iText 5 itextpdf.jar Source Code

itextpdf.jar is a component in iText 5 Java library to provide core functionalities. iText Java library allows you to generate and manage PDF documents.

The Source Code files are provided at iText GitHub site.

You can compile it to generate your JAR file, using pom.xml as the build configuration file.

The source code of itextpdf-5.5.14.jar is provided below:



 * This file is part of the iText (R) project.
    Copyright (c) 1998-2020 iText Group NV
 * Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the
 * following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a):
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 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
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 * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License.
 * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License,
 * a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that is created
 * or manipulated using iText.
 * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
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 * source product.
 * For more information, please contact iText Software Corp. at this
 * address:

 * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, All Rights Reserved
 * version 1.1

 * As stated in the Javadoc comments below, materials from
 * are used in this class. The following license applies to these materials:
 * Unicode Data Files include all data files under the directories
 * and .
 * Unicode Software includes any source code published in the Unicode Standard
 * or under the directories,,
 * and
 * NOTICE TO USER: Carefully read the following legal agreement. BY DOWNLOADING,
 * Copyright (C) 1991-2007 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. Distributed under
 * the Terms of Use in
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 * of the Unicode data files and any associated documentation (the "Data Files")
 * or Unicode software and any associated documentation (the "Software") to deal
 * in the Data Files or Software without restriction, including without limitation
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 * appear in associated documentation, and (c) there is clear notice in each
 * modified Data File or in the Software as well as in the documentation associated
 * with the Data File(s) or Software that the data or software has been modified.
 * Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not
 * be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
 * in these Data Files or Software without prior written authorization of the
 * copyright holder.
package com.itextpdf.text.pdf;

 * Reference implementation of the Unicode 3.0 Bidi algorithm.
 * <p>
 * This implementation is not optimized for performance.  It is intended
 * as a reference implementation that closely follows the specification
 * of the Bidirectional Algorithm in The Unicode Standard version 3.0.
 * <p>
 * <b>Input:</b><br>
 * There are two levels of input to the algorithm, since clients may prefer
 * to supply some information from out-of-band sources rather than relying on
 * the default behavior.
 * <ol>
 * <li>unicode type array
 * <li>unicode type array, with externally supplied base line direction
 * </ol>
 * <p><b>Output:</b><br>
 * Output is separated into several stages as well, to better enable clients
 * to evaluate various aspects of implementation conformance.
 * <ol>
 * <li>levels array over entire paragraph
 * <li>reordering array over entire paragraph
 * <li>levels array over line
 * <li>reordering array over line
 * </ol>
 * Note that for conformance, algorithms are only required to generate correct
 * reordering and character directionality (odd or even levels) over a line.
 * Generating identical level arrays over a line is not required.  Bidi
 * explicit format codes (LRE, RLE, LRO, RLO, PDF) and BN can be assigned
 * arbitrary levels and positions as long as the other text matches.
 * <p>
 * As the algorithm is defined to operate on a single paragraph at a time,
 * this implementation is written to handle single paragraphs.  Thus
 * rule P1 is presumed by this implementation-- the data provided to the
 * implementation is assumed to be a single paragraph, and either contains no
 * 'B' codes, or a single 'B' code at the end of the input.  'B' is allowed
 * as input to illustrate how the algorithm assigns it a level.
 * <p>
 * Also note that rules L3 and L4 depend on the rendering engine that uses
 * the result of the bidi algorithm.  This implementation assumes that the
 * rendering engine expects combining marks in visual order (e.g. to the
 * left of their base character in RTL runs) and that it adjust the glyphs
 * used to render mirrored characters that are in RTL runs so that they
 * render appropriately.
 * @author Doug Felt

import com.itextpdf.text.error_messages.MessageLocalization;

public final class BidiOrder {
    private byte[] initialTypes;
    private byte[] embeddings; // generated from processing format codes
    private byte paragraphEmbeddingLevel = -1; // undefined
    private int textLength; // for convenience
    private byte[] resultTypes; // for paragraph, not lines
    private byte[] resultLevels; // for paragraph, not lines
    // The bidi types
    /** Left-to-right*/
    public static final byte L = 0;
    /** Left-to-Right Embedding */
    public static final byte LRE = 1;
    /** Left-to-Right Override */
    public static final byte LRO = 2;
    /** Right-to-Left */
    public static final byte R = 3;
    /** Right-to-Left Arabic */
    public static final byte AL = 4;
    /** Right-to-Left Embedding */
    public static final byte RLE = 5;
    /** Right-to-Left Override */
    public static final byte RLO = 6;
    /** Pop Directional Format */
    public static final byte PDF = 7;
    /** European Number */
    public static final byte EN = 8;
    /** European Number Separator */
    public static final byte ES = 9;
    /** European Number Terminator */
    public static final byte ET = 10;
    /** Arabic Number */
    public static final byte AN = 11;
    /** Common Number Separator */
    public static final byte CS = 12;
    /** Non-Spacing Mark */
    public static final byte NSM = 13;
    /** Boundary Neutral */
    public static final byte BN = 14;
    /** Paragraph Separator */
    public static final byte B = 15;
    /** Segment Separator */
    public static final byte S = 16;
    /** Whitespace */
    public static final byte WS = 17;
    /** Other Neutrals */
    public static final byte ON = 18;
    /** Minimum bidi type value. */
    public static final byte TYPE_MIN = 0;
    /** Maximum bidi type value. */
    public static final byte TYPE_MAX = 18;
    // Input
     * Initialize using an array of direction types.  Types range from TYPE_MIN to TYPE_MAX inclusive
     * and represent the direction codes of the characters in the text.
     * @param types the types array
    public BidiOrder(byte[] types) {
        this.initialTypes = (byte[])types.clone(); // client type array remains unchanged
     * Initialize using an array of direction types and an externally supplied paragraph embedding level.
     * The embedding level may be -1, 0, or 1.  -1 means to apply the default algorithm (rules P2 and P3),
     * 0 is for LTR paragraphs, and 1 is for RTL paragraphs.
