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JDK 1.1 Source Code Directory
JDK 1.1 source code directory contains Java source code for JDK 1.1 core classes:
Here is the list of Java classes of the JDK 1.1 source code:
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/* * @(#) 1.58 01/12/10 * * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package java.lang; import java.lang.reflect.Member; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import; /** * Instances of the class </code>Class</code> represent classes and * interfaces in a running Java application. * Every array also belongs to a class that is reflected as a Class * object that is shared by all arrays with the same element type and * number of dimensions. Finally, the either primitive Java types * (boolean, byte, char, short, int, long, float, and double) and * the keyword void are also represented as Class objects. * <p> * There is no public constructor for the class </code>Class</code>. * </code>Class</code> objects are constructed automatically by the Java * Virtual Machine as classes are loaded and by calls to the * <code>defineClass</code> method in the class loader. * <p> * The following example uses a Class object to print the Class name * of an object: * <p><pre><blockquote> * void printClassName(Object obj) { * System.out.println("The class of " + obj + * " is " + obj.getClass().getName()); * } * </blockquote></pre> * * @author unascribed * @version 1.58, 12/10/01 * @see java.lang.ClassLoader#defineClass(byte[], int, int) * @since JDK1.0 */ public final class Class implements { /* * Constructor. Only the Java Virtual Machine creates Class * objects. */ private Class() {} /** * Converts the object to a string. The string representation is the * string <code>"class"</code> or <code>"interface"</code> followed * by a space and then the fully qualified name of the class. * If this Class object represents a primitive type, * returns the name of the primitive type. * * @return a string representation of this class object. * @since JDK1.0 */ public String toString() { return (isInterface() ? "interface " : (isPrimitive() ? "" : "class ")) + getName(); } /** * Returns the <code>Class</code> object associated with the class * with the given string name. * Given the fully-qualified name for a class or interface, this * method attempts to locate, load and link the class. If it * succeeds, returns the Class object representing the class. If * it fails, the method throws a ClassNotFoundException. * <p> * For example, the following code fragment returns the runtime * <code>Class</code> descriptor for the class named * <code>java.lang.Thread</code>: * <ul><code> * Class t = Class.forName("java.lang.Thread") * </code></ul> * * @param className the fully qualified name of the desired class. * @return the <code>Class</code> descriptor for the class with the * specified name. * @exception ClassNotFoundException if the class could not be found. * @since JDK1.0 */ public static native Class forName(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException; /** * Creates a new instance of a class. * * @return a newly allocated instance of the class represented by this * object. This is done exactly as if by a <code>new</code> * expression with an empty argument list. * @exception IllegalAccessException if the class or initializer is * not accessible. * @exception InstantiationException if an application tries to * instantiate an abstract class or an interface, or if the * instantiation fails for some other reason. * @since JDK1.0 */ public native Object newInstance() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException; /** * This method is the dynamic equivalent of the Java language * <code>instanceof</code> operator. The method returns true if * the specified Object argument is non-null and can be cast to * the reference type represented by this Class object without * raising a ClassCastException. It returns false otherwise. * * <p>Specifically, if this Class object represents a declared * class, returns true if the specified Object argument is an * instance of the represented class (or of any of its * subclasses); false otherwise. If this Class object represents * an array class, returns true if the specified Object argument * can be converted to an object of the array type by an identity * conversion or by a widening reference conversion; false * otherwise. If this Class object represents an interface, * returns true if the class or any superclass of the * specified Object argument implements this interface; false * otherwise. If this Class object represents a primitive type, * returns false. * * @param obj The object to check * @since JDK1.1 */ public native boolean isInstance(Object obj); /** * Determines if the class or interface * represented by this Class object is either the same as, or is a * superclass or superinterface