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iText 5 itextpdf.jar Source Code
itextpdf.jar is a component in iText 5 Java library to provide core functionalities. iText Java library allows you to generate and manage PDF documents.
The Source Code files are provided at iText GitHub site.
You can compile it to generate your JAR file, using pom.xml as the build configuration file.
The source code of itextpdf-5.5.14.jar is provided below:
⏎ com/itextpdf/text/
/* * * This file is part of the iText (R) project. Copyright (c) 1998-2020 iText Group NV * Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * as published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the * following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): * FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY * ITEXT GROUP. ITEXT GROUP DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY OF NON INFRINGEMENT * OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program; if not, see or write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA, or download the license from the following URL: * * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License, * a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that is created * or manipulated using iText. * * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you * develop commercial activities involving the iText software without * disclosing the source code of your own applications. * These activities include: offering paid services to customers as an ASP, * serving PDFs on the fly in a web application, shipping iText with a closed * source product. * * For more information, please contact iText Software Corp. at this * address: */ package com.itextpdf.text; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.BaseFont; /** * Contains all the specifications of a font: fontfamily, size, style and color. * <P> * Example: <BLOCKQUOTE> * * <PRE> * * Paragraph p = new Paragraph("This is a paragraph", <STRONG>new * Font(FontFamily.HELVETICA, 18, Font.BOLDITALIC, new BaseColor(0, 0, 255)) </STRONG>); * * </PRE> * * </BLOCKQUOTE> */ public class Font implements Comparable<Font> { /** * Enum describing the font family * * @since 5.0.1 */ public enum FontFamily { COURIER, HELVETICA, TIMES_ROMAN, SYMBOL, ZAPFDINGBATS, UNDEFINED } /** * FontStyle. * * @author Balder * @since 5.0.6 */ public enum FontStyle { // Created to get rid of dependency of HtmlTags NORMAL("normal"), BOLD("bold"), ITALIC("italic"), OBLIQUE("oblique"), UNDERLINE( "underline"), LINETHROUGH("line-through"); private String code; private FontStyle(final String code) { this.code = code; } /** * @return a string, the text value of this style. * @since 5.0.6 */ public String getValue() { return code; } } // static membervariables for the different styles /** this is a possible style. */ public static final int NORMAL = 0; /** this is a possible style. */ public static final int BOLD = 1; /** this is a possible style. */ public static final int ITALIC = 2; /** this is a possible style. */ public static final int UNDERLINE = 4; /** this is a possible style. */ public static final int STRIKETHRU = 8; /** this is a possible style. */ public static final int BOLDITALIC = BOLD | ITALIC; // static membervariables /** the value of an undefined attribute. */ public static final int UNDEFINED = -1; /** the value of the default size. */ public static final int DEFAULTSIZE = 12; // membervariables /** the value of the fontfamily. */ private FontFamily family = FontFamily.UNDEFINED; /** the value of the fontsize. */ private float size = UNDEFINED; /** the value of the style. */ private int style = UNDEFINED; /** the value of the color. */ private BaseColor color = null; /** the external font */ private BaseFont baseFont = null; // constructors /** * Copy constructor of a Font * * @param other * the font that has to be copied */ public Font(final Font other) { =; this.size = other.size; =; this.color = other.color; this.baseFont = other.baseFont; } /** * Constructs a Font. * * @param family * the family to which this font belongs * @param size * the size of this font * @param style * the style of this font * @param color * the <CODE>BaseColor</CODE> of this font. * @since iText 5.0.1 (first parameter has been replaced with enum) */ public Font(final FontFamily family, final float size, final int style, final BaseColor color) { = family; this.size = size; = style; this.color = color; } /** * Constructs a Font. * * @param bf * the external font * @param size * the size of this font * @param style * the style of this font * @param color * the <CODE>BaseColor</CODE> of this font. */ public Font(final BaseFont bf, final float size, final int style, final BaseColor color) { this.baseFont = bf; this.size = size; = style; this.color = color; } /** * Constructs a Font. * * @param bf * the external font * @param size * the size of this font * @param style * the style of this font */ public Font(final BaseFont bf, final float size, final int style) { this(bf, size, style, null); } /** * Constructs a Font. * * @param bf * the external font * @param size * the size of this font */ public Font(final BaseFont bf, final float size) { this(bf, size, UNDEFINED, null); } /** * Constructs a Font. * * @param bf * the external font */ public Font(final BaseFont bf) { this(bf, UNDEFINED, UNDEFINED, null); } /** * Constructs a Font. * * @param family * the family to which this font belongs * @param size * the size of this font * @param style * the style of this font * @since iText 5.0.1 (first parameter has been replaced with enum) */ public Font(final FontFamily family, final float size, final int style) { this(family, size, style, null); } /** * Constructs a Font. * * @param family * the family to which this font belongs * @param size * the size of this font * @since iText 5.0.1 (first parameter has been replaced with enum) */ public Font(final FontFamily family, final float size) { this(family, size, UNDEFINED, null); } /** * Constructs a Font. * * @param family * the family to which this font belongs * @since iText 5.0.1 (first parameter has been replaced with enum) */ public Font(final FontFamily family) { this(family, UNDEFINED, UNDEFINED, null); } /** * Constructs a Font. */ public Font() { this(FontFamily.UNDEFINED, UNDEFINED, UNDEFINED, null); } // implementation of the Comparable interface /** * Compares this <CODE>Font</CODE> with another * * @param font * the other <CODE>Font</CODE> * @return a value */ public int compareTo(final Font font) { if (font == null) { return -1; } try { // FIXME using equals but equals not implemented! if (baseFont != null && !baseFont.equals(font.getBaseFont())) { return -2; } if ( != font.getFamily()) { return 1; } if (this.size != font.getSize()) { return 2; } if ( != font.getStyle()) { return 3; } if (this.color == null) { if (font.color == null) { return 0; } return 4; } if (font.color == null) { return 4; } if (this.color.equals(font.getColor())) { return 0; } return 4; } catch (ClassCastException cce) { return -3; } } // FAMILY /** * Gets the family of this font. * * @return the value of the family */ public FontFamily getFamily() { return family; } /** * Gets the familyname as a String. * * @return the familyname */ public String getFamilyname() { String tmp = "unknown"; switch (getFamily()) { case COURIER: return FontFactory.COURIER; case HELVETICA: return FontFactory.HELVETICA; case TIMES_ROMAN: return FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN; case SYMBOL: return FontFactory.SYMBOL; case ZAPFDINGBATS: return FontFactory.ZAPFDINGBATS; default: if (baseFont != null) { String[][] names = baseFont.getFamilyFontName(); for (String[] name : names) { if ("0".equals(name[2])) { return name[3]; } if ("1033".equals(name[2])) { tmp = name[3]; } if ("".equals(name[2])) { tmp = name[3]; } } } } return tmp; } /** * Sets the family using a <CODE>String</CODE> ("Courier", "Helvetica", * "Times New Roman", "Symbol" or "ZapfDingbats"). * * @param family * A <CODE>String</CODE> representing a certain font-family. */ public void setFamily(final String family) { = getFamily(family); } /** * Translates a <CODE>String</CODE> -value