropertyDescriptor or IndexedPropertyDescriptor // constructor fins that the method violates details of the deisgn // pattern, e.g. by having an empty name, or a getter returning // void , or whatever. pd = null; } if (pd != null) { // If this class or one of its base classes is a PropertyChange // source, then we assume that any properties we discover are "bound". if (propertyChangeSource) { pd.setBound(true); } addProperty(pd); } } } // Allocate and populate the result array. PropertyDescriptor result[] = new PropertyDescriptor[properties.size()]; java.util.Enumeration elements = properties.elements(); for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { result[i] = (PropertyDescriptor)elements.nextElement(); if (defaultPropertyName != null && defaultPropertyName.equals(result[i].getName())) { defaultPropertyIndex = i; } } return result; } void addProperty(PropertyDescriptor pd) { String name = pd.getName(); PropertyDescriptor old = (PropertyDescriptor)properties.get(name); if (old == null) { properties.put(name, pd); return; } // If the property type has changed, use the new descriptor. Class opd = old.getPropertyType(); Class npd = pd.getPropertyType(); if (opd != null && npd != null && opd != npd) { properties.put(name, pd); return; } PropertyDescriptor composite; if (old instanceof IndexedPropertyDescriptor || pd instanceof IndexedPropertyDescriptor) { composite = new IndexedPropertyDescriptor(old, pd); } else { composite = new PropertyDescriptor(old, pd); } properties.put(name, composite); } /** * @return An array of EventSetDescriptors describing the kinds of * events fired by the target bean. */ private EventSetDescriptor[] getTargetEventInfo() throws IntrospectionException { // Check if the bean has its own BeanInfo that will provide // explicit information. EventSetDescriptor[] explicit = null; if (informant != null) { explicit = informant.getEventSetDescriptors(); int ix = informant.getDefaultEventIndex(); if (ix >= 0 && ix < explicit.length) { defaultEventName = explicit[ix].getName(); } } if (explicit == null && superBeanInfo != null) { // We have no explicit BeanInfo events. Check with our parent. EventSetDescriptor supers[] = superBeanInfo.getEventSetDescriptors(); for (int i = 0 ; i < supers.length; i++) { addEvent(supers[i]); } int ix = superBeanInfo.getDefaultEventIndex(); if (ix >= 0 && ix < supers.length) { defaultEventName = supers[ix].getName(); } } for (int i = 0; i < additionalBeanInfo.length; i++) { EventSetDescriptor additional[] = additionalBeanInfo[i].getEventSetDescriptors(); if (additional != null) { for (int j = 0 ; j < additional.length; j++) { addEvent(additional[j]); } } } if (explicit != null) { // Add the explicit informant data to our results. for (int i = 0 ; i < explicit.length; i++) { addEvent(explicit[i]); } } else { // Apply some reflection to the current class. // Get an array of all the beans methods at this level Method methodList[] = getDeclaredMethods(beanClass); // Find all suitable "add" and "remove" methods. java.util.Hashtable adds = new java.util.Hashtable(); java.util.Hashtable removes = new java.util.Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < methodList.length; i++) { Method method = methodList[i]; // skip static and non-public methods. int mods = method.getModifiers(); if (Modifier.isStatic(mods) || !Modifier.isPublic(mods)) { continue; } String name = method.getName(); Class argTypes[] = method.getParameterTypes(); Class resultType = method.getReturnType(); if (name.startsWith("add") && argTypes.length == 1 && resultType == Void.TYPE) { String compound = name.substring(3) + ":" + argTypes[0]; adds.put(compound, method); } else if (name.startsWith("remove") && argTypes.length == 1 && resultType == Void.TYPE) { String compound = name.substring(6) + ":" + argTypes[0]; removes.put(compound, method); } } // Now look for matching addFooListener+removeFooListener pairs. java.util.Enumeration keys = adds.keys(); String beanClassName = beanClass.getName(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { String compound = (String) keys.nextElement(); // Skip any "add" which doesn't have a matching "remove". if (removes.get(compound) == null) { continue; } // Method name has to end in "Listener" if (compound.indexOf("Listener:") <= 0) { continue; } String listenerName = compound.substring(0, compound.indexOf(':')); String eventName = decapitalize(listenerName.substring(0, listenerName.length()-8)); Method addMethod = (Method)adds.get(compound); Method removeMethod = (Method)removes.get(compound); Class argType = addMethod.getParameterTypes()[0]; // Check if the argument type is a subtype of EventListener if (!Introspector.isSubclass(argType, eventListenerType)) { continue; } // generate a list of Method objects for each of the target methods: Method allMethods[] = argType.getMethods(); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < allMethods.length; i++) { if (isEventHandler(allMethods[i])) { count++; } else { allMethods[i] = null; } } Method methods[] = new Method[count]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < allMethods.length; i++) { if (allMethods[i] != null) { methods[j++] = allMethods[i]; } } EventSetDescriptor esd = new EventSetDescriptor(eventName, argType, methods, addMethod, removeMethod); // If the adder method throws the TooManyListenersException then it // is a Unicast event source. if (throwsException(addMethod, java.util.TooManyListenersException.class)) { esd.setUnicast(true); } addEvent(esd); } } // Allocate