of, the class or interface * represented by the specified Class parameter. It returns true * if so, false otherwise. If this Class object represents a * primitive type, returns true if the specified Class parameter * is exactly this Class object, false otherwise. * * <p>Specifically, this method tests whether the type represented * by the specified Class parameter can be converted to the type * represented by this Class object via an identity conversion or * via a widening reference conversion. See <em>The Java Language * Specification</em>, sections 5.1.1 and 5.1.4 , for details. * * @exception NullPointerException if the specified Class parameter is null. * @since JDK1.1 */ public native boolean isAssignableFrom(Class cls); /** * Determines if the specified Class object represents an interface type. * * @return <code>true</code> if this object represents an interface; * <code>false</code> otherwise. * @since JDK1.0 */ public native boolean isInterface(); /** * If this Class object represents an array type, returns true, * otherwise returns false. * * @since JDK1.1 */ public native boolean isArray(); /** * Determines if the specified Class object represents a primitive Java * type. * * <p>There are nine predefined Class objects to represent the eight * primitive Java types and void. These are created by the Java * Virtual Machine, and have the same names as the primitive types * that they represent, namely boolean, byte, char, short, int, * long, float, and double, and void. * * <p>These objects may only be accessed via the following public * static final variables, and are the only Class objects for * which this method returns true. * * @see java.lang.Boolean#TYPE * @see java.lang.Character#TYPE * @see java.lang.Byte#TYPE * @see java.lang.Short#TYPE * @see java.lang.Integer#TYPE * @see java.lang.Long#TYPE * @see java.lang.Float#TYPE * @see java.lang.Double#TYPE * @see java.lang.Void#TYPE * @since JDK1.1 */ public native boolean isPrimitive(); /** * Returns the fully-qualified name of the type (class, interface, * array, or primitive) represented by this Class object, as a String. * * @return the fully qualified name of the class or interface * represented by this object. * @since JDK1.0 */ public native String getName(); /** * Determines the class loader for the class. * * @return the class loader that created the class or interface * represented by this object, or <code>null</code> if the * class was not created by a class loader. * @see java.lang.ClassLoader * @since JDK1.0 */ public native ClassLoader getClassLoader(); /** * If this object represents any class other than the class * </code>Object</code>, then the object that represents the superclass * of that class is returned. * <p> * If this object is the one that represents the class * </code>Object</code> or this object represents an interface, * </code>null</code> is returned. * * @return the superclass of the class represented by this object. * @since JDK1.0 */ public native Class getSuperclass(); /** * Determines the interfaces implemented by the class or interface * represented by this object. * <p> * If this object represents a class, the return value is an array * containing objects representing all interfaces implemented by the * class. The order of the interface objects in the array corresponds * to the order of the interface names in the </code>implements</code> * clause of the declaration of the class represented by this object. * <p> * If this object represents an interface, the array contains * objects representing all interfaces extended by the interface. The * order of the interface objects in the array corresponds to the * order of the interface names in the </code>extends</code> clause of * the declaration of the interface represented by this object. * <p> * If the class or interface implements no interfaces, the method * returns an array of length 0. * * @return an array of interfaces implemented by this class. * @since JDK1.0 */ public native Class[] getInterfaces(); /** * If this class represents an array type, returns the Class * object representing the component type of the array; otherwise * returns null. * * @see java.lang.reflect.Array * @since JDK1.1 */ public native Class getComponentType(); /** * Returns the Java language modifiers for this class or * interface, encoded in an integer. The modifiers consist of the * Java Virtual Machine's constants for public, protected, * private, final, and interface; they should be decoded using the * methods of class Modifier. * * <p>The modifier encodings are defined in <em>The Java Virtual * Machine Specification</em>, table 4.1. * * @see java.lang.reflect.Modifier * @since JDK1.1 */ public native int getModifiers(); /** * Get the signers of this class. * * @since JDK1.1 */ public native Object[] getSigners(); /** * Set the signers of this class. */ native void