     * @param types the types array
     * @param paragraphEmbeddingLevel the externally supplied paragraph embedding level.
    public BidiOrder(byte[] types, byte paragraphEmbeddingLevel) {
        this.initialTypes = (byte[])types.clone(); // client type array remains unchanged
        this.paragraphEmbeddingLevel = paragraphEmbeddingLevel;
    public BidiOrder(char text[], int offset, int length, byte paragraphEmbeddingLevel) {
        initialTypes = new byte[length];
        for (int k = 0; k < length; ++k) {
            initialTypes[k] = rtypes[text[offset + k]];
        this.paragraphEmbeddingLevel = paragraphEmbeddingLevel;
    public final static byte getDirection(char c) {
        return rtypes[c];
     * The algorithm.
     * Does not include line-based processing (Rules L1, L2).
     * These are applied later in the line-based phase of the algorithm.
    private void runAlgorithm() {
        textLength = initialTypes.length;
        // Initialize output types.
        // Result types initialized to input types.
        resultTypes = (byte[])initialTypes.clone();
        // 1) determining the paragraph level
        // Rule P1 is the requirement for entering this algorithm.
        // Rules P2, P3.
        // If no externally supplied paragraph embedding level, use default.
        if (paragraphEmbeddingLevel == -1) {
        // Initialize result levels to paragraph embedding level.
        resultLevels = new byte[textLength];
        setLevels(0, textLength, paragraphEmbeddingLevel);
        // 2) Explicit levels and directions
        // Rules X1-X8.
        // Rule X9.
        textLength = removeExplicitCodes();
        // Rule X10.
        // Run remainder of algorithm one level run at a time
        byte prevLevel = paragraphEmbeddingLevel;
        int start = 0;
        while (start < textLength) {
            byte level = resultLevels[start];
            byte prevType = typeForLevel(Math.max(prevLevel, level));
            int limit = start + 1;
            while (limit < textLength && resultLevels[limit] == level) {
            byte succLevel = limit < textLength ? resultLevels[limit] : paragraphEmbeddingLevel;
            byte succType = typeForLevel(Math.max(succLevel, level));
            // 3) resolving weak types
            // Rules W1-W7.
            resolveWeakTypes(start, limit, level, prevType, succType);
            // 4) resolving neutral types
            // Rules N1-N3.
            resolveNeutralTypes(start, limit, level, prevType, succType);
            // 5) resolving implicit embedding levels
            // Rules I1, I2.
            resolveImplicitLevels(start, limit, level, prevType, succType);
            prevLevel = level;
            start = limit;
        // Reinsert explicit codes and assign appropriate levels to 'hide' them.
        // This is for convenience, so the resulting level array maps 1-1
        // with the initial array.
        // See the implementation suggestions section of TR#9 for guidelines on
        // how to implement the algorithm without removing and reinserting the codes.
        textLength = reinsertExplicitCodes(textLength);
     * 1) determining the paragraph level.
     * <p>
     * Rules P2, P3.
     * <p>
     * At the end of this function, the member variable paragraphEmbeddingLevel is set to either 0 or 1.
    private void determineParagraphEmbeddingLevel() {
        byte strongType = -1; // unknown
        // Rule P2.
        for (int i = 0; i < textLength; ++i) {
            byte t = resultTypes[i];
            if (t == L || t == AL || t == R) {
                strongType = t;
        // Rule P3.
        if (strongType == -1) { // none found
            // default embedding level when no strong types found is 0.
            paragraphEmbeddingLevel = 0;
        } else if (strongType == L) {
            paragraphEmbeddingLevel = 0;
        } else { // AL, R
            paragraphEmbeddingLevel = 1;
     * Process embedding format codes.
     * <p>
     * Calls processEmbeddings to generate an embedding array from the explicit format codes.  The
     * embedding overrides in the array are then applied to the result types, and the result levels are
     * initialized.
     * @see #processEmbeddings
    private void determineExplicitEmbeddingLevels() {
        embeddings = processEmbeddings(resultTypes, paragraphEmbeddingLevel);
        for (int i = 0; i < textLength; ++i) {
            byte level = embeddings[i];
            if ((level & 0x80) != 0) {
                level &= 0x7f;
                resultTypes[i] = typeForLevel(level);
            resultLevels[i] = level;
     * Rules X9.
     * Remove explicit codes so that they may be ignored during the remainder
     * of the main portion of the algorithm.  The length of the resulting text
     * is returned.
     * @return the length of the data excluding explicit codes and BN.
    private int removeExplicitCodes() {
        int w = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < textLength; ++i) {
            byte t = initialTypes[i];
            if (!(t == LRE || t == RLE || t == LRO || t == RLO || t == PDF || t == BN)) {
                embeddings[w] = embeddings[i];
                resultTypes[w] = resultTypes[i];
                resultLevels[w] = resultLevels[i];
        return w; // new textLength while explicit levels are removed
     * Reinsert levels information for explicit codes.
     * This is for ease of relating the level information
     * to the original input data.  Note that the levels
     * assigned to these codes are arbitrary, they're
     * chosen so as to avoid breaking level runs.
     * @param textLength the length of the data after compression
     * @return the length of the data (original length of
     * types array supplied to constructor)
    private int reinsertExplicitCodes(int textLength) {
        for (int i = initialTypes.length; --i >= 0;) {
            byte t = initialTypes[i];
            if (t == LRE || t == RLE || t == LRO || t == RLO || t == PDF || t == BN) {
                embeddings[i] = 0;
                resultTypes[i] = t;
                resultLevels[i] = -1;
            } else {
                embeddings[i] = embeddings[textLength];
                resultTypes[i] = resultTypes[textLength];
                resultLevels[i] = resultLevels[textLength];
        // now propagate forward the levels information (could have
        // propagated backward, the main thing is not to introduce a level
        // break where one doesn't already exist).
        if (resultLevels[0] == -1) {
            resultLevels[0] = paragraphEmbeddingLevel;
        for (int i = 1; i < initialTypes.length; ++i) {
            if (resultLevels[i] == -1) {
                resultLevels[i] = resultLevels[i-1];
        // Embedding information is for informational purposes only
        // so need not be adjusted.
        return initialTypes.length;
     * 2) determining explicit levels
     * Rules X1 - X8
     * The interaction of these rules makes handling them a bit complex.