and populate the result array. EventSetDescriptor result[] = new EventSetDescriptor[events.size()]; java.util.Enumeration elements = events.elements(); for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { result[i] = (EventSetDescriptor)elements.nextElement(); if (defaultEventName != null && defaultEventName.equals(result[i].getName())) { defaultEventIndex = i; } } return result; } void addEvent(EventSetDescriptor esd) { String key = esd.getName(); if (key.equals("propertyChange")) { propertyChangeSource = true; } EventSetDescriptor old = (EventSetDescriptor)events.get(key); if (old == null) { events.put(key, esd); return; } EventSetDescriptor composite = new EventSetDescriptor(old, esd); events.put(key, composite); } /** * @return An array of MethodDescriptors describing the private * methods supported by the target bean. */ private MethodDescriptor[] getTargetMethodInfo() throws IntrospectionException { // Check if the bean has its own BeanInfo that will provide // explicit information. MethodDescriptor[] explicit = null; if (informant != null) { explicit = informant.getMethodDescriptors(); } if (explicit == null && superBeanInfo != null) { // We have no explicit BeanInfo methods. Check with our parent. MethodDescriptor supers[] = superBeanInfo.getMethodDescriptors(); for (int i = 0 ; i < supers.length; i++) { addMethod(supers[i]); } } for (int i = 0; i < additionalBeanInfo.length; i++) { MethodDescriptor additional[] = additionalBeanInfo[i].getMethodDescriptors(); if (additional != null) { for (int j = 0 ; j < additional.length; j++) { addMethod(additional[j]); } } } if (explicit != null) { // Add the explicit informant data to our results. for (int i = 0 ; i < explicit.length; i++) { addMethod(explicit[i]); } } else { // Apply some reflection to the current class. // First get an array of all the beans methods at this level Method methodList[] = getDeclaredMethods(beanClass); // Now analyze each method. for (int i = 0; i < methodList.length; i++) { Method method = methodList[i]; // skip non-public methods. if (!Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) { continue; } MethodDescriptor md = new MethodDescriptor(method); addMethod(md); } } // Allocate and populate the result array. MethodDescriptor result[] = new MethodDescriptor[methods.size()]; java.util.Enumeration elements = methods.elements(); for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { result[i] = (MethodDescriptor)elements.nextElement(); } return result; } private void addMethod(MethodDescriptor md) { // We have to be careful here to distinguish method by both name // and argument lists. // This method gets called a *lot, so we try to be efficient. String name = md.getMethod().getName(); MethodDescriptor old = (MethodDescriptor)methods.get(name); if (old == null) { // This is the common case. methods.put(name, md); return; } // We have a collision on method names. This is rare. // Check if old and md have the same type. Class p1[] = md.getMethod().getParameterTypes(); Class p2[] = old.getMethod().getParameterTypes(); boolean match = false; if (p1.length == p2.length) { match = true; for (int i = 0; i < p1.length; i++) { if (p1[i] != p2[i]) { match = false; break; } } } if (match) { MethodDescriptor composite = new MethodDescriptor(old, md); methods.put(name, composite); return; } // We have a collision on method names with different type signatures. // This is very rare. String longKey = makeQualifiedMethodName(md); old = (MethodDescriptor)methods.get(longKey); if (old == null) { methods.put(longKey, md); return; } MethodDescriptor composite = new MethodDescriptor(old, md); methods.put(longKey, composite); } private String makeQualifiedMethodName(MethodDescriptor md) { Method m = md.getMethod(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(m.getName()); sb.append("="); Class params[] = m.getParameterTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { sb.append(":"); sb.append(params[i].getName()); } return sb.toString(); } private int getTargetDefaultEventIndex() { return defaultEventIndex; } private int getTargetDefaultPropertyIndex() { return defaultPropertyIndex; } private BeanDescriptor getTargetBeanDescriptor() throws IntrospectionException { // Use explicit info, if available, if (informant != null) { BeanDescriptor bd = informant.getBeanDescriptor(); if (bd != null) { return (bd); } } // OK, fabricate a default BeanDescriptor. return (new BeanDescriptor(beanClass)); } private boolean isEventHandler(Method m) throws IntrospectionException { // Right now we assume that a method is an event handler if it // has a single argument, whose type name includes the word // "Event". The real answer is that the argument type should // inherit from java.util.Event or somesuch, but we're not quite // there yet. try { Class argTypes[] = m.getParameterTypes(); if (argTypes.length != 1) { return (false); } String type = "" + argTypes[0]; if (type.indexOf("Event") >= 0) { return (true); } else { return (false); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IntrospectionException("Unexpected reflection exception: " + ex); } } private static synchronized Method[] getDeclaredMethods(Class clz) { // Looking up Class.getDeclaredMethods is realtively expensive, // so we cache the results. if (declaredMethodCache == null) { declaredMethodCache = new java.util.Hashtable(); } Method[] result = (Method[])declaredMethodCache.get(clz); if (result == null) { result = clz.getDeclaredMethods(); declaredMethodCache.put(clz, result); } return result; } //====================================================================== // Package private support methods. //====================================================================== /** * Find a target methodName on a given class. */ static Method findMethod(Class cls, String methodName, int argCount) throws IntrospectionException { if (methodName == null) { return null; } // For overriden methods we need to find the most derived version. // So we start with the given cls and walk up the superclass chain. while (cls != null) { Method methods[] = getDeclaredMethods(cls); for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { Method method = methods[i]; // skip static and non-public methods. int mods = method.getModifiers(); if (Modifier.isStatic(mods) || !Modifier.isPublic(mods)) { continue; } if (method.getName().equals(methodName) && method.getParameterTypes().length == argCount) { return method; } } cls = cls.getSuperclass(); } // We failed to find a suitable method throw new IntrospectionException("No method \"" + methodName + "\" with " + argCount + " arg(s)"); } /** * Return true if class a is either equivalent to class b, or * if class a is a subclass of class b. * Note tht either or both "Class" objects may represent interfaces. */ static boolean isSubclass(Class a, Class b) { // We rely on the fact that for any given java class or // primtitive type there is a unqiue Class object, so // we can use object equivalence in the comparisons. if (a == b) { return true; } if (a == null || b == null) { return false; } for (Class x = a; x != null; x = x.getSuperclass()) { if (x == b) { return true; } if (b.isInterface()) { Class interfaces[] = x.getInterfaces(); for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) { if (isSubclass(interfaces[i], b)) { return true; } } } } return false; } /** * Return true iff the given method throws the given exception. */ private boolean throwsException(Method method, Class exception) { Class exs[] = method.getExceptionTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < exs.length; i++) { if (exs[i] == exception) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Try to create an instance of a named class. * First try the classloader of "sibling", then try the system * classloader. */ static Object instantiate(Class sibling, String className) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException { // First check with sibling's classloader (if any). ClassLoader cl = sibling.getClassLoader(); if (cl != null) { try { Class cls = cl.loadClass(className); return cls.newInstance(); } catch (Exception ex) { // Just drop through and try the system classloader. } } // Now try the system classloader. Class cls = Class.forName(className); return cls.newInstance(); } //====================================================================== private BeanInfo informant; private boolean propertyChangeSource = false; private Class beanClass; private BeanInfo superBeanInfo; private BeanInfo additionalBeanInfo[]; private static java.util.Hashtable beanInfoCache = new java.util.Hashtable(); private static Class eventListenerType = java.util.EventListener.class; private String defaultEventName; private String defaultPropertyName; private int defaultEventIndex = -1; private int defaultPropertyIndex = -1; // Methods maps from Method objects to MethodDescriptors private java.util.Hashtable methods = new java.util.Hashtable(); // Cache of Class.getDeclaredMethods: private static java.util.Hashtable declaredMethodCache; // properties maps from String names to PropertyDescriptors private java.util.Hashtable properties = new java.util.Hashtable(); // events maps from String names to EventSetDescriptors private java.util.Hashtable events = new java.util.Hashtable(); private static String[] searchPath = { "sun.beans.infos" }; } //=========================================================================== /** * Package private implementation support class for Introspector's * internal use. */ class GenericBeanInfo extends SimpleBeanInfo { public GenericBeanInfo(BeanDescriptor beanDescriptor, EventSetDescriptor[] events, int defaultEvent, PropertyDescriptor[] properties, int defaultProperty, MethodDescriptor[] methods, BeanInfo targetBeanInfo) { this.beanDescriptor = beanDescriptor; = events; this.defaultEvent = defaultEvent; = properties; this.defaultProperty = defaultProperty; this.methods = methods; this.targetBeanInfo = targetBeanInfo; } public PropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors() { return properties; } public int getDefaultPropertyIndex() { return defaultProperty; } public EventSetDescriptor[] getEventSetDescriptors() { return events; } public int getDefaultEventIndex() { return defaultEvent; } public MethodDescriptor[] getMethodDescriptors() { return methods; } public BeanDescriptor getBeanDescriptor() { return beanDescriptor; } public java.awt.Image getIcon(int iconKind) { if (targetBeanInfo != null) { return targetBeanInfo.getIcon(iconKind); } return super.getIcon(iconKind); } private BeanDescriptor beanDescriptor; private EventSetDescriptor[] events; private int defaultEvent; private PropertyDescriptor[] properties; private int defaultProperty; private MethodDescriptor[] methods; private BeanInfo targetBeanInfo; }
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