setSigners(Object[] signers); /** * Not implemented in this version of the * Java<font size="-2"><sup>TM</sup></font> Development Kit. * <p> * If the class or interface represented by this Class object is * a member of another class, returns the Class object * representing the class of which it is a member (its * <em>declaring class</em>). Returns null if this class or * interface is not a member of any other class. * * @since JDK1.1 */ public Class getDeclaringClass() { return null; /* not implemented */ } /** * Not implemented in this version of the * Java<font size="-2"><sup>TM</sup></font> Development Kit. * <p> * Returns an array containing Class objects representing all the * public classes and interfaces that are members of the class * represented by this Class object. This includes public class * and interface members inherited from superclasses and public * class and interface members declared by the class. Returns an * array of length 0 if the class has no public member classes or * interfaces, or if this Class object represents a primitive * type. * * @since JDK1.1 */ public Class[] getClasses() { return new Class[0]; /* not implemented */ } /** * Returns an array containing Field objects reflecting all the * accessible public fields of the class or interface represented * by this Class object. Returns an array of length 0 if the * class or interface has no accessible public fields, or if it * represents an array type or a primitive type. * * <p>Specifically, if this Class object represents a class, * returns the public fields of this class and of all its * superclasses. If this Class object represents an interface, * returns the fields of this interface and of all its * superinterfaces. If this Class object represents an array type * or a primitive type, returns an array of length 0. * * <p>The implicit length field for array types is not reflected * by this method. User code should use the methods of class Array * to manipulate arrays. * * <p>See <em>The Java Language Specification</em>, sections 8.2 and 8.3. * * @exception SecurityException if access to the information is denied. * @see java.lang.reflect.Field * @since JDK1.1 */ public Field[] getFields() throws SecurityException { checkMemberAccess(Member.PUBLIC); return getFields0(Member.PUBLIC); } /** * Returns an array containing Method objects reflecting all the * public <em>member</em> methods of the class or interface * represented by this Class object, including those declared by * the class or interface and and those inherited from * superclasses and superinterfaces. Returns an array of length 0 * if the class or interface has no public member methods. * * <p>See <em>The Java Language Specification</em>, sections 8.2 * and 8.4. * * @exception SecurityException if access to the information is denied. * @see java.lang.reflect.Method * @since JDK1.1 */ public Method[] getMethods() throws SecurityException { checkMemberAccess(Member.PUBLIC); return getMethods0(Member.PUBLIC); } /** * Returns an array containing Constructor objects reflecting * all the public constructors of the class represented by this * Class object. An array of length 0 is returned if the class * has no public constructors. * * @exception SecurityException if access to the information is denied. * @see java.lang.reflect.Constructor * @since JDK1.1 */ public Constructor[] getConstructors() throws SecurityException { checkMemberAccess(Member.PUBLIC); return getConstructors0(Member.PUBLIC); } /** * Returns a Field object that reflects the specified public * member field of the class or interface represented by * this Class object. The name parameter is a String specifying * the simple name of the desired field. * * <p>The field to be reflected is located by searching all the * member fields of the class or interface represented by this * Class object for a public field with the specified name. * * <p>See <em>The Java Language Specification</em>, sections 8.2 and 8.3. * * @exception NoSuchFieldException if a field with the specified name is * not found. * @exception SecurityException if access to the information is denied. * @see java.lang.reflect.Field * @since JDK1.1 */ public Field getField(String name) throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException { checkMemberAccess(Member.PUBLIC); return getField0(name, Member.PUBLIC); } /** * Returns a Method object that reflects the specified public * member method of the class or interface represented by this * Class object. The name parameter is a String specifying the * simple name the desired method, and the parameterTypes * parameter is an array of Class objects that identify the * method's formal parameter types, in declared order. * * <p>The method to reflect is located by searching all the member * methods of the class or interface represented by this Class * object for a public method with the specified name and exactly * the same formal parameter types. * * <p>See <em>The Java Language Specification</em>, sections 8.2 * and 8.4. * * @exception NoSuchMethodException if a matching method is not found. * @exception SecurityException if access to the information is denied. * @see java.lang.reflect.Method * @since JDK1.1 */ public Method getMethod(String name, Class[] parameterTypes) throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException { checkMemberAccess(Member.PUBLIC); return getMethod0(name, parameterTypes, Member.PUBLIC); } /** * Returns a Constructor object that reflects the specified public * constructor of the class represented by this Class object. The * parameterTypes parameter is an array of Class objects that * identify the constructor's formal parameter types, in declared * order. * * <p>The constructor to reflect is located by searching all the * constructors of the class represented by this Class object for * a public constructor with the exactly the same formal parameter * types. * * @exception NoSuchMethodException if a matching method is not found. * @exception SecurityException if access to the information is denied. * @see java.lang.reflect.Constructor * @since JDK1.1 */ public Constructor getConstructor(Class[] parameterTypes) throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException { checkMemberAccess(Member.PUBLIC); return getConstructor0(parameterTypes, Member.PUBLIC); } /** * Not implemented in this version of the * Java<font size="-2"><sup>TM</sup></font> Development Kit. * <p> * Returns an array of Class objects reflecting all the classes * and interfaces declared as members of the class represented by * this Class object. This includes public, protected, default * (package) access, and private classes and interfaces declared * by the class, but excludes inherited classes and interfaces. * Returns an array of length 0 if the class declares no classes * or interfaces as members, or if this Class object represents a * primitive type. * * @exception SecurityException if access to the information is denied. * @since JDK1.1 */ public Class[] getDeclaredClasses() throws SecurityException { checkMemberAccess(Member.DECLARED); return new Class[0]; /* not implemented */ } /** * Returns an array of Field objects reflecting all the fields * declared by the class or interface represented by this Class * object. This includes public, protected, default (package) * access, and private fields, but excludes inherited * fields. Returns an array of length 0 if the class or interface * declares no fields, or if this Class object represents a * primitive type. * * See <em>The Java Language Specification</em>, sections 8.2 and * 8.3. * * @exception SecurityException if access to the information is denied. * @see java.lang.reflect.Field * @since JDK1.1 */ public Field[] getDeclaredFields() throws SecurityException { checkMemberAccess(Member.DECLARED); return getFields0(Member.DECLARED); } /** * Returns an array of Method objects reflecting all the methods * declared by the class or interface represented by this Class * object. This includes public, protected, default (package) * access, and private methods, but excludes inherited * methods. Returns an array of length 0 if the class or interface * declares no methods, or if this Class object represents a * primitive type. * * <p>See <em>The Java Language Specification</em>, section 8.2. * * @exception SecurityException if access to the information is denied. * @see java.lang.reflect.Method * @since JDK1.1 */ public Method[] getDeclaredMethods() throws SecurityException { checkMemberAccess(Member.DECLARED); return getMethods0(Member.DECLARED); } /** * Returns an array of Constructor objects reflecting all the * constructors declared by the class represented by this Class * object. These are public, protected, default (package) access, * and private constructors. Returns an array of length 0 if this * Class object represents an interface or a primitive type. * * <p>See <em>The Java Language Specification</em>, section 8.2. * * @exception SecurityException if access to the information is denied. * @see java.lang.reflect.Constructor * @since JDK1.1 */ public Constructor[] getDeclaredConstructors() throws SecurityException { checkMemberAccess(Member.DECLARED); return getConstructors0(Member.DECLARED); } /** * Returns a Field object that reflects the specified declared * field of the class or interface represented by this Class * object. The name parameter is a String that specifies the * simple name of the desired field. * * @exception NoSuchFieldException if a field with the specified name is * not found. * @exception SecurityException if access to the information is denied. * @see java.lang.reflect.Field * @since JDK1.1 */ public Field getDeclaredField(String name) throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException { checkMemberAccess(Member.DECLARED); return