     * This examines resultTypes but does not modify it.  It returns embedding and
     * override information in the result array.  The low 7 bits are the level, the high
     * bit is set if the level is an override, and clear if it is an embedding.
    private static byte[] processEmbeddings(byte[] resultTypes, byte paragraphEmbeddingLevel) {
        final int EXPLICIT_LEVEL_LIMIT = 62;
        int textLength = resultTypes.length;
        byte[] embeddings = new byte[textLength];
        // This stack will store the embedding levels and override status in a single byte
        // as described above.
        byte[] embeddingValueStack = new byte[EXPLICIT_LEVEL_LIMIT];
        int stackCounter = 0;
        // An LRE or LRO at level 60 is invalid, since the new level 62 is invalid.  But
        // an RLE at level 60 is valid, since the new level 61 is valid.  The current wording
        // of the rules requires that the RLE remain valid even if a previous LRE is invalid.
        // This keeps track of ignored LRE or LRO codes at level 60, so that the matching PDFs
        // will not try to pop the stack.
        int overflowAlmostCounter = 0;
        // This keeps track of ignored pushes at level 61 or higher, so that matching PDFs will
        // not try to pop the stack.
        int overflowCounter = 0;
        // Rule X1.
        // Keep the level separate from the value (level | override status flag) for ease of access.
        byte currentEmbeddingLevel = paragraphEmbeddingLevel;
        byte currentEmbeddingValue = paragraphEmbeddingLevel;
        // Loop through types, handling all remaining rules
        for (int i = 0; i < textLength; ++i) {
            embeddings[i] = currentEmbeddingValue;
            byte t = resultTypes[i];
            // Rules X2, X3, X4, X5
            switch (t) {
                case RLE:
                case LRE:
                case RLO:
                case LRO:
                    // Only need to compute new level if current level is valid
                    if (overflowCounter == 0) {
                        byte newLevel;
                        if (t == RLE || t == RLO) {
                            newLevel = (byte)((currentEmbeddingLevel + 1) | 1); // least greater odd
                        } else { // t == LRE || t == LRO
                            newLevel = (byte)((currentEmbeddingLevel + 2) & ~1); // least greater even
                        // If the new level is valid, push old embedding level and override status
                        // No check for valid stack counter, since the level check suffices.
                        if (newLevel < EXPLICIT_LEVEL_LIMIT) {
                            embeddingValueStack[stackCounter] = currentEmbeddingValue;
                            currentEmbeddingLevel = newLevel;
                            if (t == LRO || t == RLO) { // override
                                currentEmbeddingValue = (byte)(newLevel | 0x80);
                            } else {
                                currentEmbeddingValue = newLevel;
                            // Adjust level of format mark (for expositional purposes only, this gets
                            // removed later).
                            embeddings[i] = currentEmbeddingValue;
                        // Otherwise new level is invalid, but a valid level can still be achieved if this
                        // level is 60 and we encounter an RLE or RLO further on.  So record that we
                        // 'almost' overflowed.
                        if (currentEmbeddingLevel == 60) {
                    // Otherwise old or new level is invalid.
                case PDF:
                    // The only case where this did not actually overflow but may have almost overflowed
                    // is when there was an RLE or RLO on level 60, which would result in level 61.  So we
                    // only test the almost overflow condition in that case.
                    // Also note that there may be a PDF without any pushes at all.
                    if (overflowCounter > 0) {
                    } else if (overflowAlmostCounter > 0 && currentEmbeddingLevel != 61) {
                    } else if (stackCounter > 0) {
                        currentEmbeddingValue = embeddingValueStack[stackCounter];
                        currentEmbeddingLevel = (byte)(currentEmbeddingValue & 0x7f);
                case B:
                    // Rule X8.
                    // These values are reset for clarity, in this implementation B can only
                    // occur as the last code in the array.
                    stackCounter = 0;
                    overflowCounter = 0;
                    overflowAlmostCounter = 0;
                    currentEmbeddingLevel = paragraphEmbeddingLevel;
                    currentEmbeddingValue = paragraphEmbeddingLevel;
                    embeddings[i] = paragraphEmbeddingLevel;
        return embeddings;
     * 3) resolving weak types
     * Rules W1-W7.
     * Note that some weak types (EN, AN) remain after this processing is complete.
    private void resolveWeakTypes(int start, int limit, byte level, byte sor, byte eor) {
        // Rule W1.
        // Changes all NSMs.
        byte preceedingCharacterType = sor;
        for (int i = start; i < limit; ++i) {
            byte t = resultTypes[i];
            if (t == NSM) {
                resultTypes[i] = preceedingCharacterType;
            } else {
                preceedingCharacterType = t;
        // Rule W2.
        // EN does not change at the start of the run, because sor != AL.
        for (int i = start; i < limit; ++i) {
            if (resultTypes[i] == EN) {
                for (int j = i - 1; j >= start; --j) {
                    byte t = resultTypes[j];
                    if (t == L || t == R || t == AL) {
                        if (t == AL) {
                            resultTypes[i] = AN;
        // Rule W3.
        for (int i = start; i < limit; ++i) {
            if (resultTypes[i] == AL) {
                resultTypes[i] = R;
        // Rule W4.
        // Since there must be values on both sides for this rule to have an
        // effect, the scan skips the first and last value.
        // Although the scan proceeds left to right, and changes the type values
        // in a way that would appear to affect the computations later in the scan,
        // there is actually no problem.  A change in the current value can only
        // affect the value to its immediate right, and only affect it if it is
        // ES or CS.  But the current value can only change if the value to its
        // right is not ES or CS.  Thus either the current value will not change,
        // or its change will have no effect on the remainder of the analysis.
        for (int i = start + 1; i < limit - 1; ++i) {
            if (resultTypes[i] == ES || resultTypes[i] == CS) {
                byte prevSepType = resultTypes[i-1];
                byte succSepType = resultTypes[i+1];
                if (prevSepType == EN && succSepType == EN) {
                    resultTypes[i] = EN;
                } else if (resultTypes[i] == CS && prevSepType == AN && succSepType == AN) {
                    resultTypes[i] = AN;
        // Rule W5.
        for (int i = start; i < limit; ++i) {
            if (resultTypes[i] == ET) {
                // locate end of sequence
                int runstart = i;
                int runlimit = findRunLimit(runstart, limit, new byte[] { ET });
                // check values at ends of sequence
                byte t = runstart == start ? sor : resultTypes[runstart - 1];
                if (t != EN) {
                    t = runlimit == limit ? eor : resultTypes[runlimit];
                if (t == EN) {
                    setTypes(runstart, runlimit, EN);
                // continue at end of sequence
                i = runlimit;
        // Rule W6.