of a certain family into the * FontFamily enum that is used for this family in this class. * * @param family * A <CODE>String</CODE> representing a certain font-family * @return the corresponding FontFamily * * @since 5.0.1 */ public static FontFamily getFamily(final String family) { if (family.equalsIgnoreCase(FontFactory.COURIER)) { return FontFamily.COURIER; } if (family.equalsIgnoreCase(FontFactory.HELVETICA)) { return FontFamily.HELVETICA; } if (family.equalsIgnoreCase(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN)) { return FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN; } if (family.equalsIgnoreCase(FontFactory.SYMBOL)) { return FontFamily.SYMBOL; } if (family.equalsIgnoreCase(FontFactory.ZAPFDINGBATS)) { return FontFamily.ZAPFDINGBATS; } return FontFamily.UNDEFINED; } // SIZE /** * Gets the size of this font. * * @return a size */ public float getSize() { return size; } /** * Gets the size that can be used with the calculated <CODE>BaseFont * </CODE>. * * @return the size that can be used with the calculated <CODE>BaseFont * </CODE> */ public float getCalculatedSize() { float s = this.size; if (s == UNDEFINED) { s = DEFAULTSIZE; } return s; } /** * Gets the leading that can be used with this font. * * @param multipliedLeading * a certain multipliedLeading * @return the height of a line */ public float getCalculatedLeading(final float multipliedLeading) { return multipliedLeading * getCalculatedSize(); } /** * Sets the size. * * @param size * The new size of the font. */ public void setSize(final float size) { this.size = size; } // STYLE /** * Gets the style of this font. * * @return a size */ public int getStyle() { return style; } /** * Gets the style that can be used with the calculated <CODE>BaseFont * </CODE>. * * @return the style that can be used with the calculated <CODE>BaseFont * </CODE> */ public int getCalculatedStyle() { int style =; if (style == UNDEFINED) { style = NORMAL; } if (baseFont != null) return style; if (family == FontFamily.SYMBOL || family == FontFamily.ZAPFDINGBATS) return style; else return style & ~BOLDITALIC; } /** * checks if this font is Bold. * * @return a <CODE>boolean</CODE> */ public boolean isBold() { if (style == UNDEFINED) { return false; } return (style & BOLD) == BOLD; } /** * checks if this font is italic. * * @return a <CODE>boolean</CODE> */ public boolean isItalic() { if (style == UNDEFINED) { return false; } return (style & ITALIC) == ITALIC; } /** * checks if this font is underlined. * * @return a <CODE>boolean</CODE> */ public boolean isUnderlined() { if (style == UNDEFINED) { return false; } return (style & UNDERLINE) == UNDERLINE; } /** * checks if the style of this font is STRIKETHRU. * * @return a <CODE>boolean</CODE> */ public boolean isStrikethru() { if (style == UNDEFINED) { return false; } return (style & STRIKETHRU) == STRIKETHRU; } /** * Sets the style. * * @param style * the style. */ public void setStyle(final int style) { = style; } /** * Sets the style using a <CODE>String</CODE> containing one or more of the * following values: normal, bold, italic, oblique, underline, line-through * * @param style * A <CODE>String</CODE> representing a certain style. */ public void setStyle(final String style) { if ( == UNDEFINED) = NORMAL; |= getStyleValue(style); } /** * Translates a <CODE>String</CODE> -value of a certain style into the index * value is used for this style in this class. Supported styles are in * {@link FontStyle} values are checked on {@link FontStyle#getValue()} * * @param style * A <CODE>String</CODE> * @return the corresponding value */ public static int getStyleValue(final String style) { int s = 0; if (style.indexOf(FontStyle.NORMAL.getValue()) != -1) { s |= NORMAL; } if (style.indexOf(FontStyle.BOLD.getValue()) != -1) { s |= BOLD; } if (style.indexOf(FontStyle.ITALIC.getValue()) != -1) { s |= ITALIC; } if (style.indexOf(FontStyle.OBLIQUE.getValue()) != -1) { s |= ITALIC; } if (style.indexOf(FontStyle.UNDERLINE.getValue()) != -1) { s |= UNDERLINE; } if (style.indexOf(FontStyle.LINETHROUGH.getValue()) != -1) { s |= STRIKETHRU; } return s; } // COLOR /** * Gets the color of this font. * * @return a color */ public BaseColor getColor() { return color; } /** * Sets the color. * * @param color * the new color of the font */ public void setColor(final BaseColor color) { this.color = color; } /** * Sets the color. * * @param red * the red-value of the new color * @param green * the green-value of the new color * @param blue * the blue-value of the new color */ public void setColor(final int red, final int green, final int blue) { this.color = new BaseColor(red, green, blue); } // BASEFONT /** * Gets the <CODE>BaseFont</CODE> inside this object. * * @return the <CODE>BaseFont</CODE> */ public BaseFont getBaseFont() { return baseFont; } /** * Gets the <CODE>BaseFont</CODE> this class represents. For the built-in * fonts a <CODE>BaseFont</CODE> is calculated. * * @param specialEncoding * <CODE>true</CODE> to use the special encoding for Symbol and * ZapfDingbats, <CODE>false</CODE> to always use <CODE>Cp1252 * </CODE> * @return the <CODE>BaseFont</CODE> this class represents */ public BaseFont getCalculatedBaseFont(final boolean specialEncoding) { if (baseFont != null) return baseFont; int style =; if (style == UNDEFINED) { style = NORMAL; } String fontName = BaseFont.HELVETICA; String encoding = BaseFont.WINANSI; BaseFont cfont = null; switch (family) { case COURIER: switch (style & BOLDITALIC) { case BOLD: fontName = BaseFont.COURIER_BOLD; break; case ITALIC: fontName = BaseFont.COURIER_OBLIQUE; break; case BOLDITALIC: fontName = BaseFont.COURIER_BOLDOBLIQUE; break; default: // case NORMAL: fontName = BaseFont.COURIER; break; } break; case TIMES_ROMAN: switch (style & BOLDITALIC) { case BOLD: fontName = BaseFont.TIMES_BOLD; break; case ITALIC: fontName = BaseFont.TIMES_ITALIC; break; case BOLDITALIC: fontName = BaseFont.TIMES_BOLDITALIC; break; default: case NORMAL: fontName = BaseFont.TIMES_ROMAN; break; } break; case SYMBOL: fontName = BaseFont.SYMBOL; if (specialEncoding) encoding = BaseFont.SYMBOL; break; case ZAPFDINGBATS: fontName = BaseFont.ZAPFDINGBATS; if (specialEncoding) encoding = BaseFont.ZAPFDINGBATS; break; default: case HELVETICA: switch (style & BOLDITALIC) { case BOLD: fontName = BaseFont.HELVETICA_BOLD; break; case ITALIC: fontName = BaseFont.HELVETICA_OBLIQUE; break; case BOLDITALIC: fontName = BaseFont.HELVETICA_BOLDOBLIQUE; break; default: case NORMAL: fontName = BaseFont.HELVETICA; break; } break; } try { cfont = BaseFont.createFont(fontName, encoding, false); } catch (Exception ee) { throw new ExceptionConverter(ee); } return cfont; } // Helper methods /** * Checks if the properties of this font are undefined or null. * <P> * If so, the standard should be used. * * @return a <CODE>boolean</CODE> */ public boolean isStandardFont() { return family == FontFamily.UNDEFINED && size == UNDEFINED && style == UNDEFINED && color == null && baseFont == null; } /** * Replaces the attributes that are equal to <VAR>null</VAR> with the * attributes of a given font. * * @param font the font of a lower element class (ex. this - paragraph font, font - chunk font) * @return a <CODE>Font</CODE> */ public Font difference(final Font font) { if (font == null) return this; // size float dSize = font.size; if (dSize == UNDEFINED) { dSize = this.size; } // style int dStyle = UNDEFINED; int style1 =; int style2 = font.getStyle(); if (style1 != UNDEFINED || style2 != UNDEFINED) { if (style1 == UNDEFINED) style1 = 0; if (style2 == UNDEFINED) style2 = 0; dStyle = style1 | style2; } // color BaseColor dColor = font.color; if (dColor == null) { dColor = this.color; } // family if (font.baseFont != null) { return new Font(font.baseFont, dSize, dStyle, dColor); } if (font.getFamily() != FontFamily.UNDEFINED) { return new Font(, dSize, dStyle, dColor); } if (this.baseFont != null) { if (dStyle == style1) { return new Font(this.baseFont, dSize, dStyle, dColor); } else { return FontFactory.getFont(this.getFamilyname(), dSize, dStyle, dColor); } } return new Font(, dSize, dStyle, dColor); } }
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