getField0(name, Member.DECLARED); } /** * Returns a Method object that reflects the specified declared * method of the class or interface represented by this Class * object. The name parameter is a String that specifies the * simple name of the desired method, and the parameterTypes * parameter is an array of Class objects that identify the * method's formal parameter types, in declared order. * * @exception NoSuchMethodException if a matching method is not found. * @exception SecurityException if access to the information is denied. * @see java.lang.reflect.Method * @since JDK1.1 */ public Method getDeclaredMethod(String name, Class[] parameterTypes) throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException { checkMemberAccess(Member.DECLARED); return getMethod0(name, parameterTypes, Member.DECLARED); } /** * Returns a Constructor object that reflects the specified declared * constructor of the class or interface represented by this Class * object. The parameterTypes parameter is an array of Class * objects that identify the constructor's formal parameter types, * in declared order. * * @exception NoSuchMethodException if a matching method is not found. * @exception SecurityException if access to the information is denied. * @see java.lang.reflect.Constructor * @since JDK1.1 */ public Constructor getDeclaredConstructor(Class[] parameterTypes) throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException { checkMemberAccess(Member.DECLARED); return getConstructor0(parameterTypes, Member.DECLARED); } /** * Finds a resource with a given name. Will return null if no * resource with this name is found. The rules for searching a * resources associated with a given class are implemented by the * ClassLoader of the class.<p> * * The Class methods delegate to ClassLoader methods, after applying * a naming convention: if the resource name starts with "/", it is used * as is. Otherwise, the name of the package is prepended, after * converting "." to "/". * * @param name the string representing the resource to be found * @return the <code>InputStream</code> object having the * specified name, or <code>null</code> if no * resource with the specified name is found. * @see java.lang.ClassLoader * @see java.lang.Class#getResource * @since JDK1.1 */ public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String name) { name = resolveName(name); ClassLoader cl = getClassLoader(); if (cl==null) { // A system class. return ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(name); } return cl.getResourceAsStream(name); } /** * Finds a resource with the specified name. The rules for searching * for resources associated with a given class are implemented by * the class loader of the class. * <p> * The Class methods delegate to ClassLoader methods, after applying * a naming convention: if the resource name starts with "/", it is used * as is. Otherwise, the name of the package is prepended, after * converting "." to "/". * * @param name the string representing the resource to be found. * @return the <code>URL</code> object having the specified name, * or <code>null</code> if no resource with the specified * name is found. * @see java.lang.ClassLoader * @see java.lang.Class#getResourceAsStream * @since JDK1.1 */ public getResource(String name) { name = resolveName(name); ClassLoader cl = getClassLoader(); if (cl==null) { // A system class. return ClassLoader.getSystemResource(name); } return cl.getResource(name); } /* * Return the Virtual Machine's Class object for the named * primitive type. */ static native Class getPrimitiveClass(String name); /* * Check if client is allowed to access members. If access is * denied, throw a SecurityException. * * <p>Default policy: allow all clients access with normal Java * access control. */ private void checkMemberAccess(int which) { SecurityManager s = System.getSecurityManager(); if (s != null) { s.checkMemberAccess(this, which); } } /** * Add a package name prefix if the name is not absolute * Remove leading "/" if name is absolute */ private String resolveName(String name) { if (name == null) { return name; } if (!name.startsWith("/")) { Class c = this; while (c.isArray()) { c = c.getComponentType(); } String baseName = c.getName(); int index = baseName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (index != -1) { name = baseName.substring(0, index).replace('.', '/') +"/"+name; } } else { name = name.substring(1); } return name; } private native Field[] getFields0(int which); private native Method[] getMethods0(int which); private native Constructor[] getConstructors0(int which); private native Field getField0(String name, int which); private native Method getMethod0(String name, Class[] parameterTypes, int which); private native Constructor getConstructor0(Class[] parameterTypes, int which); }
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