        for (int i = start; i < limit; ++i) {
            byte t = resultTypes[i];
            if (t == ES || t == ET || t == CS) {
                resultTypes[i] = ON;
        // Rule W7.
        for (int i = start; i < limit; ++i) {
            if (resultTypes[i] == EN) {
                // set default if we reach start of run
                byte prevStrongType = sor;
                for (int j = i - 1; j >= start; --j) {
                    byte t = resultTypes[j];
                    if (t == L || t == R) { // AL's have been removed
                        prevStrongType = t;
                if (prevStrongType == L) {
                    resultTypes[i] = L;
     * 6) resolving neutral types
     * Rules N1-N2.
    private void resolveNeutralTypes(int start, int limit, byte level, byte sor, byte eor) {
        for (int i = start; i < limit; ++i) {
            byte t = resultTypes[i];
            if (t == WS || t == ON || t == B || t == S) {
                // find bounds of run of neutrals
                int runstart = i;
                int runlimit = findRunLimit(runstart, limit, new byte[] {B, S, WS, ON});
                // determine effective types at ends of run
                byte leadingType;
                byte trailingType;
                if (runstart == start) {
                    leadingType = sor;
                } else {
                    leadingType = resultTypes[runstart - 1];
                    if (leadingType == L || leadingType == R) {
                        // found the strong type
                    } else if (leadingType == AN) {
                        leadingType = R;
                    } else if (leadingType == EN) {
                        // Since EN's with previous strong L types have been changed
                        // to L in W7, the leadingType must be R.
                        leadingType = R;
                if (runlimit == limit) {
                    trailingType = eor;
                } else {
                    trailingType = resultTypes[runlimit];
                    if (trailingType == L || trailingType == R) {
                        // found the strong type
                    } else if (trailingType == AN) {
                        trailingType = R;
                    } else if (trailingType == EN) {
                        trailingType = R;
                byte resolvedType;
                if (leadingType == trailingType) {
                    // Rule N1.
                    resolvedType = leadingType;
                } else {
                    // Rule N2.
                    // Notice the embedding level of the run is used, not
                    // the paragraph embedding level.
                    resolvedType = typeForLevel(level);
                setTypes(runstart, runlimit, resolvedType);
                // skip over run of (former) neutrals
                i = runlimit;
     * 7) resolving implicit embedding levels
     * Rules I1, I2.
    private void resolveImplicitLevels(int start, int limit, byte level, byte sor, byte eor) {
        if ((level & 1) == 0) { // even level
            for (int i = start; i < limit; ++i) {
                byte t = resultTypes[i];
                // Rule I1.
                if (t == L ) {
                    // no change
                } else if (t == R) {
                    resultLevels[i] += 1;
                } else { // t == AN || t == EN
                    resultLevels[i] += 2;
        } else { // odd level
            for (int i = start; i < limit; ++i) {
                byte t = resultTypes[i];
                // Rule I2.
                if (t == R) {
                    // no change
                } else { // t == L || t == AN || t == EN
                    resultLevels[i] += 1;
    // Output
    public byte[] getLevels() {
        return getLevels(new int[]{textLength});
     * Return levels array breaking lines at offsets in linebreaks. <br>
     * Rule L1.
     * <p>
     * The returned levels array contains the resolved level for each
     * bidi code passed to the constructor.
     * <p>
     * The linebreaks array must include at least one value.
     * The values must be in strictly increasing order (no duplicates)
     * between 1 and the length of the text, inclusive.  The last value
     * must be the length of the text.
     * @param linebreaks the offsets at which to break the paragraph
     * @return the resolved levels of the text
    public byte[] getLevels(int[] linebreaks) {
        // Note that since the previous processing has removed all
        // P, S, and WS values from resultTypes, the values referred to
        // in these rules are the initial types, before any processing
        // has been applied (including processing of overrides).
        // This example implementation has reinserted explicit format codes
        // and BN, in order that the levels array correspond to the
        // initial text.  Their final placement is not normative.
        // These codes are treated like WS in this implementation,
        // so they don't interrupt sequences of WS.
        validateLineBreaks(linebreaks, textLength);
        byte[] result = (byte[])resultLevels.clone(); // will be returned to caller
        // don't worry about linebreaks since if there is a break within
        // a series of WS values preceding S, the linebreak itself
        // causes the reset.
        for (int i = 0; i < result.length; ++i) {
            byte t = initialTypes[i];
            if (t == B || t == S) {
                // Rule L1, clauses one and two.
                result[i] = paragraphEmbeddingLevel;
                // Rule L1, clause three.
                for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
                    if (isWhitespace(initialTypes[j])) { // including format codes
                        result[j] = paragraphEmbeddingLevel;
                    } else {
        // Rule L1, clause four.
        int start = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < linebreaks.length; ++i) {
            int limit = linebreaks[i];
            for (int j = limit - 1; j >= start; --j) {
                if (isWhitespace(initialTypes[j])) { // including format codes
                    result[j] = paragraphEmbeddingLevel;
                } else {
            start = limit;
        return result;
     * Return reordering array breaking lines at offsets in linebreaks.
     * <p>
     * The reordering array maps from a visual index to a logical index.
     * Lines are concatenated from left to right.  So for example, the
     * fifth character from the left on the third line is
     * <pre> getReordering(linebreaks)[linebreaks[1] + 4]</pre>
     * (linebreaks[1] is the position after the last character of the
     * second line, which is also the index of the first character on the
     * third line, and adding four gets the fifth character from the left).
     * <p>
     * The linebreaks array must include at least one value.
     * The values must be in strictly increasing order (no duplicates)
     * between 1 and the length of the text, inclusive.  The last value
     * must be the length of the text.
     * @param linebreaks the offsets at which to break the paragraph.
    public int[] getReordering(int[] linebreaks) {
        validateLineBreaks(linebreaks, textLength);
        byte[] levels = getLevels(linebreaks);
        return computeMultilineReordering(levels, linebreaks);
     * Return multiline reordering array for a given level array.
     * Reordering does not occur across a line break.
    private static int[] computeMultilineReordering(byte[] levels, int[] linebreaks) {
        int[] result = new int[levels.length];
        int start = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < linebreaks.length; ++i) {
            int limit = linebreaks[i];
            byte[] templevels = new byte[limit - start];
            System.arraycopy(levels, start, templevels, 0, templevels.length);
            int[] temporder = computeReordering(templevels);
            for (int j = 0; j < temporder.length; ++j) {
                result[start + j] = temporder[j] + start;
            start = limit;
        return result;
     * Return reordering array for a given level array.  This reorders a single line.
     * The reordering is a visual to logical map.  For example,
     * the leftmost char is string.charAt(order[0]).
     * Rule L2.
    private static int[] computeReordering(byte[] levels) {
        int lineLength = levels.length;
        int[] result = new int[lineLength];
        // initialize order
        for (int i = 0; i < lineLength; ++i) {
            result[i] = i;
        // locate highest level found on line.
        // Note the rules say text, but no reordering across line bounds is performed,
        // so this is sufficient.
        byte highestLevel = 0;
        byte lowestOddLevel = 63;
        for (int i = 0; i < lineLength; ++i) {
            byte level = levels[i];
            if (level > highestLevel) {
                highestLevel = level;
            if (((level & 1) != 0) && level < lowestOddLevel) {
                lowestOddLevel = level;
        for (int level = highestLevel; level >= lowestOddLevel; --level) {
            for (int i = 0; i < lineLength; ++i) {
                if (levels[i] >= level) {
                    // find range of text at or above this level
                    int start = i;
                    int limit = i + 1;
                    while (limit < lineLength && levels[limit] >= level) {
                    // reverse run
                    for (int j = start, k = limit - 1; j < k; ++j, --k) {
                        int temp = result[j];
                        result[j] = result[k];
                        result[k] = temp;
                    // skip to end of level run
                    i = limit;
        return result;
     * Return the base level of the paragraph.
    public byte getBaseLevel() {
        return paragraphEmbeddingLevel;
    // --- internal utilities -------------------------------------------------
     * Return true if the type is considered a whitespace type for the line break rules.
    private static boolean isWhitespace(byte biditype) {
        switch (biditype) {
            case LRE:
            case RLE:
            case LRO:
            case RLO:
            case PDF:
            case BN:
            case WS:
                return true;
                return false;
     * Return the strong type (L or R) corresponding to the level.
    private static byte typeForLevel(int level) {
        return ((level & 0x1) == 0) ? L : R;
     * Return the limit of the run starting at index that includes only resultTypes in validSet.
     * This checks the value at index, and will return index if that value is not in validSet.
    private int findRunLimit(int index, int limit, byte[] validSet) {
            while (++index < limit) {
                byte t = resultTypes[index];
                for (int i = 0; i < validSet.length; ++i) {
                    if (t == validSet[i]) {
                        continue loop;
                // didn't find a match in validSet
                return index;
            return limit;
     * Return the start of the run including index that includes only resultTypes in validSet.
     * This assumes the value at index is valid, and does not check it.
    private int findRunStart(int index, byte[] validSet) {
            while (--index >= 0) {
                byte t = resultTypes[index];
                for (int i = 0; i < validSet.length; ++i) {
                    if (t == validSet[i]) {
                        continue loop;
                return index + 1;
            return 0;
     * Set resultTypes from start up to (but not including) limit to newType.
    private void setTypes(int start, int limit, byte newType) {
        for (int i = start; i < limit; ++i) {
            resultTypes[i] = newType;
     * Set resultLevels from start up to (but not including) limit to newLevel.
    private void setLevels(int start, int limit, byte newLevel) {
        for (int i = start; i < limit; ++i) {
            resultLevels[i] = newLevel;
    // --- input validation ---------------------------------------------------
     * Throw exception if type array is invalid.
    private static void validateTypes(byte[] types) {
        if (types == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage(""));
        for (int i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) {
            if (types[i] < TYPE_MIN || types[i] > TYPE_MAX) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("", String.valueOf(i), String.valueOf(types[i])));
        for (int i = 0; i < types.length - 1; ++i) {
            if (types[i] == B) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("", i));
     * Throw exception if paragraph embedding level is invalid. Special allowance for -1 so that
     * default processing can still be performed when using this API.
    private static void validateParagraphEmbeddingLevel(byte paragraphEmbeddingLevel) {
        if (paragraphEmbeddingLevel != -1 &&
        paragraphEmbeddingLevel != 0 &&
        paragraphEmbeddingLevel != 1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("illegal.paragraph.embedding.level.1", paragraphEmbeddingLevel));
     * Throw exception if line breaks array is invalid.
    private static void validateLineBreaks(int[] linebreaks, int textLength) {
        int prev = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < linebreaks.length; ++i) {
            int next = linebreaks[i];
            if (next <= prev) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("", String.valueOf(next), String.valueOf(i)));
            prev = next;
        if (prev != textLength) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("", textLength));
    private static final byte rtypes[] = new byte[0x10000];
    private static char baseTypes[] = {
        0, 8, (char)BN, 9, 9, (char)S, 10, 10, (char)B, 11, 11, (char)S, 12, 12, (char)WS, 13, 13, (char)B,
        14, 27, (char)BN, 28, 30, (char)B, 31, 31, (char)S, 32, 32, (char)WS, 33, 34, (char)ON, 35, 37, (char)ET,
        38, 42, (char)ON, 43, 43, (char)ET, 44, 44, (char)CS, 45, 45, (char)ET, 46, 46, (char)CS, 47, 47, (char)ES,
        48, 57, (char)EN, 58, 58, (char)CS, 59, 64, (char)ON, 65, 90, (char)L, 91, 96, (char)ON, 97, 122, (char)L,
        123, 126, (char)ON, 127, 132, (char)BN, 133, 133, (char)B, 134, 159, (char)BN, 160, 160, (char)CS,
        161, 161, (char)ON, 162, 165, (char)ET, 166, 169, (char)ON, 170, 170, (char)L, 171, 175, (char)ON,
        176, 177, (char)ET, 178, 179, (char)EN, 180, 180, (char)ON, 181, 181, (char)L, 182, 184, (char)ON,
        185, 185, (char)EN, 186, 186, (char)L, 187, 191, (char)ON, 192, 214, (char)L, 215, 215, (char)ON,
        216, 246, (char)L, 247, 247, (char)ON, 248, 696, (char)L, 697, 698, (char)ON, 699, 705, (char)L,
        706, 719, (char)ON, 720, 721, (char)L, 722, 735, (char)ON, 736, 740, (char)L, 741, 749, (char)ON,
        750, 750, (char)L, 751, 767, (char)ON, 768, 855, (char)NSM, 856, 860, (char)L, 861, 879, (char)NSM,
        880, 883, (char)L, 884, 885, (char)ON, 886, 893, (char)L, 894, 894, (char)ON, 895, 899, (char)L,
        900, 901, (char)ON, 902, 902, (char)L, 903, 903, (char)ON, 904, 1013, (char)L, 1014, 1014, (char)ON,
        1015, 1154, (char)L, 1155, 1158, (char)NSM, 1159, 1159, (char)L, 1160, 1161, (char)NSM,
        1162, 1417, (char)L, 1418, 1418, (char)ON, 1419, 1424, (char)L, 1425, 1441, (char)NSM,
        1442, 1442, (char)L, 1443, 1465, (char)NSM, 1466, 1466, (char)L, 1467, 1469, (char)NSM,
        1470, 1470, (char)R, 1471, 1471, (char)NSM, 1472, 1472, (char)R, 1473, 1474, (char)NSM,
        1475, 1475, (char)R, 1476, 1476, (char)NSM, 1477, 1487, (char)L, 1488, 1514, (char)R,
        1515, 1519, (char)L, 1520, 1524, (char)R, 1525, 1535, (char)L, 1536, 1539, (char)AL,
        1540, 1547, (char)L, 1548, 1548, (char)CS, 1549, 1549, (char)AL, 1550, 1551, (char)ON,
        1552, 1557, (char)NSM, 1558, 1562, (char)L, 1563, 1563, (char)AL, 1564, 1566, (char)L,
        1567, 1567, (char)AL, 1568, 1568, (char)L, 1569, 1594, (char)AL, 1595, 1599, (char)L,
        1600, 1610, (char)AL, 1611, 1624, (char)NSM, 1625, 1631, (char)L, 1632, 1641, (char)AN,
        1642, 1642, (char)ET, 1643, 1644, (char)AN, 1645, 1647, (char)AL, 1648, 1648, (char)NSM,
        1649, 1749, (char)AL, 1750, 1756, (char)NSM, 1757, 1757, (char)AL, 1758, 1764, (char)NSM,
        1765, 1766, (char)AL, 1767, 1768, (char)NSM, 1769, 1769, (char)ON, 1770, 1773, (char)NSM,
        1774, 1775, (char)AL, 1776, 1785, (char)EN, 1786, 1805, (char)AL, 1806, 1806, (char)L,
        1807, 1807, (char)BN, 1808, 1808, (char)AL, 1809, 1809, (char)NSM, 1810, 1839, (char)AL,
        1840, 1866, (char)NSM, 1867, 1868, (char)L, 1869, 1871, (char)AL, 1872, 1919, (char)L,
        1920, 1957, (char)AL, 1958, 1968, (char)NSM, 1969, 1969, (char)AL, 1970, 2304, (char)L,
        2305, 2306, (char)NSM, 2307, 2363, (char)L, 2364, 2364, (char)NSM, 2365, 2368, (char)L,
        2369, 2376, (char)NSM, 2377, 2380, (char)L, 2381, 2381, (char)NSM, 2382, 2384, (char)L,
        2385, 2388, (char)NSM, 2389, 2401, (char)L, 2402, 2403, (char)NSM, 2404, 2432, (char)L,
        2433, 2433, (char)NSM, 2434, 2491, (char)L, 2492, 2492, (char)NSM, 2493, 2496, (char)L,
        2497, 2500, (char)NSM, 2501, 2508, (char)L, 2509, 2509, (char)NSM, 2510, 2529, (char)L,
        2530, 2531, (char)NSM, 2532, 2545, (char)L, 2546, 2547, (char)ET, 2548, 2560, (char)L,
        2561, 2562, (char)NSM, 2563, 2619, (char)L, 2620, 2620, (char)NSM, 2621, 2624, (char)L,
        2625, 2626, (char)NSM, 2627, 2630, (char)L, 2631, 2632, (char)NSM, 2633, 2634, (char)L,
        2635, 2637, (char)NSM, 2638, 2671, (char)L, 2672, 2673, (char)NSM, 2674, 2688, (char)L,
        2689, 2690, (char)NSM, 2691, 2747, (char)L, 2748, 2748, (char)NSM, 2749, 2752, (char)L,
        2753, 2757, (char)NSM, 2758, 2758, (char)L, 2759, 2760, (char)NSM, 2761, 2764, (char)L,
        2765, 2765, (char)NSM, 2766, 2785, (char)L, 2786, 2787, (char)NSM, 2788, 2800, (char)L,
        2801, 2801, (char)ET, 2802, 2816, (char)L, 2817, 2817, (char)NSM, 2818, 2875, (char)L,
        2876, 2876, (char)NSM, 2877, 2878, (char)L, 2879, 2879, (char)NSM, 2880, 2880, (char)L,
        2881, 2883, (char)NSM, 2884, 2892, (char)L, 2893, 2893, (char)NSM, 2894, 2901, (char)L,
        2902, 2902, (char)NSM, 2903, 2945, (char)L, 2946, 2946, (char)NSM, 2947, 3007, (char)L,
        3008, 3008, (char)NSM, 3009, 3020, (char)L, 3021, 3021, (char)NSM, 3022, 3058, (char)L,
        3059, 3064, (char)ON, 3065, 3065, (char)ET, 3066, 3066, (char)ON, 3067, 3133, (char)L,
        3134, 3136, (char)NSM, 3137, 3141, (char)L, 3142, 3144, (char)NSM, 3145, 3145, (char)L,
        3146, 3149, (char)NSM, 3150, 3156, (char)L, 3157, 3158, (char)NSM, 3159, 3259, (char)L,
        3260, 3260, (char)NSM, 3261, 3275, (char)L, 3276, 3277, (char)NSM, 3278, 3392, (char)L,
        3393, 3395, (char)NSM, 3396, 3404, (char)L, 3405, 3405, (char)NSM, 3406, 3529, (char)L,
        3530, 3530, (char)NSM, 3531, 3537, (char)L, 3538, 3540, (char)NSM, 3541, 3541, (char)L,
        3542, 3542, (char)NSM, 3543, 3632, (char)L, 3633, 3633, (char)NSM, 3634, 3635, (char)L,
        3636, 3642, (char)NSM, 3643, 3646, (char)L, 3647, 3647, (char)ET, 3648, 3654, (char)L,
        3655, 3662, (char)NSM, 3663, 3760, (char)L, 3761, 3761, (char)NSM, 3762, 3763, (char)L,
        3764, 3769, (char)NSM, 3770, 3770, (char)L, 3771, 3772, (char)NSM, 3773, 3783, (char)L,
        3784, 3789, (char)NSM, 3790, 3863, (char)L, 3864, 3865, (char)NSM, 3866, 3892, (char)L,
        3893, 3893, (char)NSM, 3894, 3894, (char)L, 3895, 3895, (char)NSM, 3896, 3896, (char)L,
        3897, 3897, (char)NSM, 3898, 3901, (char)ON, 3902, 3952, (char)L, 3953, 3966, (char)NSM,
        3967, 3967, (char)L, 3968, 3972, (char)NSM, 3973, 3973, (char)L, 3974, 3975, (char)NSM,
        3976, 3983, (char)L, 3984, 3991, (char)NSM, 3992, 3992, (char)L, 3993, 4028, (char)NSM,
        4029, 4037, (char)L, 4038, 4038, (char)NSM, 4039, 4140, (char)L, 4141, 4144, (char)NSM,
        4145, 4145, (char)L, 4146, 4146, (char)NSM, 4147, 4149, (char)L, 4150, 4151, (char)NSM,
        4152, 4152, (char)L, 4153, 4153, (char)NSM, 4154, 4183, (char)L, 4184, 4185, (char)NSM,
        4186, 5759, (char)L, 5760, 5760, (char)WS, 5761, 5786, (char)L, 5787, 5788, (char)ON,
        5789, 5905, (char)L, 5906, 5908, (char)NSM, 5909, 5937, (char)L, 5938, 5940, (char)NSM,
        5941, 5969, (char)L, 5970, 5971, (char)NSM, 5972, 6001, (char)L, 6002, 6003, (char)NSM,
        6004, 6070, (char)L, 6071, 6077, (char)NSM, 6078, 6085, (char)L, 6086, 6086, (char)NSM,
        6087, 6088, (char)L, 6089, 6099, (char)NSM, 6100, 6106, (char)L, 6107, 6107, (char)ET,
        6108, 6108, (char)L, 6109, 6109, (char)NSM, 6110, 6127, (char)L, 6128, 6137, (char)ON,
        6138, 6143, (char)L, 6144, 6154, (char)ON, 6155, 6157, (char)NSM, 6158, 6158, (char)WS,
        6159, 6312, (char)L, 6313, 6313, (char)NSM, 6314, 6431, (char)L, 6432, 6434, (char)NSM,
        6435, 6438, (char)L, 6439, 6443, (char)NSM, 6444, 6449, (char)L, 6450, 6450, (char)NSM,
        6451, 6456, (char)L, 6457, 6459, (char)NSM, 6460, 6463, (char)L, 6464, 6464, (char)ON,
        6465, 6467, (char)L, 6468, 6469, (char)ON, 6470, 6623, (char)L, 6624, 6655, (char)ON,
        6656, 8124, (char)L, 8125, 8125, (char)ON, 8126, 8126, (char)L, 8127, 8129, (char)ON,
        8130, 8140, (char)L, 8141, 8143, (char)ON, 8144, 8156, (char)L, 8157, 8159, (char)ON,
        8160, 8172, (char)L, 8173, 8175, (char)ON, 8176, 8188, (char)L, 8189, 8190, (char)ON,
        8191, 8191, (char)L, 8192, 8202, (char)WS, 8203, 8205, (char)BN, 8206, 8206, (char)L,
        8207, 8207, (char)R, 8208, 8231, (char)ON, 8232, 8232, (char)WS, 8233, 8233, (char)B,
        8234, 8234, (char)LRE, 8235, 8235, (char)RLE, 8236, 8236, (char)PDF, 8237, 8237, (char)LRO,
        8238, 8238, (char)RLO, 8239, 8239, (char)WS, 8240, 8244, (char)ET, 8245, 8276, (char)ON,
        8277, 8278, (char)L, 8279, 8279, (char)ON, 8280, 8286, (char)L, 8287, 8287, (char)WS,
        8288, 8291, (char)BN, 8292, 8297, (char)L, 8298, 8303, (char)BN, 8304, 8304, (char)EN,
        8305, 8307, (char)L, 8308, 8313, (char)EN, 8314, 8315, (char)ET, 8316, 8318, (char)ON,
        8319, 8319, (char)L, 8320, 8329, (char)EN, 8330, 8331, (char)ET, 8332, 8334, (char)ON,
        8335, 8351, (char)L, 8352, 8369, (char)ET, 8370, 8399, (char)L, 8400, 8426, (char)NSM,
        8427, 8447, (char)L, 8448, 8449, (char)ON, 8450, 8450, (char)L, 8451, 8454, (char)ON,
        8455, 8455, (char)L, 8456, 8457, (char)ON, 8458, 8467, (char)L, 8468, 8468, (char)ON,
        8469, 8469, (char)L, 8470, 8472, (char)ON, 8473, 8477, (char)L, 8478, 8483, (char)ON,
        8484, 8484, (char)L, 8485, 8485, (char)ON, 8486, 8486, (char)L, 8487, 8487, (char)ON,
        8488, 8488, (char)L, 8489, 8489, (char)ON, 8490, 8493, (char)L, 8494, 8494, (char)ET,
        8495, 8497, (char)L, 8498, 8498, (char)ON, 8499, 8505, (char)L, 8506, 8507, (char)ON,
        8508, 8511, (char)L, 8512, 8516, (char)ON, 8517, 8521, (char)L, 8522, 8523, (char)ON,
        8524, 8530, (char)L, 8531, 8543, (char)ON, 8544, 8591, (char)L, 8592, 8721, (char)ON,
        8722, 8723, (char)ET, 8724, 9013, (char)ON, 9014, 9082, (char)L, 9083, 9108, (char)ON,
        9109, 9109, (char)L, 9110, 9168, (char)ON, 9169, 9215, (char)L, 9216, 9254, (char)ON,
        9255, 9279, (char)L, 9280, 9290, (char)ON, 9291, 9311, (char)L, 9312, 9371, (char)EN,
        9372, 9449, (char)L, 9450, 9450, (char)EN, 9451, 9751, (char)ON, 9752, 9752, (char)L,
        9753, 9853, (char)ON, 9854, 9855, (char)L, 9856, 9873, (char)ON, 9874, 9887, (char)L,
        9888, 9889, (char)ON, 9890, 9984, (char)L, 9985, 9988, (char)ON, 9989, 9989, (char)L,
        9990, 9993, (char)ON, 9994, 9995, (char)L, 9996, 10023, (char)ON, 10024, 10024, (char)L,
        10025, 10059, (char)ON, 10060, 10060, (char)L, 10061, 10061, (char)ON, 10062, 10062, (char)L,
        10063, 10066, (char)ON, 10067, 10069, (char)L, 10070, 10070, (char)ON, 10071, 10071, (char)L,
        10072, 10078, (char)ON, 10079, 10080, (char)L, 10081, 10132, (char)ON, 10133, 10135, (char)L,
        10136, 10159, (char)ON, 10160, 10160, (char)L, 10161, 10174, (char)ON, 10175, 10191, (char)L,
        10192, 10219, (char)ON, 10220, 10223, (char)L, 10224, 11021, (char)ON, 11022, 11903, (char)L,
        11904, 11929, (char)ON, 11930, 11930, (char)L, 11931, 12019, (char)ON, 12020, 12031, (char)L,
        12032, 12245, (char)ON, 12246, 12271, (char)L, 12272, 12283, (char)ON, 12284, 12287, (char)L,
        12288, 12288, (char)WS, 12289, 12292, (char)ON, 12293, 12295, (char)L, 12296, 12320, (char)ON,
        12321, 12329, (char)L, 12330, 12335, (char)NSM, 12336, 12336, (char)ON, 12337, 12341, (char)L,
        12342, 12343, (char)ON, 12344, 12348, (char)L, 12349, 12351, (char)ON, 12352, 12440, (char)L,
        12441, 12442, (char)NSM, 12443, 12444, (char)ON, 12445, 12447, (char)L, 12448, 12448, (char)ON,
        12449, 12538, (char)L, 12539, 12539, (char)ON, 12540, 12828, (char)L, 12829, 12830, (char)ON,
        12831, 12879, (char)L, 12880, 12895, (char)ON, 12896, 12923, (char)L, 12924, 12925, (char)ON,
        12926, 12976, (char)L, 12977, 12991, (char)ON, 12992, 13003, (char)L, 13004, 13007, (char)ON,
        13008, 13174, (char)L, 13175, 13178, (char)ON, 13179, 13277, (char)L, 13278, 13279, (char)ON,
        13280, 13310, (char)L, 13311, 13311, (char)ON, 13312, 19903, (char)L, 19904, 19967, (char)ON,
        19968, 42127, (char)L, 42128, 42182, (char)ON, 42183, 64284, (char)L, 64285, 64285, (char)R,
        64286, 64286, (char)NSM, 64287, 64296, (char)R, 64297, 64297, (char)ET, 64298, 64310, (char)R,
        64311, 64311, (char)L, 64312, 64316, (char)R, 64317, 64317, (char)L, 64318, 64318, (char)R,
        64319, 64319, (char)L, 64320, 64321, (char)R, 64322, 64322, (char)L, 64323, 64324, (char)R,
        64325, 64325, (char)L, 64326, 64335, (char)R, 64336, 64433, (char)AL, 64434, 64466, (char)L,
        64467, 64829, (char)AL, 64830, 64831, (char)ON, 64832, 64847, (char)L, 64848, 64911, (char)AL,
        64912, 64913, (char)L, 64914, 64967, (char)AL, 64968, 65007, (char)L, 65008, 65020, (char)AL,
        65021, 65021, (char)ON, 65022, 65023, (char)L, 65024, 65039, (char)NSM, 65040, 65055, (char)L,
        65056, 65059, (char)NSM, 65060, 65071, (char)L, 65072, 65103, (char)ON, 65104, 65104, (char)CS,
        65105, 65105, (char)ON, 65106, 65106, (char)CS, 65107, 65107, (char)L, 65108, 65108, (char)ON,
        65109, 65109, (char)CS, 65110, 65118, (char)ON, 65119, 65119, (char)ET, 65120, 65121, (char)ON,
        65122, 65123, (char)ET, 65124, 65126, (char)ON, 65127, 65127, (char)L, 65128, 65128, (char)ON,
        65129, 65130, (char)ET, 65131, 65131, (char)ON, 65132, 65135, (char)L, 65136, 65140, (char)AL,
        65141, 65141, (char)L, 65142, 65276, (char)AL, 65277, 65278, (char)L, 65279, 65279, (char)BN,
        65280, 65280, (char)L, 65281, 65282, (char)ON, 65283, 65285, (char)ET, 65286, 65290, (char)ON,
        65291, 65291, (char)ET, 65292, 65292, (char)CS, 65293, 65293, (char)ET, 65294, 65294, (char)CS,
        65295, 65295, (char)ES, 65296, 65305, (char)EN, 65306, 65306, (char)CS, 65307, 65312, (char)ON,
        65313, 65338, (char)L, 65339, 65344, (char)ON, 65345, 65370, (char)L, 65371, 65381, (char)ON,
        65382, 65503, (char)L, 65504, 65505, (char)ET, 65506, 65508, (char)ON, 65509, 65510, (char)ET,
        65511, 65511, (char)L, 65512, 65518, (char)ON, 65519, 65528, (char)L, 65529, 65531, (char)BN,
        65532, 65533, (char)ON, 65534, 65535, (char)L};
    static {
        for (int k = 0; k < baseTypes.length; ++k) {
            int start = baseTypes[k];
            int end = baseTypes[++k];
            byte b = (byte)baseTypes[++k];
            while (start <= end)
                rtypes[start++] = b;



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